Daily Archives: 23. Januar 2015

23.01.2015 - 23:11 [ Aid to Israel ]

How much military aid do you provide?

From 2009 to 2018, the United States is scheduled to give Israel–the largest recipient of U.S. assistance–$30 billion in military aid. Through its illegal 44-year military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, Israel misuses U.S. weapons in violation of U.S. law to kill and injure Palestinian civilians, destroy Palestinian civilian infrastructure, blockade the Gaza Strip, and build illegal settlements in West Bank and East Jerusalem.

23.01.2015 - 23:05 [ RT ]

‚Not acceptable‘: Nabeel Rajab slams US media head for listing RT with terror groups

Whether you agree with RT or not, it is “not acceptable” to equate the channel with terror groups, prominent Bahraini activist Nabeel Rajab said, referring to a statement by Andrew Lack, who has listed RT as a challenge along with ISIS and Boko Haram.

“I was really shocked to hear that,” Rajab told RT, while speaking about the statement that the newly-appointed chief of US Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Andrew Lack, made on Wednesday.

23.01.2015 - 23:02 [ RT ]

Nothing is true, everything is permitted – the US establishment’s attack on RT

The BBG, and many of the powers-that-be in US society genuinely consider RT a challenge to the propaganda network that Washington has built up over decades. It’s also a convenient bogey-man to use when looking for more cash. Most of this activity is subtle. Andrew Lack, with his ludicrous comparisons, displayed all the nuance of an angry man with a sledgehammer. He should apologise. Journalism is not terrorism.

23.01.2015 - 22:47 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Secret TPP Negotiations—And Public Protests—To Be Held in New York City

The next round of secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations begins this Monday, January 26, and runs through the following week at the Sheraton New York Time Square Hotel in downtown Manhattan. As with many previous TPP meetings, the public will be shut out of talks as negotiators convene behind closed doors to decide binding rules that could impact how our lawmakers set digital policy in the decades to come. Big content industry interests have been given privileged access to negotiating texts and have driven the US Trade Representative‘s mandate when it comes to copyright—which is why the TPP carries extreme copyright measures that ignore users‘ rights.

23.01.2015 - 21:09 [ ALRAY Palestinian Media Agency ]

IOF arrested 19 Palestinians in WB, one journalist among them

Local sources reported that IOF arrested five Palestinians from Dura town and another one from Biet Ummar town to the southwest of Hebron. The IOF raided Aroub camp and arrested the Journalist Alaa al-Titi, the correspondent of al-Aqsa TV. IOF arrested 12 Palestinians during military operation in Balata and Askar refugee camps to the east of Nablus.

23.01.2015 - 21:04 [ Der Standard ]

Ukraine: Bürgermeister von Perwomaisk ermordet

Im Konfliktgebiet Lugansk in der Ostukraine ist der Bürgermeister einer von prorussischen Separatisten kontrollierten Kleinstadt erschossen aufgefunden worden. Die Leiche von Jewgeni Ischtschenko, Oberhaupt der 38.000-Einwohner-Stadt Perwomaisk, sei zusammen mit drei weiteren Toten gefunden worden, berichteten örtliche Medien am Freitag.

23.01.2015 - 21:01 [ International Middle East Media Center ]

Further Demolitions, Abductions in West Bank & Jerusalem

Israeli forces detained a Palestinian child near the village of Maghayir al-Abeed and demolished four structures in the Palestinian village of Ar-Rifa‘iyya in the South Hebron Hills area on Wednesday. An Operation Dove press release said that bulldozers tore down two houses and two animal shelters belonging to the Rabai family of Ar-Rifa‘iyya. The demolitions affected a total of 25 people, including 10 children.

23.01.2015 - 20:43 [ Gaza Health Attack ]

2 Gaza, 2014 Findings of an independent medical fact-finding mission

The attacks were characterised by heavy and unpredictable bombardments of civilian neighbourhoods in a manner that failed to discriminate between legitimate targets and protected populations and caused widespread destruction of homes and civilian property. Such indiscriminate attacks, by aircraft, drones, artillery, tanks and gunships, were unlikely to have been the result of decisions made by individual soldiers or commanders; they must have entailed approval from top-level decision-makers in the Israeli military and/or government

23.01.2015 - 20:37 [ IPPNW ]

Israelische Ärzte werfen Israel Verstöße gegen Völkerrecht vor

Die israelische Organisation „Ärzte für Menschenrechte“ wirft der israelischen Regierung in einem gestern veröffentlichten Bericht zahlreiche Verstöße gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht vor. Diese hätten zu hohen Opferzahlen unter der palästinensischen Zivilbevölkerung während des Gaza-Krieges im Sommer 2014 geführt. Anlässlich dieser Vorwürfe und des fortgesetzten israelischen Siedlungsbaus im Westjordanland fordert die IPPNW erneut den Stopp deutscher Waffenlieferungen nach Israel.

23.01.2015 - 20:36 [ Medico ]

Gaza-Krieg 2014: Es gab keine sicheren Orte

Unabhängiger Untersuchungsbericht von israelischem medico-Partner „Ärzte für Menschenrechte“ veröffentlicht

Der heute von der israelischen medico-Partnerorganisation „Ärzte für Menschenrechte“ (PHR-IL) vorgestellte Bericht „No Safe Place“ erhärtet den Verdacht, dass zahlreiche Verstöße gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht zu hohen Opferzahlen unter der Zivilbevölkerung während des Gaza-Krieges im Sommer 2014 geführt haben.

23.01.2015 - 19:44 [ ITAR-TASS ]

Russia’s top court bans Ukraine’s UNA-UNSO, Right Sector as extremist organizations

(17.01.2014) Russia’s Supreme Court declared on Monday Ukrainian National Assembly — Ukrainian People‘s Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO) and the Right Sector as extremist and banned their activity in the country.

Other Ukrainian organizations which have been added to the Russian blacklist include the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera All-Ukrainian Organization ‚Tryzub‘.

23.01.2015 - 18:47 [ antikrieg.com ]

Chaos im Jemen macht dem Drohnenkrieg der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika einen Strich durch die Rechnung

Präsident Obama hat Wert darauf gelegt, zumindest nominelle Unterstützung von Seiten ordentlicher Regierungen für seine Drohnenkriege vorweisen zu können, und während er das in Pakistan ziemlich großzügig auslegte (indem er „schweigende“ Zustimmung angesichts steigender öffentlicher Verurteilungen geltend machte), kann es keine Zustimmung geben, wenn es keine Regierung im Jemen gibt.

23.01.2015 - 17:11 [ World Bulletin ]

Britain announces new powers for Scotland, edges towards federalism

Under the law, Scotland, which voted to reject full independence in a referendum in September, will be able to set income tax rates, have some influence over welfare spending, and be given the authority to decide how the Scottish parliament and other structures are elected and run.

23.01.2015 - 17:02 [ Daily Maverick ]

Hour-by-hour, Soweto xenophobia spirals into disgrace

He continued, “If we see foreigners as scapegoats, we will be on a slippery slope towards the destruction of the unity we have built in the trade unions and community organisations. Human rights are not just for South Africans but for all people, regardless of where they have come from.

23.01.2015 - 16:43 [ The Real News Network ]

SYRIZA Heads Towards a Majority in Greece as Elections Approach

And what we‘ve been hearing from the Western media about SYRIZA, which is that it‘s feigning a devotion to Europe in order to placate the troika and not cause panic in the markets, that struck me as less and less credible as I was listening to the message of Tsipras. Tsipras, I think, quite genuinely believes that SYRIZA is an instance of a larger phenomenon that‘s taking place in Southern Europe, and that is the revival of the left and the revival of progressive values.

23.01.2015 - 16:32 [ Huffington Post ]

7 Keys to Understanding the Greek Elections

The upcoming elections in Greece are undeniably a global event, whose importance transcends Greece‘s borders. The importance lies in the fact that these elections are part of a series of critical elections in Europe, from the British elections in May to Spain‘s elections in November.

23.01.2015 - 16:31 [ Griechenland-Blog ]

Gericht in Griechenland lehnt Torrent-Blockade ab

Das Gericht befand, der Antrag der AEPI verletzte das Prinzip der Verhältnismäßigkeit, sei also eine übertriebene Maßnahme, und urteilte, mit den von der AEPI verlangten Maßnahmen würden “nicht nur illegale, sondern auch legale Handlungen” behindert, angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Torrent-Technologie den Austausch nicht nur von Piratenfilmen und -musik, sondern auch legaler Dateien ermöglicht.

23.01.2015 - 16:28 [ Telegraph ]

One last gasp for the `one-size-fits-all´ euro

Thank goodness the UK never joined the euro – despite the advice of many prominent public figures, some of whom have still failed to recognise how wrong they were.(…)
But in the long term it is clear that the only way for the eurozone to achieve the economic harmony it seeks is through ever-closer political union. That would require treaty change that, in turn, would require national referendums.

23.01.2015 - 16:21 [ Russia Insider ]

Ukrainian Politician: Armed Coup against Poroshenko Is Coming

According to available information, the Ukraine is preparing another armed coup. Structures close to Alexander Turchinov and Yatsenyuk Arsenіy, with direct support from the US State Department organized the „People‘s veche“, which will meet on the initiative of the Council of the Maidan. During the veche will be taken vote of censure to the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

23.01.2015 - 16:03 [ Global Research ]

Journalist Barrett Brown Sentenced to 63 Months in Prison for Linking to Hacked Material; Read his Speech Here

Persecuted journalist Barrett Brown plans to use his opportunity to address the court at his sentencing to continue to defend his colleagues that are also being persecuted. The government extorted a guilty plea from him by threatening 105 years in prison: he’s currently facing around eight. All indications are that he signed a non-cooperating plea deal in which he admits only his role.

23.01.2015 - 03:57 [ interfax ]

Russian HIV vaccine passes second phase of clinical trial – health ministry

The Russian Health Ministry has said that all three Russian candidate vaccines against the HIV have passed the first stage of the clinical trial, and the research will continue.(…)
Meanwhile, doctors are alarmed by the spread of the HIV infection in Russia. According to Rospotrebnadzor, a federal consumer rights watchdog, more than 860,000 HIV cases have been registered in Russia, and the figure rises annually by 10%.
Each day, 200 people in Russia are diagnosed with HIV infection, the head of the Federal Center for AIDS Prevention and Treatment, Vadim Pokrovsky, told Interfax earlier.

23.01.2015 - 03:40 [ Reddit / Indian Punchline ]

Saudi reset with Iran is unavoidable

(15.1.2015) The terrorist strike last week on the Saudi border post facing the Iraqi province of Anbar — known to be the Islamic State’s first assault on the kingdom — could be the proverbial straw on the camel’s back, forcing Riyadh into a profound rethink of its regional strategies imbued with the rivalries involving Iran.

23.01.2015 - 03:39 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Lage der Freiheiten

Experten fordern eine Intensivierung der Geheimdienstkooperation auch innerhalb der EU. Die Schritte gelten dem Kampf gegen Dschihadisten, die erst wirklich ihren Durchbruch erzielten, als der Westen und seine mittelöstlichen Verbündeten sie im Krieg gegen die Regierungen Libyens und Syriens aufrüsteten. Die „Anti-Terror-Kooperation“ trägt nun dazu bei, autoritäre Strukturen zu stärken, gegen die breite Bevölkerungsteile in mehreren arabischen Staaten 2010 und 2011 massenhaft rebellierten.

23.01.2015 - 03:36 [ GlobalResearch ]

Die griechischen Wahlen und der größte Alptraum der europäischen Politik

(21.1.)Genau dies ist die Entwicklung, vor der sich die deutsche Regierung, die EU und der IWF am meisten fürchten: Dass die arbeitenden Menschen In Griechenland, sobald sich Syriza in den Widersprüchen der eigenen Politik verfängt, auf ihren Forderungen beharren und auf der Einlösung der vor der Wahl gemachten Versprechen bestehen, in Massen auf die Straßen gehen und damit Proteste und Demonstrationen in anderen europäischen Ländern auslösen könnten, die angesichts der schwelenden Wut über den politischen Betrug der vergangenen fünf Jahre ein Ausmaß annehmen könnten, das der Kontinent seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erlebt hat.

23.01.2015 - 03:23 [ Tasnim ]

Progress Made in Nuclear Talks with Iran: US

In a daily press briefing in Washington D.C., Psaki described the latest round of negotiations between Iran and world powers in Geneva as “serious, useful, and businesslike”, and said that clearly many more rounds of negotiations will be held.(…)
Meanwhile, nuclear negotiating teams from Iran and the United States are scheduled to hold talks on Friday and Saturday, January 23-24 in the Swiss city of Zurich.

23.01.2015 - 03:18 [ BricsPost ]

China Central Bank gives $8 bln in pilot scheme for Swiss investors

The agreement is part of a memorandum of understanding signed by the central banks of the two countries in Davos and aids China’s attempts to diminish the dollar’s dominance in global trade and finance.
Switzerland’s central bank also said it had agreed with the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) to establish clearing arrangements in Switzerland for renminbi (yuan) trading.

23.01.2015 - 03:04 [ Gegen Gasbohren… ]

Alle 13 Rotenburger Bürgermeister fordern absolutes Fracking-Verbot

(21.1.) Niedersachsen trägt traditionell über 90 Prozent zur inländischen Erdgasproduktion bei. Von einem Fracking-Verbot wäre rund ein Drittel dieser Produktion betroffen. Einige politische Entscheidungsträger in Niedersachsen tun sich schwer, ein absolutes Fracking-Verbot mitzutragen. Ihr Argument: Verringerte Einnahmen von Förderzinsen (etwa 2 bis 3 Hunderttausend Euro pro Jahr) und Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen (angeblich einige Tausend). Unterstützt werden diese Politiker von der Industrielobby, wie aktuell vom Lamento der BASF-Tochter Wintershall:

23.01.2015 - 02:55 [ Legal Tribune ]

Hooligans können kriminelle Vereinigung sein

Während das Landgericht (LG) Dresden in erster Instanz trotz mehrerer nachgewiesener Schlägereien dieser Art nur von einem strafbaren Fall von gefährlicher Körperverletzung ausgegangen war, sieht der 3. Strafsenat all diese Tätlichkeiten im Rahmen der verabredeten Prügeleien als strafbare gefährliche Körperverletzungen an.

23.01.2015 - 02:53 [ AlterNet ]

Filmmaker Robert Greenwald: American Sniper is a ‚Neocon Fantasy‘ in Which ‚There‘s No Good Iraqi Except a Dead Iraqi‘

He went on to suggest the film would inspire Americans to believe „we gotta go to war“ to be safe, a notion he dismissed as „nonsense“ and even dangerous.

23.01.2015 - 02:31 [ NuklearForum Schweiz ]

Europäische Kommission legt Rechtsgrundlage für EFSI vor

(21.1.) Der EFSI ist das Herzstück der Investitionsoffensive der Europäischen Kommission, über den mindestens EUR 315 Mrd (..)für private und öffentliche Investitionen in der gesamten Europäischen Union mobilisiert werden sollen.
Die EU-Prioritätenliste des Investitionsfonds für die nächsten drei Jahre umfasst zahlreiche nukleare Projekte wie Polens Kernkraftwerksprojekt, die drei britischen Neubauprojekte Hinkley Point C, Moorside und Wylfa sowie die paneuropäischen Forschungsprojekte Myrrha, Allegro und Pallas.

23.01.2015 - 01:10 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

EFF Statement on Barrett Brown Sentencing

U.S. District Judge Sam A. Lindsay sentenced Barrett Brown this morning to 63 months in federal prison, minus the 31 months he has already served to date. He was also ordered to pay $890,000 in restitution. EFF is disappointed to see that Brown wasn’t released today, after having spent nearly three years in prison on charges stemming from his work as an independent journalist.

23.01.2015 - 01:02 [ ACLU ]

50 Years After MLK‘s Selma March, We‘re Still Fighting For Voting Rights

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.‘s historic 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, to demonstrate how vitally important it was that black Americans be able to exercise their fundamental right to vote. In Selma, people died, suffered bodily injury, and went to jail for that right. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law a few months after the Selma march – but we‘re still fighting voter suppression on many fronts half a century later.