Daily Archives: 21. März 2018

21.03.2018 - 23:55 [ Washington Post ]

Surveillance footage, cellphone data led to takedown of Austin bomber, officials say

But behind the scenes, investigators had used cell-tower data to tie Mark Anthony Conditt, a 23-year-old from the Austin suburbs, to the bombing sites and other important locations, the Texas governor said Wednesday. And when the suspected bomber used FedEx, law enforcement caught an ever bigger break: He had been captured on a store’s video surveillance system.(…)
“He does not at all mention anything about terrorism, nor does he mention anything about hate, but instead it is the outcry of a very challenged young man talking about challenges in his personal life that led him to this point,” he said.

21.03.2018 - 20:44 [ theGuardian.com ]

Once the International Space Station is decommissioned in 2028, what will the next generation of orbital bases look like?

China’s Tiangong-1 space station is likely to crash back to Earth next month. However, the People’s Republic is planning a larger manned facility of about 80-100 tonnes. Composed of various modules with names such as “Dreaming of the Heavens”, the station’s completion date has slipped a number of times. China hopes to have the base operational by 2022.

21.03.2018 - 20:21 [ Radio China ]

Chinas Raumstation könnte nach 2024 Arbeit der ISS verrichten

(7.3.2018) “Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass die chinesische Raumstation die einzige sein wird, die sich nach 2024 in der Umlaufbahn bewegt, wenn die ISS außer Betrieb genommen wird“, sagte Jiao Weixin, Professor für Raumfahrtwissenschaften an der Peking-Universität, gegenüber Global Times am Montag. Die chinesische Raumstation wird aus einem Kernmodul und zwei Laborkabinen mit einem Gesamtgewicht von etwa 90 Tonnen bestehen, berichtete China National Radio.

21.03.2018 - 20:17 [ spaceflightinsider.com ]

China reveals design for planned Tiangong 3 space station

(22.5.2016) The China National Space Administration (CNSA) presented several slides of the design of its future space station, called Tiangong 3—meaning “Heavenly Palace” in Chinese. The station is expected to be built sometime between 2018 and 2022.

According to the released slides, the station’s core module, “Tianhe 1” (“galaxy”), will include a laboratory with integrated modular racks for storing scientific equipment. It will also have five docking ports and a robotic arm.

21.03.2018 - 19:50 [ Heise.de ]

Chinesische Raumstation Tiangong 1 vor Absturz: Das Fenster schließt sich

(7.3.2018) Tiangong 1 war am 29. September 2011 gestartet worden und danach Teil mehrerer Missionen. Im Frühjahr 2016 verlor die chinesische Weltraumbehörde die Kontrolle über die Station und seitdem sinkt sie mit größer werdender Geschwindigkeit hinab zur Erdoberfläche. Gegenwärtig kreist sie in knapp 250 Kilometern Höhe um die Erde.

21.03.2018 - 19:19 [ Katholisch.de ]

Kardinal Lehmann warnt: Kirche zu sehr verweltlicht

Das Geistliche Testament ist auf den 15. März 2009 datiert – Lehmann hat es also vor neun Jahren verfasst.

Darin warnt der frühere Mainzer Bischof zudem vor einem rücksichtslosen Streben nach Macht. Ihm sei „die Unheimlichkeit der Macht und wie der Mensch mit ihr umgeht“ immer mehr aufgegangen. Er habe unter zwei Dingen „immer wieder und immer mehr gelitten: Unsere Erde und weithin unser Leben sind in vielem wunderbar, schön und faszinierend, aber sie sind auch abgrundtief zwiespältig, zerstörerisch und schrecklich“, bekennt er. Und: „Das brutale Denken und rücksichtsloses Machtstreben gehören für mich zu den schärfsten Ausdrucksformen des Unglaubens und der Sünde.“

21.03.2018 - 19:17 [ Katholisch.de ]

Die Rückkehr des „Panzerkardinals“: Joachim Frank über den Brief Benedikts XVI.

Im zweiten Teil seines Briefes, den der Vatikan erst auf medialen Druck hin veröffentlichte, attackiert Benedikt einen der an der Schriftenreihe beteiligten Autoren. Der Tübinger Theologieprofessor Peter Hünermann ist ihm nicht etwa als Mitherausgeber des großen fünfbändigen Kommentars zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil in Erinnerung, sondern als anti-päpstlicher Frondeur, vor allem aber als Mitinitiator der „Kölner Erklärung“. Darin hatten 1989 mehr als 200 Theologieprofessoren gegen den autoritären Führungsstil Papst Johannes Pauls II. sowie den römischen Zentralismus aufbegehrt und damit auch ihren einstigen Kollegen Ratzinger ins Visier genommen. „Nur am Rande“ wolle er seine „Überraschung“ vermerken, dass dieser Mann nunmehr als ein dem Papst genehmer und gewogener Autor Teil der Vatikan-PR ist.

21.03.2018 - 18:41 [ Rodong Sinmun (Nordkorea) ]

S. Korean Conservative Forces Can Not Evade Stern Punishment by History

The impeachment and detention of traitor Park were an eruption of pent-up wrath and indignation of the public against her and the conservative forces which enforced unprecedented unpopular rule and committed acts of flunkeyism and treachery and heinous moves for escalating confrontation with the fellow countrymen by defying the public mindset and challenging the desire of the nation, and was stern punishment by history.

21.03.2018 - 18:22 [ Rodong Sinmun (Nordkorea) ]

DPRK SPA Delegation Leaves for Switzerland

A delegation of the Supreme People‘s Assembly of the DPRK led by deputy Ri Jong Hyok, director of the National Reunification Institute, left Pyongyang on Mar. 20 to take part in the 138th Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union due in Geneva of Switzerland.

21.03.2018 - 18:16 [ Korea Joongang Daily (Südkorea) ]

North Korea launches diplomatic offensive

Continuing its marathon of diplomacy, a North Korean delegation also is in Switzerland to take part in a parliamentary conference.

North Korea’s state mouthpiece, the Rodong Sinmun, reported Wednesday that a delegation led by Ri Jong-hyok, a ranking member of the Supreme People’s Assembly, North Korea’s rubber-stamp legislature, and director of the National Reunification Institute, left Pyongyang on Tuesday to take part in the 138th Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva.

21.03.2018 - 12:33 [ Kommunistische Partei von Israel ]

Joint List Votes against Israel’s Militarized & Neo-Liberal Budget

The Joint List has rejected the government’s proposed general state budget for 2019. During a plenum debate in the Knesset Communist MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash – Joint List) argued that the budget prepared by the government is designed to reinforce the occupation, intensify settlement construction, deepen discrimination and prejudice against the state’s Arab citizens, and widen the gaps in the distribution of public resources. Following a marathon debate, and after all the reservations were rejected, the Knesset plenum passed overnight Wednesday, March 14, the 2019 State Budget and the accompanying anti-democratic E

21.03.2018 - 12:31 [ Haaretz ]

James Packer, Australian Billionaire Embroiled in Netanyahu Corruption Case, Steps Down Due to Mental Illness

„Mr Packer is suffering from mental health issues. At this time he intends to step back from all commitments,“ a Packer spokesman said in an emailed statement.
Packer is involved in the so-called cigars and champagne‘s affair involving Netanyahu. Also called „Case 1000,“ it involves allegations of straightforward bribery and favor-trading between wealthy businessmen – among them Packer and his affiliate Israeli-born Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan – and the Netanyahus.

21.03.2018 - 12:30 [ Yonhap (Südkorea) ]

Two Koreas, U.S. end semiofficial talks in Finland

During the meeting, the parties were expected to exchange opinions on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and on an inter-Korean summit slated for late April and a U.S.-North Korea summit expected in May.

„The participants had a constructive exchange of views in a positive atmosphere,“ Kimmo Lahdevirta, head of the Asia desk at the Finnish foreign ministry, told reporters at a government manor in Northern Helsinki where the delegates had been secluded.

21.03.2018 - 12:16 [ Radio Utopie ]

Nordkorea Situation: Kriegslobby sucht die Kraftprobe – und wird sie verlieren

(10.8.2017) Über die Bundesregierung, die gerade versucht hinterher zu stolpern, sage ich jetzt nichts. Außer, dass sie bei Ihrer Totalüberwachung von relevanten, also unkontrollierten und unkontrollierbaren Journalisten offensichtlich versäumt deren Artikel zu lesen.

Meine Prognose: die Kriegslobby wird verlieren. Das Blutbad kommt nicht. Ich will jetzt nicht prognostizieren, dass in 20 Jahren eine Frau aus dem Norden und aus Kim Jong-Uns Staatspartei ganz Korea regiert und praktisch nie wieder damit aufhört.

Schließlich will ich ja nicht zur Eskalation der Lage beitragen.

21.03.2018 - 11:56 [ Ban Ki Moon / Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen ]

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 4 September to 19 November 2014

(1.12.2014) 5. In view of the heavy fighting, which was approaching close to the UNDOF headquarters at Camp Faouar and the mission’s positions in the central part of the area of separation, the Force Commander briefed both parties early in September on the Force’s plans to relocate its personnel and assets should the Nusra Front or other extremist fighters who posed a clear threat to the mission endanger the safety and security of the United Nations personnel. It should be noted here that from information posted on social media as well as in the course of its efforts to secure the release of the peacekeepers, the United Nations learned that its personnel had been taken and held by members of the Nusra Front. There were indications that the Nusra Front intended to detain additional UNDOF personnel and take from UNDOF more weapons and vehicles as opportunities arose. (…)

12. Crossing of the ceasefire line by civilians, primarily shepherds, was observed on an almost daily basis. On 24 October, United Nations observation post 73 observed 12 IDF soldiers who detained one civilian between the Alpha line and the Israeli technical fence south-east of the observation post and subsequently took him away. IDF informed UNDOF that they released the person within one hour at the same location. On 27 October, position 80 observed two IDF soldiers east of the technical fence returning from the direction of the Alpha line towards the technical fence. UNDOF observed IDF opening the technical fence gate and letting two individuals pass from the Bravo to the Alpha side. Following the evacuation of UNDOF personnel from position 85 on 28 August, UNDOF sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations position 85.

21.03.2018 - 11:37 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Report: Israel secretly giving aid to Syrian rebels

(19.6.2017) Israel has reportedly been discreetly supporting Syrian rebel groups for years to protect its northern border from the war raging in Syria, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday night.

The WSJ based its report on interviews with rebel soldiers and other sources. A spokesman for the rebel group Fursan al-Joulan told the newspaper that Israel’s help to his group was essential and significant.

21.03.2018 - 11:36 [ War on the Rocks ]

Israel’s Deepening Involvement with Syria’s Rebels

(14.2.2018) Interviews I have conducted with dozens of rebels, activists and civilians in southern Syria indicate growing Israeli involvement there. Israel’s increased entanglement stems from a growing realization that Russia and the United States are unwilling or unable to deal with Iran’s growing clout in Syria. However, this deeper involvement has created expectations among civilians and rebels in southern Syria of open-ended Israeli support, an expectation Israel is unlikely to meet.

21.03.2018 - 11:25 [ Haaretz ]

Ahed Tamimi‘s Only Protection Is an Open Trial

The entire world knows this girl – her name, her family, the video that led to her arrest – and has been following her case and the ensuing international protests ever since. Tamimi has become a new symbol of the Palestinian struggle. What exactly are the courtroom’s closed doors supposed to protect her from?

Moreover, comparing Tamimi – a Palestinian living under Israeli occupation and being tried in the military justice system – to minors tried in civilian courts inside Israel

21.03.2018 - 11:12 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Generalstaatsanwalt entschuldigt sich für Foltertod eines Studenten vor 31 Jahren

Moon besuchte am Dienstag ein Krankenhaus in Busan, in dem Park Jeong-ki behandelt wird. Sein Sohn Jong-chul, seinerzeit Student an der Seoul Nationaluniversität, starb im Januar 1987, nachdem er von Polizisten in Seoul gefoltert worden war. Sein Tod entfachte die Juni-Demokratiebewegung gegen die autoritäre Regierung von Chun Doo-hwan.

Moon sagte dem 90-jährigen Mann, er entschuldige sich dafür, dass man so viel Schmerz zugefügt habe. Es tue ihm sehr leid, dass man sich zu spät entschuldige.

21.03.2018 - 10:59 [ Rubikon ]

Der Überwachungsstaat – Das neue Polizei-Aufgabengesetz verwandelt Bayern in einen orwell‘schen Präventivstaat.

Die Bayerische Polizei hat die Befugnisse, in Wohnungen einzubrechen, Wanzen und Kameras zu platzieren, infolgedessen auch private und intimste Gespräche mit Verwandten, Ärzten und Anwälten aufzuzeichnen. Und das ist erst der Gipfel, es folgt nun das Gipfelkreuz: Die Befugnisse reichen soweit, dass die Bayerische Polizei in Informationssysteme eindringen, dortige Daten löschen und – verändern (!) darf!

21.03.2018 - 10:52 [ Yonhap ]

S. Korea women‘s hockey team coach misses practicing with N. Koreans

Unlike at the Olympics, Murray‘s side is now without North Koreans. The 29-year-old Canadian said she misses training with North Koreans.

„Right now, we have some injured players and having the North players would definitely help our roster have more numbers,“ she said. „But we just miss practicing with them. They brought a different level of intensity to practice and it was just fun to have them around.“

21.03.2018 - 10:48 [ Yonhap ]

S. Korean president vows efforts for co-prosperity with Vietnam

Moon‘s interview was published one day before he is set to embark on a three-day state visit to the Southeast Asian country for a bilateral summit with Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang on Friday.

The South Korean president is also scheduled to meet three other top leaders of Vietnam, including Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party, and Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, according to Cheong Wa Dae.

Moon noted that Vietnam is already his country‘s fourth-largest trading partner and South Korea Vietnam‘s second-largest.

21.03.2018 - 10:34 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Südkorea strebt Dreiergipfel mit China und Japan für Anfang Mai an

Ein hoher Beamter des Präsidialamtes bestätigte gegenüber Reportern am Mittwoch, dass entsprechende Anstrengungen unternommen würden. Ein Datum müsse aber noch festgelegt werden, hierfür seien mehrere Faktoren zu berücksichtigen, darunter der erste Jahrestag nach dem Amtsantritt von Präsident Moon Jae-in.

21.03.2018 - 02:01 [ Truthout ]

The War on the Post Office

The US Postal Savings System came into its own during the banking crisis of the early 1930s, when it became the national alternative to a private banking system that people could not trust. Demands increased to expand its services to include affordable loans. Alarmed bankers called it the „Postal Savings Menace“ and warned that it could result in the destruction of the entire private banking system.

But rather than expanding the Postal Savings System, the response of President Franklin Roosevelt was to buttress the private banking system with public guarantees, including FDIC deposit insurance. That put private banks in the enviable position of being able to keep their profits while their losses were covered by the government.

21.03.2018 - 01:16 [ Tiroler Tageszeitung ]

Bombe tötete drei Militärs in Ecuador an Grenze zu Kolumbien

Die Regierung Ecuadors hatte am Montag die Festnahme von 14 Drogenhändlern im Norden des Landes bekanntgegeben. Nach einem Bombenanschlag im Jänner mit 28 Verletzten hatte die Regierung die Überwachung der knapp 600 Kilometer langen Grenze mit der Aufstockung der Sicherheitskräfte auf 12.000 Militärs und Polizisten verstärkt.

21.03.2018 - 01:11 [ teleSUR ]

Three Ecuadorian Military Members Killed by Explosion at Border

Today’s incident follows the bombing of a military base in the region last Friday that left two army members injured and damaged the Borbon headquarters. Local media says there was also direct combat between Ecuadorian military and „remaining armed groups that operate from Colombia.

Just yesterday Ecuadorian officials announced they would be placing more military and approximately 140 national police members along border checkpoints and highways in the coming days.

21.03.2018 - 00:46 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Brasilien: Indigener Führer und Umweltaktivist ermordet

Der indigene Führer, der seit Jahren gegen Umweltverbrechen kämpfte, war für das Bekanntwerden der Wasserverseuchung in der Region durch Auslaufen von Giftmüll des norwegischen Aluminiumherstellers Hydro Alunorte im Februar dieses Jahres mitverantwortlich. Brasiliens Umweltbehörde hatte daraufhin eine Strafzahlung von fünf Millionen Euro gegen die Firma verhängt.