Millions of Californians would not be able to smoke tobacco inside their own homes under new legislation that would raise the bar nationwide for fighting secondhand smoke.
Daily Archives: 2. März 2013
Eurozone crisis: Portugal protests against austerity
Hundreds of thousands of people are protesting in cities across Portugal against government austerity measures.
Huge crowds gathered in the capital Lisbon to demand the government resign.
Politics at play in Sea Shepherd-Japan whaling wars
To the Japanese government, they are terrorists. To a US federal appeals court, they are pirates.
Turkish captives to be released by Kurdish rebels: agency
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebels are planning to release a group of captured Turkish officials within the next 10 days
Guinea says investigating shootings as protest death toll mounts
the government said it was investigating whether security forces used live rounds against civilians.
Sea Shepherd: We are in the Southern Ocean, Admiral, because you are not
According to retired Australian Rear Admiral James Goldrick, the campaign by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to defend whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary from Japanese whalers may lead to a Japanese-Chinese war in the East China Sea.
Central banks snap up Aussie
RESERVE Bank documents released last week under Freedom of Information laws indicate as many as 34 central banks around the world, from Kazakhstan to Peru, have been snapping up Australian securities to bolster their foreign exchange reserves.
Aust troops ‚kill two Afghan children‘
„I offer my personal apology and condolences to the family of the boys who were killed,“ General Joseph Dunford, commander of ISAF, said in a statement.
Federal spending cuts could leave military school districts scrambling to finish school year
Walker anticipated an Impact Aid cut as the country flirted with the „fiscal cliff“ in January, so delayed repairs on school roofs and air conditioning systems. But the coming funding reductions look worse than he prepared for — likely meaning living with longstanding school plumbing problems
US faces huge job losses as Obama orders $85bn cuts
Barack Obama warned on Saturday of a „ripple effect“ through the US economy that would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs after he reluctantly signed an order to begin a huge $85bn (£56bn) programme of government cuts.
U.S. secretly trains Syrian opposition fighters: report
The United States, which pledged on Thursday to provide the Syrian opposition with food rations and medical supplies, is reportedly involved in a “covert program to train rebel fighters” in areas near Syria, according to the New York Times.
John Kerry visits Cairo as Egyptian police use tear gas on protesters
US Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Egypt, as major protests take place in several cities. Egyptian police have used tear gas to disperse demonstrators who stormed a security building in Mansoura, Al Arabiya reported.
Obama kommt im September zu G20-Gipfel nach Russland
„Präsident Barack Obama besucht Sankt Petersburg, um am G-20-Gipfel im September teilzunehmen“, heißt es in einer offiziellen Mitteilung des Weißen Hauses.
Telephone conversation with US President Barack Obama
The two Presidents agreed to work closely on hot-button international topics pertaining to Syria, the Middle East peace process, Iran, North Korea, and ballistic missile defence plans. In discussing the Syrian crisis, the President of Russia noted the need to rapidly bring an end to hostilities. The leaders instructed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry to continue active contacts and to focus on developing possible new initiatives aimed at a political settlement of the crisis.
Readout of the President’s Call with President Putin
The Presidents welcomed the substantive and constructive consultations held by Secretary Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov earlier this week in Berlin on implementing the Geneva Action Group framework to enable a political transition in Syria. The two Presidents agreed on the need to advance a political transition to end the violence as soon as possible and the importance of Secretary Kerry and Foreign Minister Lavrov continuing their engagement on Syria. (…)
Finally, the Presidents agreed to hold a bilateral meeting in conjunction with the June G8 Summit in Northern Ireland and President Obama said he looks forward to visiting St. Petersburg for the G-20 meeting in September.
Putin und Obama vereinbaren Schritte für friedliche Lösung in Syrien
Bei dem Telefonat betonte Putin die Notwendigkeit, dass die Kampfhandlungen in Syrien schnellstmöglich beendet werden. Darüber hinaus einigten sich die beiden Präsidenten darauf, die Zusammenarbeit bei den internationalen Angelegenheiten wie der Nahostregelung, dem Atomstreit mit Nordkorea sowie der Raketenabwehr zu verstärken.
This Week in Civil Liberties (03/01/2013)
What types of data can be pulled off of a seized iPhone by law enforcement agents using forensic analysis tools?
The U.S. Marshals Service experimented with what new surveillance tool, according to documents released this week?
Ex-Korruptionsstaatsanwalt: Warum das Amtsgeheimnis fallen muss
Jetzt unterschreiben!
Walter Geyer war Leiter der Wirtschafts- und Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft Wien.
Empörung in Argentinien über holländischen Botschafter
Das Verfahren untersucht die Straftaten während der Diktatur, die im Zusammenhang mit der ehemaligen Marineschule ESMA stehen. Sie gilt als das größte geheime Foltergefängnis des Militärregimes.
Draft Assessment of Tar Sands Pipeline `Devastatingly Cynical`
Since the project was first proposed by a Canadian company, TransCanada, in 2008, it has been beset by local and national opposition in both countries, including drawing some 40,000 protesters to Washington last month.
Nato apologises after two Afghan boys killed
The Nato-led Isaf force has apologised for the deaths of two Afghan boys, killed when a helicopter fired on them, mistaking them for insurgents.
The boys, aged under seven, were killed last month in rural Uruzgan province.
Russia exported 15 bln dlrs worth of arms 2012
Russia is the world’s second largest arms exporter after the United States.
Beppe Grillo is a wise clown saving Italy with satire, says Dario Fo
Fo, 86, is best known for his play Accidental Death of an Anarchist, inspired by the death of a man in police custody in 1969, and has long been a leftwing hero in Italy. He publicly backed Grillo this year, co-writing a book on the comedian‘s fledgling political movement and giving him a ringing endorsement at a packed rally in Milan‘s Piazza Duomo days before the election.
Handliches kleines Wallpaper in Zeiten der totgeschwiegenen Spionage durch elektromagnetische Abstrahlung
Radio Utopie hat bereits vier Artikel der Serie “DER MOBILE TELEVISOR” zum Thema Spionage mittels elektromagnetischer Strahlung bzw Abstrahlung, auch “Störstrahlung” oder “kompromittierende Strahlung” genannt, veröffentlicht. Da seitens der Prostituierten im Bundestag, der in der Enquete-Kommision unter den Boden gesäuselten angeblichen “Bürgerrechtler” und natürlich auch seitens der selbsternannten “Experten”, Akademiker und anderer Fachnutten (wie z.B. denen aus dem Chaos Computer Club) weiter jedwede verifizierbaren und relevanten Äußerungen (geschweige denn Maßnahmen) gegen diese seit Jahrzehnten unter allgemeiner Omerta betriebene alltägliche skrupellose, kranke und obszöne Verletzung aller verfassungsmäßigen Rechte der Menschen in dieser Republik ausbleiben, habe ich mal eben schnell ein kleines handliches Wallpaper für den Desktop des arbeitswut-unbürgerlichen und von der Stasi 3.0 genervten Dissidenten entworfen.
Kenyan campaign marred by accusations of rigging
Kenya‘s top two presidential candidates held their final rallies Saturday before large and raucous crowds, but it was an interview with a British newspaper that upended the campaign‘s final days, with the prime minister quoted as saying violence could be worse than 2007-08 if he loses because of rigging.
SDOE gives names of Lagarde list΄s 49 biggest depositors
The Parliamentary Investigation Committee looking into possible penal charges against former finance minister George Papaconstantinou for his involvement and handling of the so-called β€˜Lagarde list΄ affair, was on Thursday gave a list containing the names of 49 depositors – taken from the Lagarde list, by witness Panagiotis Mantouvalos.
Ich weiß, was du diesen Sommer twittern wirst
stellen wir uns einmal vor, die Befürworter des Leistungsschutzrechts hätten die Mittel und das Know-how, um die Verhaltensmuster der lautstärksten und einflussreichsten Kritiker auszuwerten und davon ausgehend auszurechnen, wann welche taktischen Schritte am sinnvollsten sind, um den Widerstand möglichst gering zu halten.
Die letzte Reform wurde im Dezember 2008 vorgenommen und trat zum 1. Januar 2009 in Kraft. Dabei wurden dem Bundeskriminalamt – begrenzt auf die Abwehr von Gefahren des internationalen Terrorismus – weitere Befugnisse eingeräumt, die bislang nur den Landespolizeien zustanden. Neben der umstrittenen Online-Durchsuchung haben die neuen §§ 20a bis 20x des Gesetzes[1] unter anderem folgende Befugnisse der Gefahrenabwehr neu geregelt:
– Raster,
– Einsatz von verdeckten Ermittlern,
– akustische und optische Überwachung von Wohnungen
– Telekommunikationsüberwachung.
Schutz vor Spionage über Störstrahlung
(15.10.2007) Jedes elektronische Gerät strahlt mehr oder weniger starke elektromagnetische Wellen ab. Diese Abstrahlung wird Störstrahlung genannt. Bei Geräten, die Informationen verarbeiten – wie einem PC – kann sie auch die gerade verarbeiteten Informationen mit sich führen. Damit wird sie zur „bloßstellenden Abstrahlung“.
Verräterische Bild Strahlung: Das Abhören von Computern ist für Profis ein Kinderspiel
Bis heute sind wirksame Schutzeinrichtungen aber auf dem freien Markt nicht erhältlich, vielleicht schaut auch Ihnen bei Ihrer Computerarbeit bereits ein Nachbar sozusagen über die Schulter!
Die Abstrahlung, wie sie von jedem Monitor ausgeht, kann auch mit einem Scanner empfangen werden. Profis sind mit entsprechender Technik – ein Laptop gehört z.B. dazu – in der Lage, das Monitorbild „abzuhören“ bzw. mitzulesen.
Meet Beppe Grillo and Italy‘s new ‚Five Star‘ government – including the air hostess, the electrician, the housewife…
Until a few weeks ago, Ivana Simeoni, 62, was a telephone operator for the emergency services in Latina, south of Rome. Within days she’ll enter the opulent Palazzo Madama as a Senator for the anti-establishment Five Star Movement led by the comedian-turned-activist Beppe Grillo.
Insight: Grillo‘s rookies ready to take Italian parliament by storm
Meet the Grillini. They are the 162 very ordinary people who are now regarded with trepidation by financial markets and world leaders after this week‘s Italian election failed to produce a government.
Circus Clowns: Please Don‘t Compare us to Silvio Berlusconi
the comparison has angered Bernhard Paul, director of Circus Roncalli. „[A circus clown] is no fool who can be placed on the same level as Berlusconi“, he said, according to German news agency DPA.
„Being a clown is an honorable, very difficult, sensitive and artistic occupation,“ he said. „How can you compare that with bunga-bunga?“
Grillo urges debt renegotiation for Italy: report
Beppe Grillo, whose anti-establishment party unexpectedly captured a quarter of the vote in Italy‘s inconclusive elections, wants to renegotiate his crisis-hit country‘s debt, according to a German report on Saturday.
Beppe Grillo says Italy may soon have to pull out of euro
In an interview with a German magazine published on Saturday, Mr Grillo said that “if conditions do not change” Italy “will want” to leave the euro and return to its former national currency.
The 64-year-old comic-turned-political activist also said Italy needs to renegotiate its €2 trillion debt.
Sea Shepherd eskortiert Japans Walfangflotte nach Norden
Alle drei Sea Shepherd-Schiffe werden auch weiterhin der Walfangflotte nach Norden folgen um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht zurückkehren um weitere Wale zu töten.
Sea Shepherd claims success
The Sea Shepherd campaigners are claiming success, after reports the Japanese have suspended their annual whale hunt.
Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson joins RN Breakfast from on board the Steve Irwin.
Sea Shepherd claims success
Sea Shepherd says Japanese whaling fleet has left Southern Ocean. Julie Noce reports
Venizelos: Griechenland wurde August 2011 von “Troika” Geld für Euro-Austritt angeboten
Wie griechische Medien nahelegen, kam das Angebot aus Deutschland – von Finanzminister Schäuble.
PASOK leader: EU part of the Troika offered ‘velvet euro exit’ in August 2011
“The issue that led to the clash with the troika at the end of August 2011 was that we could not accept anymore measures that would blindly feed the recession and unemployment,” said Venizelos.
“Then we received proposals to receive funding so there would be a velvet exit from the euro. We rejected them.”
Lenders gave Greece option of ‚velvet exit‘ from euro, says Venizelos
Venizelos told some 4,000 delegates at the Peace and Friendship Stadium that shortly after he was appointed finance minister in 2011, he had a severe disagreement with visiting troika officials that led to a proposal for Greece to leave the euro.
Verfassungsschutz: Kanther baut Geheimdienst um
(08.11.2012) Sein Vater galt als Law-and-Order-Mann. Nun soll Wilhelm Kanther, Sohn des früheren hessischen CDU-Chefs und Bundesinnenministers Manfred Kanther, für Ordnung beim Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz sorgen.
Ach, und nochmal zum Vorgesetzten des BKA anno ´98. Der war damals ein gewisser Manfred „Law and Order heißt Gesetz und Recht“ Kanther.
The PD’s Cattle Market
The M5S will vote in Parliament for each law that corresponds to its manifesto. It will not form alliances. This commitment: “The 5 Star MoVement parliamentarians will not form associations with other parties or coalitions or groups except for voting on the points it agrees with” is in the Code of behaviour for elected spokespersons of the 5 Star MoVement in Parliament. It’s been signed by all the candidates and made public to voters before the elections. These rules were known to everyone, including the politburo of the PDminus. If the PDminusL wants to transform the Lower House and the Senate into a Vietnam, the M5S is certainly not going to stand still and watch.
Obama Says ‚I‘m Not A Dictator‘, Can‘t Use ‚Jedi Mind Meld‘ To Force Republican Sequester Compromise
President Obama has on Friday even asked the White House press corps what they would do. „This is a room full of smart people,“ he said.
„I like to think I‘ve still got persuasive power left.“
‚I am not a dictator, I am the President‘, says Obama
„I am not a dictator, I‘m the President,“ he told White House reporters after nearly half an hour meeting with the Congressional leadership including House Speaker John Boehner.
„They‘re elected. We have a constitutional system of government. The Speaker of the House and the Leader of the Senate and all those folks have responsibilities.“
Der „Focus“ versucht aus seinem Interview mit Beppe Grillo das Mieseste zu machen und kriegt selbst das nicht hin.
Dynamic Robot Manipulation
Boston Dynamics is developing the control and actuation techniques needed for dynamic manipulation with funding from the Army Research Laboratory‘s RCTA program.
Wie der BKA-Beamte Brümmendorf eine Liste mit Nazis a.k.a. V-Leuten 1998 irgendwo, irgendwie…naja. Muss ja.
Assad forces take Aleppo village, reopening supply line
Further east, on the Iraqi frontier, government troops also managed to wrest back control of the Yarubiyah border crossing after insurgents seized it 24 hours earlier, he said.
Why Is The UK Blocking Access To Sites Without Any Hearings?
We already wrote about the UK court letting the BPI decide what sites the court would order all UK ISPs to block access to, but as more details come out about the process, the scarier it is. As Duke noted in our comments, the whole process lacked any sort of due process:
German Newspaper ‚Snippet‘ Law Passes: Watered Down, But Still Stupid
Even though the idea that newspapers were suffering because of the short excerpts shown as part of search results is absurd, and existing copyright law already forbids unauthorized use of longer extracts, publishers had enough friends in the German parliament to get the „snippets“ law pushed through today.
Exhausted airline pilot dozes off during Atlantic flight
A tired pilot on an Air New Zealand flight between London and Los Angeles falls asleep twice. Adam Brauner reports
Egyptian opposition refuses to meet with Kerry
The announcement was made by Sabbahi, former presidential candidate and leader of the Nasserist left, in an interview with the television network ONTV.
47th ESLAB Symposium: The Universe as seen by Planck
n international conference dedicated to an in-depth look at the initial scientific results from the Planck mission
2-5 April 2013
ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk (The Netherlands)