The RSSMF‘s role has grown rapidly since Saudi Arabia and other Arab States of the Persian Gulf announced in 2009 an initiative to obtain nuclear weapons as a countermeasure to the Iranian nuclear program. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, a former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington, both mentioned the Persian Gulf states could acquire their own nuclear weapons as a countermeasure to Iran‘s.
Daily Archives: 4. November 2017
Saudi-Arabien fängt Rakete aus dem Jemen ab
Ein saudi-arabisch geführtes Militärbündnis unterstützt die international anerkannte Regierung des Jemen und bombardiert seit zweieinhalb Jahren Stellungen der Huthi-Rebellen aus der Luft. Riad wirft den Rebellen vor, von seinem Erzfeind Iran unterstützt zu werden.
Iran blames Hariri resignation on Trump, Saudi prince
Tehran says Washington and Riyadh are trying to foment tension in region, rejects Lebanese PM‘s denunciation of its grip on his country
Saudi Official Says He Has Confirmed Plot to Kill Hariri
Saudi Arabia‘s Gulf affairs minister said Saturday that he had „confirmed information“ about a plot to kill Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri from the leader‘s personal security detail.
Thamer al-Sabhan told Future, an Arabic television station owned by Hariri, that the Lebanese leader was in Riyadh.
Libanon: Ministerpräsident Hariri tritt zurück
Saad Hariri will sein Regierungsamt nicht mehr ausüben. Grund: Das politische Klima im Land sei ähnlich wie vor der Ermordung seines Vaters. Er habe Angst um sein Leben.
Who gets to have nuclear weapons, and why?
It is complicated.
President Obama and the Saudi Allies: It’s Complicated
(21.4.2016) “It’s complicated.” That’s the way President Barack Obama is said to have recently described the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia.
Rosatom ready to bid in KSA nuclear plant tender
„Rosatom has expressed its interest and sent its initial proposals to the Saudi Arabia nuclear authorities. We are looking forward to the tender and are ready to take part in such a great project.“ said a Rosatom spokesman.
Saudi Arabia is planning to build 17.6 gigawatts (GW) of nuclear capacity by 2032, the equivalent of about 17 reactors, making its way to have one of the biggest prospects for an industry struggling after the 2011 nuclear catastrophe in Japan.
Would very much appreciate Saudi Arabia doing their IPO of Aramco with the New York Stock Exchange. Important to the United States!
Is This The Cure To Saudi Arabia’s Oil Curse?
Saudi Arabia plans to start issuing tourist visas soon in a bid to boost its tourism and diversify its economy that is heavily dependent on oil revenues.
“Tourist visas will be introduced soon,” The Times quoted Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the head of the Saudi tourism authority, as saying.
US pushes Saudi-Iraqi alliance to stem Iranian expansion
The Iraq-Saudi alliance is meant to anchor what may be a broader involvement of Saudi Arabia, not only in Iraq but also in eastern Syria.
How U.S.-Saudi Marriage Gave Birth to Jihad
They include Afghanistan, where American- and Saudi-armed jihadis drove out the Soviets in the 1980s. They also include Bosnia, where the two countries reportedly teamed up in the mid-1990s to smuggle hundreds of millions of dollars worth of arms into Alija Izetbegović’s Islamic republic, today a stronghold of Wahhabist Salafism. Other notable examples: Kosovo, where the United States joined forces with “Afghan Arabs” and other Saudi-backed jihadis in support of the secessionist movement of Hashim Thaçi; Chechnya, where leading neocons such as Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Midge Decter, Frank Gaffney, Michael Ledeen, and R. James Woolsey championed Saudi-backed Islamist rebels; Libya, where Hillary Clinton personally recruited Qatar to join the effort against Muammar Qaddafi and then said nothing as the Wahhabist kingdom funneled some $400 million to rebel groups, many of them Islamists who proceeded to turn the country upside down; and of course Syria, where Sunni head-choppers backed by the Saudis and other oil monarchies have turned the country into a charnel house.
Empörung in Polen über Talk-Show-Äußerung von der Leyens
Deutsche Verteidigungsministerin lobte „gesunden demokratischen Widerstand der jungen Generation in Polen“ gegen die Regierungspolitik
Greece’s Working Poor: “My salary is just enough to buy food”
Reforms with serious side effects. A new society class has emerged in Greece of the economic crisis: the Working Poor. Skilled women and men, mostly university graduates, who work their way through with bad paid jobs.
Fun With Music by a.P.A.t.T.
A restless, relentless take on 21st century music and performance involving deconstruction, reconstruction and evolving values. Redefining notions of failure and success…
a.P.A.t.T. Liverpool
released March 14, 2016
Dromology by Inner Ear Brigade
Inner Ear Brigade Oakland, California
released October 1, 2017
Die Zeit ist rund by Rodach
Eight years after his last album Seltsam erscheint unsere Lage [Our Situation Seems Strange], Michael Rodach is now releasing his sixth solo album with a title just as poetic. A picture that shimmers, that tells of rising up and rounding off, of departure and completion. On the one hand time seems to be a well-rounded matter that lacks nothing and where nothing is missed, but on the other hand also seems cyclic in the sense that it always lets us return to the beginning…
Rodach Berlin, Germany
released August 11, 2017
President Aoun learns of government resignation by phone
„President Aoun received a telephone call from Prime Minister Saad Hariri, currently outside Lebanon, informing him of the resignation of his government,“ the statement said.
War and the Party
As with its allegiance to trade agreements that benefit large corporations at the expense of American workers, the top of the party remains woefully out of touch with voters who do not share elite enthusiasm for endless war. Much as the national Democratic Party has ceded economic “populism” to Donald Trump and certain right-wing elements, Democratic leadership has largely ceded the anti-interventionist terrain to some elements of the GOP — as well as to the Libertarian and Green parties, whose antiwar presidential candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein received 4.33 percent of the popular vote between them in 2016, nearly 6 million votes.
The most influential think tanks and media outlets routinely treat adherence to military-industrial-complex orthodoxy as a prerequisite for acceptable candidates. But many voters have other ideas. If anything should be learned from the 2016 presidential election, it is that the inside-the-Beltway conventional wisdom holds much more sway with Democratic Party elites than it does with the electorate.
While abdicating responsibility in profound moral dimensions, the Democratic Party leadership has continued to sidestep the immediate, cumulative and long-term negative effects of perpetual war. Overwhelmingly, national party leaders have remained tethered to conventional wisdom that keeps this country engaged in a self-propagating “war on terror” on several continents. Top-ranking congressional Democrats have rarely responded to Republican militarism with a message other than “us too,” or “us too, even more so.” This party-line reflex prevents the Democratic Party from appealing to the anti-interventionist sentiments of large numbers of Americans who question policies of continuous war.
Reform the Democratic National Committee
The DNC’s approach of casting out those who haven’t fallen in line with the establishment and are demanding real reform, is destined for failure. While we await the final recommendations of the DNC’s Unity Reform Commission, we must make sure our voices are heard now, so they know that we will fight for a new path forward that is more inclusive and strengthens our democracy. Will you sign our petition demanding the DNC establish accountability measures in their decision-making processes, eliminate undemocratic superdelegates, and ensure open or same day registration primaries to ensure we return to a party structure that serves the people?
The #DNC must be reformed: open primaries, same-day registration, & no superdelegates. Sign our petition for change:
Sanders campaign document reveals fundraising relationship with DNC
Former Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver told ABC News Friday night that the campaign entered the agreement with the party in November 2015 to facilitate the campaign’s access to the party’s voter rolls. Weaver claims the DNC offered to credit any fundraising the senator did for the party against the costs of access to the party’s data costs, priced at $250,000. But, Weaver continued, the party did not follow up about fundraising appearances for the independent senator.
US-Wahl 2016: US-Senatorin Warren nennt Vorwahl der Demokraten manipuliert
In der Vorwahl der US-Demokraten hat Hillary Clinton gegen Bernie Sanders gewonnen. Laut der Senatorin Elizabeth Warren war die Wahl zugunsten von Clinton manipuliert.
Südkorea und Kuba feiern zehn Jahre der Energiekooperation
Laut der südkoreanischen Botschaft in Mexiko fand am 31. Oktober in Kuba eine Feier aus diesem Anlass statt. Anwesend waren unter anderem Vertreter der kubanischen Elektrizitätsbehörde und des Unternehmens Hyundai Heavy Industries.
Das koreanische Unternehmen versorgte seit 2007 Kuba mit 464 kleinen Dieselgeneratoren, diese erzeugen 888 Megawatt Strom, ein Drittel des täglichen Stromverbrauchs in dem Land.
A month on, U.S., Niger still disagree on what happened on fatal mission
The Pentagon says it has not settled on any final version of events.
Through interviews in Niger’s capital Niamey and Washington, Reuters has tried to piece together the events of Oct. 3 to Oct. 6, when the last U.S. soldier’s body was recovered.
Accounts by Nigerien and American officials differ over the mission’s objectives, and whether and how they may have changed.
Transkript: Pressekonferenz von Peter Pilz (04.11.2017)
Bis ins Frühjahr 2016 hinein habe ich immer wieder E-Mails an die Grüne Klubleitung geschrieben und habe gesagt: Ich möchte endlich über die Vorwürfe gegen mich informiert werden. Wenn jetzt, gestern, online in der Presse gestanden ist, ich hätte jemals gesagt – ich habe jetzt den Satz nicht auswendig… Irgendwas: ‚Schatzi pack dein Höschen ein, wir fahren auf Urlaub.‘ Dann habe ich gestern zum ersten Mal davon gehört.
Ich kenne das nicht. Ich kenne das alles nicht. Ich konnte mich bis jetzt nirgends zur Wehr setzen, weil ich nicht einmal über die Vorwürfe umfassend informiert worden bin.
Frankreich: Scharfes Anti-Terror-Paket ersetzt Ausnahmezustand
Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron hat vergangenen Montag ein umstrittenes Anti-Terror-Gesetz unterzeichnet, das Behörden weitreichende Befugnisse einräumt. Das Gesetz überführt bedeutende Teile des nun auslaufenden Ausnahmezustands in nationales Recht. Menschenrechtsexperten zeigen sich besorgt.
Übrigens: warum ich nicht immer, aber immer öfter „DIE Republik“ statt „diese Republik“ schreibe: bleibt ja bald keene andere mehr übrig!
Nee, mal ehrlich.. wenn ich ein Cafe aufmache bin ich auch dafür verantwortlich was die Leute da alles erzählen! Ja! Alle verklagen! #SESTA
Google Will Survive SESTA. Your Startup Might Not.
(22.9.2017) Blumenthal is one of 30 cosponsors—and one of the loudest champions—of SESTA, a bill that would threaten online speech by forcing web platforms to police their members’ messages more stringently than ever before. Normally, SESTA’s proponents vastly understate the impact that the bill would have on online communities. But in that unusual moment of candor, Sen. Blumenthal seemed to lay bare his opinions about Internet startups—he thinks of them as unimportant outliers and would prefer that the new law put them out of business.
Aber nur für den gemeinen Pöbel, natürlich. #SESTA
Also ich bin dafür wir verbieten jetzt mal das Telefonieren.Wird ja eh nur Schweinkram erzählt den ganzen Tag.#SESTA
Under Pressure, Tech Companies Back Anti-Sex-Trafficking Bill
Under pressure from lawmakers, a trade group representing major tech companies has reversed its position and agreed to support a bill aimed at curbing online sex trafficking. Google and others initially fought the bill because it proposed changes to a landmark law that shields internet companies from liability for content posted by others on their websites.
In a statement released Friday afternoon, the Internet Association, whose members include Google and Facebook, said it will support the Stop Enabling Sex Trafficking Act (SESTA), a Senate bill with bipartisan support. The Internet Association opposed the bill earlier because it proposed changes to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the liability shield that allowed online platforms to flourish without the threat of being sued for content on their platforms.
Sex Trafficking Experts Say SESTA Is the Wrong Solution
(3.10.2017) As Congress considers passing an Internet censorship bill in the name of fighting sex trafficking, groups that work closely with trafficking victims have been warning Congress that the bill could put trafficking victims in even more danger.
Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act
SESTA has received bipartisan support from U.S. senators, the Internet Association, as well as companies such as 21st Century Fox and Oracle, who supported the bill‘s goal to encourage proactive action against illegal sex trafficking.
This page was last edited on 4 November 2017, at 00:28.
Internet Association Sells Out The Internet: Caves In And Will Now Support Revised SESTA
Take Tinder. The incredibly popular dating app is almost certainly used by some sex traffickers to traffic people against their will. Here‘s an article from three years ago talking about sex trafficking on Tinder. Boom. Now Tinder has „knowledge“ that its platform is „assisting, supporting, or facilitating“ sex trafficking. It may now be both civilly and criminally liable. So, you tell me, what should Tinder do to get rid of this liability? I‘ll wait. And if you think no one will bother to sue Tinder over something like this, need I remind you of the many lawsuits we‘ve been writing about in which people are suing every social media platform because vaguely defined „terrorists“ use the platform?
Trump bricht nach Asien auf
Auf seinem Weg nach Asien wird der US-Bundesstaat Hawaii im Pazifik Zwischenstation sein. Trump wird dort am Freitagabend erwartet. Anderntags besucht er dort unter anderem Pearl Harbor, das im Zweiten Weltkrieg von Japan angegriffen worden war.
US-Atomwaffen in Deutschland: Jamaika und die Bomben
Auf dem Bundeswehr-Fliegerhorst Büchel stehen rund 20 amerikanische Atombomben bereit – für einen kaum denkbaren Ernstfall. Dann sollen „Tornado“-Jets der Luftwaffe die US-Bomben über dem Gegner abwerfen.
„Nukleare Teilhabe“ nennt sich dieses Prinzip. Dabei stellt Deutschland mit den Kampfflugzeugen die sogenannten Trägersysteme, die Bomben bleiben aber unter Kontrolle des US-Präsidenten.
Atomwaffen made in Germany
Die nukleare Interkontinentalrakete für die französische Marine wird in Augsburg gebaut.
Dianne Feinstein Wants Twitter To Just Hand Her A Bunch Of Private Communications
I‘m not sure who Dianne Feinstein thinks she is, but she‘s going after Twitter users‘ private communications.
Don‘t Cheer For The Twitter Employee Who Deleted Donald Trump‘s Account
The larger question, honestly, is how the hell a customer service rep, especially one who wasn‘t even a full time employee, but a contractor — on his or her last day — had the power to simply delete the President‘s twitter account.
24% Italians trust Bank of Italy
16% trust Italian banking system
Parteien streiten wegen Untersuchungen gegen den Geheimdienst
Die konservative Freiheitspartei Koreas, die zuvor an der Macht war, forderte, die Ermittlungen nicht allein auf die Zeit der Regierungen von Lee Myung-bak und Park Geun-hye zu beschränken. Auch das Gebaren des Geheimdienstes zur Zeit der liberalen Regierungen von Kim Dae-jung und Roh Moo-hyun müsse untersucht werden.
Neue Sex-Vorwürfe: Peter Pilz tritt zurück!
Der Samstagfrüh vom „Falter“ kolportierte Übergriff soll sich vor vier Jahren im Rahmen des Europäischen Forum Alpbach in Tirol ereignet haben. Pilz soll dort eine junge Frau begrapscht haben. Er habe sich ihr betrunken genähert, so die Frau. „Seine Hände waren überall! Zuerst umklammerte er meinen Arm, mit der anderen Hand war er an meinem Hals und dann an meinem Busen und Rücken. Auch sein Gesicht war viel zu nahe an mir. Das ging alles ziemlich schnell“, zitiert die Wochenzeitung die Mitarbeiterin der Europäischen Volkspartei.
Parteien: Seehofer zuversichtlich für entscheidende Sondierungsphase
Ziel des geplanten Treffens der Chef-Verhandler von Union, FDP und Grünen am Montag sei, dass man eine Liste mit den besonders wichtigen Punkten haben werde, sagte Seehofer vor gemeinsamen Beratungen von CDU und CSU in Berlin.
Privatisierung: Chinesen auf Schnäppchenjagd in Griechenland
(16.7.2013) Es ist das, was man einen „großen Bahnhof“ nennt. Alle sind sie gekommen, um zusammen mit den chinesischen Freunden einen weiteren Fortschritt auf dem europäischen Kontinent zu feiern. Der griechische Ministerpräsident Antonis Samaras ist da und auch Cosco-Präsident Wei Jiafu samt Delegation. Zusammen wollen sie ein weiteres Kapitel in einer griechisch-chinesischen Erfolgsgeschichte öffnen:
China ‚set to invest billions in debt-stricken Greece‘
(15.10.2010) Chinese Vice-Premier Zhang Dejiang visits the debt-laden country on Tuesday and will reportedly commit to investment in maritime affairs, telecoms and the renovation of a landmark tower building in Athens‘ port of Piraeus, the Financial Times said, citing an unnamed Greek government official.
Greece, China sign several deals promoting economic cooperation
The plan was sealed in May this year in Beijing during the visit of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
Following the inaugural meeting in Beijing of the working groups established for the materialization of this framework, a Chinese delegation led by National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) vice head Ning Jizhe visited the Greek capital for the second meeting in order to advance collaboration.
Mitte-Rechts Bündnis zwischen Forza Italia, Lega und Fratelli d‘Italia: Berlusconi und Salvini flirten mit Koalition
Mit einer starken Mitte-Rechts-Allianz erhoffen sich die drei Parteien, sich auch in südlicheren Regionen gegen die vielerorts favorisierten Kandidaten der Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung durchsetzen zu können. Ein wesentlicher Punkt sei allerdings nach wie vor nicht geklärt, nämlich wer für das Bündnis die Kandidatur des Ministerpräsidenten übernehmen soll.
Salvini-Meloni pact sealed-Berlusconi
Forza Italia (FI) leader and ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi said that a pact for a centre-right alliance for next year‘s general election has been reached after dining with Northern League leader Matteo Salvini and Brothers of Italy (FdI) head Giorgia Meloni in Catania on Thursday. „We were already in agreement,“ Berlusconi said.