Archiv: Kyle Rittenhouse

28.08.2020 - 06:15 [ ]

Ausschreitungen in Wisconsin: Mordanklage nach Todesschüssen

Ein 17-Jähriger soll zwei Menschen bei den Protesten gegen Polizeigewalt in Kenosha erschossen haben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft klagt ihn wegen Mordes an. Sein Anwalt spricht von Notwehr.

27.08.2020 - 22:36 [ Cenk Uygur / Twitter ]

Anyone defending Kyle Rittenhouse by saying it‘s self-defense to go into middle of protest with a weapon & start shooting be careful about your standards. Is the left-wing also allowed to do that? Walk into a Bundy protest with weapons and start shooting & claim self-defense?

27.08.2020 - 22:07 [ Christiaan Triebert / Twitter ]

At 23:19, Rittenhouse is seen in this YouTube livestream. He‘s being chased into a parking lot. While he is being pursued, an unknown gunman fires the first shot into the air.

Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of the gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him. He then fires four times with his assault rifle, and appears to shoot the man in the head.

The muzzle flash of the first shot by the unknown gunman and the smoke rising from the handgun can be seen in this video capturing the first shooting from a different angle.

27.08.2020 - 22:04 [ New York Tines ]

Tracking the Suspect in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings

Footage appears to show a teenager shooting three people during protests in Wisconsin. We tracked his movements that night.

26.08.2020 - 15:41 [ Tariq Nasheed / Twitter ]

After alleged mass shooter Kyle Rittenhouse shot several people in Kenosha, he casually walked towards police and gave them what appears to be a pre-planned hand signal. And the police didn’t lay a finger on him.

The police are working hand and hand with these terrorists groups

26.08.2020 - 15:24 [ Brendan Gutenschwager / Twitter ]

(Warning, Graphic/Violent) A crowd chases a suspected shooter down in Kenosha. He trips and falls, then turns with the gun and fires several times. Shots can be heard fired elsewhere as well, corroborating reports of multiple shooters tonight

#Kenosha #KenoshaRiots

26.08.2020 - 15:21 [ CNN ]

Two people are dead and a third injured after an overnight shooting in Kenosha, police say