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Nachrichten Kategorie: Weltöffentlichkeit / World Public Opinion . Nachrichten Schlagwörter: alles Zufall / all coincidence / power happens... , Autoritarismus / Absolutismus / Totalitarismus / Willkürherrschaft / politische Varianten / authoritarianism / absolutism / totalitarianism / arbitrary rule / political variants , Coup in Israel by Third Netanyahu Government / Supreme Court hearings / ruling delayed / Black Shabbat 07-10-2023 / Court ruling 01-01-2024 Basic Law amendment suspended , Denkende / Intellektuelle / thinkers / intellectuals , Efrat Fenigson , favored entries , Israel , mosquitos (bitf*cker Inc. / spies / international spy complex / secret police / state / non-state / contractors / corporations / data brokers) , Rechenschaftspflicht / Verantwortung / accountability / responsibility , scorched democracy tactic / Taktik der Verbrannten Demokratie , Staat (Machthaber / Regime / Regierungen / Struktur / Exekutive) / state (rulers / regimes / governments / structure / executive branch) , The Pharao (ruler of Israel) , the trial of Benjamin Netanyahu / Gerichtsverfahren Israel vs Premierminister / police investigates (2016) recommends indictment (2018) indictment (November 2019) trial begins (May 2020) ... , third Netanyahu rule / government (December 2022 – Armageddon) , und West Asia War / Palestine War / Black Shabbat 07-10-2023 / Hamas attacks Israel / massacres / Hezbollah attacks / bombings massacres ground invasion genocide in Gaza by Israeli government .