As a result of 9/11, America has been trapped inside the heart of darkness, living a lie about a world full of enemies, which we have created, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Only when we know the truth will we at last be set free from endless war. Only when we hold accountable those who lied to take us into wars will we be able to move forward courageously in the world. Britain had its Chilcot Commission on the Iraq War.
Daily Archives: 11. September 2016
Surveillance is a Local Issue
A conversation with ADAM SCHWARTZ, Senior Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Food Sovereignty in Rebellion: Decolonization, Autonomy, Gender Equity and the Zapatista Solution
One of the biggest threats to food security the world currently faces is neoliberalism. It‘s logic, which has become status quo over the past 70 years and valorizes global ‚free market‘ capitalism, is made manifest through economic policies that facilitate privatization, deregulation, and cuts to social spending, as well as a discourse that promotes competition, individualism, and self-commodification.
Ten Years Later, Let’s Move Together Forward to Restraint
The audiences of political speech often fatally trust politicians who cite justice and freedom as rationales for hawkish missions. It’s easy to get drunk on mob mentality, flamboyant speech, and virtuously named operations.
Peter Van Buren Says Happy 9/11 Day!
Crystal is the traditional material of the 15th anniversary gift. Fitting, in that it breaks easily.
Arrest warrant issued for journalist Amy Goodman after pipeline protest coverage
According to WDAZ, an arrest warrant has now been issued for the journalist. „This is an unacceptable violation of freedom of the press,“ Goodman said in a statement posted on the Democracy Now! website. „I was doing my job by covering pipeline guards unleashing dogs and pepper spray on Native American protesters.“
Arrest Warrants Issued for Green Party’s Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka
Earlier this week, Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, traveled to North Dakota to join the Standing Rock Sioux tribe’s protests against the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL). At one point during the demonstrations, Stein spray-painted a bulldozer with the words “I approve this message.” Baraka spray-painted “decolonization” on other construction equipment. Each has since been charged with vandalism and trespassing.
Truthdigger of the Week: Former British Ambassador and Whistleblower Craig Murray
This week, Murray was denied entry into the United States via the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. The program is intended to enable “most citizens or nationals of participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without first obtaining a visa.” Murray is set to chair the presentation of this year’s Sam Adams Award for integrity in intelligence, which takes place Sept. 25, to CIA-torture whistleblower John Kiriakou.
How the CIA’s Darkest Torture Secrets Were Exposed—and Covered Up
The Guardian published a story Friday on Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) investigator Dan Jones and his quest to get to the bottom of the CIA’s torture program. Jones’ hard work resulted in the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture. The article provides great insight into the day-to-day machinations between the SSCI and the CIA, although no new details on the torture program per se.
9/11 Terror Trading – 15 Years Later
(10.September) Very recently, Lars Schall traveled to Zurich in Switzerland to met up with Marc Chesney, the director of the Institute of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich.
The exclusive video interview with Marc Chesney, that has a length of about 20 minutes, was published here at „The Saker“ website.
Experte: NATO und USA verwandeln Italien in Militärlabor
Italien ist in letzter Zeit von rund 100 NATO- und USA-Stützpunkten buchstäblich „kolonisiert“, wo die Amerikaner alles tun, was sie wollen. Sputniknews befragte den auf militärische Probleme spezialisierten italienischen Journalisten Antonio Mazzeo zur Situation im Land.
Gesundheitsprobleme? Clinton verlässt 9/11-Trauerzeremonie nach Ohnmachtsanfall
Die US-Präsidentschaftskandidatin habe auf einmal nicht mehr auf den eigenen Beinen stehen können und sei umgefallen. Ihre Wache habe sie gestützt und anschließend in ein Auto weggetragen, so die Augenzeugen.
Chief of the Army General Staff visits military positions in Aleppo
He met soldiers at their positions and conveyed to them President al-Assad’s appreciation of their prowess and his pride in the victories the army units have achieved. The Chief of the Army Staff listened during his tour to a detailed explanation by the field commanders about the nature of the missions done in the area and the plans of the coming military operations against the terrorist organizations.
Gedenken an Putsch in Chile am 11. September 1973
Während der Pinochet-Diktatur wurden laut offiziellen Zahlen 3.200 Menschen getötet und mehr als 38.000 gefoltert. Der Großteil der Verbrechen ist bis heute nicht aufgeklärt.
Politische Morde und Gewalt: Paramilitärs in Kolumbien wieder aktiver
Die Aktivisten setzten sich mit pazifistischen Mitteln wie Bildung, Netzwerkarbeit und gewaltfreiem Protest gegen die Vertreibung ihre Gemeinden durch Bergbau, Drogenhandel und Gewalt ein und waren Teil der lokalen Indigenen Bewegung.
15 JAHRE TERRORKRIEG UND 11. SEPTEMBER: „Stehen die Befehle noch?“
Transportminister Norman Mineta sitzt an diesem Morgen des 11. September zusammen mit Vizepräsident Dick Cheney im „Situation Room“, also der Zentrale des PEOC Bunkers. Minetas Aussage vor der 9/11-Kommission zufolge betritt mehrfach ein Mann den „Situation Room“ und berichtet Vizepräsident Dick Cheney über die Entfernung eines sich Washington nähernden Flugzeugs.
„Das Flugzeug ist 50 Meilen entfernt“, dann: „Das Flugzeug ist 30 Meilen entfernt.“ Als der Mann schließlich dem Vizepräsidenten meldet: „Das Flugzeug ist 10 Meilen entfernt“ fragt der Mann den zu diesem Zeitpunkt amtierenden Oberkommandierenden der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Dick Cheney:
„Stehen die Befehle noch?“ („Do the orders still stand?“)
Laut Mineta wendet Cheney dem Mann nun den Kopf zu und sagt:
„Natürlich stehen die Befehle noch! Haben Sie irgendetwas Gegenteiliges gehört?“
Minuten später erfolgt der Einschlag im Pentagon.
Breaking: Arrest Warrant Issued for Amy Goodman in North Dakota After Covering Pipeline Protest
On Sept. 3, Democracy Now! filmed security guards working for the Dakota Access pipeline company using dogs and pepper spray to attack protesters. Democracy Now!’s report went viral online and was rebroadcast on many outlets, including CBS, NBC, NPR, CNN, MSNBC and Huffington Post.
„This is an unacceptable violation of freedom of the press,“ said Amy Goodman in a statement. „I was doing my job by covering pipeline guards unleashing dogs and pepper spray on Native American protesters.”
Watch Amy Goodman’s Report from North Dakota
Krass: In North Dakota ist ein Haftbefehl auf Amy Goodman ausgestellt worden. Das ist die Produzentin von Democracy Now, eine sehr bekannte Journalistin und geradezu eine Institution.
Sie hatte vor Ort über Proteste gegen einen Pipelinebau berichtet. Ihr wird „criminal trespassing“ vorgeworfen, das ist wohl das US-Äquivalent von „Schwerer Landfriedensbruch“ und hüben wie drüben der Standard-Bullshit-Vorwurf des Unterdrückungsstaates gegen unbescholtene Bürger.
India: Indigenous cryogenic engine launches satellite
(8. September) In what has become a rapidly developing space program, India’s Space Research Organization successfully launched yet another weather satellite into orbit late Thursday.
Mercosur insists in trade negotiations with EU
Paraguay‘s foreign minister Eladio Loizaga said that, following a motion by 15 Green Euro and United Left parliamentarians in Strasbourg to cancel discussions because of the “corruption contaminated” removal of Dilma Rousseff.
Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post suddenly shuts down Chinese news site
According to Quartz, who first reported on the shutdown, users started being redirected to the English-language site when trying to view the Chinese news site,, or the lifestyle site,, and saw the accompanying notice on Friday afternoon. The notice concludes: “We thank you for your past support.”
Aqualis and Siemens sign framework services agreement
(8.September) Under the agreement, Aqualis Offshore will provide general engineering and design services including jack-up site specific assessments, geotechnical assessments and design services including marine warranty services and marine consultancy.
Hungary, Serbia and China work on largest infrastructure project in CE
“The project means that the fastest route in Central Europe towards those Greek ports to which the largest quantities of goods arrive from the Middle East and China will pass through Hungary”, he pointed out.
“According to China’s strategy, goods from the eastern part of the country will generally be shipped to the Greek ports and then transported on to Western Europe from there”, he added.