Daily Archives: 25. Januar 2015

25.01.2015 - 23:34 [ Pepe Escobar / RT ]

What game is the House of Saud playing?

The House of Saud now finds itself in times of extreme trouble. Their risky oil price war may eventually backfire. The succession of King Abdullah may turn into a bloodbath. And the American protector may be musing a change of heart.

25.01.2015 - 23:08 [ Griechenland-Blog ]

Ergebnis der Parlamentswahlen Januar 2015 in Griechenland

Wie die Ergebnisse der Parlamentswahlen am 25 Januar 2015 in Griechenland zeigen, hat die SYRIZA einen klaren Wahlsieg errungen, während die in einer Größenordnung von reichlich 10% zurückliegende Nea Dimokratia (ND) ungefähr das selbe Ergebnis wie bei den Wahlen im Juni 2012 erreicht, das damals zu der Koalitionsregierung ND – PASOK – DIMAR führte.

25.01.2015 - 22:52 [ sicherheitskonferenz.de ]

Call for protests against the NATO Securityconference 2015

In 2014, German President Gauck used the SiKo as a platform for promoting greater German participation in these wars. Germany needed to involve itself militarily „sooner, more decisively, and more substantially“, he said. German Foreign Minister Steinmeier and Minister of „Defence“ von der Leyen pushed the same line. For our ruling power elite, the supposed „military restraint“ is nothing but a relict of the past. Germany‘s new great-power politics – camouflaged as „global political responsibility“ – has become a component of a propaganda offensive by government-lining politicians and media, and the guideline of German foreign policy. Even support for the regime in Kiev, with its fascist participation, is accepted.

25.01.2015 - 22:45 [ The Japan Times ]

Thousands protest in Tokyo against Futenma move

Fisher argued that if terrorism is “violence against civilians for political goals” then “we have terrorists in Okinawa,” referring to what she said was excessive use of force by the police against local residents taking part in anti-base protests.

25.01.2015 - 22:21 [ Wikileaks ]

Google hands data to US Government in WikiLeaks espionage case

Today, WikiLeaks‘ lawyers have written to Google and the US Department of Justice concerning a serious violation of the privacy and journalistic rights of WikiLeaks‘ staff. Investigations editor Sarah Harrison, Section Editor Joseph Farrell and senior journalist and spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson have received notice that Google had handed over all their emails and metadata to the United States government on the back of alleged ‚conspiracy‘ and ‚espionage‘ warrants carrying up to 45 years in prison.

25.01.2015 - 19:14 [ Griechenland-Blog ]

Exit Poll Parlamentswahlen Januar 2015 in Griechenland

Wird die SYRIZA ohne Koalitionspartner regieren können?

Der Wahlsieg der SYRIZA galt praktisch bereits vor den Wahlen als gegeben. Ob sie allerdings auch eine regierungsfähige Mehrheit erreichen wird, bleibt noch abzuwarten. Theoretisch sind dafür (einschließlich der von dem griechischen Wahlgesetz vorgesehenen 50 Bonusmandate für die stärkste Partei) wenigstens 151 von insgesamt 300 Mandaten erforderlich,

25.01.2015 - 06:50 [ Bandcamp ]

Extrospection from Mappō by Sed Non Satiata

Je suis du regard ces hommes anxieux
qui péniblement convergent
vers le monstre qui les a chassés,
l‘air se faisant rare et l‘espace réservé.
Cet espace où la liberté, le ‚moi‘ me l‘a volée.

25.01.2015 - 05:35 [ PressTV ]

Defense chief wins Zambia presidential poll

The elections followed the unexpected demise of the former head of state, Michael Sata, who died on October 28 while undergoing medical treatment for an undisclosed disease at London’s King Edward VII Hospital.

25.01.2015 - 05:10 [ Spiegel ]

Arm trotz Arbeit: Mehr als drei Millionen Erwerbstätige von Armut bedroht

379.000 der armutsgefährdeten Erwerbstätigen 2013 ihre Miete nicht rechtzeitig bezahlen.
417.000 verzichteten auf angemessenes Heizen.
Rund 538.000 sparten beim Essen, indem sie nur jeden zweiten Tag eine vollwertige Mahlzeit zu sich nahmen.
Für rund jeden zweiten Betroffenen war der Statistik zufolge schon ein einwöchiger Urlaub im Jahr nicht bezahlbar.
Fast 600.000 Betroffene hätten sich kein eigenes Auto leisten können.

25.01.2015 - 05:00 [ campact! ]

Gabriel bezeichnet Deutsche als “reich und hysterisch“

Während seines Besuches beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos sagte Vizekanzler und Wirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel gestern öffentlich die TTIP-Debatte sei schwierig, weil Deutschland „reich und hysterisch“ sei. So ärgerlich diese Verunglimpfung auch ist, zeigt diese Reaktion jedoch: Unser Protest wirkt. Abwertung ist ein Zeichen dafür, das die Nervosität in der Politik steigt

25.01.2015 - 03:01 [ CTM FESTIVAL X 16TH EDITION ]

CTM 2015 – Un Tune 2nd Announcement of Artists and Projects

CTM 2015 – Un Tune aims to engage with the direct bodily effects of frequencies, sound, and music, as well as these phenomena’s synergistic effects with other sensory stimuli. Artistic experimentation with the affective and somatic potential of sounds and frequencies opens up possibilities of tuning and de-tuning the composite that interconnects body, matter, energy, and (musical) machines – and of exploring our perception.

25.01.2015 - 03:01 [ Truthout ]

Is John Boehner a Traitor?

John Boehner may be a traitor.

On Wednesday, the Speaker of the House confirmed that he had invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to come speak to Congress, „on the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life.“

25.01.2015 - 02:48 [ Quietus ]

CTM 2015: Once Upon A Berghain

With CTM festival opening in Berlin this weekend, we asked some of the artists playing about their favourite memories of its main venue, Berghain. Featuring Powell, Gazelle Twin, Grebenstein, OAKE and more.

25.01.2015 - 02:41 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

The Many Problems with the DEA‘s Bulk Phone Records Collection Program

Think mass surveillance is just the wheelhouse of agencies like the NSA? Think again. One of the biggest concerns to come from the revelations about the NSA’s bulk collection of the phone records of millions of innocent Americans was that law enforcement agencies might be doing the same thing. It turns out this concern was valid, as last week the government let slip for the first time that the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) had also been collecting the phone records of Americans in bulk since the 1990s.

25.01.2015 - 02:14 [ RT ]

State Dept disagrees with head of US state media over equation of RT with ISIS

“Would the US government put those three in the same category? No, we wouldn’t,” Psaki said at a briefing on Friday answering a questing posed by RT’s Gayane Chichakyan, related to the comments made by BBG head Andrew Lack.

25.01.2015 - 01:26 [ ACLU ]

I Was Arrested for Learning a Foreign Language. Today, I Have Some Closure.

After a half-hour delay at the security line, the supervisor showed up, and things turned from annoying to surreal. After looking at the book and flashcards, the supervisor asked me: „Do you know who did 9/11?“ Taken totally aback, I answered: „Osama Bin Laden.“ Then she asked me if I knew what language Osama Bin Laden spoke. „Arabic,“ I replied. „So do you see why these cards are suspicious?“ she finished.

25.01.2015 - 00:31 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Britons: You Have 72 Hours to Stop The Snooper‘s Charter

Directly after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, we cautioned the public and politicians to be „wary of any attempt to rush through new surveillance and law enforcement powers.“ With depressing predictability, we‘ve already seen that happen across the continent. Nowhere, however, has the attempt to bypass democratic debate been more blatant than in the United Kingdom, where a handful of unelected peers has taken the language of an old and discredited Internet surveillance proposal, and attempted to slam it, at outrageously short notice, into the wording of a near-complete counter-terrorism bill.

25.01.2015 - 00:25 [ Telesur TV ]

Ecuador to Propose New Goals for CELAC

During his weekly television address to the country, President of Ecuador Rafael Correa announced on Saturday that his government is prepared to assume the presidency position over the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) later this month, and that he will push for major proposals which include reduction of poverty in the region.