Daily Archives: 31. Oktober 2014

31.10.2014 - 23:29 [ Radio Utopie ]

New Yorker C.I.A.-Polizeischergen vergreifen sich brutal an Ray McGovern

Der Verhaftete ist Ray McGovern, ehemaliger C.I.A.-Spezialist und prominenter Friedensaktivist, der mit dem “Sam Adams”-Whistleblower-Preis geehrt wurde, Mitbegründer von Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), Mitglied in der Anti-Kriegs-Gruppe Not in Our Name und mit vielen weiteren Friedensbemühungen anderer Organisationen verbunden

31.10.2014 - 21:00 [ Trend ]

Social networks need to be used, not fought against – Iranian minister

Earlier, the judicial system of Iran gave a 3-months period to the state to impose censorship on the Internet, but the government didn’t take any measures.

31.10.2014 - 20:02 [ Der Standard ]

Burkina Faso: Präsident erklärt nach Unruhen Rücktritt

Angesichts von Protesten zehntausender Bürger gegen Compaoré mit 30 Toten und zahlreichen Verletzten hatte das Militär am Vortag das Parlament aufgelöst und die Einsetzung einer Übergangsregierung angekündigt. Außerdem rief die Armee den Ausnahmezustand aus und verhängte eine Ausgangssperre zwischen 19 und 6 Uhr.

31.10.2014 - 18:04 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Kommentar des Departements für Information und Presse des Außenministeriums Russlands zu den Aussagen des Vorsitzenden der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Wolfgang Ischinger

In letzter Zeit gab es keinen Mangel an so genannten analytischen Materialien zur Ukrainethematik mit offen tendenziösem und provokativem antirussischen Charakter. Wir vermerken mit Bedauern, dass sich der Vorsitzende der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Wolfgang Ischinger, in die Phalanx derjenigen eingereiht hat, die nicht vor der Verwendung von „doppelten Standards“ und der Erhebung von erdachten Anschuldigen haltmachen.

31.10.2014 - 17:18 [ Quinn Norton / Medium ]

Everything Is Broken

the biggest of all the cultural problems still lies with the one group I haven’t taken to task yet — the normal people living their lives under all this insanity.

The problem with the normals and tech is the same as the problem with the normals and politics, or society in general. People believe they are powerless and alone, but the only thing that keeps people powerless and alone is that same belief. People, working together, are immensely and terrifyingly powerful.

There is certainly a limit to what an organized movement of people who share a mutual dream can do, but we haven’t found it yet.

31.10.2014 - 17:18 [ Radio Utopie ]

Kanadischer Sicherheitsexperte: N.A.T.O. grosse Bedrohung für ihre Mitglieder und den Rest der Welt

“Die N.A.T.O. lebt in einer einigermassen seltsamen Fantasiewelt. Es erinnert mich an den Warschauer Pakt. Auf einer bestimmten Ebene, müssen Sie wissen, ist jedes Wort, das sie sagen eine Lüge und doch wird es gesagt. Ich weiss ehrlich nicht, was los ist. Ich unterstützte die N.A.T.O. in den Tagen des Kalten Krieges. Aber im Moment ist es gerade diese Vernichtung wie ein Moloch – dieses riesige Fahrzeug rollt zum Zermahlmen, Zerschlagung und Zerstörung auf.”

31.10.2014 - 17:04 [ Haaretz ]

West making big mistake in fighting ISIS, says senior Israeli officer

A senior Northern Command officer said Thursday that the Western coalition is making a big mistake in fighting against ISIS.

The coalition forces‘ attacks against the Islamic State support the „radical Shi‘ite axis,“ the unnamed officer said. „A strange situation has been created in which the United States, Canada and France are on the same side as Hezbollah, Iran and Assad. That doesn‘t make sense,“ he said.

31.10.2014 - 16:54 [ Arutz Sheva 7 ]

Jordan Threatens to Revoke Peace Treaty Over Temple Mount

Mohammed Al-Momani, Jordan‘s Minister of Media Affairs and Communications and spokesperson for the Jordanian government, said the peace treaty is „under threat“ if Israel continues „breaching“ the status of the Temple Mount, Arabic-language Sky News reported, as cited by Yedioth Aharonoth.

He also threatened that Jordan had put together a plan to oppose the Israeli „breaches“ on the Temple Mount and eastern Jerusalem.

31.10.2014 - 16:47 [ Youtube ]


On Saturday Morning, October 18th, 2014, BLOCK THE BOAT – LOS ANGELES began a successful 2 ½ day-long blockade of the Israeli-owned “Zim Savannah” cargo ship that had scheduled to dock in the Port of Long Beach that day. Activists from all over Southern California (Including: KPFK radio host, Margaret Prescod) had gathered once again at the Pier “A” Plaza to begin their long-planned blockade.

31.10.2014 - 16:46 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Al Aqsa mosque is closed off for first time in 47 years as tensions flare

(30. Oktober) For the first time since 1967 the Israeli military has closed off Haram al-Sharif – the Noble Sanctuary and Al Aqsa Mosque to worshipers. A spokesperson for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas described the closure of the holy site as a “declaration of war“. The Israeli army is currently attacking protesters in Old City of Jerusalem. But protests are expected to continue all over Palestine in a “Day of Rage“.

31.10.2014 - 16:41 [ Techdirt ]

FBI Holds Secret Meeting To Scare Congress Into Backdooring Phone Encryption

In September, both Apple and Google announced plans to encrypt information on iOS and Android devices by default. Almost immediately, there was a collective freakout by law enforcement types. But, try as they might, these law enforcement folks couldn‘t paint any realistic scenario of where this would be a serious problem. Sure, they conjured up scenarios, but upon inspection they pretty much all fell apart. Instead, what was clear was that encryption could protect users from people copying information off of phones without permission, and, in fact, the FBI itself recommends you encrypt the data on your phone.

31.10.2014 - 16:41 [ Interceot ]

The Inside Story Of Matt Taibbi’s Departure From First Look Media

Taibbi and other journalists who came to First Look believed they were joining a free-wheeling, autonomous, and unstructured institution. What they found instead was a confounding array of rules, structures, and systems imposed by Omidyar and other First Look managers on matters both trivial—which computer program to use to internally communicate, mandatory regular company-wide meetings, mandated use of a “responsibility assignment matrix” called a “RASCI,” popular in business-school circles for managing projects—as well as more substantive issues.

31.10.2014 - 16:33 [ trend.az ]

Development of Kazakhstan’s Eurasian transit potential related to alternative routes

He made the remarks at the meeting of the “World of Eurasia’ expert group on the topic titled ‘By expanding the single market: transit potential of EAU’.

He said Kazakhstan may develop its Eurasian transit potential by increasing its activity on alternative routes, that’s to say, by developing the transit in its corridor, as well as the alternative routes beyond the EAU.

31.10.2014 - 16:32 [ Techdirt ]

New Zealand‘s Trade Minister Admits They Keep TPP Documents Secret To Avoid ‚Public Debate‘

A couple years ago, then US Trade Representative Ron Kirk explained why the negotiating text of trade agreements like the TPP needed to be kept secret: because if the public debated it, the agreement probably wouldn‘t be approved. He used, as an example, a failed trade agreement where the text had been public. Beyond the „small sample size“ problem of this explanation, the much more troubling aspect is the obvious question of recognizing that if public debate would kill the agreement, perhaps it‘s the agreement that‘s the problem and not the public.

31.10.2014 - 16:31 [ Techdirt ]

FBI‘s Use Of ‚Sneak And Peek‘ Warrants Still Steadily Increasing, Still Has Nearly Nothing To Do With Fighting Terrorism

Another tool supposedly „crucial“ to the War on Terror is just another lowly footsoldier in the War on Drugs. Some long-delayed reports on Section 213 „sneak and peek“ warrants have finally been released by the US government, providing more detail on the constantly-expanding use of delayed-notification warrants by the FBI.

While Section 213 didn‘t originate with the regrettable PATRIOT Act, it did coattail ride the government-expanding legislation into legitimacy. Robert Mueller, director of the FBI at the time, made this statement in 2005 defending the ongoing use of these warrants.

31.10.2014 - 16:30 [ Facebook ]

Making Connections to Facebook more Secure

To make their experience more consistent with our goals of accessibility and security, we have begun an experiment which makes Facebook available directly over Tor network at the following URL:


31.10.2014 - 12:40 [ Barents Observer ]

American scientists unearth lost 1960s polar satellite images worth billions

14. Oktober Gallaher had heard about the data from Nimbus and other weather satellites at a conference, and wondered what it might contain. He called up the National Climatic Data Centre (NCDC) in North Carolina where it was all stored, and asked if they might send him the satellite’s photos of Greenland. If he could get his hands on them, it would be a goldmine for a scientist who studies time-series data: they would be the earliest existing satellite photos of the island, giving him a special insight into the history of the largest body of ice in the northern hemisphere…

31.10.2014 - 11:31 [ trend.az ]

Azerbaijan, EU to create new joint committee

Work is underway to create a new joint committee of Azerbaijan and the EU, the Head of the EU Delegation in Azerbaijan Malena Mard told Trend Oct. 30.

She said the committee will monitor the implementation of agreements on visa facilitation between Azerbaijan and the EU, which came into force on Sept. 1.

31.10.2014 - 11:29 [ trend.az ]

Barzani: Turkish, US support sent peshmerga to Kobani

Turkish approval and U.S. support enabled Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighers to go to Kobani, the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government leader said on Thursday Anadolu Agency reported

Massoud Barzani said that the access of peshmerga forces into Kobani would have been impossible without Turkey‘s assent, in a written statement.

31.10.2014 - 11:13 [ Karl Nagel ]

Hysterische Medien-Märchen rund um die „Hooligans gegen Salafismus“: Chaostage von Rechts

Wenn man einmal erlebt hat (und das war nicht das letzte Mal!), wie auf diese Weise die wildgewordene Sau durchs Dorf getrieben wird, dann ist bei medialer Katastrophenstimmung grundsätzlich Mißtrauen angesagt. Auch wenn es sich wie in diesem Fall um Leute – die “Hools gegen Salafismus” handelt, die großen Mist verzapfen und sich dazu noch mit ausgewiesenen Nazis verbünden.

Mit der politischen Analyse des Tuns besagter Hools will ich mich hier nicht beschäftigen – da finden sich anderswo im Netz ganz brauchbare Texte, z.B. HIER. Mich interessiert hier mehr der massenpsychologische und mediale Aspek des Ganzen. Und natürlich die Parallelen zu den Chaostagen, in die ich ja bekanntermaßen mehr als nur verstrickt war, und die es gleich stapelweise gibt.