“We, representatives of the families of about 200,000 Poles killed by the OUN-UPA (the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-the Ukrainian Insurgent Army) and the Galicia SS division during WWII, as well as representatives of public and religious organizations are staging this all-Polish action to protest against the policy of the Ukraine authorities to glorify criminal gangs that committed genocide,” the protesters said in their address to Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko.
Daily Archives: 23. Oktober 2014
WHO “reasonably confident” Ebola has not spread beyond West Africa
He said the bulk of information the WHO was receiving about Ebola cases in various countries ultimately proved to be rumors. He said it was possible to conceal a few cases but it was impossible to conceal that many people were dying due to unknown reasons.
OFFICIAL: The World Health Organization Declares Senegal And Nigeria Free From Ebola
As Africa and the world grapple with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and reports of infection in Spain and the United States, international health authorities have declared two West African countries free of Ebola virus transmission. Senegal was declared free from Ebola on October 17 and Nigeria became the second West African country to be declared free from the Ebola virus this past Monday.
The Dali Thundering Concept – Burdened by the Hand ft. Harun Demiraslan
Official Music Video of The Dali Thundering Concept‘s debut album Eyes Wide Opium
„Burdened by the hand“ feat Harun Demiraslan from Trepalium/ Step in Fluid
Off the debut album: Eyes Wide Opium (2014)
(via got-djent.com)
Eyes Wide Opium by The Dali Thundering Concept
FR: The The Dali Thundering Concept ( Mathcore / Djentcore ) vous présente son premier EP (6 titres) intitulé „When X met Y …“.
The Dali Thundering Concept Paris
(via got-djent)
Lobbyisten, Berater, Türöffner: Die Interessenkonflikte der Abgeordneten (Infografik)
„Wes Brot ich ess, des Lied ich sing“, lautet ein bekanntes Sprichtwort. Zu klären wäre beispielsweise, wessen Lied der CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Norbert Schindler singt: Das der Bürgerinnen und Bürger, von denen er monatlich mit einer stattlichen Abgeordnetendiät (8.667 Euro plus steuerfreie Kostenpauschale) ausgestattet wird? Oder das der Bauern- und Biospritlobby, die ihm Monat für Monat jeweils zwischen 3.500 und 7.000 Euro überweist?
Aussetzer beim IT-Gipfel: Spott über Merkels Suche nach dem F-Wort
„Was war das dritte, Herr Höttges?“, fragt sie und winkt kurz darauf ab. „Er weiß es wohl selber nicht mehr“. Ungeduldig sucht Merkel weiter nach dem Wort. „Das war was ganz einfaches!“ sagt sie. Dann endlich fällt es ihr ein. „Festnetz!“ ruft sie erleichtert. Im Publikum löst sich Applaus, auch vom Telekom-Chef.
Im Nachhinein dürfte kaum jemand verstehen, warum ausgerechnet „Frequenzen, Förderung, Festnetz“ das Rezept für schnellen Netzausbau sein sollen. Aber wenigstens die Kanzlerin konnte sich über eine Rede freuen, die in Erinnerung bleiben dürfte.
Geheime Liste enthüllt: Private Firmen spionieren in NSA-Auftrag und scheffeln Millionen
Besonders pikant ist folgendes Detail: In einer alten Ausschreibung für eine Stelle in Stuttgart bei einem der NSA-nahen Unternehmen wird ausdrücklich Erfahrung mit dem Überwachungsprogramm PRISM gewünscht.
Toxic Legacy Of US Assault On Fallujah ‘Worse Than Hiroshima’
Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.
The hidden documents that reveal the true borders of Israel and Palestine
The failure to ask for compensation arises because the Palestinian leadership believes that Israel has never defined its borders. They believe it because it is one of those things that “everyone knows”, and also because their legal adviser has told them that Israel does not have “determinate borders”. Consequently, they do not understand the legal distinction between Israel’s sovereign territory and the stolen land. The same adviser also told them that UN Security Council Resolution 242 “set forth” the boundaries of the Palestinian State. This is another nonsensical fiction. Resolution 242 says nothing about the position of any borders, nor could it, because the UN has no authority to tell a state where its borders are; that is for states to agree between themselves.
I believe that Palestine can make a strong case that, in terms of justice, international law, and viability, it deserves and needs a transfer of territory from Israeli sovereignty in the southern Negev (that is, south of Beersheba, the city itself being within the stolen land). This would achieve three things: provide territorial contiguity between the West Bank and Gaza; provide space for the returning refugees; and enable the Bedouin, if they so wish, to transfer from Israeli sovereignty to Palestinian sovereignty.
Azerbaijani president receives German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
Steinmeier recalled with pleasure his last visit to Azerbaijan, saying he witnessed great development in Baku since that trip. He said there were good opportunities for expanding Azerbaijani-German cooperation in various fields, including education, healthcare and information and communications technologies.
Fede reportedly in fake porn photo probe
Milan prosecutors are investigating former TV news anchor Emilio Fede on suspicion of criminal association and slander, La Stampa newspaper reported Thursday.
The probe reportedly kicked off three months ago and involves the alleged use of doctored pornographic photos to spark „a red-light scandal“ to the detriment of several executives at Silvio Berlusconi‘s Mediaset commercial broadcaster, where Fede used to work.
BND-Chef Schindler: „Russisches Schwarzgeld in Zypern gibt uns zu denken“
(25. März 2013) Mehreren Milliarden Dollar aus Russland liegen bei zyprischen Banken, höher als das Bruttosozialprodukt der Insel. Nach Angaben von BND-Chef Gerhard Schindler ist ein Großteil davon Schwarzgeld.
Die Sicherheitsfirma Prevent meldet Insolvenz an: Im Strudel der HSH Nordbank untergegangen
(18. Februar 2011) Die Prevent schmückte sich mit prominenten Namen: 2009 übernahm der frühere BND-Chef und Innenstaatssekretär August Hanning die Leitung des Beirats der Münchner Sicherheitsfirma. Udo Nagel, einst Innensenator in Hamburg, war lange Jahre Vorstand des Unternehmens.
Ex-Geheimdienstchef: Uhrlau heuert bei der Deutschen Bank an
(5. Februar 2012) Der frühere Chef des Bundesnachrichtendienstes, Ernst Uhrlau, arbeitet jetzt für die Deutsche Bank. Das Geldinstitut bestätigte einen Bericht des SPIEGEL. Künftig analysiert der 65-Jährige für die Bank vor allem globale Risiken.
U.S. Congress examining deal between NSA official, ex-agency chief
The Senate Intelligence Committee has requested a copy of an „internal review“ which NSA said last week it had opened into an arrangement under which Patrick Dowd, the spy agency‘s chief technical officer is being allowed up to 20 hours per week for IronNet Cybersecurity Inc, a congressional official said.
IronNet is a venture created by retired Gen. Keith Alexander, who stepped down as NSA director in March.
Departing GCHQ Boss Insists GCHQ Isn‘t Engaged In Mass Surveillance… If You Define ‚Mass‘ And ‚Surveillance‘ The Way He Does
With the UN declaring mass surveillance a violation of human rights, the proper thing for the world‘s biggest intelligence agencies — who regularly engage in mass surveillance — to do, might be to cut back on the practice and go back to targeted surveillance projects that most people find acceptable. Or, you know, they can do what the outgoing head of the GCHQ (the UK‘s equivalent of the NSA), Sir Iain Lobban, did and just redefine the English language. That‘s easier.
Turkmen president dismisses head of country’s largest oil refinery
Turkmenistan’s President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov dismissed the director general of the Turkmenbashi oil refinery Tachberdi Tagiyev.
Issues of Georgian-Azerbaijani-Turkish military cooperation discussed in Tbilisi
Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania and Chief of Turkish Armed Forces General Staff, Army General Necdet Ozel discussed the issues of bilateral cooperation between Turkey and Georgia during a meeting in Tbilisi.
Eyeing 2015 vote, UK‘s opposition Labour promises immigration curbs
Britain‘s opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband promised to crack down on immigration if his party is elected next year, seeking to woo voters tempted by the anti-EU UK Independence Party (UKIP), which could threaten his chances of winning power.
SOCAR issues detailed info about accident at offshore field
The structures collapsed at the faulty platform #441 of the Narimanneft Oil and Gas Exploration Office during the repair works on Oct. 23, according to an official message from the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR).
The incident happened at about at about 12:00 (local time), the message said.
Recognizing Palestine—and political reality
After British MPs moved overwhelmingly to recognise the State of Palestine, the governments of Britain and Israel affected indifference in an attempt to undermine the vote’s significance. These dismissals mask a deep and growing anxiety about the direction of political traffic. “There is indeed reason to worry”, a senior Israeli diplomat acknowledged. “Not because it’s going to be translated into actual government policy, but because it’s a public opinion setter. It does create a trend“.
Bank of Italy says GDP likely fell in Q3
The Bank of Italy said Thursday that Italy‘s gross domestic product (GDP) will be negative when figures are released for the third quarter of the year, pushing the country into recession.
Poroshenko decides who to appoint as Ukraine‘s new border chief
It was reported that on October 6 the Ukrainian president sacked Mykola Lytvyn as the head of Ukraine‘s State Border Guard Service. On the same day, he sacked Lytvyn‘s deputy Pavlo Shisholin, who also served as the director of the National Border Security Department and replaced him with Nazarenko, who is currently the acting head of the border agency.
`Tatort Philippsburg – Der Castor kommt! Wir sind schon da!´
Im Rahmen eines Vernetzungstreffens der Südwestdeutschen Anti-Atom-Initiativen mit der Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg und der Anti-Atom-Initiative „.ausgestrahlt“ statten VertreterInnen der Organisationen dem Tatort Philippsburg einen Besuch ab. Philippsburg soll Zielort der fünf Castor-Behälter aus der französischen Atomfabrik La Hague sein. Die grün/rote Landesregierung Baden-Württembergs hat sich bereits dafür ausgesprochen.
Gerichtliches Nachspiel für Castor-Transport nach Lubmin
Im Dezember 2010 war ein Atommülltransport vom stillgelegten Atomkraftwerk Rheinsberg in Richtung Lubmin bei Ludwigslust zum Halten gekommen. Demonstranten befanden sich auf und neben den Gleisen. Die Betroffene erinnert sich: Bremer Polizeibeamte, die den Transport begleiteten, sprangen aus dem Zug und kesselten die Schar der Demonstranten auf der Bahnböschung ein. Grund genug für die Staatsjustiz gleich 21 Strafbefehle zu versenden.
Zdebel: Schon ohne Fracking große Probleme bei Erdgasförderung
Zdebel warnt vor einer Irreführung der Bevölkerung durch die Bundesregierung: „Umweltministerin Hendricks und Wirtschaftsminister Gabriel behaupten, dass sie in ihrem geplanten Gesetzesentwurf Fracking verbieten. In Wahrheit wollen sie nur die Förderung von Schiefergas vorläufig verbieten, Fracking in Sandsteinformationen soll erlaubt bleiben.“ Das sogenannte Tight-Gas soll entgegen der sprachlichen Regelung in allen bisherigen Gutachten plötzlich in den Bereich der konventionellen Gasförderung fallen und erlaubt bleiben
Auf dem Weg zum Beijing Consensus? Wie Südafrika von China lernt
Die SOEs sollen nicht mehr privatisiert, wie es den neoliberalen Vorstellungen entsprechen würde, sondern neu strukturiert werden. Diese Neustrukturierung orientiert sich unter anderem an der Rolle von SOEs in China – ein Indikator für die Vorbildfunktion der Volksrepublik. Dies wird durch die Aussage des „Transnet Freight Rail“ (Teil des staatlichen Unternehmens Transnet) CEO Siyabonga Gamga gestützt: “If you want better co-ordination, the Chinese route is not a bad idea to have SOEs under one umbrella. Each one can be given a mandate, for example, to create jobs and new business opportunities and making sure there is technology in rural areas.” (Letsoalo/Molele/Naidoo 2012).
Massive Attack – Mezzanine
„Mezzanine“ von Massive Attack
Bankenaufsicht und Geldpolitik: Die EZB zwischen Baum und Borke
Schließlich würden die unkonventionellen Maßnahmen zur Rettung angeschlagener Banken eine Kapitallücke bei der EZB öffnen, für die am Ende die Steuerzahler aufkommen müssen, und zwar die Steuerzahler in den wirtschaftlich gesunden Mitgliedstaaten. Deutschland müsste mindestens 25 Prozent des Ausfalls tragen. Damit verwandelt sich die WWU zunehmend in eine Transferunion – eine Entwicklung, die von der Bankenunion beschleunigt wird.
Turkey plans to build third nuclear power plant
One is to be built in Mersin, the Mediterranean region of the country, by Akkuyu Nuclear. The agreement on the project was signed between the governments of Russia and Turkey in Ankara on May 12, 2010.
The second project will be built through Japanese-Turkish cooperation in Sinop, in the Black Sea Region of the country. The deal for the project, based on a build-operate-transfer basis, was signed between Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe on May 3, 2013
Slovakian lawmakers vote to ban export of water
In the upcoming December, the Slovak Constitution will be amended in article 4 to include the following statement: „The transport of water collected from water resources on Slovakia‘s territory across Slovak borders by any means of transport or by pipelines is prohibited.“
Tesco crisis: chairman Richard Broadbent resigns
Sir Richard said that the accounting issue was „a matter of profound regret“ and that his resignation reflects the „important principle of accountability on behalf of the board“.(..)
The company has suspended eight senior executives over the issue and the Financial Conduct Authority is investigating.
What the UNITED STATES thinks of EUROPE (by Aleix Saló)
The ebook „EuroNightmare“ is available now: http://www.aleixsalo.com
Book-trailer credits:
Illustrations and script: Aleix Saló
Animation: Àlex Roca y Oleguer Roca de Estudi Quarantados ( http://www.quarantados.com )
Audio: Eloi Casellas
Jingles and sound effects: (creative commons licence)
Should Congress Reconsider TTIP?
Supporting TTIP may impact the proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union that is planned for 2015, skewing the outcome in favor of maintaining membership in the European Union. Instead, the United States should seek to establish a free trade agreement with a free and independent Britain. This will encourage other European Union member states to leave the European Union as well and will hopefully serve as a catalyst for the dissolution of the European Union. It is not in the strategic interests of the United States, nor in the interests of the people of Europe, for the European Union to become a more centralized institution.
Ramesh ist 42 ,ehemals Offizier bei der indischen Airforce. Er hat seinen guten, traditionellen, sicheren Job verlassen, mit 32, weil er Schauspieler werden wollte, jetzt sagt er, sei er zu alt dafür, jetzt will er Regisseur sein, ich frag ihn für was, er sagt, am liebsten gute Zeichentrickfilme. Ramesh ist ein intelligenter gestandener Mann aus der Kaste der Brahmanen mit glasigen Augen. Er ist seit 10 Jahren in der Stadt, er rennt seit 10 Jahren seinem Traum hinterher, oder vielleicht wird er auch nur noch von ihm verfolgt und in die Nacht hinaus gejagt, sich zu betrinken, damit er wenigstens Nachts seine Ruhe hat von dem Traum. Er hat in den letzten 10 Jahren in keinem einzigen Film gespielt, geschweige denn auch nur ein eigenes Video gedreht.
Nach Hause in den Wahnsinn
Die Hinrichtung von syrischen Kurden wird mit Propaganda-Videos des IS ununterbrochen der Weltöffentlichkeit präsentiert. Erst am Mittwoch wurde vom IS ein Mitschnitt aus Syrien veröffentlicht, in welchem eine junge Frau von ihrem Vater, einem IS-Anhänger, wegen Ehebruchs gesteinigt wird. Das Kalifat des Schreckens hat eigene Pressemitarbeiter, welche die diabolischen Inszenierungen im Netz verbreiten.
Die erfolgreichsten deutschen Filme seit 1968
3. OTTO – DER FILM (1985)
4. FACK JU GÖHTE! (2013)
7. GOOD BYE LENIN! (2003)
10. OTTO – DER NEUE FILM (1987)
The Sky Is Rising 2014
The basic story certainly remains the same: within the US there has been an explosion in creative output over the past couple of decades.
One Of The NSA‘s Biggest Critics In The Senate May Lose His Seat
In the past, we‘ve noted how unfortunate it was that the Senator who fought strongest for our civil liberties in Congress, Russ Feingold, got voted out of office back in 2010 — in favor of a „Tea Party“ candidate who has consistently voted in favor of the intelligence community since replacing Feingold. Since then, plenty of attention has gone to Senator Ron Wyden for picking up where Feingold left off, but with him on issues of civil liberties as it relates to the intelligence community has always been Senator Mark Udall — who has been perhaps even more vocal than Senator Wyden on these issues.
And, worryingly, it appears that Udall may be facing a Feingold moment, where he‘s facing a candidate that has positioned himself more on „Tea Party“ type issues.
UK anti-EU party on course to win second parliamentary seat: poll
UKIP was on 43 percent, the Conservatives 30 percent and the opposition Labour Party had 21 percent, the poll found. The election was triggered by the decision of sitting lawmaker Mark Reckless to defect to UKIP from the Conservative Party.
UK‘s Cameron to object to EU budget plans at leaders‘ summit -source
Cameron is under pressure to take a harder line on Europe before a national election in May next year, in which the rising popularity of the anti-EU UK Independence Party threatens his Conservative Party‘s re-election chances.
Kazakhstan, Egypt mull cooperation issues
Kazakh Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov and Egypt’s Minister of Industry and Trade Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour discussed the cooperation issues during a meeting in Astana on Oct.22, Kazakh Foreign Ministry said.
Klage gegen automatisierte Kennzeichenerfassung in Bayern erfolglos
Die erhobene Unterlassungsklage setzt für ihren Erfolg voraus, dass dem Kläger durch die Anwendung der gesetzlichen Vorschriften über die automatisierte Kennzeichenerfassung mit hinreichender Wahrscheinlichkeit ein Eingriff in sein grundrechtlich geschütztes Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung als Unterfall des allgemeinen Persönlichkeitsrechts droht. Das ist auf der Grundlage der tatsächlichen Feststellungen des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs, an die das Bundesverwaltungsgericht als Revisionsgericht gebunden ist, nicht der Fall.
Parlament des Irakischen Kurdistan billigt Truppenentsendung nach Syrien
„Am Montag haben Flugzeuge der US-Luftwaffe Medikamente, Waffen und Munition von der Regierung des Irakischen Kurdistan für die Verteidiger von Kobani abgeworfen“, heißt es in einer Erklärung des Präsidenten des Irakischen Kurdistan, Masud Barzani, auf seiner Webseite.
Das Kommando der kurdischen Miliz in Kobani bestätigte auf Twitter, eine „große Menge von Waffen und Munition erhalten zu haben“.
#Bundeswehr-Einsatz im #Irak wird wohl ausgeweitet – wie angekündigt & ohne Zustimmung d. Bundestages
Bundeswehr: Eltern der „Gorch Fock“-Kadettin scheitern mit Klage
Die Eltern fordern Aufklärung über den Tod ihrer Tochter auf dem Segelschulschiff der Bundeswehr. Das Verwaltungsgericht Aachen hat die Klage jedoch abgewiesen.
Wolfgang Schäuble und Ursula von der Leyen haben ihren Streit beigelegt.
Russland schickt 40 Tonnen humanitärer Hilfe in den Irak
Das russische Katastrophenschutzministerium hat ein Flugzeug mit humanitärer Hilfe in den Irak entsandt.
Iran, Russia create joint operations headquarters to fight IS
“Over 60 military experts from Russia and Iran created a joint operations headquarters in the Al Rasheed Hotel in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad,” the report said.
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
The United Kingdom-based SOHR is run out of a two-bedroom terraced home in Coventry by one person, Rami Abdulrahman,[3] a Syrian Sunni Muslim who also runs a clothes shop. (…)
New York Times in April 2013 describes him being on the phone all day every day with contacts in Syria, and checking all information himself.
U.S.-led air strikes killed 553 fighters, 32 civilians in Syria: monitor
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the vast majority of the deaths, 464, were militants from Islamic State, an al Qaeda offshoot which has grabbed large areas of Syria and neighboring Iraq.
Chinese Defense Minister meets Iranian Navy Commander
Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan on Thursday met with visiting Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari on naval cooperation.
Chang said the two armed forces have seen good cooperation on mutual visits, personnel training and other fields in recent years. Exchanges between the two navies have been fruitful and their warships have paid successful visits to each other.
Chinese peacekeepers expected in South Sudan at start of 2015: U.N.
Some 700 Chinese peacekeepers are expected to join a United Nations mission in South Sudan at the start of next year, the head of the U.N. operation said on Wednesday, though she appealed for Beijing to deploy the battalion „sooner rather than later.“
Niger buys ‚spy plane‘ to combat Sahel militants
The United States already operates unarmed surveillance drones in Niger, having deployed them after a French-led military operation in 2013 destroyed an al Qaeda enclave in neighboring northern Mali.
Supported by some 120 U.S. military personnel, they operate from a base outside the capital Niamey, though Washington is considering moving the operation to Agadez, 750 km (460 miles) northeast of Niamey.