Der Vorschlag zur Gründung einer „Mittelmeerunion“ war ursprünglich Teil des Wahlkampfes von Nicolas Sarkozy vor den französischen Präsidentschaftswahlen 2007. Nach seinem Sieg wiederholte er die Idee und stellte erste Pläne dazu vor. Trotz der möglichen Spaltung, die die Mittelmeerunion in der muslimischen Welt auslösen könnte, sah Sarkozy den Plan als eine Möglichkeit, zum Friedensprozess zwischen Israel und seinen arabischen Nachbarn beizutragen. Außerdem sollte die Mittelmeerunion in den Augen von Sarkozy eine Alternative zum Beitritt der Türkei zur Europäischen Union darstellen.
Daily Archives: 3. September 2016
In coverage of Syrian war, residents of government-held west Aleppo feel the world has forgotten them
Although loyalist forces control the skies, rebels have lobbed hundreds of mortar shells into western Aleppo. Many of the explosives are crude gas canisters repurposed for the indiscriminate shelling that killed 178 civilians in government-held areas in August. The death toll among children there was even higher; the observatory put it at 52.
Gewalteskalation: EU-Politiker fordern Uno-Eingreifen in Syrien
(26.4.2011) So sagte der britische Außenminister William Hague, London berate mit weiteren Mitgliedern des Weltsicherheitsrats über „ein starkes Signal an die syrischen Behörden“. Staatsoberhäupter wie Frankreichs Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy, Italiens Ministerpräsident Silvio Berlusconi und der türkische Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan appellieren an Assad, die gewaltsame Unterdrückung der Proteste zu beenden.
Euro-Linke: „Grundgesetz nun mal nicht geschrieben für eine europäische Föderation“
(5.8.2012) Wer bei den linken Nibelungen noch ab und zu über die Brüstung schaut und auf der Gegenseite die Contras im Burgschlösschen beim Medienbaden auf der Veranda sieht, wird jetzt grimmig mit dem Helm wippen. Jaja.
France‘s Le Pen vows to hold referendum on EU if elected
„This referendum on France belonging to the European Union, I will do it. Yes it is possible to change things. Look at the Brits, they chose their destiny, they chose independence … We can again be a free, proud and independent people,“ she said.
The National Front was the only major French political party to call for Britons to vote to leave the European Union, hoping Brexit would boost its own eurosceptic agenda at home.
Auch Belgien hält TTIP-Gespräche für gescheitert
Auch Belgien rückt vom geplanten Freihandelsabkommen TTIP zwischen der EU und den USA ab.
Brexit – May: „Austritt ohne Wenn und Aber, kein zweites Referendum“
Die Briten müssen in der Austrittsfrage „die Kurve kriegen“ und der EU sagen, was sie wollen, sagte der Vize-Präsident der Kommission. Premierministerin May: „Kein zweites Referendum oder eine Mitgliedschaft durch die Hintertüre.“.
May’s Brexit Red Lines Prompt Warning From European Commission
European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis said in response in an interview Saturday with Bloomberg Television’s Flavia Rotondi at the Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio, Italy, that conditions on free movement of goods, services, capital and labor were “a package and there cannot be cherry picking — you like free movement of capital but don’t like free movement of labor or the other way round.”
EU und Türkei bleiben bei Abkommen – EU-Außenbeauftragte
Die Türkei hat beim Treffen mit den EU-Außenministern in Bratislava ihre Bereitschaft bestärkt, das Migrationsabkommen mit Brüssel weiter zu erfüllen, wie die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini mitteilte.
Baghdad and Erbil to jointly form „independence committees“
Iraq‘s Prime Minister Haidar Abadi has reportedly told a visiting Kurdish delegation that Baghdad will not block Kurdish efforts to hold a referendum and that he saw independence as „an undisputed right“ of the Kurdistan people.
Demokratische Partei Kurdistans
Demokratische Partei Kurdistans (kurdisch پارتی دیموکراتی کوردستان Partiya Demokrata Kurdistanê; PDK) ist eine kurdische Partei, die seit 1979 von Masud Barzani geführt wird. Die Partei besteht seit April 1946 und ist neben der Patriotischen Union Kurdistans (PUK) die zweite große Kurdenfraktion in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan.
Patriotische Union Kurdistans
Die Patriotische Union Kurdistans (PUK) (kurdisch یەکێتیی نیشتمانیی کوردستان, Yekêtiy Nîştimaniy Kurdistan) ist eine kurdische Partei im Irak, die von Dschalal Talabani geführt wird mit Schwerpunkt im Sorani-sprachigen Bereich um Sulaimaniyya. Die Partei bildet die Opposition zur Demokratischen Partei Kurdistans.
Rift in PUK raises many questions
The declaration of a new decision-making body within the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), effectively seizing control of the party, was completely unexpected and caught everyone off guard but will have important consequences as it is a “very strong [statement] by two powerful people,” said Namo Abdulla, Rudaw’s Washington Bureau Chief, providing some analysis of Thursday’s unexpected announcement.
Lahur Talabani: Deputies who declared new PUK body have no legitimacy
When asked how Herro Ibrahim Ahmed, member of the PUK politburo and Jalal Talabani’s wife, was reacting to the declaration, he said, “She is drinking coffee and smoking, and may have not seen the statement.”
PUK military leaders call on security forces to stay neutral in party dispute
The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s (PUK) military, intelligence and security officials have called on their security forces to stay neutral during the party’s internal crisis.
Lahur Jangi Talabani, head of the PUK’s intelligence agency, the Dazgay Zanyari, Sheikh Jaafar Mustafa, head of Peshmerga unit 70, Wasta Rassul, the Peshmerga commander in Kirkuk, and Mustafa Chawrash, head of the PUK’s Peshmerga organization, met with PUK military and security forces on Saturday and asked them to not become involved in any disputes or tensions.
Iran asks PUK to establish presidency board to manage party
A delegation from Tehran dispatched to Sulaimani to mediate between rival factions within the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) has asked them to establish a presidency board to manage the party, Rudaw has learned.
The Free Software Foundation Europe Organizes its First ever Summit in Berlin
Free and open source software is quite popular in Europe. Many open source projects have originated from Europe including KDE, Linux, SUSE Linux, systemd, Nextcloud and more. Many European governments have embraced open source and open standards… ISPs also have to support users who decide to not use the hardware they (the ISPs) provide.
Lithuania supplies Ukraine with lethal weaponry
Lithuania has supplied about 150 tonnes of ammunition to Ukraine for the first time since 2014, says a spokesman for the country’s Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Lithuania orders H&K rifles and grenade launchers
The Lithuanian Ministry of Defence signed a EUR12.5 million (USD14 million) contract on 29 August for the delivery of a large quantity of G36KA4M1 rifles and HK269 grenade launchers from Germany‘s Heckler & Koch (H&K).
Aufgerüstete deutsche Panzerfahrzeuge für 386 Millionen Euro für die Sicherheit von Litauen
(25.8.) Wozu ist die Kriegspropaganda in den baltischen Staaten da? Für satte Profite.
White Billionaire Secretly Funds Surveillance Program Aimed at Baltimore‘s Mostly Black Population
Hedge funder uses private foundation to fund personal police project, circumventing democratic oversight.
Kuwait tells citizens to check phones before traveling to U.S.: agency
“The embassy of the state of Kuwait in Washington urged citizens to make sure that their phones do not contain any materials or photos of extremist nature, related to areas of conflict or terrorist organizations or footage of violence of all kinds before entering U.S. territories,” KUNA said, citing a statement.
Iran reiterates its support for Syria
He continued “Tehran will loudly express its support for Syria and the failure of terrorists.”
How To Be At War Forever
That is to say, you‘d have to maintain a longterm, delicate balance: we would always be winning in the war, but would never actually win the war.
With that balance in mind, your propaganda would likely be some version of, „Today, our military forces have achieved a significant victory. Of course, the enemy is insidious and resilient, and there is much hard work still ahead.“
Meeting with President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye
President of the Republic of Korea Park Geun-hye (retranslated): I would like to thank you once again for inviting me as the main guest at the Eastern Economic Forum.
I think that today’s forum saw an active exchange of views and can provide a good, solid basis for intensifying cooperation in the Far East region, not to mention developing our bilateral relations.
Russian-Korean relations have undergone some big changes over the years, but our relations have not lost their value and significance. Close contact and communication is essential if we want to maintain and develop our relations.
I recall several meetings with you, meetings that took place in a candid, open spirit. I would like to continue our conversation today in order to outline the directions for our future joint efforts and the search for opportunities for strengthening our diplomatic cooperation.
Erdogan über kurdische YPG: „Westen muss sich für oder gegen den Terror entscheiden“
Der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan hat geschworen, gegen alle vorzugehen, die die kurdische YPG in Syrien unterstützen. Damit drohen auch europäische und US-Spezialeinheiten in den Reihen der YPG ins Kreuzfeuer der Auseinandersetzungen zu rücken.
No re-launch of PKK peace process but normalization with Syria, Egypt on agenda: Turkish PM
He did not give a timeline for restoring ties with either of the Arab nations, but any improvement would mark a further shift in Ankara’s regional policy.
It is not the first time Yıldırım has expressed hope for improved relations with Egypt. In June, he said he did not want to see “permanent enmity” between Turkey and countries such as Egypt and Syria.
Turkish tanks cross into Syria in second incursion: Dogan agency
The area is some 55 kilometers southwest of Jarablus, where last week Turkish-backed Syrian forces launched „Operation Euphrates Shield“, Turkey‘s first major incursion into Syria since the war started five years ago.
A Reuters cameraman in the area earlier heard a repeated booming sound and saw plumes of smoke rising from the Syrian side of the border.
PKK kills 13 soldiers, guard in Turkey‘s east, southeast
A sum of 13 Turkish soldiers and a guardsman were killed in three separate clashes and an attack by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in the country‘s east and southeast on Sept. 3 late on Sept. 2.
Turkish military launches new front in Syria, enters town
The Turkish military, which has backed Syrian rebels’ advance on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria as part of its Euphrates Sheild operation, has opened a new front in the neighboring country with tanks and other armored vehicles entering the al-Rai town.
Turkish minister announces ‘very strong consensus’ with EU
Çelik expressed Turkey‘s strong disappointment with the EU‘s initial reaction to the failed military coup on July 15.
„As a result of the meeting, there is very strong consensus about focusing on a positive agenda and further enhancing cooperation between Turkey and the EU,“ Çelik also told reporters after his talks with EU ministers on Sept. 3.
EU, Turkey test waters for rapprochement after failed coup
„On the political level we need a rapprochement, we need to normalise the situation,“ Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn told Reuters after the EU ministers‘ meeting with Turkey‘s EU Affairs Minister Omer Celik.
US President Obama arrives in Hangzhou for G20 Summit
US President Barack Obama has landed in Hangzhou for the G20 Summit slated for Sunday and Monday. It will be his last visit to China before he steps down as the President of the United States.
LIVE: Putin arrives in China for G20 summit
Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to arrive in Hangzhou on Saturday, September 3, ahead of the G20 summit taking place in the eastern Chinese city on September 4 and 5.
India shelves plan to expand French submarine order after data breach
India is unlikely to give French naval contractor DCNS a proposed order for three new submarines, in addition to the six it is already building in the country, following the leak of secret data about its capabilities, Indian defense officials said.
@IntlCrimCourt ..after two years and still CONSIDERING to prosecute. Very german jurisdiction. Very german.
#ICC Prosecutor receives MFA of #Palestine: #ICC stands for independent & impartial justice #withoutfearorfavour
Uncut Chronicles: Blood & Tears. Gaza August 2014
Israel and Gaza‘s ruling Hamas agreed to an open-ended ceasefire on August 26 after seven weeks of fighting – an uneasy deal that halted the Protective Edge operation, with more than 2,200 killed.
Uncut Chronicles: Gaza-Israel War. Deadly July 2014
The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) began their current operation against Hamas after three teens were kidnapped and killed. The military op has already claimed over 1,500 civilian lives in Gaza.
‘Nothing to hide’: Israel prepares for first-ever ICC visit
The Hague-based ICC has been considering opening a probe into possible crimes committed by Israelis in the 2014 Gaza conflict for over a year since it was put forward by Palestinian authorities. Israel, however, says the court does not have the right to intervene.
Neither Facts nor Law Prevented Netanyahu From Acting Like an Online Troll
Netanyahu‘s intervention in the issue of a Tel Aviv school highlights what has long been one of his main tactics – unraveling the complex fabric of Israeli society and inciting the various groups in it against each other.
Israeli Pilots Trained in U.S. With Pakistani, UAE Air Forces
The head of the IAF’s training department, Col. Amit, refused to discuss the identity of the nations that participated in Red Flag during a session with military correspondents.
Trump catches up to Clinton, latest Reuters/Ipsos poll finds
The poll showed 40 percent of likely voters supporting Trump and 39 percent backing Clinton for the week of Aug. 26 to Sept. 1. Clinton‘s support has dropped steadily in the weekly tracking poll since Aug. 25, eliminating what had been a eight-point lead for her.
Clinton says could not recall all briefings due to concussion: FBI report
The FBI released its report on Friday afternoon before the Labor Day holiday weekend, a time many Americans are preparing to travel.
The Latest: UN Security Council to hold meeting on Syria
The U.N. Syria envoy warned that a recent agreement that saw the population of a Damascus suburb evacuated after surrendering to the government could be repeated in other places around the country.
At a press conference in Geneva, Staffan de Mistura warns that “after Daraya, we may have other Darayas.”
Putin Says Russia and U.S. Close to Breakthrough Deal on Syria
Vladimir Putin said Russia and the U.S. are close to striking a deal on fighting terrorists in Syria, potentially a major step toward ending a civil war that’s flooded Europe with refugees and helped give rise to Islamic State.
Xi Jinping Meets with Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia
Xi Jinping stressed that China and Saudi Arabia should consolidate strategic mutual trust and work together to meet the challenges. China supports Saudi Arabia‘s efforts in safeguarding its security and stability and will encourage all parties concerned to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.
China, Turkey pledge to deepen counter-terrorism cooperation
China „hopes both sides can achieve even more substantive results in counter-terrorism cooperation“, China‘s state-run Xinhua news agency cited Xi as saying.
Erdogan, in comments before reporters translated from Turkish into Chinese, said the emphasis should be on strengthening their ties.
„Fighting terrorism is a long-term issue, and is also a long-term topic discussed by the G20,“ he said.
Türkei will nun auch Beziehungen zur syrischen Führung verbessern
„So Gott will, hat die Türkei eine ernsthafte Initiative gestartet, um auch die Beziehungen mit Ägypten und Syrien zu normalisieren“, sagte er in einer im Fernsehen übertragenen Rede.
China‘s Hangzhou turns ghost town as G20 leaders arrive
The Chinese city of Hangzhou felt like a ghost town on Saturday ahead of the arrival of leaders from the world‘s 20 biggest economies, after the government encouraged residents to clear out and cranked up security for the summit.
Turkey’s post-coup unity at risk
The essence of this spirit was the fact that all these groups, regardless their ideological points of view – political parties, media outlets, civil society organizations – unconditionally defended Turkish democracy, the democratically elected government, and fundamental freedoms. All united around the notion of democracy as the main common ground that they share.
Britischer Soldat vor Gericht: Waffen in Depots wie Gladio-Killer
Maxwell war ausgerüstet wie ein Angehöriger eines Sondereinsatzkommandos, dass im Hinterland eines Staates Sprengsoffanschläge und Sabotageakte ausführt. Der Soldat gehört zum 40 Commando in der Hauptstadt Taunton in der Grafschaft Somerset im Südwesten Englands.
The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History
There will be a mass mobilization Nov. 14 through 18 in Washington to begin the push to block the TPP. Rising up to stop the TPP is a far, far better investment of our time and energy than engaging in the empty political theater that passes for a presidential campaign.