Daily Archives: 22. August 2016

22.08.2016 - 23:20 [ The Verge ]

NASA reestablishes contact with long lost spacecraft after two years of silence

STEREO-B is one of two spacecraft that make up NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). The goal of the program is to study the Sun and better understand its behavior. Specifically, STEREO aims to figure out the origins of coronal mass ejections — massive explosions of charged particles that sometimes shoot out from the Sun. These plasma bursts travel all the way to Earth and collide with our planet’s magnetic field, creating powerful geomagnetic storms that can damage communications satellites and mess with our planet’s power grid.

22.08.2016 - 18:12 [ Kath.net ]

Irak: Barzani wirbt bei Christen für kurdische Unabhängigkeit

(24.7.2016) Um die Unterstützung der Christen für die Unabhängigkeit zu gewinnen, deutete der kurdische Spitzenrepräsentant nach einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur „Fides“ die Möglichkeit an, dass nach der Befreiung Mossuls und der Ninive-Ebene aus der Hand der IS-Terroristen eine eigene Provinz Ninive mit christlicher Mehrheit gebildet wird.

22.08.2016 - 17:41 [ Tagesschau / tagesschau.de-Archiv ]

Blick zurück und nach vorn

(17.3.2008) In dem gemeinsamen Abkommen verpflichten sich beide Seiten unter anderem, die Kooperation zwischen den Diplomaten beider Länder zu verstärken, zudem werde ein neues “israelisch-deutsches Zukunftsforum” in diesem Jahr gegründet, das junge Meinungsführer – im Text ist von “Multiplikatoren” die Rede – zusammenbringen soll.

22.08.2016 - 15:19 [ Spiegel ]

Syrien-Krieg: Teheran erklärt russische Einsätze von Iran aus für beendet

Bei der öffentlichen Bekanntgabe habe es „Angeberei“ gegeben und eine „unbedachte Haltung“ geherrscht, sagte Dehghan im Staatsfernsehen. „Das war so nicht abgemacht und seitens der Russen mehr eine Machtdemonstration einer Weltmacht gegenüber einer anderen. Russland hat keinen Stützpunkt in Iran und ist hier nicht stationiert.“

22.08.2016 - 15:17 [ Bloomberg ]

What Kerry Should Do to Divide Iran and Russia

(17.8.2016) it‘s unprecedented for Iran to allow a foreign military to operate on its soil. Iran‘s constitution, following the 1979 revolution, specifically prohibits this kind of thing. It‘s one of the reasons why revolutionaries took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran, which they saw as a den of spies that secretly controlled their country.

Hence Iran‘s Supreme National Security Council Secretary, Ali Shamkhani, spoke about the Russian announcement euphemistically, telling the Fars News Agency that Iran and Russia had an agreement to share facilities, not an agreement for the Russian Air Force to occupy a military base.

22.08.2016 - 11:18 [ Nick Turse / Just International ]

When AFRICOM Evaluates Itself, The News Is Grim

And yet that’s effectively exactly what newly installed U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) chief, General Thomas Waldhauser, did earlier this year in a statement to the Senate Arms Services Committee (SASC). It’s just that no one, almost certainly including Waldhauser himself, seemed to notice or recognize it for the criticism it was, including the people tasked with oversight of military operations and those in the media.

22.08.2016 - 10:58 [ Radio Utopie ]

Somalia: Parlament verbietet Einmischung der Ausländer – Konferenz in Kopenhagen

(2014) In Kopenhagen wurde ein vierundzwanzig Punkte umfassendes Kommuniquee verabschiedet, das wie alle dieser Art „good governance“ fordert, die Abhängigkeit vom Internationalen Währungsfond, der Weltbank, U.N.O.-Fördertöpfe, ein Aufsichtsgremium „Inter-Regional Consultative Forum“ (IRCF) für die Wahlen in 2016, das von internationlen Partnern unterstützt und finanziert wird.

22.08.2016 - 10:53 [ Al-Arabiya ]

US decries ‘cowardly’ twin bombings in Somalia

The US State Department decried al-Shabaab’s “vicious and persistent attacks” in a separate release, vowing to help “rebuild a more peaceful, inclusive, and secure country for the citizens of Somalia.”

22.08.2016 - 10:48 [ Organisation der Vereinten Nationen ]

Ban welcomes election timetable in Somalia, says ‘milestone’ process must be fair and transparent

In a statement issued by his spokesperson, Mr. Ban welcomed the announcement by Somalia‘s Federal Indirect Elections Implementation Team (FIEIT) of a timetable for the 2016 electoral process. According to the statement, this decision, which sets out the process to choose a new federal Parliament between 24 September and 10 October and President by 30 October, has today been endorsed by Somalia‘s National Leadership Forum.

22.08.2016 - 10:46 [ Garowe Online ]

Somalia presidential candidates „concerned about 2016 election“

It is obviously clear in this communique that this timetable gives an absolute and unequivocal election leverage to the current executive at the detrimental of the other Presidential hopefuls. This is, while illegitimately sitting in the offices, the office holders will use the national resources, security apparatus and political influence for their own campaign.

We appeal to the office of the United Nation Assistance Mission to Somalia (UNSOM) and the larger international community to act immediately and put the process on the right path in line with the UNSC Resolution 2275/2016 of March 2016, which calls “…that there would be no extension of electoral process timelines for either the executive or legislative branches “.

22.08.2016 - 10:27 [ ABC ]

Security Council Regrets Election Delay in Somalia

The U.N. Security Council expressed regret Friday at the delay in presidential and parliamentary elections in Somalia and called on all parties to implement the new calendar without delay. The council stressed in a presidential statement approved by all 15 members and read at an open meeting that Somalia should adhere to a political roadmap to reach one-vote, one-person elections by 2020.

22.08.2016 - 10:04 [ CTV News ]

Kerry in Kenya to discuss regional security and terrorism

Kerry then heads to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday and Thursday for discussions on the conflict in neighbouring Yemen. The talks will include Saudi leaders, counterparts from Britain and in the regional Gulf Cooperation Council and the U.N. special envoy for Yemen.

22.08.2016 - 09:59 [ Daniel McAdams / Antiwar ]

US Warns Syrian Military… Against Operating Inside Syria!

Just when you thought US foreign policy could not get more absurd. Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, who is listed as “commander of US forces in Iraq and Syria,” has issued a warning to the Syrian military that if its counter-insurgency operations on Syrian soil leave US troops on Syrian soil “feeling threatened,” the US military would “defend itself.”

That needs to be broken down to even be believed.

22.08.2016 - 07:10 [ U.S. News ]

Turkey: Assad can be part of transition in Syria

(20.8.2016) Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said Saturday his country is willing to accept a role for Syrian President Bashar Assad during a transitional period but insisted he has no place in Syria‘s future.

The comments came after Assad‘s forces began attacking Kurdish positions this week, leading some Kurdish officials to speculate that a Syrian-Turkish rapprochement was underway at the expense of Kurdish autonomy in northern Syria.

22.08.2016 - 07:08 [ Aranews.net ]

PKK: we are ready for peace in Turkey

The executive council of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) –known as KCK– said it is ready to return to peace negotiations, but only if Turkey makes a step for the resolution of this issue by allowing a parliamentary delegation to visit the imprisoned PKK-leader.

The Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) said the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP), international community, and organizations in Iraqi Kurdistan have asked the PKK to negotiate with Turkey.

22.08.2016 - 07:02 [ Demokratische Volkspartei HDP (Türkei) ]

We condemn the inhumane attack in Gaziantep…

It’s quite significant that this attack on the Kurdish wedding happened on the very night Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) announced a declaration of negotiation and resolution with the Turkish government. Notably, the last time the KCK announced it would like to restart peace talks, two suicide bombers attacked the Ankara Train Station on Oct. 10, 2015. Following the Ankara bombing, images of bloody carnage spread around the country, discussion of peace and resolution was prevented, and people were pushed away from hopes of a more stable country.

22.08.2016 - 06:51 [ CNN ]

Top US commander warns Russia, Syria

„We‘ve informed the Russians where we‘re at … (they) tell us they‘ve informed the Syrians, and I‘d just say that we will defend ourselves if we feel threatened,“ Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend told CNN in a telephone interview Saturday from his Baghdad headquarters.

22.08.2016 - 06:49 [ Pentagon ]

Townsend Takes Command of Operation Inherent Resolve

(21.8.2016) Army Lt. Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, commanding general of XVIII Airborne Corps based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, assumed command of Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve from Army Lt. Gen. Sean MacFarland, the commander of III Armored Corps based at Fort Hood, Texas, during a transfer of authority ceremony held here today, according to CJTF-OIR officials.

Army Gen. Joseph L. Votel, U.S. Central Command’s commanding general, presided over the ceremony that was attended by hundreds of U.S. and coalition soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.

22.08.2016 - 01:41 [ Solidarité Ouvrière ]

Dortmund : Manifestation contre la terreur d’extrême-droite

800 personnes ont répondu à l’appel, ce qui, pour une manifestation organisée trois jours avant, est un grand succès et montre l’attente qu’il y avait de répondre aux violences de l’extrême-droite à Dortmund. L’ambiance était combative et malgré les provocations de l’extrême-droite mais aussi de la police (tentative d’arrestation de manifestants antifascistes pour avoir collé des autocollants), elle s’est terminée sans arrestations.

22.08.2016 - 01:23 [ hexx 9 records/Bandcamp ]

Ishara into Abyss by ABU AMA

From Abu Ama: This album was recorded in my homestudio, sitting on my large ornamental carpet as always and creating soundscapes and rhythms. Mastered in Berlins finest Studio for Bass musixx called Dubplates & Mastering Berlin, here they made Dubplates for musicians like Basic Channel, Rhythm & Sound, and many D&B acts from all over the world, some Muslimgauze records, were mastered there aswell. The record is pressed in east Germany , one of two running old machines in germany.It is a connexion of friends from Rough Trade Label, Hamburg and i am happy that some of my best buddys did a wonderful network ,and organized so much for me…

22.08.2016 - 00:52 [ RWE Power ]

Schwefelsäure im Maschinenhaus Block A ausgetreten

(17.August) Im Untergeschoss des Maschinenhauses von Block A sind am frühen Samstagmorgen, 13. August 2016, rund zwei Kubikmeter verdünnte Schwefelsäure ausgelaufen.
Ursache ist ein Leck an einem Rohr im Bereich eines Flansches. Der Austritt wurde gestoppt, der betroffene Bereich abgesperrt, die Säure gesammelt, beprobt und zur chemischen Neutralisierung abgepumpt. Menschen oder Anlagen kamen nicht zu Schaden. Es gab keinen Säureaustritt in Richtung Boden, Grundwasser oder Rhein.

22.08.2016 - 00:48 [ Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schacht Konrad e.V. ]

Landesregierung bestellt Jodtabletten

(19. August) Der einzig wirksame Schutz für Millionen von Menschen ist die Abschaltung der Atomanlagen und in ihrer logischen Konsequenz auch der Stopp der Brennelemete-Versorgung durch die deutschen Atomanlagen in Lingen und Gronau!

22.08.2016 - 00:43 [ Defend Democracy Press ]

How ‘Think Tanks’ Generate Endless War

The New York Times took notice recently of the role that so-called “think tanks” play in corrupting U.S. government policy. Their review of think tanks “identified dozens of examples of scholars conducting research at think tanks while corporations were paying them to help shape government policy.”