Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed the RF Code of Administrative Offenses into law, including a new article establishing liability for the violation of mandatory requirements for the labeling of food products that contain GMOs.
Daily Archives: 3. Januar 2015
Emanuel poised to announce plans for land acquisition for presidential library
Friends of the Parks President Cassandra Francis emphasized in a letter she and top board members sent to the president on Dec. 30 that the foundation very much wants the Obama library and museum in Chicago – but not “in a park or public open space.”
Maduro kritisiert US-Sanktionen als Unverschämtheit
US-Präsident Barack Obama liege falsch. Er verstehe nicht, was in der Region passiere. Ebenfalls stellte Maduro die Resolution des Europäischen Paraments infrage, mit der sich die Politiker in die internen Verhältnisse Venezuelas einmischten.
Govt to tackle head-on claims it is unfair and say borrowing against our kids is the most unfair act of all
Former Howard government Minister Peter Reith has attacked Tony Abbott for „not lifting a finger“ on industrial relations and job creation, as the federal government attempts to reset the economic debate about the fairness of its budget.
Second Sydney airport may threaten Blue Mountains‘ World Heritage status
The world scrutiny comes as the Abbott government has been accused of a „sneaky“ attempt to avoid World Heritage impacts being considered as part of the environmental approval for the 24-hour airport.
Doubling Down on Dictatorship in the Middle East
For a moment, four years ago, it seemed that dictators in the Middle East would soon be a thing of the past.
Rail ticket: Passengers face yet another wallet-busting rise in fare prices
“We’ve ended up with slower trains and higher fares than countries who have kept their trains in public hands.”
A study comparing tickets in Britain to similar journeys on state-owned networks on the continent showed how far privatised rail lags behind.
German firms hurting over Russia bans: Poll
The survey published on Friday by the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce showed 58 percent of the German firms polled said they had been affected by West’s punitive measures against Russia over the crisis in Ukraine.
In addition, 36 percent said they expected to cancel projects due to the situation in Russia amid the bans.
Deine Rechte sind in diesen Freihandelsabkommen nicht verfügbar [31c3]
Source: next meeting on Ukraine in „Normandy format“ likely to be held in Berlin on Monday
On Friday, the foreign ministers of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France discussed in a phone conversation the assistance to a process of peaceful settlement in Ukraine’s southeast and a schedule of further contacts.
Ukrainian Nazis Pay Private Military Company Academi (formerly Blackwater) for Training, Russian Report
The S.N.A. derived from “the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine,” whose name was derived from the National Socialist Party of Germany — the original Nazis. America’s CIA hides its longstanding support of nazis after World War II (see this and this), but the Bushes and Obama have continued it even decades after the Soviet Union and its communism ended. Consequently, in 2004, the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine was advised by the CIA to, and it did, change its name to the “Freedom Party,” or “Svoboda,” because that sounds better to Americans.
US-Trained Afghan Army Behind Deadly Attack on Wedding Party
The U.S.-trained Afghan army was responsible for a New Year’s Eve attack on a wedding party that killed as many as two dozen people including women and children, local officials have said.
Obama administration: North Koreans probably not responsible for Sony Hack, but hey, let‘s sanction them anyway
In what looks to many in the information security community like a bizarre face-saving gesture with little basis in reality, the Obama administration today announced new sanctions on 10 senior North Korean officials and several organizations.
Mercedes Benz‘s plant in Tiaret, promising project for Algeria`s mechanical engineering industry
The plant, inaugurated by the Lieutenant General, Ahmed Gaid Salah, Deputy Minister for National Defence, Chief of Staff of the People’s National Army (ANP), is part an Algerian-German-Emirati investment project meant to ensure training of the Algerian workforce in this area.
I`m sooooo green: The Beginner`s Guide to Krautrock
‚We’re not musicians, we are universal dilettantes‘
Source: Next meeting on Ukraine likely to be held in Berlin on Monday
`Now essence and organizational moments of political directors’ meeting in ‘the Normandy format’ on resolving Ukraine’s crisis is being worked out,´ he told TASS. “There exists understanding that it will be held in Berlin on January 5.”
Justizministerium prüft deutsche Einrichtung
(30.Dezember) Das russische Justizministerium prüft die Petersburger nichtkommerzielle Organisation „Deutsch-Russischer Austausch“. Es geht hierbei um die Prüfung der Notwendigkeit der Eintragung dieser Organisation in das Register „Ausländischer Agent“.
20 Scottish firms to close every week in 2015
Falling consumer demand, geopolitical instability, financial uncertainty, and the prospect of interest rate rises are collectively causing concern, according to Jackson. As Scottish households continue to face a rising cost of living amid frozen wages, Scots‘ financial insecurity is compounded, he warns.
Hollande´s supertax on rich goes out quietly in France
The final nail in the coffin came from the former investment banker who is now France‘s economic minister, Emmanuel Macron. A former economic adviser to Hollande, Macron described the supertax as „Cuba without the sun“.
Venezuela wants to expand relations with Brazil
During a meeting with President Dilma Rousseff Friday (Jan 2), Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said the two governments intend to expand cooperation in such areas as industry and technology, both on a bilateral level and within Mercosur.
Foreign companies buying Africa‘s fertile land
(10.Dezember) More than 60 million hectares of land that belongs to 80% of Africa are quietly being exchanged hands through sales and rentals under the smokescene of political instability and terror crises.
How Western media covered the Moscow Navalny protest
Because you see, Western reports didn’t seem to think any of this was worth mentioning. Nada. Zilch.
They instead hailed him as some sort of anti-Putin, liberal freedom-fighter.
I wonder have they bothered to research him at all, or are they just too excited by the prospect of a Moscow coup to put their journalist hats on and actually do some work?
Palestinians lost the diplomatic battle, not the war
Op-ed: While the rejection of the Palestinian appeal to the Security Council does contain a diplomatic achievement for Israel, isn‘t it just a case of delaying the inevitable?
Malaysia takes place in United Nation Security Council
With the start of a new year, the five new countries — Angola, Malaysia, New Zealand, Venezuela and Spain — have begun their two-year term, replacing Argentina, Australia, Luxembourg, South Korea and Rwanda.
Despite U.S. opposition, Venezuela assumes seat on U.N. Security Council
Venezuela‘s candidacy did not face any rivals from Latin American and Caribbean countries and received 181 votes among the 193 U.N. members.
But the election of Venezuela was criticized by the United States…
Abbas mulls another UN Security Council bid for Palestinian state
According to the Wafa news agency, Rudeineh said that “President Mahmoud Abbas instructed Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malaki and Palestine’s ambassadors and representatives in the Organization for Islamic Cooperation and the African Union to appeal to governments who either opposed or abstained in the vote to support an end to occupation.”
Israel hat mehr zu verlieren
Käme es zu Ermittlungen des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs im Nahostkonflikt, hätten beide Seiten viel zu befürchten. Israel allerdings mehr als die Palästinenser. Dem Land droht womöglich die internationale Isolation.
Racist Jewish Group Offers Dilemma to Israel as Anti-Arab Violence Rises
Efforts to tackle Lehava, however, may be complicated by guarantees of free speech and sympathy for the group among a minority of Israelis.
Lehava, whose name means “flame” but is also a Hebrew acronym for “Preventing Assimilation in the Holy Land,” denies wrongdoing and says it is the target of a political witch-hunt.
Nigeria: Boko Haram verschleppen 40 Jungs und junge Männer
Terror in Nigeria: Boko Haram verschleppt 30 Jugendliche
(27.10.2014) Außenminister Steinmeier und Amtskollege Fabius auf Kurzbesuch in Abuja
Wurde das nigerianische Militär vor der Mädchen-Entführung gewarnt?
(10.05.2014) Laut Amnesty International hätten die über 200 verschleppten Mädchen vor ihrem Schicksal bewahrt werden können. Doch die Armee Nigerias habe nicht auf die Warnsignale reagiert.
(02.03.2014) Wikipedia, 9/11 und das Problem mit dem Dissens – ein Selbstversuch
Prodi, Amato und Grasso für Nachfolge Napolitanos hoch im Kurs
Nach dem angekündigten Rücktritt von Staatspräsident Giorgio Napolitano ist man in Italien auf der Suche nach einem Nachfolger.
Nelkenrevolution reloaded? – Krise und soziale Kämpfe in Portugal
Am 25. April 2014 jährte sich zum 40. mal die portugiesische “Nelkenrevolution”, die eine fast 50 jährige autoritäre und neoliberale Diktatur beendete. Heute wird in Portugal wieder demonstriert und von einigen eine Parallele gezogen zur Nelkenrevolution, doch richten sich die Proteste heute gegen das Troika-Diktat und die Politik der konservativen Regierung.
Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen den Kennzeichen-Scan in Bayern
Nun wird sich das Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe damit beschäftigen müssen. Denn anders als bei den Entscheidungen in den Bundesländern Hessen und Schleswig-Holstein hat der Klageweg bislang noch keine Änderung der gängigen Praxis herbeigeführt. In Bayern werden seit rund neun Jahren 22 stationäre und drei mobile Kennzeichenerfassungsgeräte eingesetzt, um damit vorrangig die Autobahnen zu kontrollieren
Spanische Internet Zensur behindert das digitale Ökosystem
Es geht um die Neufassung zum neuen Gesetz zum geistigen Eigentum. So sind ab gestern 1.01.2015 sogar Hyperlinks urheberrechtlich geschützt. Der spanische Bildungsminister José Ignacio Wert, sieht diese Neuregelung als „eine Pionierleistung für Europa“ an.
CADTM: Hände weg von Griechenland!
Die Mächtigen in Europa und der ganzen Welt warteten nicht einmal die Auflösung des griechischen Parlaments und den Beginn der Wahlkampfperiode in Griechenland ab, um ihren neuen Angriff der Lügen und Erpressungen zu starten, die darauf abzielen, die griechischen Bürger zu terrorisieren, damit sie bei den kommenden Wahlen am 25 Januar 2014 nicht die SYRIZA, also die griechische Allianz der Radikalen Linken wählen.
Und tatsächlich, mit der Unterstützung der großen europäischen Massenmedien beginnen zum x-ten Mal die Juncker, Merkel, Hollande, Renzis oder Moscovici heißenden “Oberen” ihren groben Eingriff in die internen Angelegenheiten dieses Griechenlands, dass sie außerdem in einen Haufen gesellschaftlicher Ruinen verwandelt haben, seitdem sie ihm ihre unmenschlichen und barbarischen Austeritätspolitiken aufgezwungen haben.
Wir haben es satt! Lebensmittelskandale, Pestizide, Genpflanzen, Freihandelsabkommen, Lebensmittel-Monopoly, die Macht der Agrarlobby!
Wir haben es satt ! – Demonstration in Berlin – 17. Januar 2015
Machtkampf der Eurokritiker: AfD-Führung bestellt Lucke zu Partei-Tribunal ein
Er hatte seinerseits ohne Absprache alle Kreisvorsitzenden für Mitte Januar zu einem gesonderten Vortreffen nach Frankfurt eingeladen. Petry und Co., die eine Doppel- oder Dreierspitze für die AfD wollen, hatten vergeblich versucht, ihn davon abzubringen. Sie fürchten nicht zu Unrecht, Lucke werde dort versuchen, die Funktionäre „auf Linie“ zu bringen.
Buchempfehlung: Krieg ohne Grenzen. Die neue Kolonisierung der Welt; von Maria Mies; mit einem Beitrag von Claudia von Werlhof
„Es gibt Zeiten, in denen Dinge von ungeheuren Dimensionen geschehen, dass man oder frau kaum noch die Wahl hat, womit er oder sie sich beschäftigt. Man muss sich damit beschäftigen. Aber diese Beschäftigung selbst kann nicht beliebig sein. Sie muss der Dimension der bestehenden Probleme entsprechen, ihr adäquat sein, zumindest versuchen, es zu sein. Die bisherige alte Art, mit den Dingen umzugehen, reicht nicht mehr aus. Das wäre so, als würden die Menschen an einem Strand grundsätzlich nur in Richtung Land schauen. Das ist so lange kein Problem, bis sich hinter ihnen nicht hochhaushohe Tsunami-Wogen aufzutürmen beginnen. So ist es mit uns heute. Wir müssen uns endlich umdrehen, um zunächst einmal zu sehen, zu erkennen, d.h. auch anzuerkennen, was auf uns zukommt. Als zweites wäre zu untersuchen, warum das der Fall ist. Drittens wäre zu überlegen, was noch getan werden kann. Das Vierte ist, es auch zu tun.“, schrieb einst Prof. em. Claudia von Werlhof.
Israeli settlers attack US consulate convoy in the West Bank (Updated)
On Friday, American security personnel accompanying staff from the United States Consulate in Jerusalem drew their weapons on violent Israeli settlers who attacked a two vehicle U.S. convoy outside the Palestinian town of Turmusaya in the West Bank. Consulate staff were investigating a incident which took place on private Palestinian land on the first night of 2015 when six thousand recently planted olive saplings were uprooted, and dozens of old olive trees were destroyed by violent Jewish settlers from an illegal outpost, Adei Ad, near Turmusaya.
Officials from Turmusaya notified the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem and requested an investigation because some of the owners of the land are Palestinian-Americans. When the U.S. delegation arrived in the area to investigate settlers started hurling stones at the convoy.
AIPAC celebrates Congress for laws that will ‘dramatically strengthen bond between US and Israel’
Did you think the special relationship was strong and can’t get any closer? Wrong. In the video below the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) does an endzone dance; leading lobbyist Ester Kurz tells us that over ten days in December Congress passed two key piece of legislation “that will dramatically strengthen the bond between the United States and Israel.”
Petition “Stoppt die Folter!” – Interview mit dem ehemaligen UN-Diplomaten Hans-Christof von Sponeck
Hans-Christof Graf von Sponeck (* 1939) war ein deutscher UN-Diplomat. Er ist Sohn des von den Nationalsozialisten in der Folge des 20. Juli ermordeten Generalleutnants Hans von Sponeck. Von 1968 bis 2000 war er an verschiedenen Einsatzorten für die Vereinten Nationen tätig, zuletzt in Bagdad (Irak). Im Februar 2000 reichte er seinen Rücktritt aus Protest gegen die Sanktionspolitik des UN-Sicherheitsrates ein, die er verantwortlich für das Sterben mehrerer hunderttausend irakischer Kinder sah. Die Petition finden Sie am Ende des Interviews.
Tina M. Foster: My client was tortured for 700 days
An entire section of the Senate Intelligence Committee‘s executive summary of the CIA torture report focuses on the sadistic abuse of one of my clients. The excerpt, titled „CIA Headquarters Recommends That Untrained Interrogators in Country … Use the CIA‘s Enhanced Interrogation Techniques on“ Redha al-Najar, contains detailed descriptions of the specific methods of torture my client was subjected to while in CIA custody.
Najar, a Tunisian citizen, has been detained without charge for 12 years. Though the U.S. government has never allowed my co-counsel and me to communicate with our client, our own investigation of his case revealed that, in 2002, unknown agents broke into his home in Pakistan, seized him from his family and „disappeared“ him.
U.S. embassy bombing suspect dies ahead of New York trial: NBC News
Abu Anas Al-Liby, whose real name was Nazih al-Ragye, was seized by U.S. forces in October 2013 in the Libyan capital Tripoli and was brought to the United States to face criminal charges stemming from the bombings, which killed 224 people.
US Says Abu Anas Al-Libi, Suspect in 1998 East Africa Terror Attack, Dies After Long Illness
US says Abu Anas al-Libi, suspect in 1998 east Africa terror attack, dies after long illness.
US wants to use letters recovered from raid that killed Osama bin Laden in trial of al-Qaeda terrorist who ‚killed 224 people in 1998 African embassy bombings
(16.12.2014) In papers in Manhattan federal court, prosecutors asked U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan to permit the ‚critically important evidence‘ against Abu Anas al-Libi
Al-Libi was nabbed in Tripoli in October 2013 and brought to the United States to face trial in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa
He has pled not guilty to the attacks
Azerbaijani armed forces officers to participate in NATO courses in Germany
Oberammergau (Germany) will host introductory courses for staff officers of NATO January 5-9, said the press service of the Azerbaijani defense ministry Jan.3.
Drogen: Amerikas längster Krieg (Teil 1 / 3)
Deutsche Bearbeitung des US-Originals
Original: The House I Live In
Regie: Eugene Jarecki
Preise: Großer Preis der Jury — Bester Dokumentarfilm. Sun Dance Filmfestival 2012
Los Angeles Times: „Eines der wichtigsten nichtfiktionalen Werke der letzten Jahre.“
FBI Assists Mexican Government as Mystery Surrounding Missing Students Heightens
The teaching students from the small town of Igualla, Guerrero – in southern Mexico – were kidnapped while traveling to participate in protests commemorating the nearly 50-year-old military massacre of students in the capital square of Tlatelolco.
U.S. Activists: Rallies Planned During Mexican President‘s U.S. Visit
Three months after the disappearance of 43 indigenous students in Iguala, Mexico, activists plan to mobilize on January 5 and 6 to protest Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto‘s visit to the United States.
‚Saving Mexico‘ or saving face? President Peña Nieto hoping for boost from Washington trip
And while the U.S. visit won’t turn things around completely for the Mexican leader, many analysts say it is crucial for him to secure the continued support of the U.S. in Mexico‘s fight against drug cartels and, just as crucially, to convince American investors to put their money on Mexico.
Turkish deputy prime minister to resign
Turkish government‘s spokesman, deputy prime minister, Bulent Arinc plans to leave politics and retire from his post, the Turkish newspaper Milliyet said Jan.3.
European companies intend to cooperate with Iran in gas sphere
The companies from France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Russia hold talks with the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) on the issue of cooperation in the sphere of construction of gas processing plants (GPP) and gas pipelines, said the Head of Investment Committee of the NIGC Asghar Soheilipour.
Der Felsen unserer Existenz
(Grundsatzreferat auf der Konferenz des Kinneret College über den “Felsen unserer Existenz: die Verbindung zwischen Archäologie und Ideologie”)