Daily Archives: 14. Mai 2015

14.05.2015 - 23:19 [ The Washington Post ]

Top FBI official is appointed to take helm at the DEA

The Justice Department on Wednesday appointed a top FBI official and former U.S. attorney to be the new head of the embattled Drug Enforcement Administration.

Chuck Rosenberg, chief of staff to the FBI director, will become acting administrator of the DEA, replacing Michele Leonhart, who retired in April after being harshly criticized during a Capitol Hill hearing.

14.05.2015 - 23:16 [ Entertainment (Irland) ]

German magazine accidentally report Waterford Whispers story about a riot at Lidl as real news

As with everything they publish, it was intended to be funny, but German website focus.de took it at face value and published a story about the scenes of panic in the shop. Although they later recognised their error and changed their headline to reflect that it was satire, they originally ran with a headline that suggested it was the real deal.

14.05.2015 - 17:42 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

SOPA, anyone? Entertainment Lobby Uses Hearing on Domain Names to Revive Awful Censorship Idea

For many years, major U.S. entertainment companies have been trying to gain the power to make websites disappear from the Internet at their say-so. The Internet blacklist bills SOPA and PIPA were part of that strategy, along with the Department of Homeland Security’s project of seizing websites that someone accused of copyright infringement. Hollywood’s quest for more censorship power was on display again today at a House of Representatives committee hearing that was supposed to be discussing reforms at ICANN, the nonprofit organization that oversees the Internet’s domain name system

14.05.2015 - 16:54 [ petrapez / Radio Utopie Foren ]

Australiens vielfältige Geschichte vor Ankunft der europäischen Siedler: Blick auf einen Zeitraum von mehr als fünfzigtausend Jahren

Es gab einen regen Handelsaustausch mit Stämmen ausserhalb Australiens. Das Wissen über die Traumpfade – eine Kartierung der Geografie des gesamten Kontinents – garantierte das Überleben. Sie führten zu Wasserstellen und essbaren Pflanzen.

14.05.2015 - 14:31 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie Foren ]

Libyen-Krieg: Bericht über Treffen Militärs arabischer Staaten am 18. Mai in Kairo für Interventions-Absprachen, Frankreich und Italien involviert

Laut einer anonymen Quelle gegenüber dem U.S.-Portal “Defense News” treffen sich am 18. Mai in Kairo “Generalstabschefs” bzw “hochrangige Militärs” aus Saudi-Arabien, Ägypten, Kuwait, Jordanien, Bahrain, Sudan, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Libyen, um “Interventionspläne” für Kriegführung auf libyischem Territorum abzusprechen. Im Zuge “laufender Gespräche” mit den Regierungen Hollande (Frankreich) und Renzi (Italien) seien Frankreich um Bodentruppen in Form von “Spezialeinheiten” und Italien um ein Eingreifen mit Marinestreitkräften ersucht worden. Eine Teilnahme der Regierungen Hollande und Renzi beim Treffen am 18. Mai in Kairo steht im Raum.

14.05.2015 - 14:28 [ Sputnik ]

Gemeinsames Seemanöver mit China: Russischer Raketenkreuzer zum Mittelmeer unterwegs

Der Raketenkreuzer „Moskwa“ der russischen Schwarzmeerflotte hat den Hafen Sewastopol in Richtung Mittelmeer verlassen, um dort an gemeinsamen Übungen mit den chinesischen Seestreitkräften teilzunehmen, wie der Sprecher der Schwarzmeerflotte, Kapitän zur See Wjatscheslaw Truchatschow, am Donnerstag Journalisten sagte.

14.05.2015 - 14:27 [ Österreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag ]

BG, mit dem das Bundesgesetz über die Organisation, Aufgaben und Befugnisse des polizeilichen Staatsschutzes (Polizeiliches Staatsschutzgesetz – PStSG) erlassen und das Sicherheitspolizeigesetz geändert wird – Stellungnahme:

Bei Verwirklichung dieses Gesetzesvorhabens besteht die Gefahr der Verselbständigung des sogenannten „Staatsschutzes“ in der Schaffung eines Systems, eines „inner circle“, wobei die politische und verfassungsrechtliche Kontrolle völlig ausgeschaltet wird, da der Staatsschutz nach dem Entwurf völlig
geheim und abgehoben arbeiten kann. Die Schaffung von neun Landesämtern des Verfassungsschutzes als Organisationseinheiten der Landespolizeidirektion ist schon aus Kostengründen, aber auch aus Erwägungen der dadurch zusätzlich erschwerten Kontrolle

Betreffend die wirkungsorientierte Folgen abschätzung ist festzuhalten, dass nur einige, jedoch weitaus nicht alle Folgen abgeschätzt werden können.

14.05.2015 - 14:23 [ Standard ]

Richter und Anwälte warnen lautstark vor Staatsschutzgesetz

Zu noch schärferen Worten greift der Rechtsanwaltskammertag. „Bei Verwirklichung dieses Gesetzesvorhabens besteht die Gefahr der Verselbstständigung des sogenannten ‚Staatsschutzes‘ in der Schaffung eines Systems, eines ‚inner circle‘, wobei die politische und verfassungsrechtliche Kontrolle völlig ausgeschaltet wird, da der Staatsschutz nach dem Entwurf völlig geheim und abgehoben arbeiten kann.“

14.05.2015 - 14:18 [ Press TV ]

Yemen: Economically repressed country

Britain ruled Yemen for decades, followed by a dictator, ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, backed by the US and Saudi Arabia, who ruled Yemen until his ouster in 2011 through a revolution. This only meant that Yemenis did not get a fair share of their countries wealth.

14.05.2015 - 13:57 [ Techdirt ]

US Says ‚No‘ To Corporate Sovereignty Reform; Hungary Says ‚No‘ To Corporate Sovereignty

Last week we wrote about an attempt by the EU‘s Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström, to „save“ the corporate sovereignty chapter in TAFTA/TTIP as more people wake up to its dangers, and resist its inclusion. Along with tinkering at the edges, her proposal for reform did have one more substantive idea: to create „a permanent multilateral investment court.“

14.05.2015 - 13:56 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘NYT’ plays shameless propagandist for Israel’s threats to kill Lebanese civilians

Israel is preparing for another war that kills masses of civilians– and it’s preparing its propaganda campaign early with the New York Times happy to help.

Today’s Times has a long piece titled, “Israel Says Hezbollah Positions Put Lebanese at Risk,” by Isabel Kershner, containing numerous warnings from Israel that it will strike Lebanese villages and kill civilians in order to get at Hezbollah forces. Some excerpts:

14.05.2015 - 13:56 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Rubio’s biggest backer says U.S. must be ‘global military power’ so that we can sustain Israel

Over the weekend, we noted that both the NY Times and MSNBC covered Marco Rubio’s big money guy, Norman Braman, 82, a Florida businessman who is said to have committed at least $10 million to the campaign, with scant reference to his Israel agenda.

In “Billionaire Lifts Marco Rubio, Politically and Personally,” the New York Times said that Braman has “an ardent commitment to Israel and a seemingly limitless bank account,” but left it at that.

14.05.2015 - 13:31 [ Trend.az ]

Azerbaijan to make contribution to G20, Turkish deputy PM says

Azerbaijan is of special importance for Turkey, since the two countries are bound by the common history and culture, Babacan said.
Babacan reminded that Azerbaijan’s finance minister also participated in the previous event within G20.
“Azerbaijan will take part in other events to be held within G20 and B20 as well.”

14.05.2015 - 13:21 [ Techdirt ]

UK Plans To Do Away With Free Speech… In The Name Of Free Speech

Last fall, we noted that UK Home Secretary Theresa May had made it clear that if her Conservative Party were re-elected, one of the first orders of business would be a new „Extremist Disruption Orders“ plan that would outlaw any speech or events that the government declared „extremist.“ She wasn‘t kidding around. Following last week‘s election in the UK, David Cameron appears to be announcing just such a plan to basically wipe out anything resembling free expression in the UK (and, yes, I know, the UK doesn‘t view free expression in the same way as the US does, and there‘s nothing like the First Amendment there — you don‘t have to point that out in the comments). The broad-reaching plans seem absolutely insane:

14.05.2015 - 13:15 [ Radio Utopie ]

Globaler Krieg: Grossbritannien und Deutschland sollen zu faschistischen Polizeistaaten transformiert werden

(2.Juli 2007) Berlin, London: Kurz und knapp – die Vorfälle in London und Glasgow sind von der neuen Brown-Regierung inszenierte false-flag-Attentate in einer ganzen Reihe von Ereignissen auch an diesem Wochenende, um im “Globalen Krieg” die Transformierung der konstitutionellen Monarchie Grossbritannien und der Republik Deutschland in faschistische Polizeistaaten zu forcieren.“Sicherheitsgesetze” in Berlin und London werden in diesen entscheidenden Stunden des 21.Jahrhunderts in den Tempeln der Exekutiven beschworen. Kollaborateure des Faschismus und des Krieges drohen mehr oder weniger offen mit verdeckten militärischen (“terroristischen”) Operationen im Inland, wenn sich die Öffentlichkeit und die gelähmten Legislativen nicht beugen.

14.05.2015 - 13:01 [ TruthDig ]

College Student Tells Jeb Bush: ‘Your Brother Created ISIS’

Jeb Bush has been having a hard time this week after justifying his brother’s 2003 invasion of Iraq. But the heaviest criticism did not come from his political opponent Hillary Clinton, who has been silent. It came from a 19-year-old college student, Ivy Ziedrich. After a meeting in Reno, Nev., on Wednesday, Ziedrich, a member of the local Young Democrats chapter, challenged Bush on his assertion that the Islamic State terrorist group was a consequence of the Obama administration’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

14.05.2015 - 12:59 [ RT ]

Psychiatric drugs kill 500k+ Western adults annually, few positive benefits – leading scientist

Commenting on the negative side effects of such pharmaceutical drugs, Gøtzsche argued the “short-term relief” appears to be replaced by “long term harm.”

“Animal studies strongly suggest that these drugs can produce brain damage, which is probably the case for all psychotropic drugs,” he said.

14.05.2015 - 11:40 [ Techdirt ]

Looks Like CIA‘s ‚Torture Revealed Osama‘s Courier‘ Story Now Even More False Than Previously Believed

In Hersh‘s version, the plan had been to kill bin Laden, and later (perhaps weeks later) come up with a story saying bin Laden had been killed by a drone strike. A few things went wrong — including one of the US helicopters famously crashing, and there was enough buzz that the US rushed to publicly announce the killing, including Obama‘s famous speech that, apparently, created havoc since it messed up a bunch of previously agreed to things about how the killing would be presented, and was done without first clearing it with the intelligence community. This resulted in the CIA being rushed in to concoct some cover stories, and some CIA officials quickly realized that this would be a fantastic way to pretend that torture had been useful:

14.05.2015 - 11:39 [ The Free Thought Project ]

Ex-Drug Cop Says He & Fellow Cops Lied, Planted Drugs, & Stole Money “Too Many Times to Count”

„Walker told jurors that the Philadelphia Police Department drug squad targeted white “college-boy … khaki-pants types” who were “easy to intimidate.”

That matches the description of some of the drug dealers who have testified at the six-week police corruption trial that the squad stole as much as $110,000 at a time during violent, no-warrant raids.“

14.05.2015 - 11:08 [ ejinsight ]

China building anti-terror national database

The initiative is being led by public security officials who will be in charge of monitoring data, Ming Pao Daily reported Wednesday, citing a circular from the Communist Party and the State Council.

Certain key sectors such as hotels, second-hand goods trading, motor refitting and recreation services will come under closer scrutiny, requiring real-name registration.

Security will be beefed up in buses, subways, railway stations, airports, ports and other transport-related services against potential terrorist attacks.

14.05.2015 - 11:06 [ Reuters ]

China to increase video surveillance in security push

„Building a public security surveillance net is an important measure under the new situation to maintain national security and social stability as well as prevent and combat violent terrorist crimes,“ the planner said.

The plan aims to enhance public security monitoring, optimize traffic conditions and „improve social management“, it added.

14.05.2015 - 09:00 [ Netzpolitik ]

Informationsfreiheitsablehnung des Tages: Kanzleramt weiß nichts von Terminen im Kanzleramt

Klaus Landefeld, Aufsichtsrat von DE-CIX, hatte im NSA-BND-Untersuchungsausschuss von zwei Terminen im Kanzleramt im Jahr 2009 und 2013 berichtet, aus seiner Sicht eine „sehr ungewöhnliche Vorgehensweise“, die „Druck aufgebaut“ hätte.

Thematisch soll es darum gegangen sein, wie der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) seit 2008 den Internet-Knoten DE-CIX mit einer Art Generalzugriff abschnorchelt. Nach Angaben von Landefeld hatte das Bundeskanzleramt mehrfach eingegriffen und die G-10-Kommission und die Bundesnetzagentur daran gehindert, die Abhörmaßnahme zu untersuchen. Es seien Einladungen ins Bundeskanzleramt erfolgt.

14.05.2015 - 06:54 [ Breitbart ]

Exclusive — Sen. Rand Paul Visits Secret Room To Read Obamatrade, Calls For Public Release Of Deal Text

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)—an opponent of the secretive Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track the Pacific Rim trade deal Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)—went inside the secret room inside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday morning to read the TPP text and told Breitbart News exclusively afterwards that he believes President Barack Obama should make it public now.

The deal’s text is kept in a room behind double doors that each have signs: “No Public Or Media Beyond This Point.”

14.05.2015 - 06:52 [ Rand Paul, U.S. Senator ]


A federal appeals court has ruled that the NSA program to collect information on billions of telephone calls is illegal!

“I have made it my priority to reassert the rights and privileges of the individual by standing up for the entire Bill of Rights. Our Federal Government has grown out-of-control and we must return it to its constitutionally enumerated powers.” – Rand Paul