Artikel 9 Absatz 3 des Grundgesetzes besagt: „Das Recht, zur Wahrung und Förderung der Arbeits- und Wirtschaftsbedingungen Vereinigungen zu bilden, ist für jedermann und für alle Berufe gewährleistet. Selbst die DB stellte am 20. August 2014 fest, dass 51 Prozent der 37 000 Beschäftigten ihres Zugpersonals in der GDL organisiert sind. Abreden, die dieses Recht einschränken oder zu behindern suchen, sind nichtig, hierauf gerichtete Maßnahmen sind rechtswidrig.“ Bisher haben alle DB-Angebote darauf abgezielt, dieses Recht einzuschränken und die GDL daran gehindert, Tarifverträge für ihre Mitglieder zu schließen. Weselsky: „Wir werden die Grundrechte unserer Mitglieder wahren und Tarifverträge verhandeln und abschließen, weil wir von unseren Mitgliedern dazu beauftragt sind.“
Daily Archives: 24. Oktober 2014
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club
Essentially, the unipolar world is simply a means of justifying dictatorship over people and countries. The unipolar world turned out too uncomfortable, heavy and unmanageable a burden even for the self-proclaimed leader. Comments along this line were made here just before and I fully agree with this. This is why we see attempts at this new historic stage to recreate a semblance of a quasi-bipolar world as a convenient model for perpetuating American leadership. It does not matter who takes the place of the centre of evil in American propaganda, the USSR’s old place as the main adversary. It could be Iran, as a country seeking to acquire nuclear technology, China, as the world’s biggest economy, or Russia, as a nuclear superpower.
Today, we are seeing new efforts to fragment the world, draw new dividing lines, put together coalitions not built for something but directed against someone, anyone, create the image of an enemy as was the case during the Cold War years, and obtain the right to this leadership, or diktat if you wish. The situation was presented this way during the Cold War. We all understand this and know this. The United States always told its allies: “We have a common enemy, a terrible foe, the centre of evil, and we are defending you, our allies, from this foe, and so we have the right to order you around, force you to sacrifice your political and economic interests and pay your share of the costs for this collective defence, but we will be the ones in charge of it all of course.” In short, we see today attempts in a new and changing world to reproduce the familiar models of global management, and all this so as to guarantee their [the US’] exceptional position and reap political and economic dividends.
But these attempts are increasingly divorced from reality and are in contradiction with the world’s diversity.
Putin warnt vor unbedachten Schritten in globaler Politik
„Wir sind uns darüber im Klaren, dass die Welt in eine Epoche von Wandlungen und tiefgreifender Transformationen eingetreten ist. Daher müssten wir alle äußerst vorsichtig sein, um unbedachte Schritte zu vermeiden. In der Zeit nach Ende des Kalten Krieges haben sich die Teilnehmer der internationalen Politik etwas entspannt. Jetzt kommt es darauf an, sich an das Alte zu erinnern… Sonst wird die gegenwärtige Krise einen Zusammenbruch der globalen Ordnung einleiten“, warnte Putin.
US-PYD rapprochement: a shift in Washington’s strategy?
Recent developments make Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani more than ever critical in shaping the regional politics. By being at the epicenter of US-PYD-Turkey relations, the Kurdistan Regional Government needs to capitalize on this moment of opportunity.
Mustafa Gurbuz is a policy fellow at Center for Global Policy at George Mason University and a research fellow at Rethink Institute in Washington, DC.
Kurdish Parties in Syria Sign ‘Dohuk’ Deal to Fight ISIL
(23. Oktober) After 10 days of negotiations, the agreement was announced between the Kurdish National Assembly in Syria, or the ENKS, and the Western Kurdistan Democratic Social Movement or Democratic Society Movement, or the TEV-DEM. Both sides also held a meeting with the Kurdish regional government‘s leader, Massoud Barzani. (…)
The Kurdish National Assembly in Syria is considered close to Barzani.
Dohuk is the capital of Dohuk Governorate in Iraq.
Rohrabacher Introduces Legislation to Assist Kurds in ISIL Fight
(19. September) The first bill expresses a sense of the House of Representatives that it supports the intention of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq to hold a referendum on independence. A successful referendum, according to the congressman’s initiative, would be honored by the United States, which would recognize Kurdistan as “an independent and sovereign country.”
Rohrabacher also introduced legislation to enable Kurdistan to sell its crude oil more freely and to send arms to its regional government, thereby bypassing Baghdad’s bureaucracy.
Rep. Rohrabacher Introduces Bill to Clarify Crude Oil Ownership within Jurisdiction of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq
(25. September) Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., has introduced legislation (H.R. 5679) to „clarify the ownership of crude oil produced within the jurisdiction of the Kurdistan Regional Govern . . .
A Mysterious Oil Tanker Might Hold the Key to Kurdish Independence
(23. Oktober) Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) has sponsored a bill that seeks to endorse the Kurds’ right to sell oil, including inside the U.S. “We need to ensure the Kurds are a force substantial enough to counter [Islamic State], but right now we’re trying to make them subservient to Baghdad,” says Rohrabacher, who in 2009 sponsored legislation to establish a U.S. consulate in the Kurdish capital of Erbil, which opened in 2011.
France to further support Kurdistan Region
(23. Oktober) Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ( – Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani yesterday received France’s newly appointed ambassador to Iraq, Mr Mark Barety, and his accompanying delegation.
US delegation pledges America‘s continued support for Kurdistan
(17. Oktober) The Prime Minister, along with a number of senior Kurdistan Regional Government officials yesterday in Erbil welcomed the United States Deputy National Secretary Advisor Anthony Blinken and his accompanying delegation.
British Foreign Secretary in Erbil: You will not be alone in your figh
(14. Oktober) Secretary Hammond also commented on bilateral relations between the United Kingdom and the Kurdistan Region, reflecting his country‘s interest in developing and consolidating the relationship acros all sectors. He added that this matter had been discussed with Prime Minister Barzani during his last trip to the United Kingdom. He highlighted the importance of continued cooperation to commence direct flights between London and Erbil, adding that they will work to complete this initiative in a way that suits both parties.
Streit um EU-Nachzahlung aus Großbritannien: Desaster mit Potenzial
Brüssels Ruf nach einer Milliarden-Nachzahlung bringt das Vereinte Königreich in Rage. Selbst Premier Cameron zeigt sich wütend wie nie.
David Cameron labels EU demand for extra £1.7bn from UK unacceptable
David Cameron believes the demand for £1.7bn from Britain is “unacceptable” and has secured a gathering of Treasury ministers to discuss the recalculation of contributions, which has hit the UK, Italy and the Netherlands with additional bills, while France and Germany are to receive a rebate.
Briten verlangen Sondertreffen wegen EU-Nachzahlung
Die EU fordert von Großbritannien eine Nachzahlung über 2,1 Milliarden Euro bis zum 1. Dezember. Grund dafür ist laut der Financial Times und dem Guardian der Erfolg der britischen Wirtschaft. Diese sei seit 1995 stärker gewachsen als ursprünglich kalkuliert.
Kolportierte Stresstestergebnisse – 25 Banken in der Euro-Zone fallen durch
#Putin arrives at #valdai2014, flanked by Wolfgang Schuessel and Dominique de Villepin
LIVE: Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin bei der 11. Sitzung des Valdai-Clubs
Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin nimmt an der Schlusstagung des 11. Treffens des Internationalen Diskussionsclubs Valdai teil. RIA Novosti überträgt die Tagung zum Thema „Die neue Weltordnung: Neue Regeln oder keine Regeln?“ live mit englischer Übersetzung.
Syrische Armee beginnt mit Befreiung von Erdöl-Revieren in Provinz Homs
Die syrische Armee hat den Extremisten im Distrikt Shaer in der Provinz Homs die Erdölbohrung abgerungen, wie der libanesische TV-Sender „Al-Mayadin“ berichtet.
Dem TV-Sender zufolge setzen die Regierungstruppen die Offensive fort, um alle Erdöl-Reviere der Provinz, die in Zentralsyrien liegt, von Extremisten zu befreien.
Al-Jaafari: Time has come for the UN to punish the terrorist coalition that seeks to destroy Syria
Syria’s Permanent Envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari stressed that time has come for the UN to move and punish the terrorist coalition of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel which seeks to destroy Syria and eliminate the Palestinian cause in order to achieve the so-called project of “Israel as a Jewish state”.
Russia blames US-led Coalition’s lack of coordination with Syrian government for ISIS seizure of US weapons
Russian Foreign Ministry said the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization has seized US weapons because the US refused to cooperate with the Syrian government in the war on terror.
“There is no coordination whatsoever between the Coalition and Damascus because Washington insists on not acknowledging the Syrian government as a partner in the war against terrorism,” the RT website quoted the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich as saying during a press conference in Moscow.
Telephone conversation with German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel
At Germany’s initiative, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel.
Sao Paulo
Anders als in Moskau und Mumbai, in der wir der existentiellen Angst der Bewohner begegnen aber kaum der unseren, wird sie uns in Sao Paulo mit jedem Schritt hinaus begleiten, auf eine kalte Art, die uns immer ein wenig lächerlich erscheinen lässt. Wir versuchen unser Risiko einzudämmen, wenn wir Fremden folgen, wenn wir mit unserer Kamera durch unbekannte Strassenzüge irren.
Seanad calls on Government to recognise Palestine
The motion called on the „Government to formally recognise the state of Palestine and do everything it can to help secure a viable two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so that citizens of both states can live in peace and security“.
It had cross-party support and passed without a vote.
U.S., Israel have few options to stop the Palestinian diplomatic momentum
‚Palestine 194‘: The energetic global diplomatic and public relations efforts toward Palestinian state recognition that largely bypasses the U.S. and leaves Israel to protest from the sidelines.
The lonely life of the subversive Israeli leftist
If Israelis like me are ‚radical left,‘ then there are no more moderates among us and the whole country is right, posing as ‚center.‘
(Part 3) Middle East (including the Palestinian question) – Security Council, 7281st meeting
List of speakers:
5.Observer State of the Holy See
6.Plurinational State of Bolivia
9.Islamic Republic of Iran
14.Sri Lanka
17.South Africa
Israel (further statements)
Palestine (further statements)
(Part 2) Middle East (including the Palestinian question) – Security Council, 7281st meeting
List of speakers:
1. Lithuania
2.Argentina (President)
5.Saudi Arabia
6.Syrian Arab Republic
11.His Excellency Mr. Thomas Mayr-Harting-Head of the Delegation of the Eupean Union to the United Nations
17.His Excellency Mr. Fode Seck, Chairman of the Committee on the excercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.
(Part 1) Middle East (including the Palestinian question) – Security Council, 7281st meeting
Chief Palestinian negotiator issues statehood ultimatum
He said a resolution would be put to the United Nations Security Council next month calling for a November 2017 deadline for the establishment of two states based on the boundaries that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, when Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza and seized East Jerusalem – the areas the Palestinians want for an independent state.
Intelligence ties with Iran get fillip after border unrest
Pakistani and Iranian officials met in Teheran on Wednesday where the two sides agreed on intelligence cooperation at the porous border between the neighbouring countries.
Kazakhstan, Great Britain discuss military cooperation
„The meeting was held as part the military cooperation plan between Kazakhstan and Great Britain,” a statement says. “The sides discussed further development of cooperation in the military and military-technical spheres. Among the perspective areas of cooperation are the exchange of experience in the military training, professionalism of the armed forces, cyber-security.“
Chinese peacekeepers expected in South Sudan at start of 2015: U.N.
Some 700 Chinese peacekeepers are expected to join a United Nations mission in South Sudan at the start of next year, the head of the U.N. operation said on Wednesday, though she appealed for Beijing to deploy the battalion „sooner rather than later.“
Brazil‘s president widens lead in polls ahead of Sunday vote
President Dilma Rousseff has a clear lead over opposition candidate Aecio Neves and would win Sunday‘s presidential election runoff by six to eight percentage points, two opinion polls showed on Thursday.
UK‘s Cameron to object to EU budget plans at leaders‘ summit -source
Prime Minister David Cameron plans to use a meeting of European leaders this week to lobby against European Union requests for member states to stump up more money, a British government source said.
Renzi dismisses talk of EU ‚threats‘
According to some reports, the EC wants a much bigger reduction in the structural deficit – which, unlike the nominal budget deficit figure, is adjusted for the business cycle – of around 0.5% of GDP in order to make inroads into Italy‘s massive public debt.
Is Israel‘s president an anti-Semite?
President Rivlin just called Israel a ‚sick society.‘ If he was an American politician, he‘d be probably forced out of his job.
Using Ebola To Scare Israelis Off African Migrants
According to the latest decision, passengers coming to Israel from any country in Africa have to fill out a questionnaire and have their body temperature checked. This new protocol is an expansion of a procedure that included only passengers from countries with incidences of Ebola: Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leon.
As part of the new protocol, even passengers coming from Cairo ¬— only about an hour flight from Tel Aviv — are getting tested, as they come from “Africa.”
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Janu sagt:
23. Oktober 2014 um 19:16
“Radio Utopie” ist nach meiner Einschätzung ein typischer “israelischer Kampfblog”.
Climate change PROVED to be ‚nothing but a lie‘, claims top meteorologist
Climate expert William Happer, from Princeton University, supported Mr Coleman‘s claims.
He added: „No chemical compound in the atmosphere has a worse reputation than CO2, thanks to the single-minded demonisation of this natural and essential atmospheric gas by advocates of government control and energy production.
„The incredible list of supposed horrors that increasing carbon dioxide will bring the world is pure belief disguised as science.“
In 2010 a high-level inquiry by the InterAcademy Council found there was „little evidence“ to support the IPCC‘s claims about global warming.
Weather Channel Founder John Coleman: There is no significant man-made global warming at this time
John Coleman, the founder of Weather Channel, has written an open letter, in which he claims the theory of anthropogenic climate change is no longer scientifically credible. So far The Express, a major British newspaper, and the American news service WND, have provided favorable coverage of the letter. The Express article has also been linked to by the Drudge Report, giving it wide exposure. The full text of the letter is as follows:
Turkey against creation of Kurdish state in Syria
Earlier, a number of Turkish media outlets reported that an independent Kurdish state will be created after elimination of the militants of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization in the Syrian town of Kobani and other cities in northern Syria.
Mexiko: Im Dienst der Drogenbosse
In der Tat sind nach aktuellem Ermittlungsstand der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft der Bürgermeister von Iguala, José Luis Abarca, und seine Ehefrau María de los Ángeles Pineda für das »Verschwinden« der Studenten verantwortlich. (…)
De los Ángeles Pineda wollte am gleichen Abend eine Rede auf dem zentralen Platz der Stadt halten. Wie Murillo Karam erklärte, fürchtete die mit Anführern der »Guerreros Unidos« verwandte Politikerin, die 43 sogenannten »Normalistas« könnten die Veranstaltung stören, da sie bereits im Juni 2013 mit politisch aktiven Hochschülern der als links bekannten Universität aneinander geraten war. Ihr Mann gab den Ermittlungen zufolge der lokalen Polizei den Befehl zu »reagieren«.
Allegations of anti-Semitism used to cover up anti-Palestinian hate crime in Brooklyn
On the evening of October 7th, after a basketball game between the Brooklyn Nets and the Israeli team Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, Palestinian-American Nerdeen Kiswani was attacked by a group of Maccabi Electra fans. The 20-year-old Hunter College student was punched in the stomach, and a Palestinian flag was torn from her hands.
Among her attackers was Leonard Petlakh, a professor of Jewish history at her own school, and the executive director of the Kings Bay YM-YWHA (Young Men’s Hebrew Association). According to witnesses present during the assault, along with video evidence, Petlakh and his accomplices were plotting their attack on the young woman.
German Publishers Grant Google A ‚Free License‘ Google Never Needed To Post News Snippets
Remember earlier this year when German newspaper publishers, led by rights management firm VG Media, demanded Google pay them a massive amount of money (11% of all ad revenue on any page linking to their works) for having the gall to send those publishers traffic via Google News? VG Media insisted that Google‘s use of „snippets“ was illegal. German regulators rejected this demand, but VG Media was still pursuing legal efforts to force Google to pay. Given that, Google did what made the most sense and removed the snippets for VG Media associated publishers. You‘d think that this would make VG Media happy. Instead, it claimed that Google was engaged in „blackmail.“
Yes, VG Media claimed that using snippets was illegal, but getting rid of them was „blackmail.“ The logic of a legacy industry.
Congress to the FBI: There‘s ‚Zero Chance‘ We‘ll Force Apple to Decrypt Phones
So, while it’s disappointing Congress won’t roll back NSA surveillance, it’s at least heartening to hear that Congress thinks that passing a bill like Comey has suggested would be political suicide.
Kreml: Moskau wird ukrainische Wahl anerkennen
Russland wird die für diesen Sonntag geplanten Parlamentswahlen in der Ukraine anerkennen. Das erklärte der Chef des russischen Präsidialstabes, Sergej Iwanow, am Donnerstag im Schwarzmeerkurort Sotschi.
Kreml: Sikorskis Erklärung zu Gespräch Putin-Tusk über Ukraine-Teilung eine Lüge
Am vergangenen Dienstag schrieb Sikorski im Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter, sein Interview für „Politico“ sei „nicht autorisiert“ und seine Worte seien „gefälscht“ worden. Später behauptete er im Parlament, dass er an diesem Gespräch „überhaupt nicht teilgenommen“ hätte und dass es eine Aufzeichnung des damaligen Gesprächs zwischen Tusk und Putin nicht gebe, dass er keine Fragen mehr beantworten werde.
IS-Offensive in Syrien: Beobachter dementieren Giftgasangriff in Kobane
(22. Oktober) Die Terrororganisation „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) hat in der syrischen Stadt Kobane offenbar doch kein Giftgas eingesetzt. „Ein Allergiepatient litt unter dem durch die Bombardierungen verursachten Rauch“, sagte Rami Abd al-Rahman, Leiter der Syrischen Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte.
Steinmeier ruft UN zu Hilfe: IS-Miliz kämpft nun offenbar mit Giftgas
Bundeswehr in den Nordirak?: Steinmeier: Deutschland prüft Ausbildung von Kurden im Irak – Deutschland – FOCUS Online
Und je öfter Lawrow und Steinmeier miteinander telefonieren, desto schlimmer wird es. Schlichter Erfahrungswert. #Armenien #Aserbaidschan
Wenn der reale Inhaber der #BND Partei von „Frieden“ im Kaukasus redet heisst das Krieg. #Steinmeier #SPD
Germany ready to contribute to peace in South Caucasus
Germany is ready to contribute to peace in the South Caucasus, the German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in Yerevan, Armenia.
Report: PA Agrees to Delay UN Securtiy Council ‚Palestine‘ Vote
(23. Oktober) A day after Palestinian Authority chief negotiator Saeb Erekat threatened to join UN institutions and present a proposal to the UN Security Council as a method of getting the world to recognize “Palestine” – and thus put pressure on Israel to make major concessions – PA officials said that they would hold off on the plan to allow US Secretary of State John Kerry more time to pressure Israel himself.