The Syrian government has made it clear that it has not used chemical weapons. Many press reports indicate the bombing of a chemical weapons factory run by forces opposing the Syrian government caused casualties In Khan Shaikhun.
Daily Archives: 7. April 2017
#HandsOffSyria: Protests in New York Over Syria Airstrikes
The statement demands that a potential conflict in Syria is not about democracy or humanitarian intervention, but rather US superiority.
“Just like the rest of his agenda, his attack is about increasing the profits of the billionaires,” the statement continued.
Protest planned in Windsor over U.S. missile strikes in Syria
Friday night’s demonstration in Windsor is being led by Margaret Villamizar, a long-time member of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and past candidate in federal and provincial elections.
SF Protest – Stop Trumps War on Syria!
The ANSWER Coalition is calling on people and organizations to mobilize nationally coordinated protests Friday at 5:00 p.m. and throughout the weekend to demand an end to the U.S. war against Syria. These protests will be taking place in cities across the country, including Washington, D.C., at the White House.
Protest called after Donald Trump launches anti-Assad airstrike attack in Syria
“It is shameful that Theresa May has rushed to support this act by the most xenophobic and reactionary US president in history.
“Stop the War calls for protests today against this or any further attacks and against British support or participation.
Stop the War coalition head to Downing Street to protest against Trump‘s airstrikes in Syria
‚The Stop the War Coalition condemns Donald Trump‘s decision to launch attacks against Syrian targets.
‚This action will only increase the level of killing in Syria, and inflame the terrible war that has already caused untold misery for the people of the country.
Das syrische Parlament verurteilt scharf die US-Aggression gegen eine syrische Luftwaffenbasis in der Zentralregion
„Diese unverhohlene Aggression erfolgte zur Verteidigung der zusammengebrochenen terroristischen Organisationen und in einem Versuch, diese wiederzubeleben, nachdem Israel zuvor nicht imstande war, diese Mission durchzuführen,“ sagte die Volksversammlung in einer Erklärung.
The Escalating War on Syria and Need for International Law
As I will show below, it is likely the deaths in Khan Sheikhoun were caused by an armed opposition faction, not the Syrian government. The goal was precisely what has happened: a media firestorm leading to direct U.S. aggression against Syria.
WikiLeaks reveals Grasshopper, the CIA’s Windows hacking tool
In case you haven’t had your dose of paranoia fuel today, WikiLeaks released new information concerning a CIA malware program called “Grasshopper,” that specifically targets Windows.
The Grasshopper framework was (is?) allegedly used by the CIA to make custom malware payloads. According to the user guide:(…)
‚The world needs tough leadership to fight terror‘
„President Trump once warned that Sweden faces an internal threat, and he has, in a horrible sense, been vindicated. The world now looks to him for decisive, tough leadership in a fight that is often dirty, always complicated and rarely conclusive.“
Foreign Warship On Bosphorus in 2017
List of foreign warship movements through Turkish Straits in 2017. Last updated: 7.4.2017
Cellular Automata by Dopplereffekt
Leisure System Berlin, Germany
Berlin-based record label, Berghain residency, and nomadic party-starter
released April 7, 2017
Datenschutzmängel in Berliner Krankenhäusern
In ihrem aktuellen Tätigkeitsberich kritisiert die Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragten die fehlende Ausstattung der Gesundheitsbehörden unter anderem mit moderner Technik und den erforderlichen Ressourcen. Vor diesem Hintergrund lassen sich Datenpannen, wie das unbeabsichtigte Offenlegen von Patientendaten gegenüber unbeteiligten Dritten durch die Gesundheitsbehörden, nicht verhindern.
Veiled Aggressor from Spellcaster EP by Witchapter
Black Bow Records Childer Thornton, UK
releases July 4, 2017
French presidential campaign tightening in final weeks, polls show
An Odoxa poll for Le Point magazine showed 23.5 percent of voters set to back centrist Macron in the April 23 first round, a fall of 2.5 percentage points in a week.
Macron was just half a point ahead of far-right National Front leader Le Pen, whose score was down 2 points.(…)
A second poll by Harris Interactive showed Macron on 24 percent, down two points in two weeks, just ahead of Le Pen on 23 percent, also down two points in two weeks.
Fillon was on 19 percent, up one point, but the big gainer was Melenchon who was up 4.5 points in two weeks to 18 percent.
The 65-year-old Melenchon, a skilled speaker backed by several small leftist groups, aims to take France out of NATO and overhaul the EU.
Swiss drugs giant Novartis likely bribed ‚thousands‘ in Greece: minister
„A great number of state officials are implicated… from what I‘m beginning to realise from reports, it must be thousands who were directly bribed from Switzerland,“ Stavros Kontonis told state agency ANA radio.
Wave of attacks across southern Thailand after new constitution signed
Bomb blasts were among 23 coordinated attacks that rocked Muslim-majority southern Thailand early on Friday, a security officer said, just hours after King Maha Vajiralongkorn signed a new constitution as a step towards ending military rule.
#SAunites Live: As it Happened: South Africans thanked for peaceful marches
Ministers holding a press briefing on nationwide protests said South Africans exercised their rights to march peacefully and thanked them for doing so. Police were also commended for protecting citizens.
Grundgesetz Art. 26
(1) Handlungen, die geeignet sind und in der Absicht vorgenommen werden, das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker zu stören, insbesondere die Führung eines Angriffskrieges vorzubereiten, sind verfassungswidrig. Sie sind unter Strafe zu stellen.
Nach US-Militäreinsatz in Syrien: „Assad trägt alleinige Verantwortung“
Die Kanzlerin hat den US-Luftschlag auf einen syrischen Stützpunkt als nachvollziehbar bezeichnet. Mit Frankreichs Präsident Hollande und dem italienischen Ministerpräsidenten Gentiloni sei sie sich in Telefonaten einig gewesen, dass die alleinige Verantwortung für diese Entwicklung Präsident Assad trage.
Comment from the Press Service of the President of Russia
The President of Russia regards the US airstrikes on Syria as an act of aggression against a sovereign state delivered in violation of international law under a far-fetched pretext. The Syrian Army has no chemical weapons. The fact of the destruction of all Syrian chemical weapons’ stockpiles has been recorded and verified by the OPCW, a specialised UN body. Vladimir Putin believes that complete disregard for factual information about the use by terrorists of chemical weapons drastically aggravates the situation.
This move by Washington [the US airstrike on an air base in Syria] has dealt a serious blow to Russian-US relations, which are already in a poor state. Most importantly, this move will not bring us closer to the ultimate goal of combatting international terrorism but will instead create a major obstacle to the establishment of an international counterterrorist coalition and to effective struggle against this global evil, something that US President Donald Trump declared as one of his main goals during his election campaign.
Vladimir Putin regards the US strikes on Syria as an attempt to draw public attention away from the numerous civilian casualties in Iraq.
On Friday, the United States launched Tomahawk cruise missiles at an air base in Homs Province in western Syria.
Russischer Sicherheitsrat wertet US-Angriff als Aggression
Russlands Sicherheitsrat unter dem Vorsitz von Präsident Wladimir Putin hat den US-Angriff auf einen syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt als Aggression gewertet. Die USA verstießen damit gegen das Völkerrecht, sagte Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow der Agentur Interfax zufolge.
Are we at war with Syria?
You know regime change in Syria is rooted in human rights concerns when Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, Washington et al. want it.
JUST IN: Shares of Tomahawk cruise missile maker Raytheon up 2.1 percent in premarket trade after U.S. missile strike in Syria.
„Ending war means a cessation to direct & indirect aggression caused by the war economy & concentration of power in hands of wealthy elite“
This war is illegal. There is no authorization at all for bombing of Syria. What happened to Trump who promised not to get into this mess?
These Bernie-hating fools represent less than 8% of Democrats. You don‘t „unite“ with 8%. You run them over
For Hillary supporters freaking out about how much of a monster Trump is, Hillary is IN FAVOR of this, and SAID she wanted to DO this.
American Exceptionalism: US has right to strike anyone anytime, our allegations are evidence enough, need no apologies if later proven wrong
Here‘s what The Leader said in 2012 about launching air strikes to prop up one‘s poll numbers…
Rep. Barbara Lee: Congress Should Not Be On Recess As Trump Plans War
„I am deeply disturbed by reports that the Trump Administration is currently developing options for a military strike in Syria without Congressional debate and authorization. If President Trump wants to escalate U.S. involvement in yet another war, he should immediately send a new Authorization for Use of Military Force to Congress and Speaker Ryan must bring it to the House floor for debate and vote without delay.
At a time when President Trump stands on the verge of marching our nation into another war with unknown costs and consequences, Congress should not be on recess. I urge the Speaker to honor the Constitution and require a debate and vote on any further use of force in Syria.“
I was the lone vote against 2001 AUMF. Syria strikes are far beyond the scope of this war authorization. @SpeakerRyan needs to bring a vote.
This is an act of war. Congress needs to come back into session & hold a debate. Anything less is an abdication of our responsibility.
Rand Paul: Military action in Syria needs Congressional approval
„The first thing we ought to do is probably obey the Constitution,“ Paul said on „Kilmeade and Friends.“ „When Nikki Haley came before my committee and I voted for her, I asked her that question. ‚Will you try to take us to war? Will you advocate for war without constitutional or congressional authority?‘ And she said no. So I assumed what she means by this is that, the President, if he decides to do something in Syria, he would come to Congress and ask for a declaration of war. Short of Congress voting on it, I‘m opposed to illegal and unconstitutional wars.“
Adam Schiff: No US ‚intention‘ to launch another Syria strike
The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee says that the Trump administration has no intention of launching a second missile strike against Syria at this time.
In a Thursday evening appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Adam Schiff said he received a call from Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, about the attack not long after it began.
Gabriel verteidigt Angriff auf syrische Militärbasis #Syrien #USA
Trumps Militärschläge gegen Syrien sind unbesonnen und kurzsichtig
Die Kongressabgeordnete Tulsi Gabbard veröffentlichte heute (6.4.2017) nach den von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika durchgeführten militärischen Schlägen gegen Einrichtungen der syrischen Regierung folgende Erklärung:
„Es macht mich wütend und traurig, dass Präsident Trump den Rat von Kriegstreibern befolgt und unseren illegalen Krieg zum Sturz der syrischen Regierung eskaliert hat. Diese Eskalation ist kurzsichtig und wird mehr tote Zivilisten, mehr Flüchtlinge, die Stärkung von al-Qaeda und anderen Terroristen und einen möglichen atomaren Krieg zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und Russland zur Folge haben.“
US Bombs Syria! The War Machine Hums On Under Trump!
Livestream vor 9 Stunden
Gabbard: US attack on Syrian airfield ‚short-sighted,‘ reckless
„This administration has acted recklessly without care or consideration of the dire consequences of the United States attack on Syria without waiting for the collection of evidence from the scene of the chemical poisoning,“ she said in a statement.
“It angers and saddens me that President Trump has taken the advice of war hawks and escalated our illegal regime change war to overthrow the Syrian government. This escalation is short-sighted and will lead to more dead civilians, more refugees, the strengthening of al-Qaeda and other terrorists, and a possible nuclear war between the United States and Russia.
Luftangriff: U.S.-Imperium nimmt Einladung Russlands und Syriens dankend an
Vor und von dem Angriff auf die syrischen Streitkräfte informierte das Pentagon nach unwidersprochenen Angaben das russische Militär über vorhandene Kommunikationskanäle. Die russischen Militärs wiederum informierten die syrische Seite offensichtlich nicht. Auch wurden die U.S.-Marschflugkörper durch die russischen Luftverteidigungssysteme wie die in Syrien stationierten S-400 Systeme nicht abgeschossen. Das läuft auf eine Opferung syrischer Soldaten durch die russische Seite hinaus, und, im Falle einer Weitergabe der Informationen an die syrische Regierung oder das syrische Militärs, auch durch die informierten syrischen Stellen selbst. Die Reaktion des russischen Außenministeriums auf den U.S.-Angriff: „unüberlegte Problematisierung“. Reaktion des Kreml: eine zeitweilige „Aussetzung“ der Kooperation zwischen der russischen und u.s.-amerikanischen Luftwaffe in Syrien.
Pentagon: USA informierten Russland im Vorfeld über Angriff auf syrischen Flugplatz
Die Informationen seien über den „heißen Draht“ übermittelt worden, der zum russischen Militär in Syrien besteht, teilte ein Pentagon-Sprecher am Freitagmorgen mit.
IS-Kämpfer attackierten syrische Soldaten – parallel zu US-Angriff
Während die USA Raketen auf einen Flugplatz der syrischen Armee in der Provinz Homs abfeuerten, haben Kämpfer der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (auch IS, Daesh) Stellungen der syrischen Armee auf der Verbindungsstraße Homs-Furklus-Palmyra angegriffen. Dies meldet die Agentur RIA Novosti unter Berufung auf eigene Quellen.
U.S. strike against Syria planned by CentCom commanders at MacDill Air Force Base
„We did not target anything we thought to be chemical weapons, for obvious reasons,“ Thomas said. „We did not target any Russians or Russian facilities on the base.“
But the U.S. did warn Russian military forces about the impending strike through the usual communications channels, Thomas said, which are used to avoid conflict.
Russia warned before US attack in Syria
The US military gave Russian forces advanced notice of its strikes on a Syrian air base and did not hit sections of the base where the Russians were believed to be present, Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said on Thursday.
Davis, briefing reporters on the operation, said the US military had „multiple“ conversations with Russian forces on Thursday before the strike, using a line of communication that had previously been established to prevent an accidental clash in Syria during the fight against Islamic State.
We can‘t trust Donald Trump with authorization to strike Syria
They are even better reasons for caution under a president who is both malevolent and incompetent, who demonstrates neither strategic thinking nor moral clarity, and who has threatened to use the military in ways that would endanger both servicemembers and the country as a whole.
U.S. Vice President to Visit Korea This Month
During his stay on April 16-18, he is expected to meet with acting president Hwang Kyo-ahn to discuss a wide range of issues, not least the North Korean nuclear and missile threat and the deployment of a U.S. Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense battery here.
US launches missile strike against Syria
The US military launched on Friday morning at least 50 Tomahawk missiles against several targets on the „Shayrat“ base in Homs province in western Syria, reports said.
President Trump addresses the nation after ordering airstrikes in Syria
Trump is expected to make a statement to the country this evening.
USA greifen Assads Luftwaffenbasis an
Der Schlag wurde während eines Treffens von Trump mit dem chinesischen Präsidenten Xi Jinping ausgeführt. Die Vorgängerregierung von Barack Obama hatte mit militärischen Schritten gegen die syrische Regierung lediglich gedroht, sie aber nicht ausgeführt.
Donald Trump launches US air strikes against Assad regime in Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles as military intervention begins
U.S. Launches Missile Strike on Syria in Response to Gas Attack
The limited strike early Friday morning in Syria took aim at hangars, planes and fuel tanks at the Shayrat Airfield, according to U.S. officials. The U.S. struck the airfield with about 60 Raytheon Co. Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from two Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean Sea.
TOTEM by TUNER (Pat Mastelotto & Markus Reuter)
Pat Mastelotto – Drums & Percussion, Samples, Programming
Markus Reuter – Touch Guitar, Organ, Synthesizer, Programming, Voice
Sirenée – Voice (Track 6)
released July 1, 2005