Daily Archives: 9. Oktober 2015

09.10.2015 - 19:14 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘Replace’ the mosques? Once again, ‘NYT’ soft-pedals Israeli extremism

Last year Phil interviewed several of these religious zealots at a demonstration in Jerusalem. The demonstrators chanted in Hebrew, “The mosque will burn, the temple rebuilt.” One spoke of possibly blowing up the mosques during a war. “We don’t know the exact details. There are some hints in scripture. It’s possible an earthquake could destroy the buildings, it’s possible a war could destroy it,” he said, then cited a leading Israeli rabbi who in 1967 “called someone powerful in the Israeli army and told him to blow up the Al Aqsa Mosque.” But the Israeli army missed “that window of opportunity.”

09.10.2015 - 19:13 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Ayotte, Rubio and de Blasio are bought and paid for by the ‘magnificent’ Israel lobby

Did you ever wonder why the U.S. gives so much military aid to Israel and vetoes any resolutions critical of Israel at the U.N.? According to Chuck Freilich, a former deputy national security adviser in Israel and now a senior fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School, it’s thanks to the Israel lobby.

Freilich writes in the Jerusalem Post that the American Jewish community needs to close rank behind AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) after the Iran bruising.

09.10.2015 - 19:12 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘There is no co-existence with cancer’: Right-wing Israelis demand gov’t give military ‘free hand’ to fight Palestinians

Brandishing their typical black and yellow flags and Hebrew signs boasting “Kahane was Right” and “There is no co-existence with cancer,” hundreds of right-wing activists took to the streets of Jerusalem Thursday night in a growing phenomenon of public demonstrations led by the country’s leading fascist groups such as Lahava and La Familia.

09.10.2015 - 19:05 [ RT ]

Syrischer Erzbischof: Gemäßigte Rebellen gibt es nicht und wenn Assad geht, endet Syrien wie Libyen

Erzbischof Jacques Behnan Hindo, einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der über 500.000 Christen in Syrien, hat sich gegenüber Agenzia Fides, der Nachrichtenagentur der katholischen Kirche, äußerst kritisch gegenüber der Rolle der USA und insbesondere der CIA in Syrien geäußert. Zudem hinterfragte er die Kritik der USA an den russischen Luftschlägen mit den Worten: „Die USA protestieren 14 Jahre nach dem 11. September, weil die Russen die Milizen der Al Kaida in Syrien bombardieren. Glauben sie wirklich, dass wir so wenig Intelligenz und Erinnerungsvermögen besitzen?”

09.10.2015 - 19:04 [ Reuters ]

U.S. supplies ‚precision‘ shells to Lebanon to help it defend border with Syria

The United States is providing the Lebanese army with a consignment of laser-guided artillery shells in an $8.6 million arms package intended to help Lebanon defend against cross-border incursions from Syria, the U.S. embassy said on Friday.

The package, which includes 50 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles and 560 artillery rounds including the „precision munitions“, will boost the Lebanese army‘s ability „to secure Lebanon‘s borders against violent extremists,“ it said in a statement.

09.10.2015 - 18:52 [ Truthout ]

One Man‘s Mission: Justice for Iraq

Most people in the United States have chosen to ignore the catastrophic situation the US government has caused in both Iraq and the greater Middle East. One could easily argue that both the catastrophe that is today‘s Iraq as well as the bloodbath in Syria stemmed from the US wars against Iraq, which began in 1991 and continue to this day.

09.10.2015 - 17:33 [ Atlantic ]

The U.S. Gives Up on Building New Syrian Rebel Groups

An official told the Times that

there would no longer be any more recruiting of so-called moderate Syrian rebels to go through training programs in Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates. Instead, a much smaller training center would be set up in Turkey, where a small group of “enablers”—mostly leaders of opposition groups—would be taught operational maneuvers like how to call in airstrikes.
In London, Carter held up cooperation with Kurds as a model for going forward.

09.10.2015 - 17:27 [ Time ]

Wikileaks Offers to Pay $50,000 for Kunduz Bombing Footage

(8.Oktober) “The AC-130 records its attacks with high resolution gun cameras,” says the post on Wikileaks, the website founded by Julian Assange that publishes news leaks and classified information. “According to military procedure, this footage should have been retained along with the cockpit audio. A post-massacre inquiry report referred to as an ‘AR 15-6’ should have also been commissioned. We are raising a U.S. $50,000 bounty to obtain the footage, the cockpit audio, the inquiry report and other relevant materials.”

09.10.2015 - 17:19 [ Telegraph ]

$3 trillion corporate credit crunch looms as debtors face day of reckoning, says IMF

(8.Oktober) Emerging market companies have „over-borrowed“ by $3 trillion in the last decade, reflecting a quadrupling of private sector debt between 2004 and 2014, found the IMF‘s Global Financial Stability Report.
This dangerous over-leveraging now threatens to unleash a wave of defaults that will imperil an already weak global economy, said stark findings from the IMF‘s twice yearly report.

09.10.2015 - 17:13 [ NEWS.VA ]

ASIA/SYRIA – Archbishop Hindo “ McCain’s disturbing words on anti-Assad rebels armed by the CIA“

What does it mean? Al-Qaeda is now a US ally, just because in Syria it has a different name? But do they really despise our intelligence and our memory?“(…)
„We have received terrible news from the city of Deir al Zor, which has been besieged by Daesh for a long time. There is no more food in town, and the population is literally starving. We need to do something immediately, before it is too late“.

09.10.2015 - 16:37 [ RT Deutsch ]

Die Schlacht um TTIP und CETA: Geplante Massendemonstration und erfolgreiche Bürgerinitiative gegen die Konzerndikatur

Im Zuge der Flüchtlingskrise ist die Diskussion um das geplante Freihandelsabkommen TTIP in den medialen Hintergrund gerückt. Doch für Samstag ruft ein Bündnis von TTIP-Gegnern zur Großdemonstration nach Berlin. Gleichzeitig hat die „Europäische Bürgerinitiative gegen TTIP und CETA“ innerhalb eines Jahres über drei Millionen Unterschriften gesammelt. Können die hoch umstrittenen Abkommen noch gestoppt werden? Nur wenn es gelingt das Thema wieder auf Platz eins der gesellschaftlichen Agenda zu setzen.

09.10.2015 - 15:30 [ Zeit ]

US-Regierung verzichtet auf Hintertüren per Gesetz

IT-Firmen in den USA werden nun doch nicht gezwungen, Hintertüren in Verschlüsselung einzubauen. Doch FBI und NSA bohren weiter Löcher in gesicherte Kommunikation.

09.10.2015 - 14:42 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Al-Sisi is a coup dictator and unwelcome in Tunisia, says Ghannouchi

The leader of the Islamist Ennahda Party in Tunisia has denied categorically that he may meet with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi or even welcome him to his country. Rachid Ghannouchi described Al-Sisi as a “dictator who staged a coup” and said that he is “not welcome” to visit Tunisia.

“I will not welcome him,” Ghannouchi told France 24 on Thursday. “I only greet or see off those I consent to, and I am not a member of the authority who must welcome him out of deference to protocol.” He added that, in his opinion, Al-Sisi is a dictator and he seized power by means of a coup. The veteran Islamist denied being asked to intervene to resolve the current situation in Egypt, stressing that the task of resolving the issue falls on the shoulders of the Egyptian people.

09.10.2015 - 14:32 [ Middle East Eye ]

Deadly clashes in Gaza Strip and West Bank

At least five shot and killed by Israeli soldiers near border fence in Gaza, with clashes also breaking out in Bethlehem and near Ramallah…“We are neither Hamas nor Fatah: we are a generation that demands to live in dignity,“ he told Middle East Eye amid the sounds of live ammunition being fired on protestors.

09.10.2015 - 13:46 [ Times of Israel ]

Attempted Afula stabber identified as Nazareth woman

Footage captured at the scene shows the woman holding a knife, while surrounded by IDF soldiers and security guards. In Hebrew and English, they instructed the woman to put down her weapon.

Israel Police arrived at the scene and again told the woman to drop the knife. Finally, when she refused again, soldiers and police officers shot her in the lower body.

09.10.2015 - 13:17 [ NBC News ]

Pentagon Ending Program to Train, Equip Syria Rebels

Many of the weapons and vehicles provided to the first group of Syrian rebels quickly fell into the hands of enemy forces, such as the al Qaeda-backed Al Nusra Front.

The initial „train and assist“ program aimed at aiding and equipping 54,000 moderate rebels by the end of this year. As of now, that number is somewhere around 100, and only a handful of them have actually been engaged in any combat operations against enemy forces.

09.10.2015 - 13:04 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Überwachung aus einer Hand: Planungen für gemeinsame TKÜ-Zentren der Bundesländer werden konkret

Auch das zweite „Gemeinsame Kompetenz- und Dienstleistungszentrum“ (GKDZ) zur Telekommunikationsüberwachung nimmt Gestalt an. Dies geht aus einer Präsentation des sächsischen Innenministeriums hervor, die der Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragte Alexander Dix im Berliner Senat verteilt hat. Demnach haben die beteiligten Bundesländer Brandenburg, Thüringen, Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt und Berlin bereits einen Entwurf für einen Staatsvertrag abgestimmt.

09.10.2015 - 11:14 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Maßstäbe setzen

Vor der Berliner Großdemonstration gegen das Freihandelsabkommen TTIP am morgigen Samstag intensivieren Wirtschaft und Politik ihre PR-Anstrengungen für den heftig kritisierten Vertrag. Die bundesdeutschen Konzerne erwarten von der Übereinkunft Einsparungen in Milliardenhöhe. Vor allem durch den Abbau von Zöllen und die Vereinheitlichung von Vorschriften auf Kosten des Verbraucherschutzes wollen die Unternehmen von TTIP profitieren. Angesichts ähnlicher Freihandelsprojekte in anderen Teilen der Welt mahnen Manager und Politiker zu einem raschen Abschluss der Verhandlungen, um selbst Standards für den Welthandel setzen zu können, anstatt sich anderen Ländern anpassen zu müssen; vor allem das transpazifische Freihandelsabkommen TPP, das Nordamerika mit Teilen Ost- und Südostasiens, Südamerikas und der Pazifikregion zusammenschließt, gilt als Konkurrenz. Wissenschaftler warnen indes vor einer Welt, die in unterschiedliche, miteinander rivalisierende Handelsblöcke zerfällt; dies berge, heißt es, ein erhebliches Konfliktpotenzial.

09.10.2015 - 11:06 [ Trend ]

Kazakh, Ukrainian presidents discuss economic cooperation

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, who paid an official visit to Kazakhstan, discussed the ways of strengthening the cooperation in trade-economic sphere, the coal industry, transport and logistics area and the agro-industrial complex, the press-service of the Kazakh president said Oct. 9.

09.10.2015 - 10:54 [ PressTV ]

UN demands probe into Saudi attack on Yemen wedding

A senior aid official with the United Nations (UN) has called for a swift investigation into a recent Saudi airstrike on the location of a wedding ceremony in Yemen’s southwestern Dhamar region.

Stephen O’Brien, the UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, demanded an impartial probe into the deadly aerial raid in a strongly-worded statement on Thursday.

09.10.2015 - 10:36 [ Jorge Martin ]

SPAIN: Yesterday Podemos and Izquierda Unida (United Left) declared an end to conversations towards a united list in the forthcoming elections on December 20.

Both IU and Podemos (but more the latter) have also been affected by the „Syriza effect“. The leadership of both organisations has sided clearly with Syriza and Tsipras after they signed the Memorandum and the party broke. This has alienated a whole layer of activists. On the other hand they are unable to answer the propaganda of the ruling class which says; „look at Greece, if you vote a radical government, you will get bank closures, economic chaos and in the end you will be forced to accept cuts anyway“.

09.10.2015 - 10:36 [ Sputnik ]

Trotz Syrien-Konflikt: Saudi-Arabien will Annäherung mit Russland

Laut den von „Kommersant“ befragten Experten bedeutet die unerwartete Mission des Prinzen Mohammed, dass Saudi-Arabien eine Vereinbarung mit Moskau zur politischen Regelung in Syrien anstrebt. Die Regierung in Er-Riad wolle Moskau zu einem Kurswechsel gegenüber dem syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad bewegen. Dabei würden Russland eine strategische Partnerschaft und milliardenschwere Projekte versprochen.

09.10.2015 - 10:27 [ ANSA ]

ME: Red Crescent,1.300 Palestinians injured, 76 by fire-arms

Approximately 1,300 Palestinians have been injured, intoxicated and hurt in the recent violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, according to figures released by the Red Crescent, on Thursday. Seventy-six people were injured by fire-arms. Eight-hundred and forty-nine were treated for tear-gas intoxication and 344 were hit by rubber bullets.

09.10.2015 - 10:26 [ Radio Utopie ]

Sogar S.P.D.-Ministerpräsidentinnen wittern zweite Operation Asyl der Regierung nach 1992-93

(23.August) Die S.P.D.-Kader Steinmeier und Gabriel wollen die Flüchtlings-Situation u.a. in Deutschland für einen E.U.-Plan „zur Stabilisierung zerfallender Staaten“ benutzen. Eine Analyse und eine Erinnerung an die 1992 zeitgleich mit der Schaffung der „Europäischen Union“ vonstatten gegangenen faschistischen Pogrome in Deutschland.

Sowohl die Ministerpräsidentin von Rheinland-Pfalz, Malu Dreyer, als auch die Ministerpräsidentin von Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hannelore Kraft, haben den zuständigen Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maiziere aufgefordert die verfassungsmäßig vorgeschriebenen Verfahren nach Anträgen auf Asyl von Flüchtlingen zu beschleunigen. Damit geraten die S.P.D.-Ministerpräsidentinnen, mutmaßlich ohne es zu begreifen, der von der Regierung von oben nach unten in die Gesellschaft hinein organisierten neuen Kampagne zur Schürung von Konflikten, Spaltungsbewegungen, bis hin zur Kreation von Spannungsfällen in die Quere, die einerseits den „Sicherheits“-Apparat, als auch die „Europäische Union“ begünstigen, die Republik destabilisieren und dadurch die herrschende Machtarchitektur stabilisieren sollen.