Senate Floor Debates Confirmation Of Mike Pompeo for CIA Director
Daily Archives: 23. Januar 2017
Syrien: Russland und US-Koalition fliegen gemeinsamen Angriff gegen IS
Seit Freitag haben die USA mit Donald Trump einen neuen Präsidenten, der bereits im Wahlkampf angekündigt hatte, die Beziehungen zu Russland verbessern zu wollen.
Neuer CIA-Chef: Anti-Trump-Infos über Kontakte zu Moskau beweislos
(20.1.2017) Der Bericht über eine hypothetische Verbindung des designierten US-Präsidenten Donald Trump zu Russland enthält keine Beweise, wie der designierte CIA-Chef Mike Pompeo am Donnerstag bei Anhörungen im Aufklärungsausschuss des US-Senats sagte.
Zugleich versprach er, sich bei seiner Tätigkeit nur auf Fakten zu stützen. „Ich werde nur den Fakten folgen, egal wozu dies führen könnte“, sagte er.
Nach #ENF-#Kongress: #Europas #neueRechte streiten über #Israel „Israel ist unsere Zukunft“:
Video Shows Israeli Soldiers Dragging Palestinian Teen Shot in Clashes
A human rights group has demanded that the army investigate the killing of a Palestinian teen after footage showed soldiers dragging the youth’s bullet-ridden body to their vehicle with his head banging on the ground. Only then did the soldiers offer medical care.
Cybersicherheitsstrategie der Regierung: Die Bundeswehr bekommt den Vorzug
Weiterbildung fast nur für die Bundeswehr
Die letzte Boombranche
„Die Vertragsstrafen hat der griechische Staat zu zahlen.“[2] Das gilt auch für die Abfindung von Angestellten, die Fraport nach der Übernahme entlassen wird, und für Entschädigungen für etwaige Opfer von Arbeitsunfällen. Athen hat zudem zu zahlen, wenn sich Ausbauarbeiten „wegen archäologischer Funde verzögern“
Deutschland steigert Rüstungsausgaben: 5,1 Milliarden für die Bundeswehr
Tatsächlich profitieren von dem Geldsegen hauptsächlich deutsche Rüstungsschmieden. Nach Angaben des Ministeriums wurden mehr als 95 Prozent der Mittel für Rüstungsinvestitionen eingesetzt. Der Rest des Geldes sei in die Auslandseinsätze geflossen.
Menschenrechtsaktivisten in Guatemala ermordet
Die örtliche indigene Bevölkerung steht seit Jahren im Widerstand gegen den Bau von Wasserkraftwerken in ihren Territorien.
UK communications spy chief announces resignation
Robert Hannigan, the head of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), informed Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson of his decision.
Before Leaving White House Obama Bombs CIA-Vetted Syrian Rebels Embedded with Al-Qaeda
But it quickly emerged that not only was this an al-Qaeda terror training camp, but one operated with a rebel group previously supported and „vetted“ by the CIA, Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki:
Zeugen unerwünscht: Obama befahl Last-Minute-Luftangriff auf eigene „CIA-Rebellen“ in Syrien
Wie das Nachrichtenportal PJ Media unter Berufung auf einen Bericht des Pentagon vermeldete, hat die US-Luftwaffe am 16. Januar beim Angriff auf ein Trainingscamp für Terroristen nahe Idlib mehr als 100 Al-Qaida-Terroristen ausgeschaltet.
Der Schönheitsfehler an der Sache: Unter diesen befanden sich auch solche, die als „geprüfte moderate Rebellen“ zuvor noch die volle Rückendeckung der CIA genossen hatten und sogar mit panzerbrechenden Lenkwaffen versorgt worden waren. Sie waren in vollem Umfang in die von Al-Qaida trainierte Kampfeinheit eingebunden.
Republicans move toward confirming CIA, State Dept picks
The Senate is expected to confirm Mike Pompeo as head of the spy agency on Monday, even as a Senate panel votes on advancing Rex Tillerson‘s nomination as secretary of state.
Die große Stromlüge (Video)
ARTE/Memento-Doku 2016
Volksbegehren gegen TTIP, Ceta und TISA unterzeichnen – heute erledigt! #Volksbegehren @ttip_ooe
Is this the end of TTIP? Trump REMOVES deal with European Union from White House website
(21.1.2017) The future of the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and EU has been thrown into doubt, hours after Donald Trump was sworn in as President.
Trump Abandons Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama’s Signature Trade Deal
President Trump formally abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Monday, pulling away from Asia and scrapping his predecessor’s most significant trade deal on his first full weekday in office, administration officials said.
Mr. Trump sharply criticized the partnership agreement during last year’s campaign, calling it a bad deal for American workers.
Trump kündigt TPP-Abkommen auf
Das Handelsabkommen TPP war ein zentraler Teil der Agenda seines Amtsvorgängers Barack Obama, der damit die Verbindungen zwischen den USA und Asien stärken wollte. Der 2015 ausgehandelte Vertrag war jedoch noch nicht in Kraft. Neben den Wirtschaftsmächten USA und Japan sollten der geplanten Freihandelszone auch Australien, Brunei, Kanada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexiko, Neuseeland, Peru, Singapur und Vietnam angehören.
Gore Tech & End.user – Atlantic Warfare EP by Gore Tech / End.User / The Teknoist / Dolphin
Gore Tech, Manchester, UK
Electronic music production for the future-phobic
released April 29, 2016
Jemen berichtet über die ersten US-Drohnenattacken unter Trump
Zwei Drohnenangriffe der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in der jemenitischen Provinz Bayda haben am Wochenende laut jemenitischen Behördenvertretern mindestens zehn Menschen getötet. Es handelt sich um die ersten Drohnenangriffe, die unter Präsident Trump durchgeführt wurden, der am Freitag sein Amt angetreten hat.
One of Britain‘s Trident missiles DID fail last year, US officials confirm at the exact moment MPs were REFUSED details about the ‚successful test‘ by the defence secretary
US officials have confirmed an ‚anomaly‘ did lead to the failure of a British Trident missile test despite the refusal of the Defence Secretary to give MPs details.
Viewpoint: What’s Coming for Unions under President Trump
(19.Januar) In this short piece I describe the likely form and substance of the attacks. Here I’m limiting my discussion to issues that most directly implicate unions, though there’s plenty more for workers to fear from the incoming administration—including increasing privatization and broad-brush deregulation, as well as efforts to pit workers against one another by fanning the flames of racism, sexism, and hostility toward immigrants.
General election: ‘Go away if you don’t like it here,’ says Dutch PM
The letter refers to anti-social behaviour in traffic, on public transport and in the streets. ‘We feel a growing unease when people misuse our freedoms to spoil everything, when they have come to our country for freedom,’ Rutte says. ‘People who don’t want to adapt… who attack gay people, who shout at women in short skirts or call ordinary Dutch people racist.’
Iran, Shell begin rivalry in petchem market
Sedighizadeh underscored that majority of large European countries like Italy, German, Russia, Greece, Albania are customers of the new Iranian petchem product; “additionally, the product will be deployed to Persian Gulf littoral states, Turkey, the US, Pakistan, Azerbaijan Republic, Nigeria, Kenya and Iraq.”
Article 50 ruling: When is it and what will it mean for Brexit?
What will happen when the Supreme Court gives its ruling on Tuesday?
At 9.30am all 11 Justices of the Supreme Court will take their seats on the bench, before one of the Justices, probably Lord Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court, delivers a brief summary of the Court’s decision lasting around five minutes.
The full judgement, including detailed reasons for the Justices’ decision, is expected to be released on the Supreme Court’s website
MPs warn banks over threat to free cash machines
MPs say they could intervene if banks fail to resolve a dispute that threatens millions of customers with being charged to withdraw their own money from thousands of cash machines that at present are free to use.(paywall)
Is your personal data being traded online for mere pennies?
One provider responded to undercover Which? staff with an invoice for 500,000 pieces of personal information costing four pence each. The data included phone numbers and addresses for households with an annual income of more than £40,000.
Bank details were also on offer. One company offered to sell the investigators 5,000 records including bank account information for 24 pence per item.
At talks in Astana, UN envoy on Syria urges mechanism to oversee ceasefire
International talks to extend the ceasefire in Syria started today in the Kazakh capital of Astana, with the United Nations Special Envoy said the ceasefire can be solidified if a mechanism to oversee and implement it is created.
Taiwan Cement chief dies after fall
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Koo Cheng-yun (辜成允), chairman and president of Taiwan Cement Corp. (台泥), died Monday morning after sustaining critical injuries from a fall on Saturday, the company confirmed. He was 62.
Trump promises CEOs to slash taxes, regulations
President Donald Trump promised business leaders on Monday that he would cut taxes „massively“ and slash regulations by 75 per cent.
He also warned the 12 corporate CEOs gathered at the White House that he would impose a „border tax“ on goods imported by companies that move jobs out of the United States.
Lawsuit accuses Trump of violating the Constitution with foreign payments to his businesses
A public interest group sued President Trump in federal court Monday, alleging he is violating the Constitution by receiving payments from foreign governments to his businesses.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed the suit in the Southern District of New York, seeking a ruling that Trump is in violation of the Constitution‘s emoluments clause .
Rencontre franco-allemande à Berlin
Le Président de la République, François HOLLANDE, se rendra à Berlin pour un déjeuner de travail avec Mme Angela MERKEL,Chancelière allemande le vendredi 27 janvier 2017.
Protesters mass in Jerusalem to demand freeze on Arab home demolitions
Two convoys of at least 100 vehicles each cut across southern and northern Israel on Monday morning on their way to the Knesset in Jerusalem, where they assembled to protest the recent demolitions of homes belonging to Arab citizens, and a deadly incident that occurred during one recent demolition.
China tightens Great Firewall by declaring unauthorised VPN services illegall
Beijing has launched a 14-month nationwide campaign against unauthorised internet connections, including virtual private network (VPN) services, which allow users to bypass the country’s infamous “Great Firewall”.
A notice released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Sunday said that all special cable and VPN services on the mainland needed to obtain prior government approval – a move making most VPN service providers illegal.
U.S. Senators Plan to Prevent Trump From Cancelling Russian Sanctions
Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer (NY) and Ben Cardin (MD) are planning to meet next week to discuss a new bill that would prevent the U.S. president from lifting sanctions on Russia without congressional approval.
According to Schumer, the proposal has support from a number of Republicans, including Senator John McCain (AZ) and Lindsey Graham (SC).
Israeli nuclear secret-leaker Vanunu convicted of meeting with foreigners
Mordechai Vanunu, the former nuclear technician at Dimona who had already served an 18-year prison sentence for revealing information about Israel’s atomic program in 1986 and been released, has been convicted of violating his unique release conditions, having met with foreigners.
Due to his past crimes in revealing classified information to foreigners, Vanunu had several special conditions for his release, including not meeting with foreigners without approval of Israeli security forces.
Broken Politics by Tunnel
The struggle for fully realized human expression and freedom begins anew every generation. Engage, obstruct, defend, live the change. Don‘t sleep.
released November 24, 2016
The US War on Terror Has Cost $5 Trillion and Increased Terrorism by 6,500%
(14.9.2016) Before we have the chance to ask how a country that has racked up over $19.3 trillion USD in debt can spend $5 trillion USD on war, the focus of this article is to ask: What has all of this spending achieved?
As Reader Supported News reported at the end of last year, terrorism has increased 6,500 percent since 2002 (they probably should rename it “the war of terror”). In 2014, the outlet noted, it was reported that 74 percent of all terror-related casualties occurred in Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Syria.
15 Jahre Krieg gegen den Terror: US-Steuerzahler haben fast fünf Billionen Dollar ausgegeben
(20.9.2016) Eine vollständige Erfassung aller Ausgaben für einen Krieg kann in den Spalten eines Berichtes nicht erfasst werden“, so ihre Bilanz. „Von den Zivilisten, die durch Gewalt verletzt oder verstorben sind, über die getöteten und verwundeten Soldaten bis zu den Kindern, die Jahre später auf den Straßen und Feldern mit improvisierten Sprengkörpern oder mit Streubomben spielen: Eine Menge von Zahlen kann die menschliche Tragödie der Kriege nicht vermitteln.“
US Budgetary Costs of Wars through 2016: $4.79 Trillion and Counting – Summary of Costs of the US Wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan and Homeland Security
As of August 2016, the US has already appropriated, spent, or taken on obligations to spend more than $3.6 trillion in current dollars on the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria and on Homeland Security (2001 through fiscal year
2016). To this total should be added the approximately $65 billion in dedicated war spending the Department of Defense and State Department have requested for the next fiscal year, 2017, along with an additional nearly $32 billion requested for the Department of Homeland Security in 2017, and estimated spending on veterans in future years. When those are included, the total US budgetary cost of the wars reaches $4.79 trillion.
Social Distortion – Down Here (With the Rest of Us)
White Light, White Heat, White Trash is the fifth album by Social Distortion, released on September 17, 1996, by Epic Records.
Soll heißen: „Handelskrieg“? Nur zu! Ihr könnt alle absaufen, ihr Blutsauger! Für uns hier unten heisst es täglich #CoffeeFirst.
Bundesbank: Geldvermögen „privater Haushalte“ in 2015 nun bei 5,5 Billionen Mücken. Reinvermögen: 11,19 Billionen.
Germany first: Wie man sich auf einen Handelskrieg vorbereitet
Wir sind jetzt der Feind. Der allerschlimmste Feind ist China. Die Chinesen sind, was die Wirtschaftsleistung angeht, auch drei mal so groß. Aber danach kommen schon wir Deutschen. Anders kann man nicht verstehen, was in den letzten Tagen von dem neuen amerikanischen Präsidenten zu hören war.
The future of Americans’ privacy and security are at issue. No rubber stamps. #adviseandconsent
The Senate must debate @RepMikePompeo nomination to be CIA director. My stmt with @SenatorLeahy & @SenBlumenthal:
CIA Is Directorless as Senators Block Pompeo Vote
.Even though Democrats, as the minority party, do not have the votes to block Trump’s choices, they can delay confirmation as the new president tries to assemble his team.
Gregor Gysi über Politik der EU: „Ich mache, was ich will“
Is there some hope for the EU or isn’t there any hope?
There is some hope. Ich bin Zweckoptimist. Aber ich muss sagen, es steht trotzdem furchtbar um Europa.
Es gibt immer mehr Menschen, die die EU ablehnen. Zu der Frage „EU – ja oder nein“ würde ich momentan keinen Volksentscheid machen wollen, weder in Italien noch in Spanien, Griechenland oder Portugal. Auch in Frankreich wackelt das sehr.
Informationen zum Volksbegehren „Gegen TTIP, CETA und TiSA“, 23. bis 30. Jänner 2017
TTIP, CETA und TiSA sind eine direkte Bedrohung für ein gutes Leben für alle. Das zeigen einige praktische Beispiele:
Volksbegehren gegen Abkommen TTIP, Ceta und Tisa startet heute
39.742 der über 40.000 Unterstützungserklärungen für die Einleitung des am Montag startenden Volksbegehrens „Gegen TTIP, CETA und TiSA“ wurden laut Aussendung der SPÖ NÖ von Samstag vom Innenministerium anerkannt. Das Volksbegehren gegen die Freihandelsabkommen TTIP und CETA sowie gegen das Dienstleistungsabkommen TiSA liegt bis 30. Jänner in den österreichischen Gemeinden zur Eintragung auf.
Letter: Minimum wage increases benefit all
Perhaps most importantly, higher wages will put more money back in the pockets of low-income workers, who will in turn spend that money at local businesses. This increase in consumer demand will stimulate our local economy and provide opportunities for growth. And lastly, Small Business Majority’s scientific opinion polling found 60 percent of small businesses nationwide support raising the minimum wage to $12.
Zahl der Millionäre in Deutschland steigt
(25.6.2016) Die Studie berücksichtigt nur Privatanleger mit einem anlagefähigen Vermögen von über einer Million US-Dollar. Sie kommt zum Schluss, dass sich das Vermögen der Superreichen dieser Welt in den letzten zwanzig Jahren trotz der Finanzkrise vervierfacht hat.
US has added 1.1m new millionaires under Obama, says study
(1.11.2012) The US has added 1.1 million new millionaires since Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, according to a new survey of high-net-worth individuals.
Amid an election campaign that has been defined by fierce fights over the taxation of millionaires and accusations that Obama is anti-wealth, the so-called „1%“ of the population grew by 29%, the equivalent of a thousand new millionaires per day, over the president‘s first three years in office.
The 2008 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress
On a single night in January 2008, there were 664,414 sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons nationwide.
The State of Homelessness in America
On a single night in January 2015, 564,708 people were experiencing homelessness — meaning they were sleeping outside or in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program.