Daily Archives: 14. Februar 2015

14.02.2015 - 23:30 [ Telesur TV ]

Evidence Reveals Canada, UK Involvement in Venezuela Coup Plot

The video, which was set to be aired after planned attacks had been carried out, was to have been televised by a station in Venezuela or Miami.

Cabello also showed a 10-year U.S. visa given to one of the detained, days before the plan was to be implemented.

14.02.2015 - 23:19 [ Der Standard ]

„Rosetta“ hat sich „Tschuri“ bis auf sechs Kilometer angenähert

Bei einem extremen Tiefflug hat die Weltraumsonde „Rosetta“ Detail-Fotos vom Kometen 67P/Tschurjumov-Gerasimenko aus nächster Nähe geschossen. „Die Bilder sind alle aufgenommen“, sagte „Rosetta“-Flugdirektor Andrea Accomazzo von der europäischen Weltraumagentur Esa in Darmstadt. Der Vorbeiflug in einem Abstand von nur sechs Kilometern sei wie geplant am Samstag um etwa 13.40 Uhr erfolgt.

14.02.2015 - 23:06 [ Der Standard ]

Griechische Regierung stellt Verkauf von Flughäfen infrage

Der geplante Verkauf von 14 Regionalflughäfen in Griechenland an den Frankfurter Flughafenbetreiber Fraport steht auf der Kippe. Die neue Regierung stellte das 1,2 Milliarden Euro schwere Vorhaben wieder auf den Prüfstand. Der Verkaufsprozess sei noch nicht besiegelt, sagte Staatsminister Alekos Flabouraris am Samstag im Fernsehen. „Wir haben gesagt, dass wir ihn stoppen und überprüfen werden.“

14.02.2015 - 18:31 [ Rettet den Regenwald e.V. ]

Tropenholz im Schreibblock? – Nein Danke!

In Supermärkten, Schreibwaren- und Buchläden werden die „Trendartikel“ von Depesche in großen Mengen verkauft, in Deutschland und in über 41 Ländern. Die Firma bezeichnet sich selbst als einen der führenden Grußkarten- und Geschenkartikelanbieter Europas.

14.02.2015 - 17:45 [ MONDOWEISS ]

Hanin Zoabi disqualified from Israeli elections over a mistranslation gone too far

Speaking to Al Jazeera the day before her censure hearing, Zoabi said the campaign to disqualify her was “designed to score cheap political goals. It is not about me… [I]t is about their political maneuvering.” The Knesset member added, “From an ideological point of view, it is very crucial for Israel to persecute me as a deterrent for young vocal Palestinians.”

14.02.2015 - 17:37 [ MONDOWEISS ]

The client state and the U.S. arms industry

Most famously, a few months after Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981 he announced the sale of five AWACS systems to Saudi Arabia in what was at the time the largest arms sales in U.S. history. The Associated Press reported at the time that “Israel defense experts say the AWACS planes could monitor every move of the Israeli air force, depriving it of its ability to launch a surprise first strike, the basis of Israeli defense doctrine.” The Israeli government and its supporting lobbies in the U.S. unsuccessfully pressured the Reagan Administration to cancel the sale.

14.02.2015 - 17:12 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Außenminister von Ecuador und Venezuela in Athen

Patiño informierte am Donnerstag in Moskau während einer Begegnung mit dem russischen Energieminister Alexander Nowak über das bevorstehende Treffen mit Tsipras. In Moskau hatte Ecuadors Chefdiplomat über gemeinsame Interessen im Energiesektor beraten. Bei den Gesprächen ging es auch um den Verfall des Erdölpreises und die Suche nach gemeinsamen Lösungen für die daraus resultierenden wirtschaftlichen Probleme.

14.02.2015 - 15:51 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Poll: SYRIZA skyrockets to 45.4% and increases to 25% its difference to ND

The party of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, left-wing SYRIZA takes a huge lead towards main opposition Nea Dimokratia of former PM Antonis Samaras. In a poll conducted twenty days after the January 25th elections by MARC for private Alpha TV, SYRIZA not only increased its elections rates of 37% to 45.4%, it also increased its difference to ND up to 25%. Furthermore the overwhelming majority of the poll respondents support SYRIZA in its negotiations with the eurozone and the EU partners.

14.02.2015 - 15:49 [ Arutz Sheva 7 ]

MK Danny Danon: Labor is the New Meretz

Labor party candidate Professor Yossi Yonah is a member of far-left extremist group B‘Tselem, it was revealed earlier this week – and Likud MK Danny Danon believes that Yonah‘s membership is an indication that Labor is moving leftward.

„Labor is becoming a branch of Meretz,“ Danon stated, in an interview with Arutz Sheva Wednesday.

14.02.2015 - 15:48 [ Arutz Sheva 7 ]

Meretz Slams Livni, Calls Her ‚Closet Rightist‘

In the video, titled “the Tzipi Livni memory game,” viewers are asked to choose which Livni is the “real” one – the Livni who ran Kadima, the Livni who was a Likud member for many years, the Livni who is running together with Herzog – or the one that was Justice Minister in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu‘s government.

The answer, Meretz said, is the latter – which is why she can‘t be trusted to carry out the left‘s agenda. “This time, we rely only on ourselves,” the video concludes, aimed at “soft left” voters who would be tempted to vote for Labor – because both she and Herzog are very likely to join a Netanyahu government, unlike Meretz.

14.02.2015 - 15:00 [ Radio Utopie ]

Israel: interreligiös-interethnisches Parteien-Bündnis in Umfragen auf Platz 3

In Israel erreicht die “Gemeinsame Liste” der sozialistischen Hadash und der säkularen arabisraelischen Ta´al und Balad in den Umfragen derzeit 12 Sitze in der Knesset. Angestrebt werden durch das interethnische und interreligiöse Parteienbündnis vom berühmten “linken Rand” mindestens 15 Sitze.

14.02.2015 - 13:31 [ Ynet ]

Joint Arab party hopes for 15 seats in upcoming elections

“You don’t have a list like that anywhere in the Middle East. People kill each other for these kinds of differences in Syria, in Egypt and in other places, and here we run together.”
He says that in the last election in 2013, just 57 percent of the Arab public voted. In surveys, at least one-quarter of those who didn’t vote, said they would if the Arab parties united.

14.02.2015 - 13:24 [ Haaretz ]

Arab-led Joint List launches Hebrew-language campaign in Tel Aviv

(12.2.) During the next Knesset the Joint List will work to get Israeli Arabs recognized as a national minority and promote equality and social justice for all the country’s citizens, the slate’s candidates told a Tel Aviv press conference yesterday.

14.02.2015 - 13:24 [ 972 Magazine ]

Joint Arab List launches Hebrew campaign: ‚My answer to racism‘

(11.2.) “We deserve civil and national equality,” Odeh said. “We have heard a lot about social justice. We have been fighting for it for decades.”

The newly elected Hadash chairman said that even though not every Israeli will vote for them, the list represents everyone and is reaching out to the weak sectors of society, including Mizrahi Jews and Ethiopians. Narrowing the gaps between Arabs and Jews and encouraging the employment of Arab women is a top priority, he added.

14.02.2015 - 12:10 [ Haaretz ]

Australian rabbi steps down over comments on pedophiles

His testimony came as the national inquiry honed in on instances of sexual assault on children at yeshiva-run schools and other Jewish institutes in Australia.

The rabbi also said when he was informed of an alleged case at the yeshiva in 2002, he did not know it could be a crime for an adult to touch the genitals of a child.

14.02.2015 - 12:09 [ Spiegel ]

Edathy-Affäre: Merkels Geheimdienstaufseher Fritsche unter Druck

(29.9.2014) Fritsche selbst will sich derzeit nicht äußern. Zu der Angelegenheit könnte er aufgrund des laufenden Ermittlungsverfahrens nichts sagen, lässt er SPIEGEL ONLINE mitteilen.

Der Fall dürfte im Ausschuss bald eine Rolle spielen, der Informationsfluss in der Causa Edathy ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Aufklärungsarbeit.

14.02.2015 - 12:08 [ Netzpolitik ]

Das Imperium schlägt zurück: Ziercke fordert Internetsperren (Update)

(1.9.2010) Der Zeitpunkt ist perfekt gewählt. Während der Branchenverband eco heute Morgen in einem Pressegespräch noch einmal versuchte deutlich zu machen, dass sich kinderpornographische Inhalte im Netz sehr wohl zeitnah löschen lassen, wenn man nur will, nutzte BKA-Chef Ziercke die Chance für ein exklusives Schaulaufen in der Welt.

14.02.2015 - 11:50 [ Zeit ]

Russland legt überraschend Ukraine-Resolution vor

Die 15 Mitglieder des UN-Sicherheitsrats wollen sich am Sonntag in einer Dringlichkeitssitzung mit dem Friedensplan für die Ostukraine befassen. In dem Entwurfstext für die Resolution wird das Abkommen begrüßt und alle Seiten werden aufgefordert, die vereinbarten Maßnahmen einschließlich des Waffenstillstands „vollständig umzusetzen“.

14.02.2015 - 11:09 [ Bloomberg ]

Three of Tech’s Top CEOs to Skip Obama Cybersecurity Summit

(13.Februar) Facebook Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, and Google’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt all were invited but won’t attend the public conference at Stanford University, according to the companies. Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook is planning to be at the event, where Obama is scheduled to give the keynote speech and have a private lunch with a select group of attendees.

14.02.2015 - 11:00 [ Tilo Jung / Youtube ]

Naive Fragen zu Informationskriegen, Mobilfunk & Expertenkreisen

Bundespressekonferenz für Desinteressierte ▼ 11. Februar 2015

Naive Fragen zu
Äußerungen der Kanzlerin bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz (ab 0:05 min)
– Die Kanzlerin meinte, es gäbe ein Informationkrieg um die Ukraine und Russland hätte einen Vorsprung. Wie meinte sie das?
– Führt die Bundesregierung einen Informationskrieg?
– Die Kanzlerin sagte auch, sie sei zutiefst besorgt über die „Verunsicherbarkeit unserer Gesellschaften.“ Wie meinte sie das? Worauf basiert sie das?

14.02.2015 - 10:58 [ Huffington Post ]

Congressional AUMF Debate Is a Sham

The more important aspect of the new proposal is what it leaves out: the 2001 AUMF remains untouched. Passed in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, the 2001 authorization is only 60 words long and yet it‘s become, as Gregory Johnsen called it, „the most dangerous sentence in history.“

14.02.2015 - 10:44 [ Weißes Haus ]

Executive Order — Promoting Private Sector Cybersecurity Information Sharing

(13.Februar) Sec. 2. Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) shall strongly encourage the development and formation of Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations (ISAOs).

(b) ISAOs may be organized on the basis of sector, sub-sector, region, or any other affinity, including in response to particular emerging threats or vulnerabilities. ISAO membership may be drawn from the public or private sectors, or consist of a combination of public and private sector organizations. ISAOs may be formed as for-profit or nonprofit entities.

14.02.2015 - 10:25 [ Weißes Haus ]

Remarks by the President at the Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection Summit

(13.Februar) it’s one of the great paradoxes of our time that the very technologies that empower us to do great good can also be used to undermine us and inflict great harm. The same information technologies that help make our military the most advanced in the world are targeted by hackers from China and Russia who go after our defense contractors and systems that are built for our troops. The same social media we use in government to advocate for democracy and human rights around the world can also be used by terrorists to spread hateful ideologies. So these cyber threats are a challenge to our national security.

14.02.2015 - 10:10 [ RT ]

LIVE: Gipfel zur Cyber-Sicherheit – Obama Rede

(13.2.) US-Präsident Barack Obama wird heute in Stanford mit Vorstandsmitgliedern der Internet-, der Finanz und Computersicherheit zusammentreffen, um zu besprechen, wie man sich am besten vor Hacker- und Cyberattacken schützen kann. Ein Hauptthema wird der Datenaustausch zwischen der US-Regierung und Social-Media-Unternehmen sein.

14.02.2015 - 10:09 [ Telegraph ]

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.

14.02.2015 - 10:08 [ New York Times ]

Obama Heads to Tech Security Talks Amid Tensions

The F.B.I., the intelligence agencies and David Cameron, the British prime minister, have all tried to stop Google, Apple and other companies from using encryption technology that the firms themselves cannot break into — meaning they cannot turn over emails or pictures, even if served with a court order. The firms have vociferously opposed government requests for such information as an intrusion on the privacy of their customers and a risk to their businesses.

14.02.2015 - 10:07 [ Tech Times ]

WhatsApp’s Big Security Hole Allows WhatsSpy Web-Based App To Track Users

According to Zweerink, the web app is a proof of concept that the social network is „broken“ when it comes to user privacy. Once you have it up and running and even if a user has privacy options set to „nobody,“ the program lets you track status, check out profile photos, mess with privacy settings and see status messages.

The social networking site, owned by Facebook, boasts more than 700 million users. The security flaw comes just months after WhatsApp introduced improvements to its security measures.

14.02.2015 - 09:52 [ Mondo Weiss ]

AIPAC behind new US/EU trade legislation designed to thwart BDS

A new bipartisan bill engineered by AIPAC was introduced in Congress yesterday that ties the rejection of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel to future U.S. trade agreements with the European Union. H.R.825, The Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act (pdf) was sponsored by Congressmen Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Juan Vargas (D-CA) and the Israel lobby has been behind the scenes pushing it for months.

14.02.2015 - 09:51 [ Techdirt ]

US‘s ‚Naughty List‘ Of Countries Whose Intellectual Property Rules We Don‘t Like Is A Joke That‘s No Longer Funny

The clearest example of what a joke the 301 process is came two years ago, when CCIA tried to use the „process“ behind the list to get Germany put on the list for attacking fair use. That actually seemed like a perfectly good use of the list, as Germany was trying to force search engines (mainly Google) to pay up for posting snippets of news and linking to them (a plan that it has continued to push). Here was a clear case of abusing copyright law to harm an American company. And the USTR totally ignored it. Because the Special 301 process is not about saner intellectual property laws. It‘s about making intellectual property maximalists happy.

14.02.2015 - 09:50 [ Techdirt ]

Millions Of Users Unaware That Facebook Is On The Internet — Or Think It *Is* The Internet

Facebook figures often enough on Techdirt, and most people here know what they are getting and giving when they sign up. But according to a fascinating article on qz.com, that‘s not true for everyone around the world who uses Facebook:

14.02.2015 - 09:34 [ Techdirt ]

Does Angela Merkel Want To Renegotiate The Corporate Sovereignty Chapter In EU-Canada Trade Agreement?

Techdirt hasn‘t written much recently about the trade agreement between the EU and Canada, generally known as CETA. That‘s because it is „finished“ — at least, in theory. It is now undergoing what is known as the „legal scrub“ to prepare it for the final ratification on both sides. One story we did write concerned questions about the agreement‘s compatibility with EU law, largely because of the corporate sovereignty provisions in CETA. Things have been fairly quiet since then, which makes the following story in the Canadian edition of Huffington Post, on a related aspect, particularly intriguing:

14.02.2015 - 05:32 [ Telegraph ]

Bashar al-Assad `part of the solution´ in Syria, says UN envoy

This was the first time a UN envoy on Syria has explicitly named Assad as part of a peaceful solution after nearly four years of fighting between government forces and rebels seeking his overthrow.(…)
De Mistura, who was in Damascus this week to meet Assad, is due to deliver a report on his mission to the UN Security Council on February 17.

14.02.2015 - 05:11 [ Russia Beyond The Headlines ]

Nucleon Project will verify theories on the existence of dark matter

(12.2.) Cosmic rays are the most important component of the visible part of the Universe‘s matter. That is why studying them is one of the fundamental challenges of the natural sciences. The main parameters of cosmic rays are the types of their particles and the amount of their energy. These are the characteristics used for building galaxy and Universe models and for implementing a targeted search for phenomena that could provide experimental evidence of the parameters of the dark matter‘s particles.