There are ways to enter the system through the multiple menu levels to get through and disable, but to completely disable also requires you to go down below the main deck into the avionics bay. That requires you to leave the flight deck and go down through a trap door in the floor to do that. But somehow this thing was disabled, so much so that the ground tracking capability was eliminated.
Daily Archives: 21. November 2014
Bungling Nuclear Safety – Fire at Kori Nuclear Power Plant Goes Undetected for Over an Hour
“One of the two smoke detectors is designed to be mute, and the other one sounded an alarm but the employees could not hear it,” the corporation explained. The alarm was displayed in the main control center but the employees did not see or hear anything.
The slow response to the fire is troubling, since the facility trained to fight them just this summer.
This is why I deleted Uber from my phone, and why you should too
So Uber is run by self-aggrandising fratboy jerks who appear to value earning money over paltry concerns like women‘s rights, customer safety, or privacy. Plenty of companies are run by jerks, but what makes Uber different is that being a jerk is the company‘s business plan.
US Navy ships collide in the Gulf of Aden
Involved in the collision were USNS Amelia Earhart (T-AKE 6), a Military Sealift Command (MSC) dry cargo and ammunition ship, and USNS Walter S. Diehl (T-AO 193), a MSC fleet replenishment oiler. Both vessels provide logistical support for the Navy‘s Fifth Fleet. (photo)
Earth´s Disappearing Groundwater
(5. November) Most of the major aquifers in the world’s arid and semi-arid zones—the parts of the world that rely most heavily on groundwater—are experiencing rapid rates of depletion because of water use by farms. As shown in the chart above—based on data collected by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)—this includes include the North China Plain, Australia’s Canning Basin, the Northwest Sahara Aquifer System, the Guarani Aquifer in South America, the High Plains and Central Valley aquifers of the United States, and the aquifers beneath northwestern India and the Middle East.
Italy`s Beppe Grillo, `We will leave the Euro and bring down this system of bankers, of scum.´
I do hope Mr. Grillo is not planning a trip with a private jet anywhere soon.(…)
The chart below is not a good sign for the frankenstein experiment we like to call the Eurozone.
`Profite ja – was schert uns der Dreck´
Pikant sei, dass Bernhard Fischer, Ex-Chef von E.on-Kernkraft, und der Gewerkschafter Erhard Ott, Mitglied im E.on-Aufsichtsrat, in der Endlagerkommission sitzen, die Teil des StandAG ist. Ehmke: “Dazu kommt der Chef eines der größten Abfallverursacher, Gerd Jäger, stellvertretener Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Urananreicherungsanlage Urenco.
Dänische Verkehrsbehörde zeigt Uber an
Die dänische Polizei ermittelt gegen Uber: Das Unternehmen verstoße gegen das Personenbeförderungsgesetz.
Überwachung bei Uber?
Es kommt immer mehr ans Licht: Uber kann offenbar die Wege seiner Passagiere live verfolgen
The Cree Nation reaffirms their opposition to uranium development on their land
(14. November) “We are determined to protect the integrity of our land and our way of life, as well as ensuring a future for generations yet to come.”
Die Welt ist Klang: A Tribute to Pete Namlook
Die Welt ist Klang is a tribute to Peter Kuhlmann, aka Pete Namlook. What started as a 4-CD set has now grown into 8 CDs!
RIP, Peter Kuhlmann 25.11.1960 – 08.11.2012
Brasilien und Uruguay handeln ohne US-Dollar
Vom 1. Dezember dieses Jahres an werden Brasilien und Uruguay ihre nationalen Währungen für geschäftliche Transaktionen verwenden. Das neue Zahlungssystem wird dann den US-Dollar im bilateralen Handel ersetzen.
Israeli Involvement in Britain’s National Security
Was this a consideration that persuaded the Cameron government to change the law on Universal Jurisdiction to allow Israeli military personnel to visit the UK without fear of private prosecution for alleged war crimes and could it be a factor in the overt support of Mr Cameron for the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) lobby in Westminster? Could it also be the reason that this government takes no action to prevent Israel’s continued expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem that clearly violate international human rights law – or are all of these facts merely coincidental circumstance?
Kommentar: WhatsApp verschlüsselt – und ihr motzt?
echte Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung für Milliarden WhatsApp-Anwender – und das standardmäßig, ohne zusätzliche Gebühren – das ist ein gewaltiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Und damit ein Grund sich zu freuen.
Natürlich gibt es dabei viele Wenns und Aber. Doch das Projekt hat mehr Potenzial als alles, was ich in diese Richtung bisher gesehen habe. Und Leute wie Moxie Marlinspike haben sich in den vergangenen Jahren meinen Respekt erarbeitet.
WhatsApp: Telekom & Vodafone fordern direkten Zugang
(7. November) Insgesamt zehn europäische Telekommunikationskonzerne sollen die Europäische Kommission in einem gemeinsamen Schreiben dazu aufgefordert haben, Internet-Konzerne wie Google, Facebook und Apple stärker zu regulieren. Laut einem Bericht von RP Online haben das Schreiben unter anderem Tim Höttges, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Telekom und Vodafone-CEO Vittorio Colao unterzeichnet. Weitere Unterstützter sind Telefónica (O2 & E-Plus), Orange und TeliaSonera.
Vodafone Deutschland hat übrigens manches verschwiegen, „aus Gründen die uns nicht offengelegt wurden“.
(6. Juni)
Law Enforcement Disclosure Report
(Juni 2014) Refusal to comply with a country’s laws is not an option. If we do not comply with a lawful demand for assistance, governments can remove our licence to operate, preventing us from providing services to our customers. Our employees who live and work in the country concerned may also be at risk of criminal sanctions, including imprisonment.
Business Vodafone Vodafone reveals existence of secret wires that allow state surveillance
(6. Juni) Wires allow agencies to listen to or record live conversations, in what privacy campaigners are calling a ‚nightmare scenario‘
Hat @MikeMohring wirklich #r2g in Thüringen mit der chinesischen Revolution verglichen? Der Mann ist doch vollständig Gaga.
LVZ: Mohring: “Mit Ramelow beginnt der lange Marsch der Linken auf das Kanzleramt in Berlin”
Jihadi bride’s mother was never in Syria, public prosecutor says
The family lawyer Françoise Landerloo said earlier the girls’ mother had been to Syria twice in an effort to bring back her daughter, a Muslim convert who went to Syria in February. (…)
Landerloo told the NRC would not comment about the public prosecutor’s claims because the case is not supposed to be discussed in the public arena.
Mum frees Dutch teen jihadi bride, stuck in Turkey with no passport
(18. November) According to Limburg media the girl’s mother, named as Monique, travelled to Turkey in October in an effort to find her daughter and made a second trip last week, despite being told it was too dangerous.
The two managed to leave Syria but were stopped at the Turkish border because the girl does not have a valid passport. The foreign affairs ministry is now involved and the two hope to be back in the Netherlands within a week, the mother’s lawyer Françoise Landerloo is quoted as saying by the NRC.
Xilong part 2
Wir laufen die Nacht wieder zurück an den Ort seiner Arbeit. Ein Bagger schuftet, ein gelber Dinosaurier. Die Lampen brennen auf den Köpfen von Arbeitern, die in Seilen an der riesigen Hauswand hängen wie Matrosen an einem Schiff. Es gibt keinen Feierabend. Wir sehen in jedes der kleinen, schmutzigen Restaurants. Xilong ist nicht da. Wir laufen, obwohl es längst sinnlos ist stundenlang weiter. Plötzlich, aus dem Irgendwo ist er da. Ein fast unmöglicher Zufall in der Riesenstadt Shanghai. Sein Gesicht leuchtet kurz auf als er uns sieht. Dann versinkt es wieder in sich.
Israel finanzierte IS-Verbündete
Am Montag erklärte ein Sprecher von Jundallah dann, man habe dem IS Treue geschworen, «was immer die Pläne» der Terrormiliz seien. Bemerkenswert daran ist nicht nur, dass der IS dank Jundallah offenbar in Pakistan Fuss gefasst hat. Ebenso bemerkenswert ist, dass Israels Geheimdienst Mossad die Terroristen jahrelang unterstützte.
False Flag
(13. Januar 2012) The officials did not know whether the Israeli program to recruit and use Jundallah is ongoing. Nevertheless, they were stunned by the brazenness of the Mossad‘s efforts.
„It‘s amazing what the Israelis thought they could get away with,“ the intelligence officer said. „Their recruitment activities were nearly in the open. They apparently didn‘t give a damn what we thought.“
Pakistan Taliban splinter group vows allegiance to ISIS
(17. November) A splinter group of Pakistan‘s Taliban has pledged support to ISIS, a spokesman said Monday, in another indication of the appeal of the Iraq- and Syria-based jihadi group in a region traditionally dominated by al-Qaeda and local insurgencies.
Jundullah announced its backing after meeting a three-man delegation representing ISIS led by al Zubair al Kuwaiti, the group‘s spokesman Fahad Marwat told Reuters.
Somalia: Parlament verbietet Einmischung der Ausländer – Konferenz in Kopenhagen
Mogadischu befindet sich im tiefsten Bürgerkrieg. Ein Minister oder Parlamentsmitglied nach dem anderen wird hingerichtet. Vierzehn Minister forderten den Premier vor vier Tagen am 16.November auf, innerhalb vierundzwanzig Stunden zurückzutreten. Am gleichen Tag reisten Delegationen aus den Truppen stellenden Ländern und den Geberländern nach Mogadischu. “Die internationale Gemeinschaft ist der Ansicht, der Ministerpräsident hat das Büro zu verlassen.”
Israeli intel: Iran nuclear deal unlikely by deadline; talks will be extended
The research department of Israeli Military Intelligence now believes that a permanent agreement on Iran’s nuclear program is unlikely before the November 24 deadline.
Kerry and French Counterpart Meet Ahead of Iran Nuclear Talks in Vienna
some of the United States’ negotiating partners have already begun to send signals that the immediate goal is a partial understanding that would codify fresh progress while extending the negotiating deadline yet again.
Kerry zu Iran-Gesprächen in Wien eingetroffen
US-Außenminister John Kerry ist am Donnerstag zu den Iran-Gesprächen in Wien eingetroffen. Das berichtete ein RIA-Novosti-Korrespondent vor Ort.
German FM to join Vienna 8 negotiations on Saturday
“The German foreign minister is currently in South Africa and will join the Vienna 8 negotiations on Saturday,” said the member of the Iranian nuclear negotiation team.
#UNGA adopts resolution on #Afghanistan introduced by Germany. Strong sign of int‘l support also beyond the end of #ISAF. @AfghanMissionUN
Auslandseinsatz der Bundeswehr: Neues Mandat für Afghanistan
Auch nach Ende des Kampfeinsatzes bleibt die Bundeswehr in Afghanistan. Ab Januar 2015 werden sich bis zu 850 Soldatinnen und Soldaten an dem Nato-geführten Einsatz Resolute Support Mission beteiligen. Das hat das Kabinett beschlossen.
(17. November) Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu discussed the crisis in Syria and Iraq with U.S. President Barack Obama on Saturday and shared the latest diplomatic developments with editors-in-chief, who were accompanying him during the Australia visit. In his Friday remarks in Brisbane, Davutoğlu welcomed media reports that Obama was asking his advisers to review their Syria strategy. As both leaders discussed recent developments in Syria and Iraq, Obama and Davutoğlu agreed that ISIS could not be defeated unless Syrian President Bashar Assad was toppled.
Turkey, Iraq agree to act in concert against ISIL threat
The Turkish and Iraqi prime ministers agreed to make joint anti-terrorism efforts to restore regional peace and stability through more frequent consultations and open sharing of all security matters, they announced at a press conference on Thursday, Anadolu Agency reported.
White House Apparently Doing Everything To Stop Release Of CIA Torture Report
On Tuesday evening, Senator Dianne Feinstein had told reporters that the Senate Intelligence Committee and the White House were finally close to an agreement to finalize the release of the declassified executive summary of the CIA torture report. As we‘ve been discussing for months, back in April the Senate Intelligence Committee agreed to declassify the 480-page executive summary of the 6,300-page report (which cost $40 million to put together). As we‘d noted, the CIA and White House first offered up redactions that made the whole thing „incomprehensible“ according to some in the Senate.
‘You don’t want us to breathe!‘: Video captures everyday frustration of life under occupation in East Jerusalem
During yesterday’s interview on Democracy Now, Rashid Khalid said increased settlement activity in East Jerusalem had penetrated “neighborhood after neighborhood, Arab neighborhoods that have never seen armed settlers, with a heavy military and police presence to guard them, are now slowly, but surely, being colonized one by one. And so, you’re basically turning up the heat on a very, very hot situation, and that’s been going on now for many months.”
Is it, by design, creating a tinderbox intended to make people snap?
Jordan arrests deputy head of Muslim Brotherhood for criticizing UAE
„The leadership of the UAE is playing the role of American policeman in the area and performs the dirtiest roles to help the Zionist project and is behind all destructive acts against the Muslim and Arab nations‘ aspirations,“ Bani Rushaid said.
Japan raises military profile in naval war games with U.S.
Japan stepped up its role in large-scale war games with the United States this week, with one of its admirals commanding air and sea maneuvers that the U.S. military described as the most complex ever overseen by the Japanese navy.
Martial law to stay in Thailand: minister
Thailand‘s martial law will not be lifted for the foreseeable future, the justice minister said on Friday, despite an earlier pledge to lift the law in some provinces to help the tourism industry which has struggled since a military coup in May.
Republicans Slam Obama Over Immigration Executive Order
Obama has said that he was forced to act alone because Congress failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform. He has also said that immigration reform passed by Congress could supersede his executive order.
U.S. releases five Guantanamo detainees to Georgia, Slovakia
Obama promised to shut the detainee camp down during his 2008 presidential campaign, citing its damage to the U.S. reputation around the world. But Obama has so far been unable to do so, in part because of resistance from Congress.
Renzi, unions tussle over Jobs Act
Premier Matteo Renzi on Thursday blasted the decision by two of Italy‘s big three union confederations, the CGIL and UIL, to call a general strike on December 12 against the government‘s Jobs Act labour reform and its 2015 budget bill, which labor argues does not allocate enough money for welfare and unemployment in continued hard times.
EU, Azerbaijan have similar energy interests – SOCAR
“SOCAR together with 25 global companies works on a number of oil and gas projects,” he said. “The Southern Gas Corridor project is among them. It will ensure Azerbaijani gas supply to Europe from Shah Deniz field. A significant part of a $ 45 billion amount to be invested in the project implementation accounted for SOCAR. The components of this project are the South Caucasus, Trans-Anatolian, Trans-Adriatic gas pipelines. This proves once again that we stand for the security of the EU energy supply.“
UK to intensify co-op with Georgia
Georgian Deputy Economy Minister Mikheil Janelidze and the country’s Deputy Energy Minister Mariam Valishvili met with UK Trade Minister, Lord Ian Livingston in London.
THE VISITOR, Tagebuch: Shanghai
Als wir ankommen, am Flughafen, will ich umkehren. Sofort. Das Gefühl verstärkt sich, während wir in die Stadt fahren, gut organisiert mit Bussen. Ein grauer Himmel empfängt uns. Stählern, unzugänglich, durchorganisiert und wohlbekannt wie schon der Flughafen. Was sollen wir hier? Ich sehne mich nach dem Anderen, dem Fremden. Das ist es nicht. So weit geflogen, um nicht weg zu sein.
Wir, also meine Kamerafrau Paola und ich, beziehen eine Wohnung im französischen Viertel. Sie ist luxuriös, wir haben jede ein Zimmer. Wir fahren Metro, laufen im Quartier. In der Metro kichern junge Paare und zwicken sich. An den Häuserwänden hängen riesige Screens mit Shampoo Werbefilmen.