Daily Archives: 23. Juni 2017

23.06.2017 - 19:37 [ University of Arizona ]

UA Scientists and the Curious Case of the Warped Kuiper Belt

An unknown, unseen „planetary mass object“ may lurk in the outer reaches of our solar system, according to new research on the orbits of minor planets to be published in the Astronomical Journal. This object would be different from — and much closer than — the so-called Planet Nine, a planet whose existence yet awaits confirmation.

In the paper, Kat Volk and Renu Malhotra of the University of Arizona‘s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, or LPL, present compelling evidence of a yet-to-be- discovered planetary body with a mass somewhere between that of Mars and Earth. The mysterious mass, the authors show, has given away its presence — for now — only by controlling the orbital planes of a population of space rocks known as Kuiper Belt objects, or KBOs, in the icy outskirts of the solar system.

23.06.2017 - 19:18 [ Erik Wernquist / Vimeo ]


With kind permission from Ann Druyan, the narration by Carl Sagan is now back in the film.
Also, the film is now available for DOWNLOAD for your private full quality viewing pleasure.

23.06.2017 - 19:07 [ Omaha.com ]

Nebraska Democratic Party chair removes official after offensive remarks about congressman’s shooting

Kleeb removed Phil Montag on Thursday morning as co-chair of the state party’s technology committee after The World-Herald sent her a link to the recording on a black advocacy website.

In the recording, Montag said he wished Scalise was dead, and he called the Louisiana Republican obscene names. The conversation took place in a private home in Omaha between Montag, Nebraska Democratic Party Black Caucus Chair Chelsey Gentry-Tipton and a friend of hers.

23.06.2017 - 18:53 [ Techdirt ]

Legislators Want To Open Up Wiretap Laws To Target Sex Workers And Their Customers

Under the guise of fighting sex trafficking, legislators have been offering up a slew of bills that will make things much worse for plenty of people not involved in this heinous crime. Elizabeth Nolan Brown, who is the go-to expert on all sorts of government abuse done in the name of sex-trafficked children, has tallied up the current stack of legislative paperwork floating around the halls of Congress. Spoiler alert: it‘s a lot.

23.06.2017 - 18:53 [ Techdirt ]

Facial Recognition Software Brings Personalized Ads To The Supermarket

Facial recognition software is getting to the point where there are some very interesting things that can be done with it in everyday life. That includes really bad ideas like enabling the police to run record checks on everyone who passes in front of their body-worn cameras. But it also means that businesses can start applying the technology in novel ways. Here‘s what is happening on a trial basis in some German supermarkets and post offices, as reported by Deutsche Welle:

23.06.2017 - 16:54 [ neues-deutschland.de ]

G20-Camp: Aktivisten ziehen vor das Verfassungsgericht

Das Organisationsteam des »Antikapitalistischen Camps« kündigte noch am Freitag an, den Schritt vor das Verfassungsgericht zu gehen. »Wir nutzen alle legalen Mittel, um das Camp zu ermöglichen. Wir bereiten die Klage in Karlsruhe nun vor«, sagte Branco Geiger, Mitglied aus der Vorbereitungsgruppe, gegenüber dem »nd«. Das Urteil des Oberverwaltungsgerichts sei für die Aktivist*innen unverständlich. »Das Verwaltungsgericht machte in seinem Urteil zuvor deutlich, dass es ein Kooperationsgespräch zwischen der Innenbehörde und uns geben müsse, damit die Frage geklärt werden könne, ob es sich bei unserem Camp um eine politische Versammlung handelt«, so der Aktivist. »Wir warten bis heute darauf, dass sich die Innenbehörde für dieses Gespräch bei uns meldet.«

23.06.2017 - 16:52 [ Think Progress ]

D.C. cops used ‘rape as punishment’ after Inauguration Day mass arrests, lawsuit says

the experiences of the lawsuit’s four plaintiffs — independent photojournalist Shay Horse, volunteer legal observer Judah Ariel, and peaceful protesters Elizabeth Lagesse and Milo Gonzalez — suggest that MPD sought physical and emotional retribution on the hundreds of people kettled, the ACLU alleges.

An officer ordered Horse, fellow plaintiff Milo Gonzalez, and three others to take their pants off before grabbing their testicles and then inserting a finger into their anuses while “other officers laughed,” the complaint alleges. Horse is a photojournalist, one of six reporters initially arrested and charged whose cases have been dismissed.

23.06.2017 - 16:44 [ salzburg.com ]

EU-Gipfel vertagt Streit über Flüchtlingspolitik

Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Europäischen Union haben erneut keine Annäherung im Streit über die Verteilung von Flüchtlingen erreicht. In der Abschlusserklärung des EU-Gipfels am Freitag in Brüssel wurde der Ministerrat aber aufgerufen, seine Arbeiten an der Reform der Asylpolitik fortzusetzen. Auf Chefebene wolle man im Europäischen Rat ebenfalls auf das Thema zurückkommen.

23.06.2017 - 16:42 [ Telegraph ]

Saudi Arabia gives Qatar 10 days to meet its demands: close Al-Jazeera and cut ties with Iran

Saudi Arabia and its allies raised the stakes in their standoff with Qatar yesterday, giving the small Gulf state ten days to shut down Al-Jazeera and curb its ties with Iran or face unspecified consequences.

The coalition of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE and Egypt presented Qatar with a list of 13 wide-ranging demands, including calls for it to expel Turkish military forces from its territory and sever all connections with the Muslim Brotherhood.

23.06.2017 - 14:23 [ Washington Post ]

Trump says ‘we’ll have to see’ if Mueller should step down from Russia probe

President Trump laid out his belief that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is biased in the expanding Russia investigation and suggested in an interview broadcast Friday morning that he may eventually need to step down. Asked by Fox News Channel whether Mueller should „recuse himself from the investigation,“ Trump said three times „we‘ll have to see,“ and argued that Mueller‘s long friendship with fired FBI director James B. Comey and hiring of investigators with Democratic ties are „very bothersome“ and „ridiculous.“

23.06.2017 - 14:21 [ Fox News ]

Trump says Comey-Mueller friendship ‚bothersome‘

President Trump on Friday called the investigation into allegations of Russia collusion and claims he obstructed justice “ridiculous” while saying special counsel Robert Mueller’s friendship with fired FBI Director James Comey “is very bothersome,” during a wide-ranging interview on “Fox & Friends” that also touched on his stalled legislative agenda and the health care debate.

23.06.2017 - 13:14 [ Techdirt ]

How The Supreme Court‘s Recent Free Speech Ruling May Destroy Hollywood‘s Plans To Kick People Off The Internet

As we noted in our original post, I expect that to be quoted in many other cases — and a big one may be the ongoing attempts right now by the legacy entertainment industry to force ISPs to kick people off of their service based on accusations (not convictions) of infringement. Those cases, like this Packingham case, involve using a law to claim that people should be blocked from using the internet. And based on the quotes above, it seems quite likely that parts of the DMCA are clearly unconstitutional.

23.06.2017 - 13:12 [ Reuters ]

North Korea says U.S. student‘s death a ‚mystery to us as well‘

The North‘s foreign ministry spokesman also said in comments carried by the official KCNA agency that Warmbier was „a victim of the policy of strategic patience“ of former U.S. President Barack Obama whose government never requested his release.

„The fact that Warmbier died suddenly in less than a week just after his return to the U.S. in his normal state of health indicators is a mystery to us as well,“ the spokesman was quoted by KCNA as saying.

23.06.2017 - 13:11 [ KBS ]

Außenminister Südkoreas und der USA führen erstes Telefongespräch

Kang betonte, dass die für den 29. und 30. Juni vorgesehenen Spitzengespräche zwischen Südkorea und den USA eine Grundlage für die politische Kooperation in den nächsten fünf Jahren würden. Sie forderte, dass beide Seiten Bemühungen für erfolgreiche Gespräche unternehmen sollten.

Tillerson sagte, er sei stark entschlossen und davon überzeugt, dass der Besuch des südkoreanischen Präsidenten in den USA erfolgreich sein werde.

23.06.2017 - 13:08 [ CNBC ]

North Korean diplomat raises possibility of talks with US, nuclear test moratorium

(22.6.2017) „Under certain circumstances, we are willing to talk in terms of the freezing of nuclear testing and missile testing,“ North Korea Ambassador to India Kye Chun Yong said during an interview on India‘s TV network WION.

According to Kye, North Korea is prepared to hold such negotiations with the U.S. at „anytime“ — but without preconditions from Washington.

23.06.2017 - 13:05 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Greece bows to blackmails, grants immunity to ex members of Privatization agency

Greece bowed to Spanish blackmail and granted immunity to three former members of the country’s privatization agency. Right after the Eurogroup agreement last week, Spanish Finance Minister Luis de Guintos had threatened to block the disbursement of 8.5 billion euro bailout tranche, if the ex HRADF members would not be granted immunity.

23.06.2017 - 12:56 [ Kleine Zeitung ]

May bekräftigt „faires Angebot“ an EU-Bürger

„Ich will allen EU-Bürgern versichern, die im Vereinigten Königreich leben und arbeiten, dass niemand gehen muss, dass wir keine Familien auseinanderreißen werden“, sagte May. Sie habe den übrigen 27 EU-Ländern ein „sehr faires und ernsthaftes Angebot“ gemacht und wünsche sich, dass die Partner gleiche Zusagen auch an die Briten in der EU gäben, fügte May hinzu. Die Einzelheiten würden natürlich Gegenstand der Verhandlungen über den EU-Austritt des Vereinigten Königreichs sein.

23.06.2017 - 12:53 [ Techdirt ]

Secret Defense Dept. Report Shows Manning Leaks Did No Serious Damage

Prosecutors seeking to justify a lengthy sentence (and the abuses that had already occurred) in the Chelsea Manning case insisted the documents she leaked had caused serious damage to those exposed by them. They said this even as multiple government officials admitted the most the United States had suffered was some embarrassment.

Jason Leopold has obtained an official assessment of the Manning leaks which shows the same thing: no real damage was done.

23.06.2017 - 12:42 [ süddeutsche.de ]

Der Mann, der das Fest in Heidenau möglich machte

(31.8.2015) „Außerdem hat mir das Oberverwaltungsgericht einen Großteil der Kosten für das Verfahren auferlegt – ungefähr 1000 Euro. Da fielen mir dann schon die Augen aus dem Gesicht. Ich habe mit meinem Chef gesprochen und dann kamen wir gemeinsam auf die Idee, das Verfassungsgericht einzuschalten. Um halb elf Freitagabend haben wir das alles hingefaxt, das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat für solche Fälle bis ein Uhr nachts einen Notdienst.“

23.06.2017 - 09:00 [ Ban Ki Moon / Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen ]

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 4 September to 19 November 2014

(1.12.2014) 5. In view of the heavy fighting, which was approaching close to the UNDOF headquarters at Camp Faouar and the mission’s positions in the central part of the area of separation, the Force Commander briefed both parties early in September on the Force’s plans to relocate its personnel and assets should the Nusra Front or other extremist fighters who posed a clear threat to the mission endanger the safety and security of the United Nations personnel. It should be noted here that from information posted on social media as well as in the course of its efforts to secure the release of the peacekeepers, the United Nations learned that its personnel had been taken and held by members of the Nusra Front. There were indications that the Nusra Front intended to detain additional UNDOF personnel and take from UNDOF more weapons and vehicles as opportunities arose. (…)

12. Crossing of the ceasefire line by civilians, primarily shepherds, was observed on an almost daily basis. On 24 October, United Nations observation post 73 observed 12 IDF soldiers who detained one civilian between the Alpha line and the Israeli technical fence south-east of the observation post and subsequently took him away. IDF informed UNDOF that they released the person within one hour at the same location. On 27 October, position 80 observed two IDF soldiers east of the technical fence returning from the direction of the Alpha line towards the technical fence. UNDOF observed IDF opening the technical fence gate and letting two individuals pass from the Bravo to the Alpha side. Following the evacuation of UNDOF personnel from position 85 on 28 August, UNDOF sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations position 85.

23.06.2017 - 08:57 [ Haaretz ]

UN Sees Spike in Meetings Between Israeli Army, Syrian Rebels, Warns of Escalation

(20.6.2017) During the last seven months, the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force has noted a significant escalation in contact and interactions between Israeli armed forces and rebel organizations along Israel’s border with Syria, chiefly in the area of Mt. Hermon, says a report released in recent days by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to the members of the UN Security Council.

23.06.2017 - 08:54 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Wie man ein Imperium der Algorithmen beherrscht

Forscher*innen von SHARE Lab hatten bereits in der Vergangenheit darauf hingewiesen, dass Facebook mittlerweile als globale immaterielle Produktionsstätte angesehen werden muss. Einzige grundlegende Aufgabe der Nutzer*innen ist es dabei, so viele persönliche Daten wie möglich preiszugeben.

23.06.2017 - 08:37 [ sueddeutsche.de ]

Überwachungsgesetz im Bundestag: Der Staatstrojaner ist ein Einbruch ins Grundrecht

Bei dem Gesetzgebungsverfahren über die staatliche Infiltration von privaten Computern handelt sich um eine Art von Schmuggelei: Ein äußerst weitreichendes Gesetz, das den Staat zum Hacker macht, wird klandestin und undercover in den Gesetzgebungsgang hineingemogelt. Eine solche Form des legislativen Quasibetrugs zum Zwecke der Umgehung von kritischer Diskussion muss auch all denen missfallen, die die Online-Durchsuchung für grundsätzlich notwendig oder gar für dringend geboten halten.

23.06.2017 - 08:35 [ sueddeutsche.de ]

Telefonüberwachung direkt aus der Hölle

(16.6.2017) „Wenn die ungarischen Behörden die Chance gehabt hätten, diese furchtbare Tat zu verhindern, man hätte das getan“, sagte er auf Anfrage. Die Telefonate seien nicht live überwacht worden, sondern wegen der vielen Sprachen – die Täter redeten untereinander serbisch, bulgarisch und arabisch – erst nachträglich ausgewertet worden. Aufgrund vorheriger Fahrten, von denen die Ermittler Kenntnis hatten und bei denen keine Lebensgefahr für die Migranten bestanden habe, habe man nicht auf eine solche Situation schließen können.