The idea behind this is a bit spooky. It‘s a system that‘s supposed to reveal how hard a mental task is, which makes it kind of like a passive IQ test. One imagines it being used in technical job interviews or even to measure job performance. Did I think too hard about this study? Maybe it‘s time to find a science journalist with a cooler brain.
Daily Archives: 20. September 2017
Wir machen Suchmaschinensoftware … für dezentrale Suche im Internet und lokale Suchportale im Intranet
Die Besonderheit von YaCy ist aber, dass es sich mit den anderen Benutzern, die ebenfalls eine YaCy Suchmaschine betreiben, verbinden kann. So entsteht ein vollständig dezentrales Peer-to-Peer Suchmaschinennetz welches mit der Anzahl der Nutzer skaliert. Diese, von der Gemeinschaft der Nutzer betriebene Suchmaschine ist nicht zensierbar und speichert auch kein Nutzerverhalten an zentraler Stelle. Das Erreichen von Informationsfreiheit durch freie, dezentrale Suchsoftware ist auch ein Projektziel.
The information age: George Orwell‘s worst fear
(29.6.2007) Moreira tries to categorize some of the most common tools used by spin doctors:
– Dissuasion / intimidation
– control of the “official version”
– controlling the ‘noise’ of news
– buying out journalists / seduction
– destruction of the news source’s credibility
– getting rid of the source
tox – A New Kind of Instant Messaging
Whether it‘s corporations or governments, digital surveillance today is widespread. Tox is easy-to-use software that connects you with friends and family without anyone else listening in. While other big-name services require you to pay for features, Tox is completely free and comes without advertising — forever.
Turning Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in iOS 11‘s Control Center Doesn’t Actually Turn Off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth
„It is stupid,“ Collin Mulliner, a security researcher who‘s studied Bluetooth for years, told Motherboard in a Twitter chat. „It is not clear for the user.“
Wire Shield – Modern communication. Full privacy.
iOS. Android. Windows. Mac. Linux. Web.
Chat. Talk. Share. Ring is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users‘ privacy and freedoms.
Ring is free software for universal communication which respects the freedoms and privacy of its users. It is published under the GNU General Public License 3. Ring is developed by Savoir-faire Linux with the help of a global community of users and contributors. Savoir-faire Linux is a Canadian company specialized in Linux and free software.
Retroshare – secure communication for everyone
Retroshare creates encrypted connections to your friends. Nobody can spy on you. Retroshare is completely decentralized. This means there are no central servers. It is entirely Open-Source and free. There are no costs, no ads and no Terms of Service.
Invisible Internet Protocol: Network without borders
I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) is a universal anonymous network layer. All communications over I2P are anonymous and end-to-end encrypted, participants don‘t reveal their real IP addresses.
I2P client is a software used for building and using anonymous I2P networks. Such networks are commonly used for anonymous peer-to-peer applications (filesharing, cryptocurrencies) and anonymous client-server applications (websites, instant messengers, chat-servers).
HTTPS Everywhere
HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.
Tor Browser for Windows
Version 7.0.5 – Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP
Everything you need to safely browse the Internet.
All Are Welcome at Tor’s Open Hack Days
Next month in Montreal, Tor folks from around the world will be convening to discuss the future of Tor as an organization and designing the protocols and features that we want to see in the future. As part of this meeting, we’re also having two open hack days everyone is welcome to join.
How to install Ubuntu and other versions of Linux on your Android device
For this to work you will need a rooted Android device. Rooting your device is usually a fairly simple process but note that it varies from device to device, so I can’t give you a walkthrough here.
Once that’s done, you’ll need three apps:
Linux Deploy
VNC Viewer
First install BusyBox. BusyBox gives your phone access to Linux commands that it wouldn’t otherwise have and is required for a number of root apps to work. Once you’ve installed it though, you don’t need to worry about it again.
Ubuntu for desktops
With a built-in firewall and virus protection software, Ubuntu is one of the most secure operating systems around. And the long-term support releases give you five years of security patches and updates.
Update Pack für Windows 8.1, Windows 8 und Windows 7
Das WinFuture Update Pack ist eine Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Patches, die Microsoft für Windows 8.1, Windows 8 und Windows 7 zum Download bereitgestellt hat.
Diese Updates schließen Lücken im Betriebssystem, die eventuell ausgenutzt werden oder die Systemstabilität negativ beeinflussen könnten.
Mit unserem Update Pack haben Sie die Möglichkeit, alle Patches auf einmal herunterzuladen und anschließend automatisch nacheinander installieren zu lassen.
WordPress 4.8.2 Security and Maintenance Release
WordPress 4.8.2 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.
Abbas: U.N. must try to end Israeli occupation ‚within set timeframe‘
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas called on the United Nations on Wednesday to pursue efforts to “bring an end to Israeli occupation of the state of Palestine within a set timeframe.”
Honored to meet w/ Pres Abbas from the Palestinian Authority & his delegation, who have been working hard w/everybody involved toward peace.
Abbas at UN: We‘ll Give Trump‘s Peace Efforts a Chance, UN Bears Obligation to End Occupation
Mahmous Abbas tells UN General Assembly that if Israel destroys two-state solution, Palestinians will demand full equal rights for all inhabitants of historic Palestine
Trump to Abbas: I Will Give My Heart and Soul to Achieve Israeli-Palestinian Peace Deal
Trump noted that Israeli-Palestinian peace is considered the „toughest deal of all“ to achieve, but vowed to devote „everything within my heart and within my soul to get that deal made.“
Trump said Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are making efforts to advance the peace process. „Who knows, stranger things have happened, but we have a good chance,“ he said.
Rohani: USA brachten Krieg, Elend und Armut in den Nahen Osten
„Wir können nicht die Bürger in vielen unserer Städte vergessen, die Ziele der Langstreckenraketen vom (irakischen Diktator) Saddam Hussein in dessen achtjährigem Krieg gegen uns wurden“, sagte Rohani. Der bewaffnete Konflikt zwischen beiden Ländern begann 1980 mit einer irakischen Invasion im Iran.
Chronik des Überwachungsstaates
Seit Gründung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erlassen Regierungskoalitionen vielfach Gesetze, die Überwachung ausbauen und Freiheiten einschränken. Die Chronik des Überwachungsstaates dokumentiert diese Entwicklung.
There is meddling in Germany‘s election — not by Russia, but by U.S. right wing
Instead, Hegelich and others point to an alliance of mostly anonymous online trolls and extremist agitators who are disseminating right-wing materials through YouTube; messaging board sites like 4chan and reddit; and, a texting service.
„A lot of the stuff we are seeing in Germany can be linked to, or is at least inspired by, the ‚alt-right‘ movement in the U.S.,“ Hegelich said, referring to a loosely defined group whose far-right ideology includes racism, populism and white nationalism.
FULL TEXT: Iran‘s Hassan Rohani‘s Address to UN General Assembly
I declare before you that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not be the first country to violate the agreement but it will respond decisively and resolutely to its violation by any party. It will be a great pity if this agreement would be destroyed by rogue newcomers to the world of politics. The world will have lost an opportunity but such behavior will never impede Iran’s course of progress and advancement. By violating its international commitments, the new U.S. administration only destroys its own credibility and undermines international confidence in negotiating with it. Not accepting its word or promise.
#UNGA General Debate – 20 September 2017 – 9am EDT
Join us LIVE for the 72nd United Nations General Assembly debate. More than 100 world leaders, thousands of diplomats and advocates will convene in New York City from 19-25 September 2017. This year’s theme is “Focusing on people — striving for peace and a decent life for all on a sustainable planet”.
President Abbas‘ address to #UNGA just began. We‘ll tweet it live #Palestine
Trump made decision on Iran nuclear deal but does not reveal it
“I have decided,” Trump told reporters when asked if he had made up his mind after having criticized the accord between Iran and world powers under which Tehran agreed to curb its nuclear program in return for relief from economic sanctions.
Iran – President Addresses General Debate, 72nd Session
20 Sep 2017 – Hassan Rouhani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, addresses the general debate of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly of the UN (New York, 19 – 25 September 2017).
UN-Generalversammlung: Irans Präsident bestreitet Verletzung des Atomabkommens
Der iranische Präsident Hassan Ruhani hat vor den Vereinten Nationen versichert, sein Land halte sich an das Abkommen zur Begrenzung seines Atomprogramms. Der Iran sei „nicht unehrlich“, sagte Ruhani vor der UN-Vollversammlung in New York. Er lasse sich aber auch nicht drohen, sagte Ruhani.
UN should return to Libya – Gentiloni
„(The aim is) to call on the UN to return to Libya. It is necessary for the peace process and for the migratory issue because the conditions of refugees in Libya must be monitored and improved on the human rights front“.
Gesetzesgrundlagen für Kooperationen des Verfassungsschutzes? Geheim!
Informationen zur Arbeit ihrer Geheimdienste gibt die Bundesregierung nur ungern. Parlamentarier bekommen kaum Antworten, wenn sie zu deren Aktivitäten fragen. Nun will das Innenministerium sogar geheimhalten, auf welchen gesetzlichen Grundlagen der Bundesverfassungsschutz mit anderen Diensten kooperiert.
Kriegsverbrecher David Petraeus am 5. Oktober in Zürich
Unfassbar so einen Oberkriminellen eine Rede vor Studenten halten zu lassen. Deshalb wird es eine Protestaktion geben, auf die ich hiermit hinweisen möchte.(…)
Gute Nachrichten aus der PC-Wahl-Ecke:
Monument Destroyers from Suns by loscil
loscil Vancouver
released October 19, 2016
Uber faces widespread Asia bribery allegations amid US criminal probe
Lawyers are focused on suspicious activity in at least five Asian countries: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea. For instance, Uber’s law firm is reviewing a web of financial arrangements tied to the Malaysian government that may have influenced lawmakers there, the people said.
Spain has arrested 12 officials, seized 45,000 letters, and confiscated 1.3 million posters and flyers in a bid to stop Catalonia‘s independence vote
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy justified the raids and arrests as a judicial decision, El País reported. He offered no further detail but pledged to continue the investigation‘s into the regional government „until the end.“
Britain and Saudi Arabia sign military cooperation deal
Saudi Arabia and Britain signed a framework deal for military cooperation, Saudi state media said on Tuesday, just two days after Gulf rival Qatar signed a deal to buy jet fighters from the European nation.
German Election Shaken Up by Thyssenkrupp-Tata Deal
The headquarters of the new venture will shift to the Netherlands, and the move could see 4,000 steel jobs cut from a combined workforce of 48,000.
Catalonia referendum: Catalonian government ‚de facto‘ suspended by Spain, president of province says
Carles Puigdemont said in a statement on Wednesday that Catalonia was experiencing a „state of emergency“ and that the Madrid government had „crossed a red line“ to authoritarianism.
Der Iran-Deal ist sicher
Der Iran-Deal enthält auch Bestimmungen dazu, wie so eine Verletzung des Deals festgestellt werden soll. Diese Bestimmungen laufen darauf hinaus, dass nach einigen Untersuchungen und Anhörungen die acht Unterzeichner des Deals (P5+1, EU und Iran) mit Mehrheit entscheiden müssen, dass Iran den Deal gebrochen hat, um die Sanktionen zurückschnappen zu lassen.
Pressemitteilung: Internationales Uran-Filmfestival Berlin 2017
Ab dem 10. Oktober 2017 wird das weltberühmte internationale Uran-Filmfestival im Kino der Kulturbrauerei 28 Filme aus aller Welt präsentieren. 13 Filmemacher und Produzenten werden nach den Vorführungen präsent sein und mit dem Publikum diskutieren:(…)
Alle Ministerien gefragt, wer an Gesetzen beteiligt wurde: Die einflussreichsten Lobbyverbände:
Reinventing unions in the app economy
Taiwan verbietet Ölexporte nach Nordkorea und Kleidungsimporte
Die Maßnahmen erfolgen in Einklang mit der Resolution 2375 gegen Nordkorea, die der UN-Sicherheitsrat am 11. September einstimmig verabschiedet hatte. Taiwan ist zwar kein UN-Mitglied, hat jedoch aufgrund der Einschätzung, dass Nordkoreas Atom- und Raketenprogramme die regionale Sicherheit bedrohen, eigene Sanktionen umgesetzt.
Is There A Single Online Service Not Put At Risk By SESTA?
The problematic language in the bill is that this is the „standard“ for liability:
„The term ‚participation in a venture‘ means knowing conduct by an individual or entity, by any means, that assists, supports, or facilitates a violation….“
And that could apply to just about anyone offering services online. So, let‘s dig into a few examples of companies and services potentially facing liability thanks to this nuclear bomb-sized hole in CDA 230.
Rätselhafter Vorfall in Russland: Ein Raketeneinschlag aus dem Nichts
In den Aufnahmen von RBK sieht man einige Soldaten in Tarnuniform auf dem Platz stehen, einige haben Kameras in der Hand. Einer fällt nach dem Einschlag zu Boden. Kultschitskij, Chefredakteur von, glaubt, dass einer der Militärs ihnen den Film geschickt haben muss. „Da waren nur Militärfahrzeuge zu sehen“, sagt er dem kremlkritischen Sender Doschd. Zudem habe man am Ende der Sequenz die Beine des Filmers gesehen, er trage Armeehosen.
Shockingly, NY Times Columnist Is Totally Clueless About The Internet
Kristof, in particular, has been targeting for at least five years — but has been caught vastly exaggerating claims about the site to the point of potentially misstating facts entirely (such as claiming Backpage existed before it actually did, and that it operated in cities where it did not). Kristof also has a history of being laughably credulous when someone comes along with a good story about sex trafficking, even when it‘s mostly made up. He‘s been accused of having a bit of a savior complex.
And that‘s on display with his recent, extraordinarily confused piece attacking Google for not supporting SESTA — the „Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act.“ As we‘ve explained in great detail, SESTA (despite its name) is unlikely to stop any sex trafficking and likely would make the problem worse.
Maduro ruft bei Treffen islamischer Staaten zu Einigkeit gegen USA auf
Beim Gipfeltreffen zu Wissenschaft und Technologie der Organisation islamischer Staaten (OIC) im kasachischen Astana hat Venezuelas Präsident Nicolás Maduro zu Einigkeit und zum Widerstand gegenüber Angriffen aus den USA aufgerufen. Da Venezuela derzeit die Ratspräsidentschaft der Bewegung der Blockfreien Staaten (NAM) innehat, nahm das Staatsoberhaupt des lateinamerikanischen Landes an dem Treffen in Zentralasien teil.
Turkish minister confirms agents’ captured by Kurdish rebels
Cavusoglu’s comments, in an interview with Al-Monitor news website on Monday, were the first confirmation by a Turkish official of Kurdish and other media reports that two National Intelligence Organization agents were kidnapped by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, while on a mission in northern Iraq.
Kurdistan News: Curfew in Kirkuk as Turkmen, Kurd engage in clashes
Police said in an official statement, quoted by Sky News Arabia, that curfew was to apply indefinitely after one Kurd was killed late Monday. He was killed in a clash with the sentry of a Turkmen political party’s office when Kurdish revellers celebrating the referendum passed by the facility, waving Kurdish flags.
Kirkuk shaping up as flashpoint ahead of Kurdistan independence vote
The referendum is risky, especially in Kirkuk, a multi-ethnic city also claimed by Arabs since oil was discovered there in the 1930s. The Kurdistan region produces around 600,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil.
Turkish jets hit PKK positions in northern Iraq
The statement gave no further detail on the timing of the operation or the targets hit but said all aircraft returned safely.
Airstrikes on PKK targets in southeast Turkey and northern Iraq, where the terror group has its main base in the Qandil region near the Iranian border, have been carried out regularly since July 2015, when the PKK resumed its armed campaign.
Turkey mulling sanctions over Kurdish referendum
Turkey‘s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan late Tuesday warned of sanctions against the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) if it proceeds with its planned referendum for independence next week.
„We have always supported“ the KRG, Erdogan told reporters in New York after his address at the UN General Assembly. „We think this approach of theirs amounts to ignoring the Republic of Turkey, which has stood by them and counted them as a close ally.“
Netanyahu‘s UN Speech Not Only Aimed at the Average Israeli, but Those Mulling Whether to Indict Him
He wasn’t only targeting his nation, but also the officials sitting in the Justice Ministry in East Jerusalem. When they have to decide whether to indict him for the various allegations against him, they ought to understand whom it is they seek to remove over the most trivial things. What a world leader and statesman, by divine grace; what a strategic asset for Israel, whom the president of the United States honored with his first visit abroad after entering the White House, and so on.
There are those who will regard his performance as a stump speech, while others will say it’s the position of a suspect whose hearing has yet to come. In any case, it was a speech worth watching, even if its effect will pass like the foam on the water. The penguins will hop on the ice and the agreement with Iran will not be canceled.
Netanyahu at UN: Iran Must Know That Those Who Threaten Us With Annihilation Put Themselves in Peril
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the United Nations General Assembly that „Iran vows to destroy my country every day,“ hours after praising U.S. President Donald Trump‘s speech as the most courageous speech he has heard in his 30-plus years at the UN.