A state of emergency imposed by Ethiopia after the prime minister resigned will last six months, the defence minister said on Saturday.
Daily Archives: 17. Februar 2018
Mexico’s interior minister survives deadly helicopter crash
Interior Minister Alfonso Navarrete told TV network Televisa that he and Oaxaca Governor Alejandro Murat were not seriously harmed in the accident that happened as the helicopter was attempting to land.
Zentralbank von Venezuela gibt neuen Wechselkurs bekannt, Bolívar abgewertet
Der zuständige Währungsauktionsausschuss kündigte für die folgende Auktion einen ermittelten Kurs von 24.996 Bolívares zu einem US-Dollar an. Das kommt einer Abwertung von 86,6 Prozent gegenüber dem letzten ermittelten Auktionskurs gleich bzw. von 99,9 Prozent gegenüber dem nun abgeschafften Präferenzwechselkurs.
Venezuela‘s Cryptocurrency Attracts Middle Eastern, US Investors
Maduro has also backed the new cryptocurrency with 5 billion of barrels of oil reserves, according to Bitcoin.com.
„This is going to allow us to move forward to new ways of international financing for the country‘s economic and social development,“ Maduro said.
Honduras: OAS Announce New Head for Anti-Corruption Body After Graft Allegations, Multiple Resignations
Jimenez said he had sent a complaint to the OAS, stating Dominguez no longer work for the mission and should not be on its payroll but he didn’t receive a reply.
Eric Olson, the director of the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Latin American program, told InSight Crime that “the Honduran government has felt uncomfortable about MACCIH from the start” and intentionally went to the OAS because they “thought they could ensure a weak mechanism.”
Einstellung von Sozialhilfe für Jugendliche mit Behinderung in Argentinien
Damit geht der neoliberale Umbau des argentinischen Staates unter Präsident Mauricio Macri unvermindert weiter. Die Regierung hatte bereits die Streichung von über 170.000 Pensionen angeordnet. Dies wurde wenige Monate später im November 2017 aber von der Justiz zurückgenommen, da es „die Rechte auf ein selbstständiges Leben, auf Gesundheit, Bildung und die Menschenwürde verletzt“. Nun unternimmt die Regierung einen weiteren Anlauf, Ausgaben für Sozialleistungen herunterzufahren.
Gericht bestätigt: Firmen für Klimafolgen haftbar
Das Oberlandesgericht Hamm hat im Verfahren des Kleinbauern Saúl Luciano Lliuya aus Peru gegen den deutschen Energiekonzern RWE eine „Gegenvorstellung“ des Unternehmens zurückgewiesen.
Socialism Core Value II by Howie Lee
Howie Lee Beijing, China
released February 16, 2018
Frieden statt Aufrüstung
Ein Bündnis von rund 100 Organisationen ruft unter dem Motto „Frieden statt Aufrüstung. Nein zum Krieg!“ für Samstag, 17. Februar, zum Protest auf. Die Auftaktkundgebung beginnt um 13 Uhr am Stachus/Karlsplatz. Bei der Schlusskundgebung auf dem Marienplatz spricht unter andrem Jürgen Grässlin.
Berghain OstGut GmbH – Umsatz und Mitarbeiter 2016
Quelle: Bürgel Wirtschaftsinformationen GmbH & Co. KG
Equity podcast: Uber’s losing billions, Amazon lays off hundreds and somehow Instacart gets more money
First up, we talked about Uber, which is losing lots of money in Asia and also from Uber Eats. It could be profitable if it wants to, says Uber’s chief, but it doesn’t want to because the company is investing in growth. Okay!
Can Uber Ever Deliver? Part Thirteen: Even After 4Q Cost Cuts, Uber Lost $4.5 Billion in 2017
Uber released new financial data this week, showing full year 2017 GAAP operating losses of $4.5 billion, and an operating margin of negative 61%.
Foreign Secretary hosted meeting on Yemen
(Published 28 November 2017)
Yemen is a human-made disaster…and the west fingerprints are all over it
The British Foreign Office held a meeting about Yemen, with the participation of the Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, U.K. U.S. and Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen will take part in the meeting. It is funny that Yemenis did not attend this meeting. Where most of those present have their hands stained with Yemenis blood.
CIA Defends Selective Disclosure to Reporters
(15.Februar) CIA argued that the court is wrong to think that limited, selective disclosures of classified information are prohibited or unauthorized by law. The National Security Act only requires protection of intelligence sources and methods from “unauthorized” disclosure, not from authorized disclosure. And because the disclosures at issue were actually intended to protect intelligence sources and methods, they were fully authorized, CIA said. “The CIA properly exercised its broad discretion to provide certain limited information to the three reporters.”
JROTC, Military Indoctrination and the Training of Mass Killers
Few in America have connected the dots between military indoctrination and firearms instruction on the one hand, and the propensity for training mass killers, whether their crimes are committed as enlisted soldiers in atrocities overseas or in American high schools.
Herbst9 vs Z´ev / Through Bleak Landscapes by Herbst9
Shortwave Transmission Leipzig, Germany
released May 6, 2016
The Training Of Dr. Robot: Data Wave Hits Medical Care
(14.Februar) “The implications of machine learning are profound,” Syed said. “Yet it also promises to be an unpredictable, disruptive force — likely to alter the way medical decisions are made and put some people out of work.
Geschäftsführende Imperialisten
Bettelei der Kader für Groko bei „S.P.D.“-Regionalkonferenzen. Luftblasen von Gabriel über „Europa“ bei „Sicherheitskonferenz“. Von der Leyen als N.A.T.O.-Generalsekretärin ins Spiel gebracht. Bundeswehr soll nach Türkei, Afghanistan und Kuwait nun im ganzen Irak und damit an einer weiteren Landgrenzen um den Iran in Stellung gebracht werden.
Politico veröffentlicht Plädoyer für Wiedereinführung der Sklaverei
Laut Wikipedia hat Politico in den USA 350 Mitarbeiter. Seit 2015 erscheint als Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit dem Axel Springer Verlag eine europäische Politico-Ausgabe. Bisher hat sich weder Mikrosoft noch die Universität Chicago zu dem unglaublichen Text geäußert. Von Konsequenzen für die Politico-Chefredaktion ist bisher nichts bekannt.
Back to Basics Part 3. Installing Third-Party Software in Linux Mint Cinnamon
Linux Mint 18.3 “Sylvia” is the latest iteration of the hugely popular distribution, featuring a few different desktop environments. I‘ve really grown to enjoy the Cinnamon environment, regardless of what distro I‘m using at the time, but obviously when using it within Linux Mint, you‘re getting the intended experience since Cinnamon was made for Mint.
That said, Cinnamon is the most popularly used environment, so this quick tutorial is based around that, but its pretty easily translatable to the other environments as well!
Shaping A Fragile Utopia from The Origin Of Sleep by Autumn Tears
Autumn Tears Billerica, Massachusetts
released February 1, 2018
Trumps Schatten über der NATO
„Es lässt sich wohl nicht bestreiten, dass der Kandidat Trump Dinge gesagt hat, die Stirnrunzeln verursacht haben,“ meinte ein europäischer Diplomat. „Langsam wird aber klar, dass das Engagement der USA für die NATO eher größer wurde, seit die Trump-Regierung komplett ist.“(…)
Die Allianz hat zwar beschlossen, ihre Präsenz in Osteuropa zu verstärken und will neue
Kommandos für die Logistik und die Seestreitkräfte einrichten, nach Townsends Meinung vermissen die NATO-Mitglieder aber vor allem einen für alle verbindlichen Mobilmachungsplan für den Ernstfall.
(5. Mai 2015)
Unity by Bruno Sanfilippo
„Unity“ erscheint am 16. Februar beim Moskauer Indie-Label Dronarivm, das Programm der russischen Spezialisten für Ambient-Musik und zeitgenössische Klassik um Firmen-Chef Dmitry Taldykin verdient gesteigertes Interesse der geneigten Hörerschaft, wie auch die kürzlich hier vorgestellte Kollaboration von Aaron Martin und Machinefabriek eindrucksvoll unterstrichen hat.
Pipeline protesters take frustrations to Hogan‘s doorstep
Also on Thursday, Maryland Secretary of the Environment Ben Grumbles submitted a letter to the Baltimore District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers acknowledging that „the public has raised some concerns about the impact of“ the Eastern Panhandle Expansion Project „on the environment and public health.“
His letter also instructed Corps of Engineers to halt its review of the application until the state‘s Department of the Environment concludes its review.
New National Academy of Sciences Report on Encryption Asks the Wrong Questions
Furthermore, the simple act of mandating that providers break encryption in their products is itself a significant civil liberties concern, totally apart from privacy and security implications that would result. Specifically, EFF raised concerns that encryption does not just support free expression, it is free expression. Notably absent is any examination of the rights of developers of cryptographic software, particularly given the role played by free and open source software in the encryption ecosystem. It ignores the legal landscape in the United States—one that strongly protects the principle that code (including encryption) is speech, protected by the First Amendment.
„FREE from Chains!“: Eskinder Nega is Released from Jail
Eskinder has been detained in Ethiopian jails since September 2011. He was accused and convicted of violating the country‘s Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, primarily by virtue of his warnings in online articles that if Ethiopia‘s government continued on its authoritarian path, it might face an Arab Spring-like revolt.
Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Systems Threatens Civil Liberties, Disproportionately Affects People of Color: EFF Report
Face recognition—fast becoming law enforcement’s surveillance tool of choice—is being implemented with little oversight or privacy protections, leading to faulty systems that will disproportionately impact people of color and may implicate innocent people for crimes they didn’t commit, says an Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) report released today.
Face recognition is rapidly creeping into modern life, and face recognition systems will one day be capable of capturing the faces of people, often without their knowledge, walking down the street, entering stores, standing in line at the airport, attending sporting events, driving their cars, and utilizing public spaces. Researchers at the Georgetown Law School estimated that one in every two American adults—117 million people—are already in law enforcement face recognition systems.
Flakturm-Kunstwerk: Öffentlicher Aufschrei und eine Alternative
Wien – „Stopp der Kunstvernichtung“, titelte Eva Blimlinger dieser Tage einen offenen Brief, adressiert etwa an den „Herrn Bürgermeister“, die Vizebürgermeisterin und den Herrn Landeskonservator. Mit „verärgertem Erstaunen“ habe die Rektorin der Akademie der bildenden Künste festgestellt, „dass die Stadt Wien der Zerstörung von Kunst im öffentlichen Raum“ zustimme. Nämlich „durch die Bewilligung eines massiven Ausbaues des Flakturms, in dem sich das Haus des Meeres befindet“. Denn die Wortskulptur des US-amerikanischen Konzeptkünstlers Lawrence Weiner wird, wie Falter und STANDARD berichteten, diesem Ausbau zum Opfer fallen.
Äthiopien verhängt wegen Unruhen erneut Ausnahmezustand
Die Regierung in Äthiopien hat erneut den Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen. Dieser gelte ab sofort, berichtete der Fernsehsender EBC am Freitag unter Berufung auf eine Mitteilung der Regierung. Die Maßnahme sei „notwendig, um das Verfassungssystem zu schützen“, hieß es.
Über die Dauer des Ausnahmezustands wurden keine Angaben gemacht. Erst im August hatte in dem ostafrikanischen Land ein zehnmonatiger Ausnahmezustand geendet.
Ethiopia declares state of emergency
Ethiopia announced a state of emergency on Friday after Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn on Thursday announced his intention to step down amid a political crisis in the Horn of Africa country.
The ruling EPRDF coalition‘s council met on Friday and decided to impose emergency rule, the state-run Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation said. The announcement did not say how long the rule would be in place.
The council „came to the conclusion that imposing emergency rule would be vital to safeguarding the constitutional order of our country“, it said. Further details are expected to be given by the defense minister on Saturday morning.
5Pointz in New York – Millionen für zerstörte Graffiti
Graffiti sind Kunst, sagt ein New Yorker Gericht. Eine Gruppe von Graffiti-Künstlern bekommt nun Schadenersatz in Millionenhöhe, weil ihre Werke zerstört wurden.
How 21 artists graffitied one man’s property, made it famous, sued him when he knocked it down and won $6.7m
It’s an extraordinary tale with a whiff of Banksy about it, although surprisingly, he was not involved. In a landmark ruling, 21 New York street artists have sued and won US$6.7m in damages from the owner of a building who destroyed their graffiti when he had the building demolished.
Fifteen years ago today, two million people marched against the disastrous and illegal Iraq war. We warned that the war would create catastrophe in the region and make us less safe at home but the establishment didn‘t listen.
(15.2.18) This must never happen again.
Fifteen years after Iraq war protests, peace is further away than ever
Jeremy Corbyn’s warnings on Iraq, Libya and Syria have proved terrifyingly right.
U.S. veterans affairs official to retire after report on travel
The report, released on Wednesday, said Shulkin improperly accepted tickets to the Wimbledon tennis tournament during a government trip to Europe last summer and that his chief of staff made false statements and altered an email so the government would pay travel expenses for Shulkin’s wife.
NATO Accepts US Call for Bigger Training Operation in Iraq
The Pentagon has been pretty clear that US ground troops in Iraq aren’t going anywhere, with the deployment more or less permanent. Apparently, they’d just as soon have company, and have convinced NATO to come along.
U.S. and Coalition Aid to Iraq Is Ungenerous and Self-Interested
The US “aid” offered by Tillerson is a financial package from the U.S. Export-Import Bank in the amount of $3 billion in loans, loan guarantees, and insurance funds to American firms investing in Iraq.
David Petraeus: A Gold Medal Winner in Spin
I’m not dissing Petraeus here. He himself admitted his “gains” in Iraq as well as Afghanistan were both “fragile and reversible.” And so they proved. The U.S. fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and lost thousands of troops and trillions of dollars for gains that truly were ephemeral. Despite this disastrous and tragic reality, Petraeus remains the sage on the stage, the go-to guy for analysis of our never-ending wars on PBS, Fox News, and elsewhere.
David Petraeus: Goldmedaille in Schönreden
Sicher, Petraeus hat noch keine Kriege gewonnen. Aber er hat sich eine Goldmedaille in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit verdient. In Schönreden. Im Jahr 2007 drehte er die Truppenaufstockung als großen US-Sieg im Irak hin. (Die temporäre Stabilität, die zu einem so hohen Preis gekauft wurde, erwies sich in der Tat als zerbrechlich und reversibel.) Eine spätere Aufstockung in Afghanistan ließ sich nicht so gut präsentieren, aber auf merkwürdige Weise schaffte es seine ehebrecherische Affäre, ein persönliches Versagen, sein militärisches zu übertünchen.
Powerful 7.2 quake rocks buildings in Mexico, minor damage reported
The epicenter was about 90 miles (145 km) from Pacific coast surfer resort Puerto Escondido in the southern state of Oaxaca and had a depth of 15.3 miles (24.6 km), according to the U.S. Geological Survey.