Archiv: Patrick McHenry

13.10.2023 - 14:51 [ Fox News ]

Who could be Republicans‘ next speaker candidate after Scalise bowed out?

Scalise won a closed-door secret ballot vote to be the House GOP’s new candidate for speaker on Wednesday afternoon. However, it quickly became clear that he did not have the 217 votes needed to win a House-wide vote.

04.10.2023 - 09:15 [ Reuters ]

Who could succeed Republican Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the US House?


Representative Jim Jordan, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee and an ally of former President Donald Trump, was nominated by some Republican rebels to be the speaker during the election to the seat in January. He received 20 votes during one round of voting. (…)

Representative Patrick McHenry was named to step in as speaker pro tempore following McCarthy‘s ouster. Chair of the House Financial Services Committee, McHenry is a McCarthy ally who spoke in support of McCarthy prior to the vote.

04.10.2023 - 08:45 [ Fox News ]

Nancy Pelosi evicted from her private office in the Capitol by interim House speaker

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was evicted from her private Capitol office by the new speaker pro-tempore.

Fox News Digital confirmed that House Speaker pro-tempore Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., gave the order to Pelosi to vacate her Capitol hideaway by Wednesday.