Daily Archives: 14. November 2016

14.11.2016 - 21:51 [ Netzpolitik ]

EU-Kommission: Prepaid-Karten-Erfassung und Identifizierungspflicht sogar bei Kleinstbeträgen

Die Metadaten bei Online-Bezahlvorgängen sind nun auch für eine Vorratsdatenspeicherung vorgesehen. Mit der Begründung, gegen Geldwäsche vorgehen zu wollen, sollen finanzielle Online-Transaktionen künftig einer generellen Identifikationspflicht unterliegen und erfasst werden. Diese Pläne der EU-Kommission sind mit dem deutschen Grundgesetz unvereinbar, stellt Peter Schaar in einem Gutachten fest.

14.11.2016 - 21:47 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Users Around the World Reject Europe‘s Upload Filtering Proposal

Users around the world have been outraged by the European Commission‘s proposal to require websites to enter into Shadow Regulation agreements with copyright holders concerning the automatic filtering of user-generated content. This proposal, which some are calling RoboCopyright and others Europe‘s #CensorshipMachine, would require many Internet platforms to integrate content scanning software into their websites to alert copyright holders every time it detected their content being uploaded by a user, without any consideration of the context.

14.11.2016 - 20:08 [ Golem ]

Amazon: Betrug durch gefälschte Marketplace-Shops

Denn nicht nur die direkt von Amazon verkauften Artikel, auch die Produkte der Marketplace-Händler werden immer über das Amazon-Konto bezahlt. Nicht so bei den Betrugsversuchen. In diesen Fällen wird der Kunde aufgefordert, den Kaufpreis abseits des Amazon-Kontos zu bezahlen.

14.11.2016 - 20:03 [ Golem ]

Wikileaks: Die Befragung Assanges hat begonnen

Informationen zum Verlauf des Gesprächs wurden keine bekanntgegeben. Nach der Befragung verließen die Schweden die Botschaft, ohne sich den Fragen der wartenden Journalisten zu stellen. Die Befragung soll am Dienstag und voraussichtlich auch noch am Mittwoch fortgesetzt werden. Unter anderem wollen die Schweden eine DNA-Probe von Assange.

14.11.2016 - 19:50 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Schlacht um Mossul (II)

atsächlich ist die Kurdische Regionalregierung in einer starken Position – dank Berlin. Die Bundesrepublik hat im September 2014 begonnen, exklusiv die Peschmerga gegen Daesh zu trainieren und hochzurüsten (german-foreign-policy.com berichtete [10]); eine gleichartige Unterstützung für die regulären irakischen Streitkräfte ist ausgeblieben. Trotz energischer Proteste aus Bagdad hat Berlin die einseitige Parteinahme für die Peschmerga fortgesetzt – und damit die Spannungen in der Anti-IS-Koalition systematisch erhöht.

14.11.2016 - 14:45 [ New Republic ]

Stephen Bannon’s Long Game

(4.11.2016) “This whole movement has a global aspect to it,” Bannon noted on the Breitbart.com podcast. “People want more control of their country. And they are very proud of their countries. They want borders. They want sovereignty. It’s not just a thing that is happening in any one geographic space. You can see it happening in Asia, you can see it happening in Europe, you can see it happening in the Middle East, and you’re seeing it happen in the United States.”

14.11.2016 - 08:23 [ BBC ]

Trump election: EU leaders expect ‚strong partnership‘ with US

European Union foreign ministers have said they expect a „very strong partnership“ with the US, following an informal meeting to discuss Donald Trump‘s election victory.

The ministers said they needed to know details of the US president-elect‘s plans but said they expected good ties.

The talks took place at a dinner in Brussels on Sunday, on the eve of a formal meeting of foreign ministers.

14.11.2016 - 08:07 [ Junge Welt ]

Großdemonstration mit 30.000 Teilnehmern in Köln. Kurdischer Verband enthüllt Mordkomplott des türkischen Geheimdienstes in der BRD

Der »Kongress der kurdischen demokratischen Gesellschaften in Europa« (KCD-E) warnte unterdessen vor Aktivitäten des türkischen Geheimdienstes MIT. »Die türkischen Botschaften und Vertretungen in Deutschland und Europa sind geradezu zu Geheimdienstzentralen umgerüstet worden«, heißt es in einer Erklärung.

14.11.2016 - 08:04 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkish president invites Donald Trump to Turkey

“I congratulated him on the first night he was elected. He will take over the duty of the presidency on Jan. 20, 2017. We can also meet before this date if possible. I said during the phone call that we would be pleased to meet reciprocally as soon as possible. I remarked that we would be pleased if Turkey is one of his first visits abroad. He responded positively,” Erdoğan stated.

14.11.2016 - 07:59 [ Lower Class Magazine ]

Kommissar Google ermittelt

Michaela Müller und Jürgen Becker forschen für das Bundeskriminalamt Organisationen der kurdischen Befreiungsbewegung aus. Einblicke in die Arbeitsweise zweier tragisch-komischer Gestalten.

14.11.2016 - 07:04 [ ANF ]

‘Raqqa’s fall will bring the end of Erdoğan’

Göçer said “Arab, Kurdish, Turkmen and Assyrian fighters of the operation are fighting ISIS in a spirit of comradery, and the offensive against Raqqa implies war against the AKP-Erdoğan state. We are fighting against ISIS fascism as part of our regional revolution strategy. Raqqa is the main base of ISIS gangs. Its fall will guarantee the future of Rojava cantons. The strengthening of Rojava revolution implies the strengthening of the revolution in Turkey and North Kurdistan

14.11.2016 - 06:58 [ Vanguardngr ]

FG to scrap NNPC, DPR, PPPRA, others; to sell unprofitable refineries

The Federal Government’s draft National Oil Policy has proposed to consolidate Nigeria’s oil industry regulatory authorities into a single agency to be known as Petroleum Regulatory Commission, PRC, while scrapping all other regulators, including the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, Department of Petroleum Resources, DPR, and Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency, PPPRA, among others.

14.11.2016 - 06:46 [ Armenpress ]

Igor Dodon wins Moldova Presidential election

Dodon‘s win is in part a reflection of a loss of trust in pro-European leaders in the ex-Soviet state of 3.5 million, which was plunged into political and economic crisis after a corruption scandal came to light in late 2014.

14.11.2016 - 06:42 [ Sudan Tribune ]

Justice state minister denies knowledge of political prisoners in Sudan

“I have no information about the existence of political prisoners,” al-Dabba said in press statements.
The denial was made days after a large-scale arrest campaign carried out by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) against political leaders who called to protest the government’s decision to increase fuel, electricity prices.

14.11.2016 - 06:26 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

Clashes in Myanmar‘s Rakhine raise weekend death toll to about 30 – state media

Soldiers have poured into the Maungdaw area along Myanmar‘s frontier with Bangladesh in the north of Rakhine, responding to coordinated attacks on three border posts on Oct. 9 in which nine police officers were killed.
Security forces have locked down the area, where the vast majority are Rohingya Muslims – shutting out aid workers and independent observers – and conducted sweeps of villages.

14.11.2016 - 06:21 [ Daily Sabah ]

Turkish jets hit 15 Daesh targets in Syria‘s al Bab

The statement noted that no airstrikes were carried out by the U.S.-backed coalition forces.
A total of nine Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters were killed during clashes, while 52 others were injured.(…)
Almost 1,600 square kilometers (617 square miles) of land in northern Syria has been cleared of Daesh terrorists as part of Operation Euphrates Shield so far.

14.11.2016 - 06:07 [ South China Morning Post ]

Xi Jinping tells Donald Trump cooperation is the only choice for China and the US

“The two sides must strengthen coordination, promote the two countries’ economic development and global economic growth, expand all areas of exchange and cooperation, ensure the two countries’ people obtain more tangible benefits and push for better development going forward in China-US relations,” Xi said.

14.11.2016 - 05:50 [ Metal Trenches ]

The Album We Need, But Not The One We Deserve

The band states, „We are super excited to release this album as it captures the most accurate representation of seeing us play live we have ever recorded. The concept behind Where the Merfalo Roam is a journey through discontent, oppressive governments, dystopian eras, and the connection between the cycles societies go through. The artwork depicts the mouth of a giant mythical creature that devours chunks of societies with bits of them still stuck against it‘s teeth and the creatures that are still feasting upon them.

14.11.2016 - 05:47 [ antikrieg.com ]

Oberbefehlshaber Donald Trump wird über erschreckende Befugnisse verfügen. Danke Obama.

In den Jahren nach den Terrorattacken des 9/11 weiteten Vizepräsident Dick Cheney und sein Rechtsberater David Addington die Macht des Präsidenten dramatisch aus, indem sie das einseitige Recht in Kriegszeiten beanspruchten, gesetzliche Grenzen bei Dingen wie Folter und Abhören durch die Regierung zu ignorieren. Die Demokraten im Kongress gaben in der Regel klein bei.