Daily Archives: 28. Mai 2017

28.05.2017 - 16:25 [ Radio Utopie ]

Manchester-Attentat: Geheimdienstlicher Komplex krallt sich an seine Kriegslogik

Nach dem heimtückischen, faschistischen Attentat auf Besucherinnen und Besucher eines Konzerts in Manchester am 22. Mai, wird die Öffentlichkeit über „Medien“, die explizit im Vereinigten Königreich schon in der Vorkriegszeit von Spionen „überrannt“ und infiltriert wurden, mit Behauptungen aus dem geheimdienstlichen Komplex überschüttet. Diese werden selbst von wohlmeinenden Pazifisten unreflektiert übernommen und geschluckt, entsprechend der Logik des Terrorkrieges. Gleichzeitig wird, entsprechend der Dynamik des Terrorkrieges, das Manchester-Attentat als Beispiel von Kriegführung im Hinterland Krieg führender Staaten für noch mehr Repression gegen die Bevölkerung und noch mehr Kriegführung im Äußeren benutzt.

Extreme Heuchelei sondert dabei – erwartungsgemäß – auch die „Labour“-Partei und deren Führer Jeremy Corbyn ab.

28.05.2017 - 13:41 [ The Intercept ]

Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to “Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies”

Additional documents, obtained via public records requests, consist of communications among agents from the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Justice Department, the Marshals Service, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, as well as state and local police. The “Intel Group,” as its members refer to it, closely monitored anti-Dakota Access protests in real time, scooped up information on the water protectors from social media, and shared intelligence.

28.05.2017 - 13:08 [ Press TV ]

Israeli protesters support Palestinian state, urge end to occupation

Israeli NGO Peace Now, one of the organizers of the demonstration, said the event was meant to denounce the lack of hope being offered by a regime „perpetuating occupation, violence and racism“.

„The time has come to prove to the Israelis, the Palestinians and the entire world that an important segment of the Israeli population is opposed to occupation,“ said Peace Now head Avi Buskila.

28.05.2017 - 13:01 [ teleSUR ]

Brazilian Musicians to Play Rio for Free, Democratic Elections

The concert titled, „Rio do Directas Ja,“ or „Rio for Our Rights Now,“ will take place on Copacabana Beach with performances by Mano Brown, Mart‘nalia, Maria Gadu, Caetano Veloso, Criolo, Teresa Cristina, Mosquito, Cordão da Bola Preta, Bnegano, as well as other artists.

28.05.2017 - 11:29 [ Marco Bülow / Süddeutsche.de ]

Düstere Aussichten

(November 2007) Vor der Afghanistan-Abstimmung verrät der SPD-Mann Marco Bülow, was Bundestagsmitglieder wirklich zu sagen haben: fast nichts.

28.05.2017 - 10:37 [ Washington Post ]

Trump considers major changes amid escalating Russia crisis

Kushner has played an active role in the effort to rethink and rearrange the communications team, improve the White House’s surrogate operation, and develop an internal group to respond to the influx of negative stories and revelations over the FBI’s Russia inquiry, said a person with knowledge of the coming changes.

“The bottom line is they need fresh legs; they need more legs,” said Barry Bennett, who served as a political adviser to Trump during the general-election campaign. “They’re in full-scale war, and they’re thinly staffed.”

28.05.2017 - 10:30 [ Haaretz ]

Report: ISIS Intel Trump Leaked to Russians Originated With Jordanian Spy

(18.5.2017) A Jordanian – and not Israeli – agent is the source of the intelligence information leaked by U.S. President Donald Trump to the Russians last week, Al Jazeera reported early Thursday.

The report, which cites a number of Jordanian sources, contradicts claims that it was an Israeli spy within ISIS who had originally gained the information in question.

28.05.2017 - 10:29 [ ABC News ]

Trump‘s disclosure endangered spy placed inside ISIS by Israel, officials say

(16.5.2017) The life of a spy placed by Israel inside ISIS is at risk tonight, according to current and former U.S. officials, after President Donald Trump reportedly disclosed classified information in a meeting with Russian officials last week.

The spy provided intelligence involving an active ISIS plot to bring down a passenger jet en route to the United States, with a bomb hidden in a laptop that U.S. officials believe can get through airport screening machines undetected.

28.05.2017 - 09:44 [ Berliner Zeitung ]

Britischer Außenminister dementiert Berichte – Cook: Keine Beteiligung an Gaddafi-Attentat

(11.8.1998) Der Ex-Geheimdienstler David Shayler, der jetzt mit der Geschichte über eine Verwicklung des SIS in einen Attentatsversuch auf den libyschen Diktator im Februar 1996 an die Öffentlichkeit getreten war, läßt schließlich offen, ob seine damaligen Kollegen die Londoner Regierung über das Vorhaben überhaupt informiert hatten. Ein Agent der Spionageabteilung MI6 mit dem Decknamen „PT16B“ soll Shayler im November 1995 berichtet haben, daß er über einen Verbindungsmann („Tunworth“) Kontakt zu einer fundamentalistischen Gruppe in Libyen aufgenommen habe, die einen Anschlag auf Gaddafi ausführen wolle. Als vier Monate später Berichte über ein mißlungenes Attentat im libyschen Sirte auf Shaylers Schreibtisch bei der Spionageabwehr MI5 landeten, habe sein MI6-Gegenüber „PT16B“ ihm „auf triumphierende Art gesagt, ja, wir haben es gemacht.“

28.05.2017 - 09:42 [ New York Times ]

August 2-8; Shhh. It Was a Secret.

(9.8.1998) Last week, history seemed to repeat itself when David Shayler, a former officer at the Libya desk of Britain‘s domestic security service, was arrested after threatening to disclose embarrassing agency secrets on the Internet. Newspapers that were poised to publish his allegations found themselves slapped with far-reaching injunctions in the name of national security.

Then, on Thursday, the newspaper The Guardian reprinted an article by The New York Times that described the British news media‘s inability to cover Mr. Shayler‘s story. It included details of Mr. Shayler‘s allegation that Britain‘s foreign intelligence service botched an assassination attempt against Muammar el-Qaddafi in 1996 — details subject to the injunction.

28.05.2017 - 09:40 [ Guardian ]

Tinker, tailor, soldier, journalist

(12.6.2000) The third sort of manipulation is the most insidious – when intelligence agency propaganda stories are planted on willing journalists, who disguise their origin from their readers. There is – or has been until recently – a very active programme by the secret agencies to colour what appears in the British press, called, if publications by various defectors can be believed, information operations, or „I/Ops“. I am – unusually – in a position to provide some information about its operations.

Let us take the third allegation first. Black propaganda – false material where the source is disguised – has been a tool of British intelligence agencies since the days of the second world war, when the Special Operations Executive (SOE) got up to all kinds of tricks with clandestine radio stations, to drip pornography and pessimism into the ears of impressionable German soldiers.

28.05.2017 - 09:24 [ strategic-culture.org ]

Mrs May and MI5

At the heart of this story is Britain’s so-called domestic security and supposed intelligence service MI5, of which Mrs May was ultimately responsible for as Home Secretary and developed a very close working relationship with the spooks of Thames House, even employing some active members of MI5 as «Special Advisors» on her own staff, and coming closely under the influence of the so-called spooky «security experts» who work in and inhabit the shadows.

28.05.2017 - 09:23 [ wsws.org ]

Beifall für den Libyen-Krieg von der Neuen Antikapitalistischen Partei Frankreichs

(10.9.2011) Am 22. August erschien eine Erklärung der NPA mit der Überschrift „Gaddafi ist gestürzt, jetzt kann das Volk entscheiden“. Dort wird erklärt: „Der Sturz des Diktators Gaddafi ist eine gute Nachricht für das Volk. Die NPA erklärt sich voll und ganz solidarisch mit dem anhaltenden revolutionären Prozess in der arabischen Region.“

Die Behauptung der NPA, die Vertreibung des Gaddafi-Regimes durch die imperialistische Intervention der Nato sei „eine gute Nachricht“, ganz zu schweigen davon, dass das „ein revolutionärer Prozess“ sei, ist eine reaktionäre politische Lüge.

28.05.2017 - 09:21 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

Gaddafi‘s would-be assassin now rules Tripoli

(3.9.2011) Known in the jihadi world as Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq, Mr Belhaj is a former commander of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which has been linked to al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the al-Jihad group in Egypt.

The LIFG staged three attempts to assassinate Colonel Gaddafi in 1995 and 1996 before it was disbanded in 1998. Mr Belhaj spent time in Abu Salim prison after being captured in Malaysia in 2004 and returned to Libya, after his second stint of fighting in Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks in the US.

28.05.2017 - 09:16 [ Peter Dale Scott / Hintergrund.de ]

Wer sind die libyschen Freiheitskämpfer und ihre Gönner?

(31.3.2011) Die Welt sieht sich mit einer sehr unberechenbaren und potentiell gefährlichen Situation in Nordafrika und im Mittleren Osten konfrontiert. Was mit den Revolutionen in Tunesien und Ägypten als eine bemerkenswerte, vielversprechende und verhältnismäßig gewaltfreie Errungenschaft der neuen Politik begann, ist sehr schnell in eine erneute Verschlimmerung alter Übel umgeschlagen: US-Amerika, das schon zwei Jahrzehnte lang in Kriegen im Irak und in Afghanistan feststeckt und dabei sporadisch immer mal wieder den Jemen und Somalia aus der Luft bombardiert, wirft seine Bomben nun auf ein weiteres Land der Dritten Welt ab, diesmal auf Libyen.

28.05.2017 - 08:59 [ Guardian ]

MI6 knew I was tortured, says Libyan rebel leader

(5.9.2011) „The British were the second team to visit me,“ he said. „They came about a month after I was returned to Libya and they were very well briefed about LIFG [Libyan Islamic Fighting Group] members in the UK. They knew everything, even their code names. They wanted to know more details about the LIFG and also about the general environment elsewhere, al-Qaida, that sort of thing. There was a woman who was leading the team, a big man and a third person who was translating. They only came one time.“

Belhaj said intelligence officers from other European countries, including France, Germany and Italy, also travelled to Tripoli to speak to him inside the infamous Abu Selim prison in south Tripoli.

28.05.2017 - 08:48 [ morningstaronline.co.uk ]

May urges nations to halt terrorism amid MI5 failures

Ms May showed no hint of irony as she told a session on counter-terrorism at the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Taormina, Sicily, that they must do more to ensure those travelling to Syria and Iraq to join Isis are brought to justice.

“It is vital we do more to cooperate with our partners in the region to step up returns and prosecutions of foreign fighters,” she said.

“This means improving intelligence-sharing, evidence gathering and bolstering countries’ police and legal processes.”

28.05.2017 - 04:08 [ Observer ]

NASA’s First Close-Up of Jupiter Is Shocking and Surprising Everyone on Earth

“We’re puzzled as to how they could be formed, how stable the configuration is, and why Jupiter’s north pole doesn’t look like the south pole,” Bolton said. “We’re questioning whether this is a dynamic system, and are we seeing just one stage, and over the next year, we’re going to watch it disappear, or is this a stable configuration and these storms are circulating around one another?”