Daily Archives: 4. Oktober 2015

04.10.2015 - 17:13 [ Neues Deutschland ]

Bundesregierung: Atomare Gefahr geht von Russland aus

(1.Oktober) Die in der Debatte auftretenden Politiker der Großen Koalition waren mit den Argumenten der Opposition wenig zu beeindrucken. Allesamt beriefen sie sich auf ebenjenen Beschluss des Bundestages aus dem Jahr 2010, um zum gegenteiligen Schluss zu kommen. Roderich Kiesewetter (CDU sprach vielmehr von einer nuklearen Bedrohung, die von Russland ausgehe. Ein Verzicht Deutschlands auf nukleare Teilhabe käme einem Verzicht auf Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten im Bündnis mit den USA gleich, meinte Kiesewetter, und sah offenbar eine Gefahr darin, dass sich daran unweigerlich eine Debatte anschlösse, welches von den übrigen Stationierungsländern stattdessen diese Rolle übernehmen werde.

04.10.2015 - 17:11 [ Sky.com (Vereinigtes Königreich) ]

PM: I Am Prepared To Press Red Button

The Prime Minister has said he is prepared to press the red button if he has to, as he looked to exploit Labour‘s division on the nation‘s security.

On the first day of the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, David Cameron said he believed the country should retain the Trident nuclear deterrent.

04.10.2015 - 17:03 [ Zeit ]

Wie Deutschland der syrischen Opposition hilft

(25.Juli 2012) Bei der »Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik« (SWP) hat seit Januar eine Gruppe von bis zu 50 syrischen Oppositionellen aller Couleur geheime Treffen abgehalten, um Pläne für den Tag nach dem Abgang Assads zu schmieden. Das klandestine Projekt mit dem Namen »Day After« wird von der SWP in Partnerschaft mit dem »United States Institute of Peace« (USIP) organisiert, wie DIE ZEIT von Beteiligten erfuhr.

04.10.2015 - 16:59 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Admits: Fight Against Iran Deal Over

Netanyahu did not deny in a press briefing Thursday night that he sent such a message to the Americans and sufficed with a general statement that “I didn’t give any approval of the nuclear deal.” In the Fox interview on Friday Netanyahu made a clear statement.
„This was the day after. It began today.“

04.10.2015 - 16:54 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

List of 48 Prior Actions Greece needs to implement asap to get €2bn (PART II)

List of 48 Prior Actions Greece has to implement as soon as possible in order to receive the 2-billion-euro tranche from the 3. bailout.

Prior Actions PART II – No 25-48

25. All supplementary pension funds will have to be under ETEA (Unified Supplementary Pensions Fund) and ensure that all supplementary pension funds will be exclusively financed by own contributions as of 1. January 2015. (!)

04.10.2015 - 16:53 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

List of 48 Prior Actions Greece needs to implement asap to get €2bn (PART I)

The long and winding road that leads to a 2-billion-euro bailout disbursement. The Euro Working Group agreed on Friday on …not one, not ten, not twenty… but forty eight (48) prerequisites (prior actions_ that Greece has to implement in the next two weeks in order to receive the first trance of the 3.bailout package totaling 86 billion euro.

04.10.2015 - 15:57 [ Global Research ]

Stop The War: Canada’s Military Operations are Illegal Under Canadian Law

Article 31 states,

“The Governor in Council may place the Canadian Forces or any component, unit or other element thereof or any officer or non-commissioned member thereof on active service anywhere in or beyond Canada at any time when it appears advisable to do so

(a) by reason of an emergency, for the defence of Canada;

(b) in consequence of any action undertaken by Canada under the United Nations Charter; or

(c) in consequence of any action undertaken by Canada under the North Atlantic Treaty, the North American Aerospace Defence Command Agreement or any other similar instrument to which Canada is a party.

In none of the situations mentioned in the opening paragraph have these conditions been satisfied. Therefore all these operations have been in violation of the National Defence Act and illegal under Canadian law.

04.10.2015 - 15:28 [ teleSUR ]

Al Mayadeen Journalist Wounded by Isreali Troops in Palestine

Israeli troops wounded Al Mayadeen journalist Hanaa Mahameed Sunday, while she was attempting to report on the killing of a Palestine youth Fadi Alloun by Isreali forces. Mahameed was hit with fragments from a stun grenade thrown by Israeli troops outside of the home of the family of Alloun.

04.10.2015 - 15:25 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Uruguay verlässt die Tisa-Verhandlungen

Der Schritt des Präsidenten von Uruguay folgte auf die Entscheidung einer breiten Mehrheit der Frente Amplio, der regierenden linken politischen Koalition, gegen eine weitere Teilnahme Uruguays an den Tisa-Verhandlungen in Genf, außerhalb des WTO-Rahmens und dessen Allgemeines Dienstleistungsabkommen (GATS). Eine überwältigende Mehrheit der Frente Amplio stimmte am Samstag, 5.September gegen Uruguays weitere Teilnahme an den Tisa-Gesprächen.

04.10.2015 - 15:06 [ Sputnik ]

Britain‘s Cameron Ready to Use Nuclear Weapons… in Some Circumstances

Cameron criticized the recent comment by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who confronted the use of nuclear weapons by the United Kingdom even under attack and opposed a renewal of the UK Trident nuclear deterrent program. „The problem with his answer is, if you… believe like me that Britain should keep the ultimate insurance policy of an independent nuclear deterrent, you have to accept there are circumstances in which its use would be justified,“ Cameron said in Manchester at the Conservative Party Conference as quoted by the Sky News.

04.10.2015 - 09:16 [ Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges - Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V. ]

Deutsche Banken finanzieren Krieg

Ärzte und Ärztinnen erleben die Folgen von Krieg und Vertreibung bei ihren Patienten, den Flüchtlingen und Opfern von Gewalt. Die ärztliche Friedensorganisation IPPNW will nicht nur die Symptome, sondern auch die Ursachen von Kriegen bekämpfen. Die Suche nach diesen Ursachen führt unter anderem ins Frankfurter Bankenviertel.

04.10.2015 - 04:47 [ PIERS ]

Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS)

The Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) is sponsored by The Electromagnetics Academy. In the year 1989, the Academy co-sponsored the 1st Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) held in Boston, Massachusetts, 25-26 July. The Symposium was followed by an NSF workshop on future directions in electromagnetics research, also co-sponsored by the Academy. Subsequent PIERS have been held in various cities around the world, including Cambridge, Pasadena, Noordwijk, Seattle, Innsbruck, Hong Kong, Nante, Taipei, Osaka, Singapore, Honolulu, Pisa, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Prague, Beijing, and etc.

04.10.2015 - 03:42 [ PIER - Progress In Electromagnetics Research ]

Extremely thin dielectric metasurface for carpet cloaking

(…)Our metasurface locally provides additional phase to the wavefronts to compensate for the phase difference amongst light paths induced by the geometrical distortion. We design our metasurface in the microwave range using highly sub-wavelength dielectric resonators. We verify our design by full-wave time-domain simulations using micro-structured resonators and show that results match theory very well. This approach can be applied to hide any scatterer under a metasurface of class C1 (first derivative continuous) on a ground plane not only in the microwave regime, but also at higher frequencies up to the visible.

04.10.2015 - 03:13 [ Frontline ]

Public health in peril

The dengue outbreak in Delhi exposes the total absence of a functional public health care system with an efficient disease surveillance mechanism and highlights the dangers of leaving public health to the private sector.

04.10.2015 - 02:49 [ NASA ]

Production of Two Dimensional NanoTemplate in Microgravity (2D-NanoTemplate) – 09.23.15

„The peptides that formed showed patterns similar to those created on the ground, indicating that their motion is not influenced by microgravity. Suppression of convection in microgravity did result in more sophisticated nanopatterns by reducing adsorption of unexpected aggregates. Semiconductor material made of the space-produced nanotemplates will likely have higher quality and performance, advancing development of high-performance computers and blue LED light applications as well as reducing semiconductor manufacturing costs.“(…)
Experiment Description
Research Overview
Production of Two Dimensional NanoTemplate in Microgravity (2D-NanoTemplate) fabricates large and highly oriented nano-scale two-dimensional arranged peptide arrays by suppressing convection, sedimentation, and buoyancy.

04.10.2015 - 02:33 [ soundcloud ]

-Mecenat- #050 By Design

-Mecenat- Magnus Rylander Göteborg, Sweden
Analog synthesizers & electronics; Instant, experimental, mechanical, hand-crafted, cold & warm.

04.10.2015 - 02:18 [ soundcloud ]

-Mecenat- #052 Everything and More

-Mecenat- Magnus Rylander
Göteborg, Sweden
Analog synthesizers & electronics; Instant, experimental, mechanical, hand-crafted, cold & warm.