Daily Archives: 13. Juli 2016

13.07.2016 - 18:23 [ Real Clear Politics ]

Bernie Sanders Responds To His „Betrayed“ Supporters: „Not About The Lesser Of Two Evils“

„You broke my heart and betrayed the Left, Sen. Sanders,“ said one person. „You chose her over us,“ said another.

„What do you say to your supporters who feel betrayed,“ Stephanopoulos asked.

„What I say is it is absolutely imperative for the future of this country that Donald Trump not be elected President of the United States,“ Sanders responded.

13.07.2016 - 18:10 [ New York Magazine ]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Disintegration of Political Norms

If America’s political institutions are slowly disintegrating, and it is plausible that they are, it is because they are held together less by rules than by norms. Rules are not always clear, but they are defined by some kind of concrete line and attached to some sort of enforcement mechanism. Norms work differently. They are a shared ethic that rule out certain kinds of behavior on ethical grounds. When they are broken, it is not all at once, but step by step, in a series of incremental, leapfrogging violations by the opposing sides.

13.07.2016 - 17:54 [ New York Times ]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, No Fan of Donald Trump, Critiques Latest Term

(10.7.2016) Unless they have a book to sell, Supreme Court justices rarely give interviews. Even then, they diligently avoid political topics. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg takes a different approach.

These days, she is making no secret of what she thinks of a certain presidential candidate.

“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” she said. “For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.”

13.07.2016 - 17:07 [ Bandcamp ]

ZWEI by Farben/Schwarz

Man muss ja vielleicht gar nich mit der Tür ins Haus und so… durchs Fenster is höchst wahrscheinlich der bessere Plan. Unerwartet, DA rechnet keiner mit. So ähnlich funktioniert das auch bei Farben/Schwarz. Wenn man denkt: ja, jetzt, kapiert, nimmt das auf einmal ne Wendung, die war vorher gar nich abzusehen. Und dann steht man da. Alles anders. Und irgendwie doch wieder nich.
Farben/Schwarz Hamburg

13.07.2016 - 16:52 [ Dawn ]

P5 asked to take note of Indian atrocities in held Kashmir

The Pakistan government has been gradually building its diplomatic support for the Kashmiris, who have been protesting against the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani. At least 32 people have been killed and more than 350 wounded in the protests that erupted in the valley on July 9 following Wani’s killing.

13.07.2016 - 16:35 [ Channel NewsAsia ]

Germany‘s far-right AfD implodes over Brexit, good for Merkel

Support for the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (Afd) has fallen dramatically amid party infighting, racially-tinged criticism of Germany‘s popular national soccer team and even a local backlash over Britain‘s vote to leave the EU.
Analysts said the unexpectedly rapid implosion of the far-right AfD from 15 percent in opinion polls two months ago to a year-low of 8 percent on Wednesday could make it easier for Angela Merkel to retain power in next year‘s election.

13.07.2016 - 16:13 [ Hürriyet ]

CHP questions activities of Turkish defense company over ‘ISIL links’

In his June 30 inquiry, Sağlar said the SADAT International Defense Consultancy, established in the early 2000s by soldiers dismissed from the military due to “reactionary activities,” is a company close the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and offers “irregular warfare training” in various fields including “intelligence, psychological warfare, sabotage, raiding, ambushing, and assassination.”

13.07.2016 - 15:14 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Clinton vetting retired Navy Admiral & ex NATO commander James Stavridis for Vice President

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign is vetting retired Navy Admiral James Stavridis as a potential vice presidential running mate, a source with knowledge of the process told Reuters on Tuesday.

Stavridis is dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University near Boston and a former supreme allied commander of NATO.

13.07.2016 - 15:13 [ Techdirt ]

Verizon Tries To ‚Debunk‘ News Reports Pointing Out Its New Wireless Plans Stink

Last week, we noted how Verizon had unveiled some new wireless data plans intended to be a competitive response to T-Mobile. In very Verizon-esque fashion, the new plans involved first and foremost raising already-industry high data prices another 17%, then scolding media outlets that called it a rate hike. The new plans also involved taking a number of ideas T-Mobile and other carriers had implemented years ago, then somehow making them worse.

13.07.2016 - 15:13 [ Reuters ]

Next U.N. chief ballots remain secret, despite televised debates

However, when the 15-member Security Council starts holding informal secret ballots next week to choose a candidate to recommend to the General Assembly for election later this year, the results of those closed-door polls will not be made public.

Council members will be given a ballot for each candidate with the options of encourage, discourage and no opinion.

13.07.2016 - 15:12 [ Chip.de ]

Pokémon Go Home: Sind denn jetzt alle verrückt geworden?

Leute, die bislang froh waren, wenn sie Google Maps unfallfrei öffnen konnten, holen sich die APK, informieren sich über den Installationsvorgang und installieren Pokémon Go selbstständig. Da gerät ein Weltbild ins Wanken. Früher musste ich so einen Käse immer für euch machen. Plötzlich geht es auch alleine, aha, sehr aufschlussreich! Es muss euch also nur brennend genug interessieren, damit ihr es selbst macht. Werde ich mir merken.

13.07.2016 - 15:11 [ National Aeronautics and Space Administration ]

NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Sends First In-orbit View

The JunoCam camera aboard NASA‘s Juno mission is operational and sending down data after the spacecraft’s July 4 arrival at Jupiter. Juno’s visible-light camera was turned on six days after Juno fired its main engine and placed itself into orbit around the largest planetary inhabitant of our solar system. The first high-resolution images of the gas giant Jupiter are still a few weeks away.

13.07.2016 - 10:24 [ Spiegel ]

Berlin: Räumung von Wohnprojekt in Rigaer Straße war rechtswidrig

Damit muss der von der Polizei beschützte Hauseigentümer, das Unternehmen Lafone Investments Limited, die Räumlichkeiten bis zur endgültigen Klärung der Besitzverhältnisse wieder freigeben.

In der mündlichen Verhandlung stellte Richterin Nicola Herbst fest, dass der Hauseigentümer vor dem Polizeieinsatz am 22. Juni weder einen Räumungstitel vorgelegt noch einen Gerichtsvollzieher bei der Vollstreckung mitgebracht hatte.

13.07.2016 - 07:21 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Turkey: State Blocks Probes of Southeast Killings

The Turkish government is blocking access for independent investigations into alleged mass abuses against civilians across southeast Turkey, Human Rights Watch said today. The alleged abuses include unlawful killings of civilians, mass forced civilian displacement, and widespread unlawful destruction of private property. The government should promptly grant the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights permission to enter the area and investigate according to its standards.

13.07.2016 - 07:18 [ RT ]

Assad: „Westliche Politiker erzeugen Extremismus im eigenen Land“

Syrien versinkt seit 2011 im Chaos. Öffentliche Proteste am Rande des so genannten „Arabischen Frühlings“ eskalierten damals zu einem bewaffneten Aufstand, nachdem mehrere Menschen bei der Niederschlagung von regierungsfeindlichen Protesten gestorben waren. Ausländische Mächte hatten Präsident Assad zuvor davor gewarnt, die Proteste niederzuschlagen.

Von Beginn an spekulierten Beobachter in- und außerhalb des Landes über eine mögliche Beteiligung aus dem Ausland gesteuerter Provokateure an der Eskalation.

13.07.2016 - 07:17 [ Sputnik ]

Lawrow: UN-Syrien-Gesandter „drückt sich vor seinen Pflichten“

„Uns beruhigt, dass Staffan de Mistura, Sondergesandter des UN-Generalsekretärs, sich in der letzten Zeit vor seinen Pflichten drückt“, äußerte Lawrow am Dienstag. Er verwies darauf, dass de Mistura — statt schnellstens eine neue Runde der innersyrischen Gespräche anzuberaumen – dazu aufrufe, dass zuerst Russland und die USA unter sich eine politische Regelung in Syrien aushandeln sollten. Erst danach werde er innersyrische Verhandlungen einberufen.

13.07.2016 - 07:04 [ Techdirt ]

Senators Wyden And Heinrich Speak Out Against Expanding FBI‘s Ability To Warrantlessly Spy On Your Communications

Despite the fact that the FBI was asking for this just days before the Orlando shooting, right after it, a bunch of Senators, led by John McCain, used the opportunity to fast track that legislative change, cynically pointing to the Orlando shooting as a reason why it‘s needed (despite it having nothing whatsoever to do with that). That effort failed, but just barely — and it‘s expected to be brought up again shortly for another vote.

13.07.2016 - 07:03 [ Techdirt ]

Techdirt Podcast Episode 81: Senator Wyden On The Expansion Of FBI Surveillance

It should surprise nobody that the FBI is seeking even broader digital surveillance powers by changing the warrant requirements and expanding the power of national security letters. If you‘re a regular Techdirt reader, it also won‘t surprise you to learn that Senator Ron Wyden is working hard to hold the line against this kind of expansion. This week, we‘re joined by Senator Wyden to discuss what the FBI is up to and what the public needs to know about it.

13.07.2016 - 07:02 [ Sputnik ]

„Parlamentarier, arbeitet doch!“ – liegender Protest in Kiew

Aktivisten der ukrainischen Nichtregierungsorganisation „Reanimations-Reformpaket“ haben vor dem Gebäude des ukrainischen Parlaments in Badehosen und Schwimmflossen demonstriert, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Lenta.ru am Dienstag berichtet. Sie fordern die Abgeordneten auf, ihren Urlaub nicht anzutreten und die Arbeit an Gesetzentwürfen fortzusetzen.

13.07.2016 - 06:59 [ Ansa.it ]

IMF revises Italy growth downward

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday revised downwards its GDP growth estimates for Italy in the wake of the Brexit, to below 1% in 2016 and 1% in 2017 compared to 1.1% and 1.3% in its previous forecast. Italy‘s economy is „gradually recovering“ with „modest“ growth and risks of a down turn have increased, the IMF said.

13.07.2016 - 01:47 [ Radio Utopie ]

Dritter Staat blockiert Teile des Internets wegen „Schulprüfungen“

Nach Algerien und dem Irak sperrt jetzt Äthiopien in diesem Jahr tagelang den Zugang zu allen sozialen Medien.