(12.Juli) It’s a fitting context, in other words, for InterPlanetary’s first panel, for which the starting question is: “What will it take to become an interplanetary civilization?”
That mind-bender encompasses many concerns—from preparing humans for space travel to the hard science and technology required to make the journey, along with aspirational initiatives centered on how we might communicate with other life in the universe (should it exist). Last but not least: How can humanity tackle the problems of today to prepare for its future?
Daily Archives: 13. Juli 2017
V/A – Frequencies Of The Mind III by Mindtrick Records
“Most people believe the mind to be a mirror, more or less accurately reflecting the world outside them, not realizing on the contrary that the mind is itself the principal element of creation.”
released September 19, 2016
In Search of Political Influence, Thousands of Left-wingers Join Netanyahu‘s Likud
(5.2.2017) Inbal Samet, an archaeology doctoral student from Tel Mond, not far from where Rotem lives, said she joined Likud in 2012 and considers the most important elections in the country to be the party primaries, which she says “at least 95 percent of the public doesn’t participate in.”
Can Netanyahu say just what he likes?
(25.10.2015) A political consultant once related how he lunched with Benjamin Netanyahu, who ordered a hamburger with fries. He was not supposed to be eating such foods – doctor’s orders. As they were finishing up, Bibi’s wife, Sarah, came in, saw the evidence and began to see red. Netanyahu, all righteous indignation, looked her straight in the eye and said he had eaten no such hamburger. The storyteller said he was convinced at that moment that Netanyahu himself believed it.
Netanyahu on submarine and Bezeq affairs: The press is out to get me
„Behind the mud-slinging there are no facts, the opposite is true,“ said Netanyahu. The prime minister reiterated that he is not a suspect in the submarine affair and that the justice ministry ruled regarding Bezeq that he did not make controversial decisions or any decisions that helped the company and could be seen as a conflict of interests.
PM says corruption insinuations are a left-wing plot against him
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday told a gathering of his political allies that a series of corruption allegations linked to him and his associates are the consequence of “a coordinated campaign of leftists who want to undermine my government.”
LIVE: Kanzlerin Merkel und Frankreichs Präsident Macron geben Pressekonferenz
Livestream vor 5 Stunden
Live: President Donald Trump & Macron Joint Press Conference in France 7/13/17
Pelosi calls for revoking Kushner’s security clearance
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that President Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, should lose his security clearance following revelations that he attended a meeting with a Russian lawyer claiming to have damaging information about then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
“His security clearance must be revoked immediately,” Pelosi said at a press conference in the Capitol, without going so far as to demand Kushner resign from the White House.
Should Democrats Remove Nancy Pelosi As Leader?
(6.7.2017) Nobody convinces the owner class of their amazing ROI like Nancy Pelosi. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.
Demokrat beantragt Amtsenthebung von Donald Trump
In dem von Republikanern dominierten Repräsentantenhaus hat Shermans Antrag wenig Aussicht auf Erfolg. Auch unter den Demokraten ist er umstritten. Die meisten Politiker in der Oppositionspartei halten die rechtliche Basis für ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren nicht für gegeben. Die demokratische Parteiführung distanzierte sich von dem Vorhaben, weil sie glaubt, dass dies nur die Unterstützer des Präsidenten stärke.
Congressman Sherman Introduces Article of Impeachment: Obstruction of Justice
Today, Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA), joined by Congressman Al Green (D-TX), introduced an Article of Impeachment (H. Res. 438) against President Donald J. Trump for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Article is based on Article 1, dealing with “Obstruction of Justice,” which was passed by the Judiciary Committee on a bipartisan vote on July 27, 1974, regarding Richard M. Nixon. Sherman circulated a draft Article on June 12, 2017, and has been conferring with colleagues and legal experts from around the country since then.
The New Silk Road will go through Syria
Take what happened this past Sunday in Beijing. The China-Arab Exchange Association and the Syrian Embassy organized a Syria Day Expo crammed with hundreds of Chinese specialists in infrastructure investment. It was a sort of mini-gathering of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), billed as “The First Project Matchmaking Fair for Syria Reconstruction”.
Album of the Day: Melvins, “A Walk With Love & Death”
Melvins have done many things over the course of their 34-year career from inspiring the sludge-metal, noise-rock, and grunge movements to recording a sarcastic rendition of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” with Leif Garrett on vocals. One of the few things they haven’t done, until now, is release a double album. In typical Melvins fashion, A Walk With Love & Death is no ordinary double album.
Sonnenfracht by KOSMODROM
released August 1, 2015
Revolution Is Only Solution by Funky Destination
Timewarp Music Αθήνα, Greece
from Revolution Is Only Solution, released January 28, 2013
Iraq War veterans warn: Mosul ‘victory’ is prelude to Iraqi state-failure
This paper focuses exclusively on internal political structures in Iraq and how the post-occupation environment has enabled a situation in which the most logical survival mechanisms for different communities is to mobilise on sectarian grounds within highly fragmented patronage networks.
Now Yoga Guru Ramdev‘s Patanjali to Launch Private Security Firm
Baba Ramdev‘s vast empire will now include his own security firm, which will offer army-like training for young men and women. The yoga teacher has announced a „Parakram Suraksha Private Limited“ to „prepare individuals for self and country‘s security“, according to a statement.
Bernard-Henri Lévy: “A Free Kurdistan Would Be a Potent Force for Stability and Peace”
For Lévy, the way forward is clear. “Far from destabilizing the region, the emergence of a free Kurdistan would be a potent force for stability and peace. The conclusion of the battle of Mosul challenges us all to make this heartfelt choice for justice and reason,” he concluded.
In assessing Kurdish aspirations for statehood, Joe Roberts, chief advancement officer of The Israel Project (which publishes The Tower), noted their similarities with Jewish aspirations for national self-determination.
The truth about UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia
On average, Britain has sold more weapons than Russia, China or France over the last decade.
While the government does not provide values for deliveries of arms exports, it does publish information on the values of granted export licences.
Turkey Chooses Russia Over NATO for Missile Defense
Turkey has agreed to pay $2.5 billion to acquire Russia’s most advanced missile defense system, a senior Turkish official said, in a deal that signals a turn away from the NATO military alliance that has anchored Turkey to the West for more than six decades.
ze new supergermans: AfD-Abgeordnete schlägt vor, Plünderer zu erschießen .. via @welt
Starker G20-Staat: Sogar im Lügen nur Mittelmaß
Zu dem vom „S.P.D.“-Innensenator Andy Grote in Hamburg vermeldeten „bewaffneten Hinterhalt“ auf dem mit Baugerüst versehenen Haus am Schulterblatt 1, dem dort von Anti-Terror-Kommandos aus Deutschland und Österreich unter Gebrauch von Schusswaffen vorgenommenen Einsatz mit Stürmung diverser Wohnungen, sowie zu Weiterem ein paar Kleinigkeiten, welche sogar für Fans des starken G20-Staates interessant sein dürften.
Fake Speech: KI hilft beim Ändern von Lippenbewegungen
In einem Video demonstrieren die Forscher das Resultat: Barack Obama spricht in ein und derselben Videoaufnahme mal über die Krankenversicherung, mal über Terroranschläge, mal über seine Einstellung zur US-amerikanischen Vielfalt. Die Lippenbewegungen passen sich dem Gesagten so an, dass das Resultat zumindest auf den ersten Blick glaubhaft erscheint.
Wie Russland Demonstranten identifiziert
Allerdings lassen sich damit nicht nur potenzielle Partner zur Kontaktanbahnung finden, sondern auch politische Gegner und potenzielle Opfer. Zunächst durchforsteten Erpresser Erotikportale und verlangten Geld von den Identifizierten dafür, dass sie nicht an Familienangehörige verraten werden.
Ende Juni startete eine Website mit dem Namen Je Suis Maidan.
Bundesregierung genehmigt Waffenlieferungen nach Saudi-Arabien
Trotz Katar-Krise und Krieg im Jemen exportiert Deutschland erneut Waffen in den Mittleren Osten. Aus der SPD heißt es, die Erlaubnis kam „auf Betreiben der Kanzlerin“.
CIA Defends the Muslim Brotherhood as Western Intel Agencies Warn of Dangers, Links to Terror
As the CIA continues to defend their investment in the Muslim Brotherhood to bring „moderate Islamist democracy“ to the Middle East, much of the Middle East and our European allies are moving against the group.
I noted here at PJ Media last month that many of America‘s Arab allies (Egypt, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia), as well as Israel, had moved well ahead of the U.S. in addressing the group‘s toxic influence:
Brüssel wirft Ungarn Verletzung von EU-Grundrechten vor
Im Dauerstreit mit Ungarn verschärft die EU-Kommission die Gangart. Die Brüsseler Behörde warf dem rechtskonservativen Ministerpräsidenten Viktor Orban Verstöße gegen EU-Grundrechte vor.
Private Data Of 6 Million Verizon Users Left Openly Accessible On The Internet
Yet another company has been caught leaving personal customer data just sitting on an openly-accessible server for anybody to obtain and abuse. According to Upguard and security researcher Chris Vickery, the data was being stored by Nice Systems, a Ra‘anana, Israel-based company employed by Verizon to store and analyze the data for an „unknown purpose.“
Tillerson leaves Gulf after crisis talks, no word on progress
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson left Qatar on Thursday after a tour of Gulf Arab countries aimed at easing the worst regional dispute in years, but made no comment on whether any progress had been made in resolving the month-long crisis.
Trump envoy announces Israeli-Palestinian water deal, silent on peace prospects
U.S. President Donald Trump‘s Middle East envoy announced an Israeli-Palestinian water agreement on Thursday but dodged questions on whether he was making headway on reviving peace talks.
The Latest: France holds welcome ceremony for Trump
President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron (eh-mahn-yoo-EHL’ mah-KROHN’) are meeting at the Invalides (ahn-vah-leed) monument for a tour of the golden-domed building housing some of France’s greatest war heroes, including Napoleon Bonaparte and the Supreme Allied Commander in World War I.
Copyright Madness: Blurred Lines Mess Means Artists Now Afraid To Name Their Inspirations
The ways in which the disastrous Blurred Lines verdict represents a complete mess for the music ecosystem are fairly legion, from chilling artistic creation for fear of unintended infringement to the absurdity of giving estates of long-dead artists license to stifle the release of new art that would benefit our culture as a whole. The awful ripple effects of the lawsuit don‘t end there and it‘s useful to keep in mind that the jury awarded the $7.3 million verdict to the Marvin Gaye estate acknowledged that there was no willful infringement on the part of Blurred Lines creators Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams.
The US Must Rethink How It Uses Special Operators, Says Incoming SOLIC Secretary
SOCOM currently has about 8,000 soldiers deployed to more than 80 countries, Thomas said in May. Since 2015, most of the U.S. troops killed in action have been special operators, including five of the nine Americans killed in combat this year, according to an LA Times analysis. And the elite forces’ share of the burden might only get heavier as the new administration crafts its counterterrorism strategy.
States say No to ports request-Frontex
Frontex Director Fabrice Leggeri said Wednesday that other EU member States were not willing to agree to Italy‘s request for asylum seekers saved in the southern Mediterranean to be taken to ports in other countries.
US hasn‘t asked us to do more in Libya
United States Defense Secretary James Mattis did not ask Italy to lead a military mission in Libya during talks with Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti Tuesday, Pinotti said Wednesday, denying press reports. „Nor did the Americans ask us to do more in the country,“ she said.
Saudi Arabia sent 150 intelligence officers to join ISIS in Mosul : Qatari newspaper
The paper added that the Iraqi forces, after defeating ISIS and killing a large number of terrorists in Old Mosul, confiscated important documents which proved the revealed reports.
Italy could redeploy Mosul soldiers
Italy is ready to reorganize its military missions abroad and increase its trainers, especially in Iraq, Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti said Tuesday after a meeting at the Pentagon.
July 12th: Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality
he FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online. If they get their way, they’ll allow widespread throttling, blocking, censorship, and extra fees. On July 12th, the Internet will come together to stop them.
If You Want To Protect The Internet, Look To Congress
As you probably know (because it‘s almost unavoidable across the web), today is the „Day of Action“ on behalf of net neutrality. Tons of other sites are participating in various ways.
FCA proposes rule change to pave way for Saudi Aramco float in London
The Financial Conduct Authority has proposed a rule change that would allow potentially the largest company in the world, Saudi Aramco, to list on the London stock exchange.
Hyundai workers prepare to strike amid weak sales
Members of Hyundai‘s 51,000-strong union will cast their votes by 1 p.m. Friday, with the results to be made available at 8-9 p.m.
„We will stage a strike if ongoing negotiations with management break down,“ the carmaker‘s union spokesman Jang Chang-yeal told Yonhap News Agency by phone.
Ram-raiders use telehandler to steal ATM
A police spokesman said: „The Bobcat was used to ram the front of the building in order for the suspects to remove the cash machine, which caused a significant amount of disruption.
Quantitative Easing Caused an Unintended $28 Billion Reduction in Corporate and Industrial Lending Says University of Miami Study
The $1.7 trillion worth of mortgage backed security purchases by the Federal Reserve Bank as part of quantitative easing to stabilize the U.S. economy during the financial crisis, caused a $28.2 billion reduction in corporate and industrial lending, says new research from the University of Miami School of Business Administration.
Millions of Verizon customer records exposed in security lapse
(12.Juli) An Israeli technology company has exposed millions of Verizon customer records, ZDNet has learned.
As many as 14 million records of subscribers who called the phone giant‘s customer services in the past six months were found on an unprotected Amazon S3 storage server controlled by an employee of Nice Systems, a Ra‘anana, Israel-based company.
Lachende Hühner
Entzogene G20-Akkreditierungen Justizminister: Maas verlangt Aufklärung über Ausschluss von Journalisten
Justizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) fordert…
Regierung in Mexiko spioniert Menschenrechtler und Journalisten aus
(25.6.17) Der NYT-Artikel beruht auf einer Recherche der mexikanischen Nichtregierungsorganisationen Articulo19, R3D, Social Tic und dem interdisziplinären Team Citizen Lab der Universität von Toronto, Kanada. Das Team hat dokumentiert, wie die Spionagesoftware Pegasus, die von Regierungen für die Überwachung von Terroristen und Kriminellen in Verwendung ist, von der mexikanischen Regierung missbraucht wurde, um gegen unliebsame Akteure vorzugehen.
Internationale Expertenkommission zu Ayotzinapa in Mexiko von Regierungssoftware ausgespäht
Die GIEI-Experten waren mit einem Mandat der Interamerikanischen Kommission für Menschenrechte ausgestattet und befanden sich mit Diplomatenstatus im Land. Wie Amerika 21 berichtete wurde die Software Pegasus der israelischen Firma NSO Group nachweislich dazu verwendet, um Regierungskritiker, Journalisten, Menschenrechtsaktivisten und Anwälte von Opfern schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen zu überwachen, darunter auch die Rechtsvertreter der Familien der seit dem 26. September 2014 verschwundenen 43 Studenten von Ayotzinapa. Die Software installiert sich durch das Beantworten einer SMS auf dem Handy und kann laut Angaben des Herstellers nur von staatlichen Behörden verwendet werden.
Wir dokumentieren Polizeigewalt und Grundrechtsverletzungen
Diese Seite sammelt Fälle, die für die Redaktion wie rechtswidrige Polizeigewalt aussehen. Wir versuchen bei jedem dokumentierten Fall so viele Informationen wie möglich zu bekommen. Den Zeitpunkt des Vorfalls könnt ihr, je nachdem wieviele Informationen wir haben, am Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung des jeweiligen Beitrages ablesen. Die Kommentare unter den einzelnen Fällen sollen nicht zur Diskussion, sondern nur zur Ergänzung von Links & Quellen genutzt werden.
G20-Doku: Materialsammlung zu Polizeigewalt und Behinderung der Presse
Wer bei den Protesttagen gegen den G20-Gipfel in Hamburg Polizeigewalt oder Einschüchterungen gegen Pressevertreter oder Anwälte aufgezeichnet hat, kann sein Material auf einer neuen Dokumentationsseite zur Verfügung stellen. „G20 Doku“ trägt Vorfälle zusammen und versucht damit, zur Aufklärung der Geschehnisse in Hamburg beizutragen.
Mexiko: Erneut Journalist in Mexiko getötet
Rivera ist bereits der siebte getötete Journalist in Mexiko in diesem Jahr.
Mexiko: Auch internationale Ermittler Ziel von Staatstrojanern
Eine internationale Delegation von unabhängigen Ermittlern ist mit der Spähsoftware Pegasus des israelischen Herstellers NSO attackiert worden. Wie das kanadische Forschungsinstitut Citizen Lab berichtet, fanden sich auf Mobiltelefonen der Ermittler Spuren des Staatstrojaners, dessen Verwendung Citizen Lab kürzlich auch bei mehreren Angriffen auf kritische Journalisten, Aktivisten und führende Oppositionspolitiker in Mexiko nachwies. Die Ermittler sollten das Verschwinden von 43 Studenten in der Stadt Iguala im Jahr 2014 aufklären.
Journalisten werden offenbar seit zehn Jahren beobachtet
SPD und Grüne im Bundestag haben zudem bereits die Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte angerufen, und auch die Geheimdienstkontrolleure im Parlament wollen sich die Sache nun einmal genauer erklären lassen.
Der Kampf um die Akten
Ich bemühe seit fast 40 Jahren die Gerichte, um an die Akten zu gelangen. Erst ging es um Datenschutz, dann um die strategische Fernmeldeüberwachung, dann um die Unterlagen der deutschen Geheimdienste und danach um die der ausländischen Dienste. Es geht dabei auch um den Rechtstreit wegen der „privatisierten“ (also der gestohlenen) Unterlagen, die Minister und Staatssekretäre nach ihrem Ausscheiden aus dem Amt mit nach Hause nehmen und die dann in den Archiven der Parteistiftungen landen. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in meiner Sache am 12. Juli 2017 eine Entscheidung getroffen.