Archiv: Scott Horton

04.01.2019 - 19:48 [ Consortium News ]

Watch the 11th Online Vigil for Julian Assange Live on Friday Night

Guests on past vigils have included Dan Ellsberg, John Pilger, former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel, John Kiriakou, Suzie Dawson, Cathy Vogan, Margaret Kimberely, Ann Garrison, Scott Horton, George Smazuely, Ray McGovern and many more. The broadcast will be hosted by CN Editor-in-Chief Joe Lauria.

25.12.2018 - 01:35 [ Scott Horton / ]

Send a Message to the White House!

(21.12.2018) Complaining to them doesn’t usually do much good, but when Donald Trump does something right and important like order troops out of Syria and some out of Afghanistan, he needs to be told that the American people out here in the country agree and support this decision. Especially when all of TV is against it.

Just think, what if all he hears is complaints from the war party and crickets from the people? It would be a catastrophe…

Hey and why not add you’d like to see the troops home from Yemen, Somalia and Iraq too.