Daily Archives: 11. Oktober 2017

11.10.2017 - 18:48 [ Zeit.de ]

Anschlag in Berlin: Ermittler sollen Fingerabdrücke von Amri gefunden haben

(22.12.2016) Das Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) stützt sich bei seinen Ermittlungen gegen den mutmaßlichen Attentäter des Anschlags auf den Berliner Weihnachtsmarkt inzwischen auch auf Fingerabdrücke des Verdächtigen. Nach einem Bericht von Süddeutscher Zeitung, WDR und NDR befanden sich an der Fahrertür des Lastwagen Spuren des verdächtigen Anis Amri, nach dem inzwischen europaweit öffentlich gefahndet wird. Wie die Berliner Zeitung berichtet, sollen seine Fingerabdrücke auch am Lenkrad des Lastwagen sichergestellt worden sein.

11.10.2017 - 18:40 [ VG.no ]

VG exposed the largest child sexual abuse forum. It was run by the police.

Both men stiffen as VG confronts them.

– Go ahead and publish what you know about us now, if you think it’s true, but be prepared for the consequences, says Jon.

Next to him in a Brisbane hamburger pub sits Paul.

VG has just told them what we’ve uncovered: that they run the world’s largest online forum for child sexual exploitation, “Childs Play”.

Jon, the Australian, turns pale. Paul, who is British, flushes crimson.

11.10.2017 - 18:34 [ New York Times ]

Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Others Say Weinstein Harassed Them

He told her they were contracts for his next three films, according to Ms. Dunning. But she could only sign them on a condition: She would have to have three-way sex with him.

Ms. Dunning said that she laughed, assuming he was joking, and that Mr. Weinstein grew angry.

“You’ll never make it in this business,” she said he told her. “This is how the business works.”

Ms. Dunning fled, she said, and when the assistant called her the next day, she hung up. She told her father, Rick Dunning, of the episode within a few months, he said in an interview.

“I was like: Maybe this is how the business works,” she said.

11.10.2017 - 18:32 [ Spiegel.de ]

Australiens Polizei betrieb riesige Kinderporno-Plattform

Die Polizisten begannen, sich als WarHead auszugeben und luden auch Missbrauchsfotos hoch, eine ethische und juristische Gratwanderung. Heimlich sammelten die Ermittler Informationen über Nutzer, bis die Seite 2017 offline genommen wurde. „VG“ hielt seinen Bericht zurück, um die Ermittlungen nicht zu gefährden und erhielt im Gegenzug Einblick in die Ermittlungen.

11.10.2017 - 18:28 [ Rudaw ]

Baghdad plans to reopen oil pipeline to Turkey, bypassing Kurdistan

Yildiz told Luaibi that Turkey would limit its oil business to the Iraqi government and that the Turkish petroleum company TPAO would soon resume activities at Mansuriya gas field in Diyala province. Iraq is also in the final stages of talks with Exxon Mobil about development projects in southern Iraq, the ministry stated on Monday.

11.10.2017 - 18:15 [ Press TV ]

Iraqi court issues arrest warrants for Kurdish independence vote organizers

Supreme Judicial Council spokesman Abdel Sattar Bayraqdar told AFP on Wednesday that the warrants had been issued for Hendren Mohammed Saleh, Yari Hajji Omar and Wahida Yofo Hermez. The court ruled that the three “organized the referendum in contravention of a ruling by the Iraqi supreme court,” which had found the vote unconstitutional and ordered it called off.

11.10.2017 - 15:10 [ Jenapolis ]

Demonstration am 13. Oktober für mehr Inseln in Jena

Auf dem Grundstück der Insel soll ein 15-geschossiger Bau für die Psychologie entstehen. Die „Insel“ führte seit 2011 viele Gespräche mit Verwaltung, Fraktionen, stellte Anträge im Stadtrat, organisierte mehrere Demonstrationen und bekam von der Stadt jahrelang nur beschwichtigende und unkonkrete Aussagen.

11.10.2017 - 13:11 [ Verwaltungsgericht Kassel ]

Verfassungsschutz muss gespeicherte Daten nicht löschen

Dies sei hier aufgrund einer hinreichend dokumentierten Einbindung der Klägerin in linksextremistische Kreise und der Betätigung innerhalb dieser Szene der Fall, wobei es unerheblich sei, ob und inwieweit sich die Klägerin mit den Zielen der jeweiligen Veranstalter identifiziere oder ob sie die Veranstaltungen lediglich als Plattform habe nutzen wollen. Hierbei sei beispielhaft eine Demonstration am 28.01.2012 in Frankfurt am Main unter dem Motto „Staatliche Unterstützung für Nazis beenden 1 Verfassungsschutz auflösen“ zu nennen, zu der unter anderem 12 linksextremistische bzw. linksextremistisch beeinflusste Organisationen aufgerufen hätten. Diese Organisationen habe die Klägerin durch das Halten ihrer Rede zum Thema „40 Jahre Berufsverbote in der BRD“ nachhaltig unterstützt.

11.10.2017 - 13:05 [ Junge Welt ]

Verwaltungsgericht Kassel folgt Inlandsgeheimdienst: Antifaschistische Lehrerin darf weiterhin überwacht werden

Darin finden sich auch weitere bemerkenswerte Sichtweisen der Richter. So werden darin nicht nur Personenkreise unter »Linksextremismusverdacht« gestellt, die angeblich die »parlamentarische Demokratie« ablehnten, sondern auch jene, die den Kapitalismus ablehnten. Letzterer genießt jedoch nicht einmal in der Bundesrepublik Verfassungsrang.

11.10.2017 - 13:04 [ Junge Welt ]

Verfassung verteidigen

Um Premierminister Shinzo Abe, seine rechtskonservativen »Liberaldemokraten« (LDP) und deren buddhistischen Koalitionspartner Komeito aus dem Amt zu jagen, hat sich die JCP mit zwei weiteren Oppositionsparteien zusammengetan. Am 7. Oktober waren Vertreter der Kommunisten, der Sozialdemokraten (SDP) und der linksliberalen Konstitutionellen Demokratischen Partei (CDP) vor die Presse getreten, um die Gründung eines neuen Bündnisses zu verkünden. Ebenfalls beteiligt waren Repräsentanten der »Bürgerallianz für Frieden und Konstitutionalismus«, in der sich unter anderem ehemalige Aktivisten der Antikriegsbewegung SEALDs (Studentische Notfallaktion für liberale Demokratie) und Gruppen wie die »Mütter gegen den Krieg« zusammengefunden haben.

11.10.2017 - 12:29 [ Palestine News & Info Agency ]

Positive atmosphere in first round of Fatah-Hamas talks in Cairo

It said the talks were held “out of a sense of national responsibility and in response to the aspirations of the Palestinian people looking for an end to the division, achieve national unity and strengthen the steadfastness of our people.”

The meeting discussed “in depth” a number of issues related to the reconciliation “with the purpose of ending the suffering of the Palestinian people and easing the living conditions in the Gaza Strip,” said the statement.

The participants thanked Egypt for its role in bringing the parties together to the reconciliation table and for sponsoring the talks.

11.10.2017 - 12:01 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Wants to Destroy Even More

(1.10.2017) Netanyahu’s remark is evidence of the spirit of populism wafting through the Prime Minister’s Office. Not only was the comment substantively ridiculous – Israel can only dream of being like the strong economies of Germany, Norway or Switzerland – but it also insults Israel’s closest friends for no reason. But what are international relations compared to the petty political desire of government ministers, first and foremost the prime minister, to appoint their associates as senior officials in government ministries?

11.10.2017 - 11:54 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Women Wage Peace, but who knew?

If tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis joined forces and set off on a two-week march for peace through the Biblical deserts you’d think that it would be headline news, wouldn’t you? Think again. That is exactly what happened over the past couple of weeks when 30,000 women from both sides of the divide came together, but the landmark initiative was ignored by the Western media. In the Middle East itself, the event was treated with all the attention afforded to a weekly sewing circle; it was invisible.

11.10.2017 - 11:53 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Catalan independence advocate looks to Israel, Germany for funding

(24.11.2014) Without initial membership in the European Union, an independent Catalan state could not appeal to the Central Bank of Europe to finance its debts, said Vidal, a member of a pro-Catalan independence expert group.

„But there is a solution for this,“ Vidal said in the interview adding that „another state with solvency, basically speaking of Israel and Germany, will serve as our temporary bank.“

11.10.2017 - 11:52 [ Washington Post ]

The Latest: Germany will not recognize independent Catalonia

(11.10.2017) A spokeswoman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel says a declaration of independence by Catalonia “would be illegal and would not receive any recognition” from Germany.

Spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer, when asked if Germany would help negotiate between Spain and Catalonia, also told reporters in Berlin on Wednesday the German government considers Catalonia’s independence efforts an internal issue for Spain and Germany would not get involved.

11.10.2017 - 11:30 [ Information Clearing House ]

Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? Part 1

Published: 12/12/01 FOX News. Part 1 of a 4 part series: Part 2- Part 3 – Part 4
These items have since been removed from the FOX News web site:

Carl Cameron Investigates Part 1 – Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.?

Author: Carl Cameron

Part I:
BRIT HUME, HOST: It has been more than 16 years since a civilian working for the Navy was charged with passing secrets to Israel. Jonathan Pollard pled guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage and is serving a life sentence. At first, Israeli leaders claimed Pollard was part of a rogue operation, but later took responsibility for his work.

Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have known things they didn‘t tell us before September 11. Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron has details in the first of a four-part series.


CARL CAMERON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Since September 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new patriot anti-terrorism law, or for immigration violations. A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.

There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9-11 attacks, but investigators suspect that they Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are „tie-ins.“ But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, „evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It‘s classified information.“

11.10.2017 - 11:27 [ msforliberty / Youtube ]

Fox News Report: Israel Spying on the US Before 9/11 – Part 1 of 4

Soon after 9/11 Fox News showed a 4 part series about recent arrests of nearly 100 spies. The spies were part of an Israeli espionage ring spying in and on the US. Investigators in the US have reason to believe the Israeli spies had information about the 9/11 attacks before it happened, but didn‘t pass details on to US officials. After the show aired, the Israeli embassy in Washington immediately responded by stating that it did not contain „anything true.“

11.10.2017 - 10:33 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Macht in der Mitte

Guérots Konzept hat Vorläufer, die zum einen von geheimdienstlichen Milieus der Nachkriegszeit, zum anderen von interessierten Wirtschaftskreisen gefördert wurden, dabei aber, jeweils unter dem Deckmantel einer angeblichen regionalen Demokratie, gänzlich anderen Interessen dienten. Guérot selbst nennt als Vorbild „die europäischen Föderalisten“, insbesondere den Schweizer Denis de Rougemont. Die „europäischen Föderalisten“ zielten seit Mitte der 1940er Jahre auf die Gründung der „Vereinigten Staaten von Europa“ als eines einheitlichen Wirtschaftsgebiets ab – als Bollwerk gegen die sich herausbildende sozialistische Staatenwelt sowie in Abwehr gegenüber den damals auch in Westeuropa populären Ideen, die auf eine Abkehr von der bisherigen Wirtschaftsweise zielten.

11.10.2017 - 04:03 [ Bandcamp ]

Foreign Buyers Club by Klasey Jones

The latest name to emerge from the camp, Klasey Jones, has been bubbling under for the past year, with his tracks earning heavy rotation on Plastician’s Rinse FM show in particular — itself often a valuable resource for those seeking a link between grime, drill and instrumental, cloud-wave rap.
released January 23, 2017

11.10.2017 - 02:02 [ youtube ]

Phil Tomsett ‚Procession‘

Taken Apart is a document of the city and the human psyche and 21st century social politics. It incorporates sequences of concrete sound collages and reportage-like location recordings set against layers of string, synth and choir. The follow up to 2015’s Broken Memory Machine, Taken Apart shares many of it’s predecessors traits. However, the reflective romanticism is gone – if Broken Memory Machine told a story from the past, Taken Apart unfolds right here in the wide eyed present, with the listener at the white hot centre of it all.