Archiv: 1968

25.05.2023 - 21:09 [ Hickory Daily Record ]

Kennedy campaign reminds me of ’68 race

Though my family were avid followers of politics, they were never Kennedy supporters. In spite of that, I found “Bobby’s” anti-war position both brave and admirable.

In the wee hours of June 5, I watched live coverage of the California primary — the last big ticket to the Democratic nomination. My mother and I stayed up for RFK to give his speech, then turned off the TV and went to bed.

That next morning, my mother would wake me with the awful news: Sen. Kennedy had been shot at the hotel in Los Angeles where we’d seen him on TV just hours earlier.

07.03.2020 - 22:05 [ John Nichols, @thenation / Twitter ]

In 1968, Democrats rejected the popular peace-and-justice movement campaign of Eugene McCarthy for the safer and more predictable establishment-friendly candidacy of Hubert Humphrey. Then they lost to Richard Nixon.