Daily Archives: 31. Mai 2015

31.05.2015 - 23:06 [ Radio Utopie ]

Chronologie zum “Patriot Act”: Durchblick in einen Abgrund

Mitternacht in Berlin. In Washington tagt auf Capitol Hill der Senat, eine der zwei Kammern des Parlaments der Republik der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, in einer Sondersitzung. Denn diesen Sonntag um Mitternacht U.S.-Ostküstenzeit, am Montag Morgen um 06.00 Uhr unserer Zeit (wir berichteten), laufen Kernbestandteile einer Gesetze-Sammlung aus, die nicht nur die u.s.-amerikanische Gesellschaft in Zeiten eines bald vierzehn Jahre andauernden weltweiten Terrorkrieges auf negative und verheerende Art und Weise prägte, sondern darüber hinaus den Baustein eines eng vernetzten geheimdienstlichen Komplexes schuf, dem die Menschen auf dem Planeten heute ausgesetzt sind: der “Patriot Act”.

Diese Artikelserie und Chronologie soll nun der Öffentlichkeit zumindest einen groben Überblick über den “Patriot Act” und seine diversen Ermächtigungen geben, denen der U.S.-Kongress im Schatten der Attentate in Washington und New York am 11. September 2001 zustimmte, ohne ihn auch nur gelesen zu haben. Ebenso werden im Laufe der Chronologie die “sections” bzw “provisions”, die Teile des “Patriot Acts” beschrieben, die – so sie nicht durch den Senat noch in letzter Minute verlängert werden – am heutigen 1. Juni 2015 schließlich außer Kraft treten, nachdem sie über fast 14 Jahre durch den Kongress immer wieder verlängert, oder sogar ausgeweitet und eskaliert wurden.

31.05.2015 - 22:50 [ CNN ]

Paul continues to stymie NSA measures

Chief sponsors of the USA Freedom Act proclaimed on Sunday that they have the votes to pass that bill.

But the last-minute coalescing might be too late as Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, vowed Saturday to „force the expiration of the (National Security Agency) illegal spy program“ and Senate rules make it all but certain that he will succeed if he follows through on his pledge.

„This is a debate over your right to be left alone,“ Paul said on the Senate floor on Sunday.

31.05.2015 - 20:22 [ The Christian Science Monitor ]

NASA spacecraft to perform final pass of Saturn‘s bizarre spongy moon (+video)

On Sunday, May 31, the Cassini spacecraft will perform its last close pass of Hyperion, Saturn’s curiously spongelike moon. At approximately 9:36 a.m. EDT (13:36 UTC) it will zip past Hyperion at a distance of about 21,000 miles (34,000 km) – not its closest approach ever but considerably closer (by 17,500 miles/28,160 km) than it was when the image above was acquired.*

31.05.2015 - 20:18 [ The Christian Science Monitor ]

NASA spacecraft captures sharpest images yet of Ceres (+video)

The $473 million Dawn mission launched in September 2007 to study Vesta and Ceres, the two largest objects in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Vesta and Ceres are planetary building blocks left over from the solar system‘s early days, so Dawn‘s observations should help researchers better understand how rocky worlds like Earth and Mars formed and grew, NASA officials have said.

31.05.2015 - 16:59 [ Press TV ]

John Kerry suffers broken leg in cycling crash

The crash comes a day after Kerry’s meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif as part of ongoing negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries in Geneva to strike an agreement over Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program.

31.05.2015 - 14:14 [ Radio Utopie ]

Im Auge des Sturms: Hurrikan-Hauptquartier für U.S.-Todesschwadronen

Das U.S. Southern Command hat ein neues Unterkommando für eine schnelle Eingreiftruppe geschaffen. Das Hauptquartier der Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-South befindet sich auf dem Militärstützpunkt Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras. Die Einsatzgebiete sind Zentral- und Südamerika inklusive die Grenze zwischen den U.S.A. und Mexiko.

31.05.2015 - 11:18 [ Santa Fe New Mexican ]

Reader View: Citizens should support fight against Patriot Act

Years ago I tried to read it. It was impossible. What the act does is modify a whole host of other laws in order to subvert the protections they provide for the privacy of our homes, our communications and any data we generate. One example is that it rewrites banking laws to allow federal inspection of everyone’s financial records with little or no probable cause.

The law is so complex that it could not have been written in the few weeks between Sept. 11, 2001, and its presentation to Congress. It is so complex that it could never have been properly examined by Congress in the few weeks allowed before it was passed.

31.05.2015 - 10:53 [ Asheville Citizen-Times ]

Letter: Patriot Act should be repealed, not renewed

The Patriot Act renewal renders the Constitution as practically worthless.
It sends the message that Bin Laden got what he wanted, he scared us into changing our way of life.
A nation ruled by fear is a slippery slope. Nazi Germany taught that lesson. Repeal this act in the name of the freedoms we hold so dear and people have sacrificed their lives to uphold.

31.05.2015 - 10:47 [ Real Clear Politics ]

Judge Napolitano: PATRIOT Act „Unconstitutional“

I do say that Senator Paul is the only person who announced for president who is faithful to the constitution. I think he demonstrated that just moments to go. yesterday in 11 hours of speaking on the floor of the Senate. Which you just so nicely summarized for us. The Fourth Amendment absolutely prohibits general warrants. A general warrant is a piece of paper in which a court says admit the bearer to listen to whatever he wants, to go wherever he wants to go and to seize whatever he finds.

31.05.2015 - 10:30 [ PressTV ]

Most Americans oppose the Patriot Act

Despite mass resentment, their Government is determined to continue using it for spying on them. Much of the data collected is of no relevance to national security and no administration in US history has spied more closely than Obama’s administration into the lives of innocent Americans.

31.05.2015 - 07:28 [ on the media ]


Congress is locked in a battle over the future of the Patriot Act. This special hour of OTM reveals the origins of the act in a post-9/11 climate of fear… and considers whether it really is at the heart of the nation‘s struggle between security and privacy.

31.05.2015 - 07:19 [ Sunset the Patriot Act ]


This is a fight of our lives. People hate the Patriot Act — it’s what the NSA has used to violate the Constitution and monitor our private lives day in and day out for the past 14 years. But, after our epic outcry and a showdown last week, we’re on the verge of reaching a milestone that‘s always seemed out of reach: the Patriot Act is poised to sunset at midnight on June 1st. Now, the NSA‘s shills are making a final attempt this Sunday at the 11th hour to re-up on the Patriot Act. We need you more than ever to help secure this first historic move away from mass surveillance.

31.05.2015 - 07:15 [ Carta ]

Nach dem Text: Facebook und die De-Institutionalisierung des Journalismus

2020 interessieren sich womöglich nur noch Journalismus-Studenten dafür, dass es noch Zeitungen wie die Süddeutsche Zeitung oder die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung gibt. Viele journalistische Institutionen haben sich selbst den Boden unter den Füßen weggerissen, noch bevor es Facebook gab. Nun sind sie dem Unternehmen ausgeliefert.

31.05.2015 - 07:06 [ Münkler-Watch ]

Warum „Gegen den Extremismus der Mitte?“

(26.Januar 2015) Der Slogan „Extremismus der Mitte“ greift die aktuell von den Verfassungsschutzämtern in den Sozialwissenschaften promotete „Extremismustheorie“ ironisch auf. Die Schlapphüte versuchen massiv, diese sogenannte Theorie an den Universitäten unterzubringen

31.05.2015 - 07:00 [ Herfried Münkler / Zeit.de ]

Europa: Wachsen oder zerbrechen

Es gibt freilich noch einen zweiten postimperialen Raum an der Peripherie Europas, und der ist, verglichen mit der Annexion der Krim und dem fortschwelenden Krieg im Donbass, für Europa auf längere Sicht noch gefährlicher: Das ist der Raum zwischen Mesopotamien und Libyscher Wüste, Levante und Jemen, der aus dem Kollaps eines anderen multinationalen und multireligiösen Großreichs, des Osmanischen Reichs, hervorgegangen ist.

31.05.2015 - 06:52 [ Watts Up With That? ]

When Will Climate Scientists Say They Were Wrong?

Day after day, year after year, the hole that climate scientists have buried themselves in gets deeper and deeper. The longer that they wait to admit their overheated forecasts were wrong, the more they are going to harm all of science.

The story is told in a simple graph, the same one that University of Alabama’s John Christy presented to the House Committee on Natural Resources on May 15.

31.05.2015 - 06:47 [ Mondo Weiss ]

The totalitarian reign of Sheldon Adelson

We need to unpack the Israel lobby. It pervades the Jewish community and is surely inherent in Zionism itself, a neocolonialist project that always required the support of a powerful nation. The Jewish community is ready to undertake this work. It would help if the media played an active part, to begin with by undertaking investigations of the power of the Adelson/Sabans, those donors for whom Israel is everything.

31.05.2015 - 02:52 [ Verfassung schützen - Geheimdienst abschaffen! ]

Keine Straffreiheit für den Geheimdienst

Ein neues Gesetz soll dem Inlandsgeheimdienst erlauben, seine verdeckten Ermittler und V-Personen Straftaten begehen zu lassen, wie etwa Körperverletzung. Die SPD kann das Gesetz noch stoppen. Unterzeichnen Sie jetzt unseren Aufruf an Burkhard Lischka, den innenpolitischen Sprecher der SPD. Bis zur öffentlichen Anhörung am 8. Juni wollen wir mindestens 2.000 Unterschriften sammeln und sie Herrn Lischka überreichen. Jede Unterschrift erreicht Herrn Lischka persönlich in Form einer E-Mail.

31.05.2015 - 02:50 [ Small Pond Recordings/Bandcamp ]

MOTB – Digital Tropics by Mutiny on the Bounty

MOTB are a band that have soared from strength-to-strength with every album by delving further into their individual personalities to explore new sounds and composition techniques. In doing so the band have reached new territory exploring a more deceivingly moody soundscape than ‘Trials’ which is both technically challenging yet entirely danceable.

31.05.2015 - 00:12 [ CBC ]

Denver Sheriff Whistleblower: ’I Was Ordered To Destroy Videotape’

CBS4 has learned that an internal investigation is underway into the interim head of the Denver Sheriff Department, Elias Diggins, and the captain in charge of the Denver Sheriff’s Internal Affairs Bureau after an internal affairs investigator blew the whistle, saying he was ordered to destroy a videotape that showed an inmate being humiliated and degraded.