Daily Archives: 7. September 2017

07.09.2017 - 19:58 [ South China Morning Post ]

US calls for oil embargo against North Korea to bring Pyongyang to heel on its missile programme

China supplies most of North Korea’s crude. According to South Korean data, Beijing supplies roughly 500,000 tonnes of crude oil annually. It also exports 200,000 tonnes of oil products, according to UN data. Russia’s exports of crude oil to North Korea are about 40,000 tonnes a year.

07.09.2017 - 19:45 [ talkradio.co.uk ]

Vladimir Putin lashes out at Donald Trump over North Korea situation

In a press conference, the Russian President attacked Trump‘s stance on the crisis, saying the step after sanctions would be „an invitation to the cemetery.“

Putin expressed his hope the tension would not erupt into a conflict with weapons of mass destruction, saying Kim Jong-un would never agree to give up the weapons

07.09.2017 - 19:05 [ Spiegel.de ]

Brexit-Verhandlungen: Brüssel schmettert Londons Irland-Plan ab

Die Verhandlungen über den EU-Austritt Großbritanniens kommen einfach nicht voran. Bei zwei der drei entscheidenden Fragen – der britischen Austrittsrechnung und den Rechten der Bürger – sind die Gespräche bereits festgefahren. Am Donnerstag wurde klar, dass auch beim dritten Punkt erheblicher Ärger droht: Was wird aus der Grenze zwischen Nordirland und der Republik Irland?

07.09.2017 - 15:56 [ Random House ]

John Grisham – Bestechung

Wir erwarten von unseren Richtern, dass sie ehrlich und weise handeln. Ihre Integrität und Neutralität sind das Fundament, auf dem unser Rechtssystem ruht. Wir vertrauen darauf, dass sie für faire Prozesse sorgen, Verbrecher bestrafen und eine geordnete Gerichtsbarkeit garantieren. Doch was passiert, wenn sich ein Richter bestechen lässt? Lacy Stoltz, Anwältin bei der Rechtsaufsichtsbehörde in Florida, wird mit einem Fall richterlichen Fehlverhaltens konfrontiert, der jede Vorstellungskraft übersteigt.

07.09.2017 - 15:47 [ Times of Israel ]

Hebrew media review: As the noose tightens around Netanyahu

“There are those who say — and this is the discouraging part — that when the storm subsides and the guilty parties will be metaphorically hung in the town square, that nothing will change,” she writes. “Because wherever there’s money, there will be someone looking to line their pockets.”

“The sad fact is that the government, like the driver of a car, will continue on their way even when the warning lights come on as long as the vehicle is still moving,” Ringler-Hoffman says. “Its a matter of culture.”

07.09.2017 - 15:11 [ Politico.com ]

Feinstein faces growing storm on the left

Sen. Dianne Feinstein has dominated California politics for more than a quarter of a century. But facing blistering criticism that she’s out of touch with the progressive left following her recent comments about President Donald Trump and DACA, it’s increasingly looking like the Democratic lawmaker will face a major primary challenge if she runs for a fifth full term.

07.09.2017 - 15:06 [ RT.com ]

Tillerson fell into ‘bad company,’ will hopefully return to ‘right path’ – Putin

Putin made the remark during a plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday. He recalled that he had recently signed a decree to award China’s deputy prime minister with the Russian Order of Friendship.

“Keep in mind regarding the decorations, that’s not our last order,” Putin told the session.

07.09.2017 - 12:31 [ Digitalcourage ]

Demo „Rettet die Grundrechte“! Am 9. September 2017 in Berlin.

Videoüberwachung ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie Grundrechte verramscht werden, als seien sie nichts wert. Das gilt aber auch für die Vorratsdatenspeicherung, die Staatstrojaner, die elektronische ID im Ausweis, ein unbefriedigendes neues Bundesdatenschutzgesetz und viele weitere Einschränkungen unserer Freiheit. Die Große Koalition der Überwachung hat sich in dieser Legislaturperiode Mühe gegeben, unsere Grundrechte zu verschleudern.
Das werden wir mit einer Jahrmarktbude illustrieren und der Politik zeigen: Wir wollen Freiheit, Demokratie und Frieden, nicht Kontrolle und Überwachung!

07.09.2017 - 12:23 [ Junge Welt ]

Verteidigungsausschuss des Bundestags: Zeichen stehen auf Militarisierung, egal ob unter CDU- oder SPD-Minister

Die SPD hatte für vergangenen Dienstag eigens eine Sondersitzung des Verteidigungsausschusses beantragt, um kurz vor der Wahl noch einmal alles aufzutischen, was aus der Bundeswehr gen Himmel stinkt: Der Absturz eines Kampfhubschraubers in Mali stand auf der Tagesordnung, der Tod eines Offiziersanwärters nach einem anstrengenden Fußmarsch in Munster, die Hitlergrüße beim Schweinskopfwerfen auf einer Abschiedsfeier für einen Kompaniechef des Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK), der Skandal um den terrorverdächtigen Oberleutnant Franco Albrecht und anderes mehr.

07.09.2017 - 12:05 [ theHill.com ]

Mnuchin: Executive order ready to sanction countries trading with N. Korea

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he has prepared an executive order for President Trump that would sanction nations trading with North Korea.

“If we don‘t get these additional sanctions at the U.N., as I mentioned over the weekend, I have an executive order prepared, that‘s ready to go to the president that will authorize to stop doing trade and put sanctions on anybody that does trade with North Korea,” Mnuchin told reporters on Wednesday.

07.09.2017 - 12:02 [ GlobalTimes.cn ]

Dreams of ‘one Europe’ need actions to match

Recently, in a weekly cabinet meeting in France, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel described China as one of the causes behind the declining influence of Europe and the increasing tendency toward division within the EU. It is not uncommon for politicians in Europe to blame internal contradictions on external factors. However, Gabriel said Beijing „should adopt a ‚one-Europe‘ policy that doesn‘t attempt to divide us,“ and inexplicably compared this policy to the one-China policy.

07.09.2017 - 10:59 [ Radio Utopie ]

Samstag, Berlin: Goa DJs SonGoa aka GoarillaZ und SpaceTime bei Freiheit 4.0

Am Samstag (9.) startet ab 12 Uhr auf dem Berliner Gendarmenmarkt die im Sommer von einer Handvoll Personen initiierte Veranstaltung „Freiheit 4.0 – Rettet die Grundrechte“. Die Veranstaltung wird mittlerweile von fünfzig Organisationen unterstützt, darunter zwei derzeitige und eine ehemalige Bundestagspartei. Neben einer Demonstration von 14 bis 16 Uhr durch die Innenstadt, geht das Fest der Grundrechte auf dem Gendarmenmarkt bis 22.00 Uhr. Es darf getanzt werden.

07.09.2017 - 09:25 [ Korea Broadcasting System ]

Moon bittet Mongolei um Kooperation für Stopp der Öllieferungen an Nordkorea

Präsident Moon Jae-in hat die Mongolei um die Kooperation für einen Stopp der Öllieferungen an Nordkorea gebeten.
Die Bitte unterbreitete er im Gespräch mit seinem Amtskollegen Khaltmaa Battulga in Wladiwostok. Beide waren dort am Rande des Eastern Economic Forum zu einem Spitzengespräch zusammengekommen.

07.09.2017 - 09:13 [ Fortune.com ]

‘Inventor of Email’ Loses Libel Case Against TechDirt

A federal judge delivered a big blow to the self-proclaimed „inventor of email“ on Wednesday, ruling that posts by the blog TechDirt calling him a „fake,“ „phony,“ and other names were not defamatory.

The ruling is a big win for TechDirt and its founder, Mike Masnick, and also for media outlets as a whole that have increasingly found themselves the targets of questionable lawsuits by well-funded critics.

07.09.2017 - 09:06 [ Techdirt ]

UK‘s Terrorism Law Reviewer Says Tech Companies Shouldn‘t Offer Encryption To Anonymous Users

Once again, someone‘s suggesting the best way to combat the spread of terrorist-related communications online is to make the tech companies do it, have them foot the bill, and do it all without being legislated into submission or making impudent comments like „That‘s not how any of this works.“

Traveling beyond the groundwork of „necessary hashtags“ and constant threats to bludgeon tech companies into mandatory, worldwide speech policing, the UK‘s independent reviewer of terrorism laws — former key terrorism prosecutor Max Hill QC — suggests the better route lies not through legislation, but through some sort of tech wizardry.

07.09.2017 - 09:00 [ Vice.com ]

Canadian cops scrambled to get approval for cellphone surveillance hardware they were already using

“Given recent media events my inspector has asked that I make an official request … for an authorization,” writes a member of the Calgary Police Electronic Surveillance Team on April 6 of this year. “There is some urgency to try and get this authorization in place as we are currently using the device.”

07.09.2017 - 08:55 [ Techdirt ]

Apple Throws Its Support Behind Net Neutrality. Sort Of.

While large Silicon Valley companies like Google and Facebook are often credited for being „net neutrality supporters“ in the media, their actual support of the concept is often incredibly flimsy. Though it‘s quick to claim otherwise, Google hasn‘t really supported net neutrality since around 2010 or so, progressively walking back its dedication as it pushed into the fixed and wireless broadband sectors. Similarly Facebook often says all the right things, but internationally has been repeatedly accused of trampling the open internet in its quest to dominate developing nation advertising markets.