Daily Archives: 1. November 2015

01.11.2015 - 22:11 [ Trend ]

Turkish opposition leader resigns

Head of the Turkish oppositional Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahceli has resigned due to the defeat at Turkey’s snap parliamentary election Nov. 1, Haberay news website reported.

01.11.2015 - 22:05 [ RT ]

Israel hosts largest-ever intl air force drill, pitting troops against fictional enemy

Israel is hosting its largest-ever international air force exercise. The two-week ‚Blue Flag‘ drill features Israeli, American, Greek and Polish troops in a battle against a fictional enemy state.

The Blue Flag drill consists of Israeli and American F-15 squadrons, as well as Israeli, Hellenic, and Polish F-16 squadrons flying through Israeli airspace while firing simulated weapons against fictional enemy missile launchers, convoys, and aircraft, the Israeli Air Force captain in charge of the exercise told the Times of Israel.

01.11.2015 - 21:58 [ ITAR-TASS ]

Parliamentary elections get underway in Azerbaijan

A total of 503 international observers representing up to 40 international organizations and 53 countries are monitoring the elections. The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) has sent the greatest number of observers – 147. There are also observers from the Central Election Commission of Russia and the Russian State Duma. The mission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is led by Spanish lawmaker Jordi Chukla. The preliminary results are expected to be available on November 2.

01.11.2015 - 18:11 [ Peter Van Buren / Information Clearing House ]

Tell Us Why We’re At War in Iraq Again, Mr. President

When I was a kid, three presidents told us we had to fight in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, because if we didn’t fight them over there, we’d have to fight them on the beaches of California. We believed. It was a lie.

I was a teenager during the Cold War, and several presidents told us we needed to create massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons, garrison the world, invade Cuba, fight in odd little places and use the CIA to overthrow democratically elected governments and replace them with dictators, or the Russians would destroy us. We believed. It was a lie.

When I was in college our president told us that we needed to fight in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua or the Sandinistas would come to the United States. He told us Managua was closer to Washington DC than LA was. He told us we needed to fight in Lebanon, Grenada and Libya to protect ourselves. We believed. It was a lie.

When I was a little older our president told us how evil Saddam Hussein was, how his soldiers bayoneted babies in Kuwait. He told us Saddam was a threat to America. He told us we needed to invade Panama to oust a dictator to protect America. We believed. It was a lie.

The next president told us we had to fight terrorists in Somalia, as well as bomb Iraq, to protect ourselves. We believed. It was a lie…

01.11.2015 - 18:05 [ Tthe Empire Files / TeleSur TV ]

the empire files_

From inside history‘s biggest empire:
Files logged by Abby Martin recording a world shaped by war & inequality.

01.11.2015 - 18:02 [ Luftpost ]

Zur Wahl eines Präsidenten für ein Imperium

Die Idee, die USA hätten das Recht, in andere Staaten einzufallen, sie zu bombardieren und dort lebende Menschen zu töten, sei ein Mythos; das sagte der berühmte Autor und Intellektuelle Noam Chomsky in einem 25-minütigen Interview mit Abby Martin in der Reihe „The Empire Files“ von TeleSURtv.net

01.11.2015 - 18:00 [ Noam Chomsky und Abby Martin / Information Clearing House ]

Electing The President Of An Empire

This idea, that the United States has the right to invade, bomb, and kill, is a myth that renowned author and intellectual Noam Chomsky debunked during a 25-minute interview with Abby Martin for teleSUR‘s The Empire Files.

01.11.2015 - 15:50 [ Radio Utopie ]

Verfassungsschutz zum 65. Jahrestag in Rente geschickt

Ihre Forderung zur Auflösung des Inlandsgeheimdiensts hat die Humanistische Union (HU) mit einer Aktion am Samstag, 31.10.2015 in München erneut öffentlich gemacht. Unter dem Motto „Wir schicken den Verfassungsschutz in Rente“ wurde einem „Schlapphut“ im Trenchcoat ein symbolischer Rentenbescheid übergeben.

01.11.2015 - 13:31 [ Nieman-Gesellschaft für Journalismus an der Havard-Universität ]

Robert Parry Receives I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence

Presented with the I.F. Stone Medal for Journalistic Independence at a ceremony held at the Nieman Foundation on October 22, Parry—now a well-established investigative reporter himself—told the audience about the profound impact those newsletters had on his own career.

01.11.2015 - 12:43 [ Benjamin Netanyahu, Premierminister von Israel ]

PM Netanyahu‘s Speech at the Special Knesset Session in Memory of Yitzhak Rabin

The horrific murder of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin opened a deep rift in our national existence. It is joined to the list of fateful events in the history of our people that were the result of destructive polarization, unrestrained fanaticism. We have experienced destruction and exile in our ancient history, also because of internecine fighting. And when Israeli democracy was founded, our modern country, we promised ourselves that the lessons of our past had been internalized, that the kingdom of Israel would not be destroyed for a third time.

01.11.2015 - 12:07 [ Downing Street ]

Construction begins on new base for the Royal Navy in Bahrain

The Foreign Secretary attended a groundbreaking ceremony in Bahrain today to start the construction of a new Royal Navy facility.

Mina Salman Port will play a central role in the Royal Navy’s ability to operate in the region, and reaffirms the UK’s determination to work with Bahrain to maintain security and stability in the Gulf.

01.11.2015 - 12:05 [ Elysee Palast ]

Déclaration à la suite d‘un accident d‘avion russe dans le Sinaï

„J‘ai immédiatement adressé au président Poutine les condoléances de la France après cette tragédie. Je tenais avant même cette visite à pouvoir exprimer notre solidarité au peuple russe après cette catastrophe. Aujourd‘hui, seules la compassion à l‘égard des victimes et notre solidarité à l‘égard des familles méritent que l‘on puisse exprimer des paroles. Nous n‘avons pas d‘autres informations.“

01.11.2015 - 12:02 [ Bundeskanzlerin ]

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel kondoliert dem russischen Präsidenten Putin

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat heute Nachmittag mit dem russischen Präsidenten Vladimir Putin telefoniert, um ihre Anteilnahme angesichts des Absturzes einer russischen Passagiermaschine auszudrücken. An Bord der Maschine waren mehr als 200 Personen, darunter zahlreiche Kinder.

„Unser tief empfundenes Mitgefühl ist bei den Angehörigen und Freunden ‎der Menschen, die bei diesem furchtbaren Unglück ums Leben gekommen sind. Deutschland trauert mit Russland um die Opfer.“

01.11.2015 - 12:00 [ Hassan Rouhani, Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

Following the Russian plane crash; President condoles Putin on plane crash

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Mr Vladimir Putin,

President of the Russian Federation,

The news about the Russian passenger plane crash and the death of its passengers filled our hearts with sorrow.

I condole with you and sympathise with the great Russian nation, especially the bereaved families and pray for patience for the Russian nation.

Hassan Rouhani,

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran,

01.11.2015 - 11:49 [ Sputnik ]

Moskau warnt vor Lieferung von Fla-Raketen an Terroristen in Syrien

(16.Oktober 2015) Wenn ein Land Flugabwehrraketensysteme an eine der Terrorgruppe in Syrien liefern sollte, so würde das bedeuten, dass sich dieses Land auf die Seite der Terroristen gestellt habe, „und zwar mit allen daraus folgenden Konsequenzen“, sagte der Diplomat. „Ich möchte, dass das als ernsthafte Warnung wahrgenommen wird.“

01.11.2015 - 11:47 [ Maria Tsvetkova, Christian Lowe / Reuters ]

Syria air strikes leave Russia at risk of revenge attacks

(9.Oktober 2015) President Vladimir Putin has taken a risk by launching air strikes against Islamists in Syria because they could incite militants to seek revenge by attacking targets inside Russia.

The Kremlin has largely contained Islamist violence in Russia by cracking down hard but the bombardment of Syria could prompt global jihadists to put Russia on the list of targets they encourage their followers to attack.

01.11.2015 - 11:25 [ The Day ]

Walker asks no U.S. forces in Sinai

(11.September 1975) New London – Thomas C. „Pete“ Walker of New London, national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, says that under no circumstances should the United States place its military forces in the Sinai.
„The Sinai must never become a Middle East variaton of Southeast Asia,“ Walker said in a statement.

01.11.2015 - 11:24 [ Daily News (Ägypten) ]

US soldiers in Sinai a ‘precautionary measure’

(22.Juni 2013) Reports had been circulating on Thursday on the Washington Times and state-run Al-Ahram websites that United States soldiers were being deployed on Egyptian soil to combat riots.

Major Ahmed Shaaban told Daily News Egypt that such claims are inaccurate. “They are only training as a precautionary measure,” said Shaaban. “However, they were present during 25 January Revolution and other incidents that followed but nothing happened to them.”

01.11.2015 - 11:22 [ Staatlicher Informationsdienst von Ägypten ]

Egypt denies plans to deploy US troops in Sinai

(25.11.2012) On Facebook, Armed Forces spokesman Colonel Ahmed Ali said the Armed Forces would never accept the presence of foreign troops or bases on Egyptian soil.

The only foreign forces present in Egypt are the Multinational Force and Observers, comprising elements from 13 countries, working since the Israeli withdrawal from Sinai in 1982 to ensure that both sides comply with the peace agreement, Ali said.

01.11.2015 - 11:17 [ Radio Dreyeckland ]

Frau Zehlia Kur. lässt sich nicht einschüchtern – Bericht zum 32.Sitzung des PUA zum NSU

Als siebte Zeugin der Beweisaufnahme der 32. Sitzung des parlamentarischen Untersuchungsauschuss des NSU kam Frau Kur. erst gegen 18: 40 Uhr zu Worte. Sie hatte schon ausgesagt, dass sie und ihr Mann am 25.4.2007 einen schwarz gekleideten Mann im Wertwiesenprak ins Gebüsch springen sahen. Sie hatte ihn vor 4-5 Monaten auf eienr Lichbildmappe der Polizei wiedererkannt. WEshalb der Ausschuss vorsitzende Drexler, dem Generelabundesanwalt, LKA und LfV versichert hatten, keine Beamten mit Lichtbildern zur Familie Kur. nach Heilbronn gechickt zu haben, dei Zeugin derart hart anging -„nichts wesentliches weg zu lassen“ beinah drohend in Bezug auf ihren Mann“ – blieb am Freitag sein Geheimnis.

01.11.2015 - 10:12 [ PressTV ]

Israeli forces shoot, injure another Palestinian youth

The head of the al-Quds Prisoners‘ Families Committee, Amjad Abu Asab, said Israeli military vehicles stormed the Sur Baher neighborhood on the southeastern outskirts of East al-Quds on Sunday.

The Israeli forces broke into dozens of homes and rummaged through them, causing excessive property damage before detaining 8 Palestinians.

01.11.2015 - 10:10 [ RT Deutsch ]

Neue Eskalation – Israelisches Militär stürmt palästinensisches Krankenhaus

Erneut kam es zu Zusammenstößen zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern. Im Zentrum der Auseinandersetzungen stand ein palästinensisches Krankenhaus, das von israelischen Sicherheitskräften gestürmt wurde, weil diese darin die Krankenakte eines 15-Jährigen vermuten, der der Gewalt verdächtigt wird. Richard Falk, Professor an der University of California sagt gegenüber RT, das Hauptziel sei Einschüchterung.

01.11.2015 - 10:04 [ Huffington Post ]

Why Bridging the Iran-Saudi Divide Is Vital for Peace in Syria and the Region

Archrivals Saudi Arabia and Iran are experiencing their first regional talks in Vienna on the Syrian conflict. Since assuming office in August 2013, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has initiated several overtures to Saudi Arabia, attempting to mend what has steadily devolved into a dangerously adversarial relationship in the years since the 2003 overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

01.11.2015 - 09:32 [ Heise ]

Im Bundesrat formiert sich Widerstand gegen das WLAN-Gesetz

Ausschüsse der Länderkammer fordern, Hotspot-Anbieter grundsätzlich von der Störerhaftung auszuschließen. Gestrichen werden soll ihnen zufolge ferner eine Klausel, die „gefahrgeneigte Dienste“ speziell in die Verantwortung nehmen will.

01.11.2015 - 09:23 [ Ekhatimerini ]

No service on Athens public transport on Tuesday night

The work stoppage has been called to protest what their unions see as poor management of these modes of public transport in the capital. They also argue that a new restructuring plan drawn up by authorities fails to show in any tangible way what benefits will result from the proposed changes.

01.11.2015 - 09:04 [ Griechenland-Blog ]

Griechenland: Privatisierungen und die nächste Tranche

Die Privatisierungen „werden eine signifikante Auswirkung auf die griechische Wirtschaft haben“ und zeigen, dass die Wirtschaft sich stabilisiert hat„, meinte Stergios Pitsiorlas, Leiter des Fonds für die Verwertung öffentlichen Vermögens (TAIPED). „Sie werden das Bild des Landes radikal ändern und mehr Investitionen bringen.“ Der Fonds wird sich ebenfalls „als vorrangiges Thema“ mit der 20-jährigen Verlängerung der Abtretung für den Betrieb des Internationalen Flughafens Athen (Eleftherios Venizelos) und dem Verkauf eines Anteils von 30% an dem zentralen Flughafen der griechischen Hauptstadt befassen, sagte Herr Pitsiorlas weiter.

01.11.2015 - 01:53 [ War Is A Crime ]

Dont Put Killers on Cereal Boxes

I‘d like Wal-Mart and every other store to stop selling all (not just Israeli) military and every other sort of armed, killer costume, including science-fiction futuristic Star Wars and any other. Sure, it‘s a particular problem that the U.S. government gives Israel billions of dollars in free weapons every year with which to attack civilians, and that presidential candidates in the United States behave as if they‘re campaigning to represent Israel. But if you oppose celebrating murder, including organized state-sanctioned uniformed murder, then you oppose everything that normalizes and encourages it.

So, of course, I also oppose glorifying „our troops“ on cereal boxes.