Archiv: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

28.11.2019 - 17:23 [ Imran Khan, Premierminister von Pakistan / Twitter ]

Shows the fascist mindset of the Indian govt‘s RSS ideology that has continued the siege of IOJK for over 100 days, subjecting Kashmiris to the worst violation of their human rights while the powerful countries remain silent bec of their trading interests.

18.08.2019 - 10:01 [ Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan / Twitter ]

The curfew, crackdown & impending genocide of Kashmiris in IOK is unfolding exactly acc to RSS ideology inspired by Nazi ideology. Attempt is to change demography of Kashmir through ethnic cleansing. Question is: Will the world watch & appease as they did Hitler at Munich?


18.08.2019 - 09:55 [ ]

A new Holocaust in the making in Kashmir

Kashmiris have not yet forgotten that in August – November, 1947, RSS colluded with the Hindu Maharajah of Kashmir to perpetrate the horrific genocide and exodus of Jammu, whereby hundreds of thousands of Muslims were massacred and an estimated half a million forcibly displaced. This reduced the region’s Muslim majority to a minority. This time, RSS is working through BJP, its political wing, to complete its original mission of ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Muslims. The genocide is being substituted by settler colonialism, but the objectives remain the same.