(3.11.2016) Chinese security forces are ignoring international borders to make regular patrols deep inside eastern Afghanistan, according to sources in the area. In exclusive pictures obtained by WION, Chinese-manufactured military vehicles can be seen patrolling in the country‘s far eastern Little Pamir region.
Daily Archives: 26. April 2017
Afghan Taliban delegation visits China to discuss unrest: sources
(30.7.2016) A delegation from the Taliban visited China earlier this month to discuss the situation in Afghanistan, where the insurgent movement is fighting the Western-backed government in Kabul, sources in the Taliban said.
A delegation led by Abbas Stanakzai, head of the Taliban‘s political office in Qatar, visited Beijing on July 18-22 at the invitation of the Chinese government, a senior member of the Taliban said.
Afghanistangespräche in Moskau: Das «Grosse Spiel» mit den Taliban
(14.4.2017) Russische Kontakte zu den Aufständischen gibt es seit längerem, und sie werden unter dem Sonderbeauftragten für Afghanistan mit dem passenden Namen Samir Kabulow stetig ausgebaut. Das russische Aussenministerium streitet zwar Berichte über Waffenlieferungen ab, amerikanische Militärvertreter im Land halten diese aber für wahrscheinlich. Unbestritten ist, dass sich Russland zusammen mit China und Pakistan dafür einsetzt, dass Taliban-Vertreter von internationalen Sanktionslisten gestrichen werden.
Russia‘s interests coincide with Taliban‘s in fight against ISIS: agency cites diplomat
(23.12.2015) Russia has established communication channels to exchange information with the Taliban, Zamir Kabulov, a department chief at Russia‘s Foreign Ministry and President Vladimir Putin‘s special envoy on Afghanistan, told Interfax.
Russia is also ready to supply weapons to Afghanistan, he said, but would do this „with caution and on a commercial basis“, Kabulov said.
Why Is Russia Helping Anti-U.S. Insurgents In Afghanistan?
(13.2.2017) The top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Nicholson, stopped short of detailing everything the U.S. knows about the Russian return to Afghanistan in an appearance before a Senate panel last week. But he did confirm some lawmakers‘ accounts of what U.S. intelligence has established about the relationship.
US-Verteidigungsminister Mattis überraschend in Afghanistan – „Russland bewaffnet die Taliban“
Die USA befinden sich seit 15 Jahren in Afghanistan im Krieg. Dennoch sind die Taliban dort nicht nur weiterhin aktiv, sie verzeichnen auch zunehmend Gewinne. Sie kontrollieren etwa die Hälfte des Landes und empfehlen den USA, Afghanistan zu verlassen, um eine Demütigung zu vermeiden.
Greeks are furious as Public Power Company increases charges on electricity bills
As if we did not have enough financial burdens, Greek Public Power Company increases charges on electricity bills and demands the payment of additional 735 million euros by millions of electricity consumers. “It is a small, temporary contribution,” Greek PPC said in a statement responding to the outcry. Greeks know very well that there is nothing more permanent than the temporary. They saw it on the temporary Solidarity Tax and the increased Property Tax. And they are afraid that the new ‘small, temporary’ PPC charge will add another stone to the electricity bills many of them can hardly afford to pay.
Potwal und Petunientopf
Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis
Von wegen machtlose Opposition
(13.7.2016) Und im Bundesrat beeinflusst die Partei 45 Stimmen. Von insgesamt 69. Das ist beeindruckend. Es fühlt sich nicht mehr wie eine Sperrminorität an, sondern eher wie eine Gestaltungsmehrheit. Niemand kann an den Grünen vorbei ein Gesetz machen, das durch den Bundesrat muss.
Union und SPD zittern um die Grünen: Schmiert uns bloß nicht ab!
Die Zeit schien reif für ein schwarz-grünes Experiment auch im Bund, zumal die Grünen mit der Auswahl ihres Spitzenduos vielversprechende Signale sendeten. An Katrin Göring-Eckardt und Cem Özdemir würde ein bürgerliches Bündnis mit Angela Merkel sicher nicht scheitern.
Nach extremen Geheuchel: „Grüne“ winken „Anti-Terror-Paket“ im Bundesrat durch
(Juli 2016) Wie beim Terrorkrieg jedwede pazifistische Organisation, knipst sich auch bei den entsprechenden Terrorgesetzen jedwede Bürgerrechtsorganisation genauso aus wie die angebliche „parlamentarische Opposition“, der sie alle hinterher laufen.
Schulterklopfen 4.0: Digitalminister feiern ihre Digitale Agenda
Die Bundesregierung wollte einmal Deutschland zum Verschlüsselungsstandort Nummer 1 machen, hieß es in der Digitalen Agenda. Davon ist heute keine Rede mehr. Stattdessen freut sich der Minister, dass er eine neue Behörde geschaffen habe, die es endlich ermögliche, technisch mit den Kryptokriminellen Schritt zu halten. Eine nette Umschreibung für die Entschlüsselungs- und Unsicherheitsbehörde Zitis, die an der Aushebelung von Verschlüsselung forscht, Hintertüren finden und die Umgehung von Verschlüsselungsmethoden auch praktisch umsetzen soll.
Apps aim to help improve local community safety
(28.3.2017) Community members are urged to download the Zello walkie-talkie app and join a network of concerned citizens who help fight crime in their communities.
Mal ehrlich: im dringenden Bedürfnis den Untertanen nackig zu machen, da sind sich doch ALLE Regierungen gleich..
Russia blocks protest app for refusing to share data
(13.4.2017) All 400,000 users in the country have been banned from Zello.
Zello: An app for protestors
(24.2.2014) Moore said the company occasionally hears from the FBI or a government who needs help identifying a „bad guy“ who uses Zello. He said the company isn’t able to provide much help because they don’t save a lot of information.
Probe finds 12,000 using IS channel
Some 12,000 people are signed up to the „The State of the Islamic Caliphate“ jihadist channel on the high-tech application Zello, an investigation by the anti-terrorism squad of the Carabinieri police in collaboration with the FBI has found.
@Zello Don´t you DARE to give in to this FBI / „counter“-terrorist blackmail bullshit…
Sooo, und jetzt alle mal nackt ausziehen, aber SCHNELL, SCHNELL, JAA?! Das FBI hat nämlich rausgefunden: Terroristen tragen Kleidung! @Zello
Carinha: Musik für Seelenkinder
Ein Interview mit Carinha. Die Künstlerin lebt in Göttingen und Dresden.
Der Krieg in Mali als Folge der Formierung EUropäischer Außenpolitik
Der Krieg in Mali ist zumindest in Teilen Ergebnis der Institutionalisierung und Fusionierung EUropäischer Außen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik, der hiermit zusammenhängenden Versicherheitlichung der Region und ihrer geopolitischen Rahmung als „Sahel“, wie im Folgenden dargestellt werden soll.
Iranians residing abroad to vote for president in 103 countries
Iranians residing abroad will cast their votes for May 19 presidential election at 279 polling stations in 103 countries, an Iranian official said.
Testlauf für den Weltkrieg
Noch am heutigen 80. Jahrestag der Zerstörung der spanischen Stadt Guernica durch den Bombenterror der deutschen Legion Condor hält die Beihilfe der Bundeswehr für das ehrende Gedenken an Condor-Kampfpiloten an. Condor-Flieger hatten Guernica am 26. April 1937 vollständig in Schutt und Asche gelegt, um dem Faschisten Francisco Franco im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg zum Sieg zu verhelfen.
Syrienkrieg: Frankreich macht Assad für Sarin-Angriff verantwortlich
Die französischen Geheimdienste hätten zudem einen Bomber vom Typ Suchoi Su-22 identifiziert, der am Morgen des 4. April bis zu sechs Luftschläge rund um Chan Scheichun ausführte. „Der französische Geheimdienst schätzt, dass nur Baschar al-Assad und einige der einflussreichsten Mitglieder seines inneren Zirkels autorisiert sind, den Befehl zum Einsatz von Chemiewaffen geben können“, heißt es in dem Papier des Außenministeriums in Paris.
The Empire strikes FIRST: Britain would ’nuke its enemies’ pledges defence boss
Prime Minister Theresa May is ready and willing to use nukes in the “most extreme circumstances” to fire a preemptive strike.
The ultimatum was laid down by Tory defence boss Michael Fallon amidst debate of Britain’s nuclear deterrent in the lead-up to the General Election.
How prepared are we for a nuclear blast? Drills this week aim to find out
Lefebvre said that, in general, Gotham Shield will not involve the actual deployment of emergency response equipment and personnel.
It is to be a „notional“ exercise in which emergency responders respond theoretically to an unfolding nuclear event scenario in which all levels of government are in communication and playing a role.
The drill is not a response to the recent tensions between the United States and North Korea, or any international incident, since it has been in the planning stages for a year, Lefebvre said.
What is Operation Gotham Shield?
„Operation Gotham Shield“ led to a predictable uptick in false flag and nuclear apocalypse rumors, but the long-planned preparedness training was neither secret nor suspicious.
‚More transparency‘ needed over lethal drone strike against British radical, lawmakers says
„This failure to provide what we consider to be relevant documents is profoundly disappointing,“ said Dominic Grieve, the chair of a committee of lawmakers which published its report into UK lethal drone strikes in Syria.
„The Government should be more transparent about these matters and permit proper scrutiny of them.“
UK Drone Killings: PM must Publish Intelligence Committee Report
(18.4.2017) Andrew Tyrie, Chair of the Liaison Committee stated after the meeting: “On the basis of today’s evidence, the intelligence and security committee will not be able to do a thorough job. The prime minister should reconsider his decision to prevent the ISC from looking at information on the military aspects of the drone strikes. Unless he permits this, the ISC will be incapable of providing reassurance to parliament and the public that the strikes were both necessary and proportionate.”
M5S stretches poll lead over PD
(20.4.2017) Demopolis put the M5S slightly up on 30.2% and the PD a shade down on 27%.
Italy‘s Five Star Movement presents ‚sovereignist‘ agenda
(19.4.2017) If Italy’s Five Star Movement (M5S) were to win national power, it could pull the country out of Nato and would boycott free-trade deals like TTIP and Ceta, challenge European Union austerity rules, drop sanctions against Russia, recognise Palestinian statehood and insist on the removal of all US nuclear weapons from its territory.
Italy situation is bigger elephant in room than French and German elections: UBS chairman
(24.4.2017) Italy and Greece are the key problems facing the euro zone despite much focus being on the continent‘s busy election schedule this year, according to Axel Weber, the chairman of Swiss bank UBS.
The sustainability of public finances has not yet been achieved in Greece, warned Weber, speaking to CNBC from the IMF‘s (International Monetary Fund) annual Spring meeting in Washington, D.C. on Saturday.
Italy the next euro battleground after French election
That key eurozone country is scheduled to have elections by the spring of 2018 at the latest that could see the rise to power of a decidedly anti-European party.
Vote in PD primaries – Renzi: Outcome not already certain, says ex-premier
„In four days‘ time the primaries to select the PD secretary for the next four years will take place in a democratic way,“ Renzi wrote in his e-news newsletter. „The winner will also be the premier candidate at the next elections.“
Sarkozy camp eyes power-sharing role under France‘s Macron
France‘s center-right party, seeking to rebound after the defeat of its presidential candidate, said on Wednesday it could share power with Emmanuel Macron if he is elected, as pollsters predict, on May 7.
Wahlprüfsteine: Wie stehen die Parteien in Schleswig-Holstein zu Videoüberwachung und Staatstrojanern?
Die Gruppe freiheitsfoo zeigt sich unter anderem überrascht davon, dass sich alle Parteien außer Linken und Piraten für den Einsatz von Bodycams für Polizisten aussprechen. Außerdem stellt freiheitsfoo fest, dass sich die Grünen nicht grundsätzlich gegen eine erneute Ausweitung der Videoüberwachung im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr aussprechen und sich um eine genaue Positionierung zum Einsatz von Staatstrojanern herumwinden.
Forsa-Umfrage: AfD legt wieder zu und bleibt drittstärkste Kraft
Die AfD legt in der wöchentlichen Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Forsa wieder in der Wählergunst zu: Sie kann sich im Wahltrend, den das Institut für das Magazin „Stern“ und den Fernsehsender RTL erstellt, um einen Punkt auf neun Prozent verbessern und wäre nun wieder drittstärkste Kraft.
Von der Leyen setzt Chefausbilder des Heeres ab
Am Mittwoch unterrichtete Generalinspekteur Volker Wieker den Verteidigungsausschuss des Bundestags in vertraulicher Sitzung über die Personalie. Generalmajor Walter Spindler wird vorgeworfen, in einem bisher noch nicht bekannten Fall von Verfehlungen durch Heeresausbilder im thüringischen Sondershausen erneut nicht energisch genug ermittelt zu haben.
EU-Kommission: EU leitet Vertragsverletzungsverfahren gegen Ungarn ein
Das ungarische Hochschulgesetz bedroht die Existenz der Zentraleuropäischen Universität (CEU) des US-Milliardärs George Soros. Dem neuen Gesetz zufolge müssen ausländische Universitäten nicht nur in Ungarn, sondern auch in ihrem Heimatland einen Sitz haben. Darüber verfügt die CEU nicht.
Sigmar Gabriel in Israel: Entweder bist du für mich oder gegen mich
Die Absage des Treffens zwischen Premier Netanjahu und Außenminister Gabriel passt zum politischen Klima in Israel. Wer regierungskritisch ist, wird diffamiert.
Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 4 September to 19 November 2014
(1.12.2014) 5. In view of the heavy fighting, which was approaching close to the UNDOF headquarters at Camp Faouar and the mission’s positions in the central part of the area of separation, the Force Commander briefed both parties early in September on the Force’s plans to relocate its personnel and assets should the Nusra Front or other extremist fighters who posed a clear threat to the mission endanger the safety and security of the United Nations personnel. It should be noted here that from information posted on social media as well as in the course of its efforts to secure the release of the peacekeepers, the United Nations learned that its personnel had been taken and held by members of the Nusra Front. There were indications that the Nusra Front intended to detain additional UNDOF personnel and take from UNDOF more weapons and vehicles as opportunities arose. (…)
12. Crossing of the ceasefire line by civilians, primarily shepherds, was observed on an almost daily basis. On 24 October, United Nations observation post 73 observed 12 IDF soldiers who detained one civilian between the Alpha line and the Israeli technical fence south-east of the observation post and subsequently took him away. IDF informed UNDOF that they released the person within one hour at the same location. On 27 October, position 80 observed two IDF soldiers east of the technical fence returning from the direction of the Alpha line towards the technical fence. UNDOF observed IDF opening the technical fence gate and letting two individuals pass from the Bravo to the Alpha side. Following the evacuation of UNDOF personnel from position 85 on 28 August, UNDOF sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations position 85.
UN Peacekeepers Observe IDF Interacting With Al Nusra in Golan
(4.12.2014) UN troops monitoring the 1974 ceasefire between Israel and Syria have witnessed interactions between members of the Israeli Defence Forces and the Al Nusra Front who have taken over a large part of the Golan Heights.
Israel’s Dangerous Game with Syrian Islamists
(25.6.2015) Recently, Israeli TV aired an interview (Hebrew, at the 2:00 mark) with a wounded Syrian fighter who was treated in Israel after being evacuated from the combat zone. As I, and many other journalists have reported, Israel, despite the false claim of neutrality in the civil war, has frequently intervened in the conflict on behalf of forces opposed to Bashar al-Assad. It does this less because it opposes Assad himself, than because its arch-enemies, Iran and Hezbollah, are the regime’s strongest allies.
In the Golan, Israel has cultivated an alliance with Islamist forces it falsely claims to detest: the al-Nusra Front. It has built a camp to house fighters and their families on Israeli-held territory. It conducts regular meetings with Islamist commanders and provides military and other critical supplies to them. All of this is documented in written UN reports and images captured by journalists and activists on the armistice line (between Syria and Israel).
Russia to allow Israeli strikes on Syrian arms transfers, PM says
(21.9.2015) After Kremlin meet, Netanyahu says ‘mechanism’ reached with Russian leader to prevent misunderstandings in Syrian fighting
Why Russia and Israel are Cooperating in Syria
(23.6.2016) In short, Israel’s growing security cooperation with Russia in Syria is motivated by a common desire to stabilize the conflict, combat Islamic extremism, and pre-empt belligerence from Iran and its proxies. As relations between Israel and the West have deteriorated over disagreements on the status of the Palestinian territories, Netanyahu is gradually shifting the focus of Jerusalem’s diplomatic efforts towards Russia to bring to fruition Israel’s goals for the wider region.
Gemeinsames Ziel bestätigt: Moskau nimmt Syrien-Memorandum mit USA wieder auf
(25.4.2017) Der Zeitung zufolge nahm Moskau das Memorandum, das nach dem US-Angriff auf den syrischen Militärflughafen Schairat Anfang April a
usgesetzt worden war, bereits am 13. April wieder auf — gleich nach dem Besuch des US-Außenministers Rex Tillerson in Moskau. „Rex Tillerson wandte sich während seines Moskau-Besuchs mit der Bitte an die russische Führung, das Abkommen wieder in Kraft zu setzen“, zitiert die Zeitung die Quelle.
How did al-Qaeda know in advance about the Syrian air strike?
Nevertheless, Postol begs a couple of questions, the most compelling of which is how the “false flag” imposters on the ground would have known how to time their operation with the Syrian air strike that everyone admits actually took place (the Syrians and Russians alleging that only conventional weapons were used, and the Americans alleging the use of chemical weapons). In order to do this, they would have had to have advance knowledge of the attack. How would they have gotten this information?
French intelligence report says Assad forces behind April 4 sarin attack
The six-page document – drawn up by France‘s military and foreign intelligence services and seen by said it was able to reach its conclusion based on samples they had obtained from the impact strike on the ground, and a blood sample from a victim.
Japan‘s Abe to visit Russia for Putin meet
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit Russia this week for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin and Tokyo said today, as the two sides look to make headway on a decades-old territorial dispute.
Japan begins construction work for controversial new U.S. base in Okinawa
Despite persistent local opposition to the relocation of the base from residential Ginowan to the coastal area in Nago, the state is moving ahead with construction —dumping building materials into the sea and planning to launch full-fledged landfill work inside the sea walls in the first half of next year.
THAAD installation underway amid residents‘ protests [PHOTOS]
Strongly protesting the move of the THAAD equipment to the site, a group of residents in the town clashed with police. (Yonhap)
Moon-Ahn gap widens further
Shin Yul, a political science professor at Myongji University, agreed saying, „Moon is believed to be trying to consolidate his lead and discouraging his opponents.“
Bareun-Partei schlägt für Sieg gegen Moon Jae-in einheitlichen Kandidaten vor
In fast allen bisher durchgeführten Meinungsumfragen zur Präsidentschaftswahl am 9. Mai ist Moon Jae-in von der Minjoo Partei Koreas Spitzenreiter.