Archiv: Lisa Ring

10.07.2021 - 19:12 [ ]

I ran as a Justice Democrat. Now I’m joining the People’s Party.

My name is Lisa Ring and I’m a two-time former candidate for Congress endorsed by Justice Democrats and Our Revolution. Today I’m thrilled to announce that I’m joining the People’s Party as our new development manager.

Like so many of you, I’m fed up with the two-party system and I’m here to do something about it. I believe in the power of the people to transform this country. That’s what led me to activism in my 20s, inspired me to organize the Coast of Georgia for the past seven years, and drove me to run for Congress in GA-01 against a multi-millionaire Republican incumbent. We knocked on more than 50,000 doors and won my primary in 2018. I want to bring what I’ve learned to the People’s Party.