Daily Archives: 24. Februar 2018

24.02.2018 - 23:28 [ Eric Margolis / antikrieg.com ]

Warum einen Krieg, wenn wir zwei haben können!

Eine letzte respektvolle Anmerkung an General Mattis (mein Vater war ein Marine): Ein guter General kämpft nicht mit zwei weit entfernten Großmächten gleichzeitig. Der Trick ist, sie gegeneinander auszuspielen. Einen zukünftigen Krieg gegen China und Russland zu erklären, ist eine verrückte Idee. Nur Leute, die sich vor dem Militärdienst gedrückt und Generäle, die den Vietnamkrieg verloren haben, konnten sich so etwas ausdenken.

24.02.2018 - 23:21 [ The Hindu ]

Community radio as a phenomenon: Winning hertz

Whether it’s handling harassment complaints or conducting tuition classes for children, community radio is riding a new wave of growth

24.02.2018 - 18:32 [ XLR8R ]

Influences 05: Hatis Noit

Hatis Noit is the latest member of Robert Raths‘ Erased Tapes family. The Japanese female vocal performer, an enigmatic and unknown artist, will release an „arresting“ four-track record that creates „unique“ song-worlds with transcendent vocal interpretations that at once deconstruct and recombine Western Classical, Japanese folk, and nature’s own ambience atmosphere.

24.02.2018 - 17:41 [ Times of Israel ]

Attorney general slams ‘disgraceful suggestion’ he was offered bribe

(20.2.2018) Responding to the initial report of a quid-pro-quo offer by a former spokesperson of the Netanyahus, Meretz chairwoman Zehava Galon raised the possibility that Mandelblit could also be implicated in a similar agreement.

“Now we only need to ask what was promised to Mandelblit before he was appointed attorney general by Netanyahu and if it is connected to the slow pace of the investigations [against the prime minister],” Galon wrote on Twitter.

24.02.2018 - 17:40 [ israelnationalnews.com ]

Left speaks out against left

(11.2.2018) In response to these accusations, it was none other than Meretz chairwoman Zehava Galon who condemned the words of her colleagues and said, „The conspiracy theories that are running now, according to which Netanyahu is creating a war in order to divert attention from his investigations. are baseless and unnecessary.“

24.02.2018 - 17:08 [ Haaretz ]

With Attack on Police Chief, Netanyahu Made One Tactical Error Too Many

The well-planned delegitimization campaign waged in recent months against Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich (to which he himself contributed with mistakes) was apparently also aimed at deterring someone else, the attorney general.
Compared to Alsheich, Avichai Mendelblit is perceived as less tough and more vulnerable to pressure.

24.02.2018 - 17:06 [ CNN ]

Fifth graft probe hits Netanyahu, inner circle as police chief fires back at PM

(21.2.2018) In recent weeks, Alsheich has come under attack from Netanyahu, who has accused the investigation of harboring conspiracy theories driven by media pressure. In a Facebook post earlier his month, he said police investigators believe „ludicrous thoughts,“ and that they can no longer work in an „objective manner.“

24.02.2018 - 16:57 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Police chief summoned to Knesset over hints that Netanyahu hired private eyes

(13.2.2018) Likud MK Miki Zohar said Alsheich’s comments made him doubt the integrity of the investigation.
“On the one hand, if we believe police investigators that the prime minister or his associates acted against them personally and sent private investigators to follow them, how can they continue investigating [Netanyahu] and submit recommendations in an objective, unbiased way?” Zohar asked.

24.02.2018 - 16:52 [ Haaretz / googleusercontent.com ]

Police Sources: Attorney General Knew That Private Investigators Were Tailing Actors in Netanyahu Probe

(8.2.2018) Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich said earlier this week on “Uvda” (“Fact”), Channel 2’s current affairs program, that powerful figures had gathered information about police investigating Netayahu’s actions. After the broadcast Netanyahu lashed out against Alsheich, calling his claims “delusional” and “deceitful,” saying they must be investigated immediately.

The sources told Haaretz that Alsheich told Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit and State Prosecutor Shay Nitzan about a year ago that private investigators had been checking up on senior police officers in the investigations division.

24.02.2018 - 16:51 [ Haaretz ]

Justice Ministry Conducts Security Sweep of Prosecutor in Netanyahu Cases

(11.1.2018) Justice Ministry security personnel recently swept the home of prosecutor Liat Ben Ari for listening devices after one or more individuals came to her community and asked questions about her, possibly in an attempt to obtain information about sensitive cases that she has been handling. Ben Ari is overseeing a number of cases of suspected corruption, including cases against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Interior Minister Arye Dery, Labor Minister Haim Katz and David Bitan, the Knesset member and former coalition whip.

24.02.2018 - 16:12 [ Falter.at ]

Aufsatz bringt blauen Kandidaten für VfGH in Erklärungsnot

Und weiter: “Dem EGMR ist der Vorwurf zu machen, dass er bei seinen Entscheidungen zu aufenthaltsbeendenden Maßnahmen gegenüber straffälligen Fremden einseitig nur die grundrechtlich anerkannten Interessen des Fremden dem abstrakten Interesse an der öffentlichen Sicherheit, nicht aber den Grundrechten der Verbrechensopfer gegenüber stellt, wobei bei dieser Gegenüberstellung jedenfalls auch zu berücksichtigen ist, dass sich der Täter aus freien Stücken für den Rechtsbruch (und gegen die Menschenrechte anderer) entschieden hat, während das Opfer ungefragt Eingriffe in seine Menschenrechte hinnehmen musste”.

24.02.2018 - 16:08 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: 5-Star leader says could back broad Italy government – source

(31.2.2018) The leader of Italy’s 5-Star Movement told international investors on Wednesday he would be willing to govern with mainstream rivals if a March 4 election produces no clear winner, a source told Reuters. Luigi Di Maio met representatives of some of the world’s largest investors and hedge funds at a private club in London’s exclusive Knightsbridge district, to explain 5-Star’s policies and the political prospects after the election.

24.02.2018 - 15:58 [ Ansa.it ]

Di Maio says will tell Mattarella team

Anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) premier candidate Luigi Di Maio said Friday he would inform President Sergio Mattarella before announcing his government team. Di Maio was speaking after a trip to the presidential palace where he spoke to a top aide of Mattarella‘s

24.02.2018 - 15:53 [ ORF.at ]

Zweckoptimismus nach EU-Finanzgipfel

Es geht um den Finanzrahmen für 2020 bis 2027 und damit die Zeit nach dem Austritt Großbritanniens.
Laut EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk sind viele Länder durchaus bereit, künftig einen höheren Beitrag zu zahlen, um diese Lücke zu füllen. Für andere – darunter Österreich – ist das aber weiterhin keine Option.

24.02.2018 - 11:34 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Iranian Ambassador in Damascus: Iran will stand by Syria until victory

(10.2.2018) Iranian Ambassador in Damascus, Javad Turk-Abadi, reiterated his country’s ongoing support to the Syrian people to preserve their homeland’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, resist foreign intervention in their internal affairs and defeat terrorism.

In an interview with SANA, Turk-Abadi highlighted the deep-rooted brotherly relations between Syria and Iran in all fields, noting that Iran will take part in the reconstruction process of Syria to rehabilitate what has been destroyed and build a better future.

24.02.2018 - 11:01 [ Freitag.de ]

Krieg als Dauerlösung

Damit sind nicht nur Libyen, Syrien, Palästina oder der Jemen gemeint – auch Somalia und der Südsudan wären anzuführen. Die jüngsten Terroropfer von Kabul und anderswo in Afghanistan wären dann zu den Kollateralschäden einer Politik zu rechnen, die den Krieg als Mittel zum Zweck wie zur Selbstbestätigung und zum Selbsterhalt, nicht verlieren will. Das gilt für die Taliban wie ihre westlichen Gegner.

24.02.2018 - 10:59 [ Paul Craig Roberts ]

Russia In the Crosshairs

It appears to be the case that the Russian government is so anxious for Western approval that it ends its successful military campaigns before the job is finished. It was Putin himself who declared “victory” in Syria and withdrew some of the Russian military before clearing all of Syria of foreign and jihadist occupation, thus leaving in place US beachheads for renewing the conflict.

It couldn’t have taken more than two more weeks for Russia and Syria to liberate all of Syria from the US backed jihadists, but apparently Russia was afraid to annoy Washington that much and to risk contact with US personnel, even though Russia is in Syria legally under international law and the US is present illegally.

Again trusting to international law, the UN, and “our Western partners,” Russia quit prematurely. As Lendman says, the complaints by Zakharova, Lavrov, Russian Defense Ministry spokesmen, and Putin himself are based in absolute fact. But the question is, when will Russia learn, if ever, that facts and law make no difference whatsoever to Washington? Washington’s interest is in its hegemony over the world and in Israel’s hegemony in the Middle East.

24.02.2018 - 10:59 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Krieg in Syrien: Wann hört das auf?

Eine Bodenoffensive soll folgen. Assads „Tiger“-Division, eine berüchtigte Eliteeinheit der Armee, sammelt sich; ein ebenfalls für seine Brutalität bekannter Tiger-General kündigt an, den Menschen im Rebellengebiet „eine Lektion zu erteilen, die sie nicht vergessen werden“. Dass der Offizier nur die in Ost-Ghouta verschanzten Rebellen meint, die zum Großteil beinharte Islamisten sind, muss bezweifelt werden:

24.02.2018 - 10:40 [ Augsburger Allgemeine ]

Exklusiv: Horst Seehofer rügt die Kanzlerin

Außerdem sollen in den Grenzregionen mehrere sogenannte Aufnahmezentren eingerichtet werden, in denen Flüchtlinge bleiben, bis über ihre Anträge entschieden worden ist. Ein ähnliches Modell hatten Union und SPD bereits in der vergangenen Wahlperiode beschlossen, aber nie wirklich umgesetzt. Sollte sich die SPD noch einmal verweigern, warnt Seehofer nun, „wäre die Regierung am Ende“.

24.02.2018 - 09:57 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Nordkorea sagt Arbeitsgesprächen über Paralympische Spiele zu

Nordkorea hat eingewilligt, innerkoreanische Gespräche über eine Teilnahme an den Paralympischen Winterspielen im März in PyeongChang zu führen. Die Gespräche sollen am 27. Februar im Waffenstillstandsort Panmunjeom stattfinden.

24.02.2018 - 04:11 [ Daily Monitor ]

Stop sharing information with other security agencies, IGP Kayihura tells officers

Recently, Internal Security Organisation operatives arrested New Vision reporter Mr Charles Etukuri, who is a known friend of Gen Kayihura, over a story he published about the death of foreigners in Kampala city hotels.
The police were investigating whether ISO operatives were involved in the death of the foreigners.

24.02.2018 - 03:41 [ TASS ]

Voting of UN Security Council on resolution on ceasefire in Syria rescheduled for Saturday

The voting on the draft resolution was initially set for Friday, 19:00 Moscow time and later rescheduled for 22:30. The Security Council’s closed consultations continued into Saturday, 01:00 Moscow time, but the delegation has not reached consensus yet. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov earlier said that Russia is ready to coordinate the resolution on the ceasefire in Syria if it contains guarantees that all militants, chiefly those in Eastern Ghouta, will observer the ceasefire and stop the shelling of Damascus.

24.02.2018 - 02:55 [ Moon of Alabama ]

Syria – The Two East-Ghouta Campaigns – One Is For Liberation, The Other To Save Terrorists

The Syrian government and its allies decided to finally liberate east-Ghouta from the grip of the Takfiri terrorists. Some 25,000 government troops are assembling now and preparatory artillery fire and aerial bombing has begun. The Syrian air force dropped leaflets to point anyone who wants to leave the area to designated humanitarian crossing points.

The western propaganda is repeating its „save Aleppo“ campaign to save the terrorists in Ghouta. In the process the western aligned countries are making a joke (vid) out of the UN Security Council. There is no mention in this campaign of any Takfiri and no picture of any of the sectarian militants who daily kill random people in Damascus. This rings hollow writes Robert Fisk.

24.02.2018 - 02:22 [ Radio Utopie ]

Geh in Frieden!

Junge Leute wenden sich angeekelt von der Politik ab und greifen zur direkten Aktion, sie bekämpfen die Siedler und versuchen die arabische Bevölkerung zu schützen. Das sind wunderbare Menschen, wichtige Aktionen – aber vollkommen ohne Einfluss auf die Politik. Und leider entscheidet ja die Politik über unsere Zukunft.