Daily Archives: 11. März 2016

11.03.2016 - 18:26 [ Guardian ]

Post-war Iraq: ‚Everybody is corrupt, from top to bottom. Including me‘

(19.2.2016) Abadi has placed much of his political stock on his reform drive, which he sees as essential to holding the country together. Sistani’s full throated sponsorship has given his moves an impetus that they would not otherwise have had. However, so far he has been unable to slow a plunder that has crippled Iraq’s governance.

“He is a good guy,” said Jabouri. “He is cleaner than all people in the parliament. But he cannot do this. Nobody can.”

11.03.2016 - 18:24 [ Al Jazeera ]

Iraq: The reinvention of Muqtada al-Sadr

Sadr‘s ability to mobilise a crowd of close to 100,000 demonstrates his ability to reinvent himself, once again, in Iraq‘s post-2003 political landscape. In Sadr‘s latest political incarnation, he has embraced the politics of protest to become both an anti-politician and king-maker. His latest rally is symbolic of his political movement‘s evolution over a decade, a reflection of the vicissitudes of Iraq‘s politics since 2003.

11.03.2016 - 18:22 [ Sputnik ]

Orden der Ehrenlegion für saudischen „Henker-Kronprinzen“ sorgt für Empörung

Während Saudi-Arabien jährlich hunderte Menschen hinrichtet, hat Frankreich dem saudischen Innenminister und Todesstrafen-Vollstrecker des wahhabitischen Königreichs, Mohammed Bin Najef, vor einigen Tagen den höchsten französischen Verdienstorden verliehen. Eine Reihe von französischen Militärs und Politikern reagierte empört darauf.

11.03.2016 - 17:21 [ Heise ]

EU-Rat: Europol soll auch Daten privater Firmen nutzen können

Aus der Ratsspitze hatte es dazu geheißen, dass ein „Dialog“ gerade zur Terrorismusbekämpfung unerlässlich sei. Facebook etwa müsse bei einem Europol-Hinweis verpflichtet sein, die Fahnder über weitere Konten und Profile aufzuklären, die eine mit einer bestimmten IP-Adresse verknüpfte Person unterhalte. Der Innenausschuss des EU-Parlaments hatte sich zudem dafür ausgesprochen, dass die Behörde etwa Betreiber sozialer Netzwerke bitten können soll, Seiten von Terrororganisationen wie dem Islamischen Staat (IS) zu löschen. Weiter müsse es ihr möglich sein, Details zu den Verantwortlichen zu erfragen.

11.03.2016 - 17:08 [ Kampagne Stopp Ramstein ]

Menschenkette 2016 – Anmeldung

Wir beabsichtigen auf einer Gesamtlänge von 18,2 km eine Menschenkette zu realisieren – vom Stadtrand Kaiserslauterns über Landstuhl, an der Airbase entlang bis zum Zentrum von Ramstein.

11.03.2016 - 13:58 [ Jewish Journal / Jewish Insider ]

Daily Kickoff: Trump was on Bibi’s donor list | Dems in Chicago split over Iran deal

According to a document we came across this week, the history between Netanyahu and Trump goes back to 2007 when the Likud leader plotted his return to the Prime Minister’s office. Bibi‘s list includes names of foreign and local donors and a reordered list in Netanyahu’s own handwriting, in which he divided donors into four categories according to whether contacting them is “worth the effort.”

11.03.2016 - 13:56 [ Inside Edition ]

Trump Supporter Who Punched Protester: ‚Next Time, We Might Have To Kill Him‘

And when asked why he punched the protester, he said: „Number one, we don’t know if he’s ISIS. We don’t know who he is, but we know he’s not acting like an American, cussing me… If he wants it laid out, I laid it out.“

He added: “Yes, he deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.”

11.03.2016 - 13:21 [ Newsweek ]


Tel Aviv residents, who by-and-large dislike Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, made immediate comparisons between Netanyahu and Trump. Both, they said, are authoritarians and appeal to people’s fears. Each of these leaders has their own bogeyman. For Bibi, it’s the Arabs. For Trump, it’s the immigrants.

11.03.2016 - 13:03 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Shock in Idomeni! Born in a tent, baby gets first bath from a water bottle, out in the cold (picture)

The picture shocks! A woman and a man are bathing a tiny newborn naked baby outside a tent in Idomeni refugee camp in Greece’s borders to FYROM. They hold the baby above the mud that is covering the camp. The woman holds the baby with one hand and washes the water out with the other. The man is pouring the “bath” water from a bottle. The water is probably cold. And so is the temperature in the area in the North of Greece on that day… on March 6th, the day Europe should mark in its calendar as Day of Shame.

11.03.2016 - 13:01 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

EU Commissioner: Humanitarian Aid to Greece “may take still a couple of weeks”

Stylianides came to Greek capital and had a meeting with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to talk about the Humanitarian Aid worth millions of euro we hear but we do not see. Reason for this is the complicated and bureaucratic mechanism, the 100+1 approvals and 1000+1 signatures needed.

This morning I saw Stylianidies telling Tsipras that “The disbursement may take a couple of weeks.” A couple of more weeks, that is.

11.03.2016 - 08:59 [ Radio Utopie ]

Präsident und Sozialist Hollande hofierte Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinzen mit höchstem Staatspreis: dem Orden der Ehrenlegion

Ritterschlag für das wahhabitische House of Saud – öffentlich erteilte Absolution der Menschenrechtsverletzungen für das mörderische Regime in Riad durch Frankreich. John Kerry heute in Riad, morgen mit Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Philip Hammond, Paolo Gentiloni, Federica Mogherini in Paris.

11.03.2016 - 08:58 [ Albawaba ]

How Daesh is helping cement Kurdish dreams of statehood

Iraqi Kurdistan has been semi-autonomous for years, but recently the region has become even further divorced from Iraq’s Shia-led central government. In 2014, Baghdad slashed the Kurds’ share of federal revenues as punishment for the Kurds’ construction of an oil pipeline to Turkey. The Kurdish government in Erbil started independent oil exports to Turkey in June, and is now averaging earnings of $682 million a month.

11.03.2016 - 08:49 [ Regionalregierung der Autonomen Region Kurdistan ]

EU Ambassador: The greatest threat to the Kurdistan Region is the financial crisis

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (cabinet.gov.krd) – Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, on Monday received Mr. Patrick Simonnet, the European Union’s Ambassador to Iraq and his accompanying delegation including his deputy and head of the EU Mission in Erbil.

Mr. Simonnet expressed satisfaction with the relationship between the Kurdistan Region and the EU and the coordination between the two sides. He reaffirmed EU‘s support for the Region and Iraq.

11.03.2016 - 08:49 [ Daily Mail ]

Europe at its highest terror threat level for ten years with at least 5,000 Europeans now radicalised by ISIS

– Director of Europol warned terror attack threat level at a ten-year high
– Rob Wainwright said 5,000 Europeans have left to go to fight for ISIS
– Many of these now returning to Europe potentially planning attacks
– Said two in five of Europol terrorism cases involve a ‚British element‘
– See more news on ISIS in Europe at www.dailymail.co.uk/isis

11.03.2016 - 08:39 [ Politico.eu ]

Cecilia Malmström finds her trade groove

(8.3.2016) If the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) gets adopted, Europe can expect to boost a trade relationship with Canada worth nearly €60 billion. The EU is also in a potentially stronger position to negotiate deals around the world, including the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the U.S, which both sides want to conclude by the end of this year.

11.03.2016 - 08:37 [ Süddeutsche ]

China und Russland: Zölle auf Stahl

(12.2.2016) Die europäischen Stahlkonzerne hatten sich Strafzölle auf Billigimporte aus China und Russland gewünscht, nun reagiert die EU-Kommission. Sie wolle bestimmte Stahlerzeugnisse aus beiden Ländern vorläufig mit Einfuhrzöllen belegen, teilte die Brüsseler Behörde am Freitag mit.

11.03.2016 - 08:30 [ Trend.az ]

Erdogan, Obama to discuss Syrian conflict

Ankara and Washington will discuss the issues of settlement of the Syrian crisis during the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the US, Turkish Star newspaper reported March 11.

Erdogan will visit the US from March 29 to April 2, according to the newspaper.

11.03.2016 - 08:18 [ RT ]

Pivot to Asia: US-Atombomber für Australien, massive Manöver für Südkorea

Chinas Außenminister Wang Yi kritisiert die USA und Südkorea. „Die ‚Freiheit der Meere‘ bedeutet nicht, dass sie dort alles tun können, was sie wollen“, erklärte Wang Yi mit Blick auf ein massives Militärmanöver der US-Streitkräfte gemeinsam mit den südkoreanischen Truppen. An der Übung nehmen 300.000 Soldaten der Republik Südkorea teil. Die USA beteiligen sich mit 17.000 Soldaten. Es handelt sich um das bisher größte Manöver in der Geschichte der beiden Staaten.

11.03.2016 - 05:08 [ Vineyard Saker dV ]

Donezk: Die fröhliche Siedlung – Hier tanzt man mit dem Tod

Es hat sich nichts geändert. Seit der Farce von Minsk II ist die Artillerie nicht ein Stück leiser und das Schweigen der Medien dafür umso lauter. Dieser Krieg darf nicht stattfinden in den Wohnzimmern und Köpfen der westlichen Zivilisation, deren Regierungen die längst gescheiterten Herrschaften in Kiew weiterhin mit russophobem Trommelwirbel und vor allem mit Geld unterstützen.

11.03.2016 - 05:03 [ Defense Industry Daily ]

Argentina and Israel Resume Kfir Block 60 Talks | Turkey’s Defense Procurement Gets $5.9B Boost | Production Backlog Delays Indonesia’s Su-35s

Airbus has announced that it is to continue operating Germany’s military satellite system for the next seven years. The European defense giant was awarded the $162 million contract by BAAINBw, the German Armed Forces procurement agency. Airbus has been operating the SATCOMBw secure satellite communications system for Germany since 2006, and includes the in-orbit operation of the military COMSATBw1 and COMSATBw 2 satellites, as well as the operation of their teleport and associated networks in Weilheim, Germany.

11.03.2016 - 04:57 [ Belfast Telegraph ]

Bond films designer Ken Adam dies at 95

The film industry titan designed the triangular Pentagon War Room in the 1964 Stanley Kubrick film Dr Strangelove.
His biographer Sir Christopher Frayling told the BBC that he died in his sleep at home in London on Thursday.

11.03.2016 - 04:54 [ France24 ]

US calls for vote to confront sex abuse by UN peacekeepers

The exchanges took place at a Security Council meeting where Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon presented his recent report detailing the 69 allegations in 2015 which for the first time named the countries of alleged perpetrators. Since the beginning of the year, the U.N. peacekeeping department said there have been 25 additional cases.

11.03.2016 - 04:43 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die westliche Doppelstrategie (II)

Während die DGAP voranschreitet und sich um die Analyse des russischen Einflusses in anderen europäischen Staaten bemüht, hat die Bundesregierung den Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) damit beauftragt, „Ermittlungen“ über etwaige Moskauer Interventionen in die politische Debatte in Deutschland zu führen. Gegenmaßnahmen würden erwogen, heißt es. So soll demnächst ein in Brüssel publizierter „Anti-Propagandaüberblick“, der Medien auf „Pro-Kreml-Desinformation“ analysiert, in deutscher Sprache herausgegeben werden.

11.03.2016 - 04:29 [ Chronicle Journal ]

Sept. 11 families seek to restore Saudi Arabia as defendant in lawsuit

He said a Manhattan judge was wrong to conclude that claims in the lawsuit lacked sufficient support and that Saudi Arabia was protected by sovereign immunity.
„In light of the quality and quantity of material submitted, we believe that the plaintiffs have demonstrated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia committed acts on U.S. soil that were instrumental in the planning and execution of the 9-11 attacks,“ Goldman said in a statement.

11.03.2016 - 04:23 [ Inquirer.net ]

PH blocks $870M stolen from Bangladesh

(9.März) Various sources told the Inquirer that the money, worth almost P3.7 billion at the prevailing exchange rate, were channeled to a foreign exchange dealer and then transferred to casinos—Solaire Resort and Casino, City of Dreams and Midas—where they were converted into chips for betting at the gaming tables, then converted back into cash and remitted to accounts in Hong Kong soon after.
All told, these transactions comprise the largest documented case of money laundering ever uncovered in the country by regulators.

11.03.2016 - 03:10 [ youtube ]

Trouvères : Anon – Chanson de Guillaume

Diabolus in Musica – Antoine Guerber, dir.
La Chanson de Guillaume – Lai, Chansons guerrières et politiques (1188-1250)
Raphaël Boulay (tenor), Antoine Guerber (tenor), Jean-Paul Rigaud (baritone), Brice Duisit (lute, rebec)