What modern science knows is that “coronal holes” are places where particles leave the sun’s surface at huge speeds – of up to 500 miles per hour (800 kilometers per hour). What’s still unclear is why this is happening.
Daily Archives: 6. Januar 2015
Let’s abolish West Point: Military academies serve no one, squander millions of tax dollars
Our military academies aren‘t filled with best and brightest. They are a boondoggle, on your dime, and serve no one
Teachers keep off classes as strike enters the second day
Public primary and secondary schools across the country remained deserted Tuesday as teachers’ nationwide strike entered the second day.
Bundestag hält Zugangsregeln für Lobbyisten unter Verschluss
(11.06.2014) Die Praxis mit der Geschäftsführer-Unterschrift ist derart vertraulich, dass darüber weder in den Rechtsgrundlagen für den Bundestag noch in der Hausordnung auch nur ein einziges Wort verloren wird. Wenn man so will, betreten einige Lobbyisten den Bundestag unerkannt durch die Hintertür, während andere unter den Augen der Öffentlichkeit den Haupteingang nehmen müssen.
Trade in Services Agreement
Die Daten von Kommunikationsanbietern sollen ungehindert zwischen Ländern ausgetauscht werden können, so heißt es: Kein Unterzeichner darf einen Diensteanbieter eines anderen Unterzeichners daran hindern, Informationen zu übertragen, auf sie zuzugreifen, sie zu verarbeiten oder zu speichern. Das schließt persönliche Daten mit ein, wenn der Vorgang in Zusammenhang mit der Ausführung der Geschäfte des Diensteanbieters steht.
Finanzkonzerne jubeln: Keiner kennt TISA
Regeln gegen die nächste Finanzkrise, Datenschutzvorgaben für Konzerne, Rückkauf von Stromnetzen – all das wird unmöglich mit dem geplanten Dienstleistungsabkommen TISA, dem großen Bruder von TTIP.
Die geplatzte Pipeline (II)
Nach dem Abbruch des Pipeline-Projekts „South Stream“ durch Russland steigt für Berlin und Brüssel die Schadensbilanz. Zulieferer, die sich von dem Projekt profitable Geschäfte erhofft hatten, verzeichnen Millionenverluste. Die BASF-Tochtergesellschaft Wintershall werde nach dem Platzen eines konzeptuell mit South Stream verknüpften Vorhabens nicht mehr „in die erste Liga der weltweiten Gasproduzenten“ aufsteigen können, heißt es in Berichten.
Palestine declares acceptance of ICC jurisdiction since 13 June 2014
Acceptance of the ICC‘s jurisdiction differs from an act of accession to the Rome Statute, the Court‘s founding treaty. The United Nations (UN) Secretary General acts as the depositary of the Rome Statute. On 2 January 2015, Palestine transmitted to the United Nations documents relating to its accession to the Rome Statute as well as other treaties. The UN is reviewing these documents.
The ICC is an independent, permanent court that tries individuals accused of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Acceptance of the ICC‘s jurisdiction does not automatically trigger an investigation. It is for the ICC Prosecutor to establish whether the Rome Statute criteria for opening an investigation are met and, where required, to request authorisation from ICC Judges.
What if parents raised kids the way Bibi and Sara run Israel?
The message they‘re modeling? Starve the Palestinians. Let the Gazans drown in sewage. Let the town of Hazor Glilit starve, as well. Let Kibbutz Nirim defend itself. Let settlers stone U.S. diplomats. This is our home. No consequences for us.
Israel election updates / Feiglin to quit Likud, start new party
Sunday‘s political summary: Several voting stations recounted the ballots from the Likud primary that took place last week, following complaints of discrepancies in the tallies and in the management of the polls. One party member said there is serious concern that the discrepancies are not accidental, but rather an attempt to affect the results.
Bericht: Frankreich verlegt Flugzeugträger in Golfregion
Frankreich wird einem Medienbericht zufolge seinen Flugzeugträger „Charles de Gaulle“ in die Golfregion entsenden, um dort den Kampf gegen die Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) zu unterstützen.
France warns Palestinians over escalating crisis with U.N. bid
„We worked on this resolution believing we could achieve a consensus but it wasn‘t possible,“ he said, indicating that France was likely to back a new Palestinian resolution provided the text remained broadly unchanged.
However, Fabius questioned the wisdom of resubmitting the resolution, adding he would discuss the issue in coming days with Jordan, Egypt and other regional players.
Jerusalem’s interfaith ‘Peace House’ faced with Israeli demolition order
Peace House was Abu el-Hawa’s childhood home. Like his children and grandchildren now, he was reared in the company of foreign travelers. Today, the building in East Jerusalem is a guesthouse to globetrotters on budget trips to the holy land, and Abu el-Hawa is the esteemed manager and tour guide, offering visitor a glimpse into Jerusalem through the affairs of his personal life.
Araber und Juden in Israel: Uns bringt ihr nicht auseinander
Die 1998 gegründete Hand-in-Hand-Schule, die einzige bilinguale Schule Jerusalems, gilt als Paradebeispiel des respektvollen Miteinanders. Sie liegt zwischen dem jüdischen Viertel Pat und dem arabischen Bezirk Beit Safafa, direkt an der Grünen Linie. 620 Schüler werden hier bis zur 12. Klasse von jüdischen und palästinensischen Lehrern auf Hebräisch und Arabisch unterrichtet, die Jüngsten besuchen den Kindergarten.
State Dep’t threatens aid to Palestinians over ICC, but holds out no consequences for Israel’s settlements
Yesterday we saw two glaring double standards in the American official discourse when it comes to Israel and other countries.
First, in yesterday’s New York Times, longtime Israel advocate Dennis Ross called on all those who are pushing for a Palestinian state to offer Israel certain assurances, among them “a resolution of the Palestinian refugee issue that allows Israel to retain its Jewish character.”
Schwacher Euro? Gut so!
Am Mittwoch wird die Inflationsrate für Dezember veröffentlicht. Einige Analysten befürchten, dass die Preise im Euroraum bereits fallen.
city, future, dreams
Image we Europeans had to live with the fact that we are a downing creature. We had to assimilate to a new world were our values don´t count anymore. The cities we knew would not exist anymore. The city of the future would be the chaotic, identity lacking Megalopolis. We would not be dwellers anymore. We would be survivers. We would have to learn how to survive from the Chinese, the Brasilians and the Indians. They would not copy us anymore. We would have to copy them.
Ausstellungseröffnung 07.01.2015 – 19-22 Uhr
Elisabeth Rhies
(Objekte & Bilder)
US-Senatorin erarbeitet Maßnahmenkatalog gegen CIA-Folter
Unter Feinsteins Vorsitz hatte der Geheimdienstausschuss des US-Senats im vergangenen Monat die Ergebnisse einer mehrjährigen Untersuchung über die Misshandlung von Terrorverdächtigen nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 veröffentlicht. Trotz einiger geschwärzter Passagen gibt der Bericht einen detaillierten Einblick, wie die CIA unter Präsident George W. Bush ein weltweites System von Geheimgefängnissen aufbaute.
Feinstein Proposes Reforms to Prevent Future Use of Torture
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) last week sent a letter to President Obama proposing a series of recommendations to prevent the future use of torture by the government. The recommendations include proposed legislation and other reforms that do not require legislation.
Full text of the letter follows:
In Battle to Defang ISIS, U.S. Targets Its Psychology
“We do not understand the movement, and until we do, we are not going to defeat it,” he said, according to the confidential minutes of a conference call he held with the experts. “We have not defeated the idea. We do not even understand the idea.”
Global Moves To Give Corporations Yet More Legal Weapons By Strengthening Laws Protecting Trade Secrets
Techdirt often discusses the problems with intellectual monopolies such as copyrights, patents and trademarks. These grant powers to exclude others from using something — creative works, inventions, words and phrases. Increasingly, they create dense thickets of obligatory permissions that make it hard or even impossible for others to build on pre-existing work. That may serve the purposes of the monopolist, but is frequently to the detriment of society.
Iraq says rebuilding of army still in early stages
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has sacked several dozen commanders and told Obeidi to lead a probe into corruption within the Iraqi military after Islamic State seized vast swathes of territory from Iraqi security forces last summer.
Israeli nationalist leader in spotlight over 1996 Lebanon attack
Bennett, whose Jewish Home party is in Benjamin Netanyahu‘s governing coalition and is expected to perform well in elections in March, was a junior commando officer during Israel‘s 1996 Lebanon offensive against Hezbollah guerrillas.
Island will EU-Beitritt absagen
Der Premier des Landes, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, teilte dem einheimischen Radiosender Bylgjan mit, die isländischen Behörden seien gewillt, den Beitrittsantrag in nächster Zeit zurückzuziehen. Einen genauen Termin nannte er nicht.
Gambia: Putsch des Westblocks gescheitert
U.S.-amerikanischer Immobilien-Grossunternehmer aus Texas gambischer Herkunft heuert ehemaligen U.S.-Militär, Teilnehmer am Afghanistan-Krieg zu Umsturzversuch in dem westafrikanischen Land an. Letzterer verpflichtet dazu Männer auch aus Deutschland.
U.S.-Regierung stellt den Putsch nach dem Misslingen als Alleingang dar, verurteilt diesen scharf und präsentiert die gut präparierten Opfer.
The Forever War Was Supposed to End in 2014. Instead, Obama Doubled Down.
(28.12.2014) If Congress passes the proposed AUMF, the Obama administration will retain the authority to fight the Taliban, al Qaeda, and al-Qaeda affiliates anywhere in the world, and gain the ability to expand the fight to IS and groups that look like IS. This means that the War on Terror could quickly expand to battlefields in Libya and Egypt where groups have already claimed allegiance to IS.
Curious: Electromagnetic waves linked to particle fallout in Earth’s atmosphere, new study finds
In a new study that sheds light on space weather’s impact on Earth, Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues show for the first time that plasma waves buffeting the planet’s radiation belts are responsible for scattering charged particles into the atmosphere.
The study is the most detailed analysis so far of the link between these waves and the fallout of electrons from the planet’s radiation belts. The belts are impacted by fluctuations in “space weather” caused by solar activity that can disrupt GPS satellites, communication systems, power grids and manned space exploration.
The results appear in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. A PDF is available on request.
Congresswoman Lee and More Than 35 Other Members of Congress Call for U.S. Participation in Summit of the Americas and Engagement with Cuba
Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and more than 35 other Members of Congress wrote to President Obama to encourage U.S. participation in the 7th Summit of the Americas and to change current U.S. policy toward Cuba.”
On the value of the summit, the letter reads: “the U.S. will have the rare opportunity to engage diplomatically with all of Latin America on our shared regional challenges.”
Nikkei leads Asian markets down on oil price concerns
The US oil price fell below the symbolic threshold of $50 a barrel for the first time since April 2009.
Meanwhile in London, Brent crude fell as low as $53 a barrel.
That prompted energy shares to fall.
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Israeli military divided over whether to probe wartime conduct by soldiers in Gaza
with the Palestinians announcing their application last week to the International Criminal Court, the decision to investigate becomes all the more pressing: A robust Israeli inquiry into its military‘s actions could be essential in thwarting an embarrassing and potentially incriminating outside probe.
US-Bank Morgan Stanley: Banker veröffentlicht Kundendaten im Netz
Die Bank informierte nach eigenen Angaben die Aufsichtsbehörden. Eine der Angelegenheit vertraute Person sagte, dass die US-Bundespolizei FBI den Datenklau untersuche.
The CIA‘s Watchdog Is Resigning After Revealing That Spies Hacked the Senate
The CIA‘s internal watchdog will resign at the end of January, a departure that comes just months after his office found that the spy agency had hacked into computers used by Senate staffers to investigate its Bush-era „enhanced interrogation techniques,“ the CIA said Monday.
Park urges N. Korea to come forward for talks with S. Korea
„North Korea should quickly come forward for inter-Korean dialogue and cooperation and substantially handle with us specific projects for the establishment of peace and unification on the Korean Peninsula,“ Park said in a Cabinet meeting.
Generalbundesanwalt sieht kein israelisches Fehlverhalten in Bezug auf Mavi Marmara
Der Generalbundesanwalt hat auf Anzeige von Inge Höger (DIE LINKE), die Israel wegen aller möglichen Verbrechen angezeigt hatte, den israelischen Einsatz in Bezug auf die sog. Gaza-Flotilla und alles rund um das Thema Mavi Marmara geprüft und diesen für einwandfrei befunden. Lesen Sie selbst!
145 Gaza families lost three or more members during Israeli onslaught
The ministry said that of those killed were 1,802 male and 508 female. 10,626 Palestinians were also injured in the assault, of whom the ministry said 7,275 were male and 3,351 were female. The gender figures include children in both counts, of whom hundreds were killed. The ministry also that in the Gaza Strip 145 families lost three or more members in a single strike, meaning that in some cases entire families were removed from Palestinian civil records.
‘It is time to make it costly for Palestinians,’ Ross warns in NYT; and readers reject his argument
In an op-ed in the New York Times today, longtime US peace-processor Dennis Ross calls on the world to “Stop Giving Palestinians a Pass” for their refusal to accept three supposed peace deals. Ross hints at punishment for the Palestinians:
Österreich kritisiert Deutschland wegen „Grexit“-Debatte
In der Diskussion um Griechenlands Zugehörigkeit zur Eurozone hat der österreichische Finanzminister Hans Jörg Schelling Deutschland zur Zurückhaltung ermahnt. Es sei weder angebracht, sich in die Wahlkämpfe anderer Länder einzumischen, noch die in einem Wahlkampf getroffenen Aussagen überzuinterpretieren, sagte Schelling der Welt.
Obama calls Napolitano
Obama also congratulated Napolitano – who announced his resignation in his New Year‘s address to the nation – on his record in office and for his „action within the framework of Italy-US relations“. In what was described as „an intense and cordial exchange“, the two leaders agreed on the need to „jointly relaunch economic and social growth in the US and Europe“.
Arbeitslosigkeit: Wie Europa vier Millionen Jobs vernichtete
800.000 Griechen haben auf Grund von Arbeitslosigkeit keine Krankenversicherung mehr
NZ to vote on Palestine resolution
New Zealand is about to face its first great test on the UN Security Council.
The country could cast the decisive vote on a resolution to end Israeli occupation of Palestine within three years.
Abbas rolls statehood dice with International Criminal Court move
For someone nearing 80, President Mahmoud Abbas still knows how to shake things up. But his decision last week to join the International Criminal Court is a high-risk move that may set back the ultimate goal: an independent Palestinian state.
In 2015, Hamas wants Netanyahu to win. Six reasons why – and now a new one
A year ago at this time, Hamas desperately needed a friend. It found one in Netanyahu. It certainly doesn‘t want to lose him now.
Hamas opposed to Abbas’ resubmission of UN bid
Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has criticized Mahmoud Abbas’ plans for resubmitting a bid to the UN Security Council (UNSC) on ending Israeli occupation, Press TV reported.
A spokesman for Hamas on Monday said the plan to re-file a resolution on ending Israeli occupation would be “political foolishness.”
Gun used to assassinate Rabin is featured in show-and-tell by Israel’s chief archivist
Go to minute 27 of this video tour of featured holdings of the Israel State Archives, and chief archivist Yaacov Lozowick opens a brown archive case, and then a blue box to reveal the gun used to kill Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. Lozowick picks up the gun to display it for the camera, held by a rightwing blogger, Elder of Ziyon.
Report: US intelligence questions Turkey about ISIL videos
(26.12.2014) The daily also reported that Turkey‘s warning about the videos came from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and due to certain bilateral agreements between Turkish and US intelligence the CIA has the right to ask Turkey to take legal measures. (…)
Çıray further questioned whether these trucks have anything to do with the trucks that belong to the National Intelligence Organization (MİT), which has allegedly carried weapons to the Syrian opposition and if the trucks that are visible in the Google Earth images entered the MİT building in Yenimahalle.
Turkey’s intelligence service recovers abducted officer
Turkish media speculated that the militant Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group was behind the abduction, however, Turkish Brigadier-General Ertugrul Gazi Ozkurkcu said earlier Monday that there was no clear intelligence about who or which group was exactly behind it.
Gogo Inflight Wifi Service Goes Man-In-The-Middle, Issues Fake Google SSL Certificates
When you‘re flying, your internet connection is completely in the hands of a single company. There‘s no searching around for another signal. So, however the provider decides to handle your connection, that‘s what you‘re stuck with. A captive audience usually results in fun things like high prices and connection throttling. And, if you‘re Gogo Inflight, it means compromising the security of every traveler who chooses to use the service, just because you can.
Senators Leahy & Grassley Quiz DOJ & DHS About Secret Fake Phone Towers Intercepting Calls
We‘ve written plenty about Stingrays and other „IMSI Catcher“ devices that allow law enforcement to set up what are effectively fake cell phone towers, designed to intercept calls and locate certain individuals. These devices are deployed in near total secrecy, often by law enforcement who got them from the federal government.
Rise To Infamy by Cowards
„Parisian quintet, COWARDS, has become an unrelenting force since their inception in 2012, imposing their ruthless blend of metallic hardcore and sludge through several vinyl releases to date, and having crushed live audiences all across Europe. Having only grown stronger with every step of their brutal journey so far, the band will now unload their second album, «Rise To Infamy».
Falling Down: Burgerbude