Archiv: Civil Rights Act (1964)

18.07.2020 - 14:04 [ New York Times ]

The Radical Resistance of John Lewis

Representative John Lewis, who died Friday at age 80, will be remembered as a principal hero of the blood-drenched era not so long ago when Black people in the South were being shot, blown up or driven from their homes for seeking basic human rights. The moral authority Mr. Lewis exercised in the House of Representatives — while representing Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District for more than 30 years — found its headwaters in the aggressive yet self-sacrificial style of protests that he and his compatriots in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee deployed in the early 1960s as part of the campaign that overthrew Southern apartheid.

16.06.2020 - 05:48 [ theHill,com ]

Workers can‘t be fired for being gay or transgender, Supreme Court rules

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled 6-3 in a landmark decision that gay and transgender employees are protected by civil rights laws against employer discrimination.

A set of cases that came before the court had asked the justices to decide whether Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which forbids discrimination on the basis of „sex,“ applies to gay and transgender people.

16.06.2020 - 05:47 [ Tagesschau ]

Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz: Supreme Court stärkt LGBTQ-Rechte

Hintergrund ist der „Civil Rights Act“ aus dem Jahr 1964, der Diskriminierungen unter anderem aufgrund des „Geschlechts“ („sex“) verbietet. Einige Gerichte und auch die Regierung von US-Präsident Donald Trump legen dies so aus, dass es dabei nur um den Unterschied zwischen Mann und Frau geht, nicht um sexuelle Minderheiten. LGBTQ-Aktivisten verlangten vom Obersten Gerichtshof deswegen eine Klarstellung, dass auch eine Diskriminierung aufgrund der sexuellen Identität verboten ist.