Daily Archives: 22. Oktober 2014

22.10.2014 - 20:42 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Die FPÖ und die Neutralität

Was muss in Österreich passiert sein, dass die Regierungsparteien SPÖ und ÖVP vollkommen auslassen, wenn es um Neutralität und Sicherheitspolitik geht? Wie weit sind wir gekommen, wenn außer dem Team Stronach nur mehr die FPÖ sagt, was Sache ist? Mit einer außenpolitischen Grundsatzrede ihres Parteichefs Heinz Christian Strache wollte sich die FPÖ am 21. Oktober als Vertreterin eines souveränen, neutralen, nicht den USA unterworfenen Österreich positionieren.

22.10.2014 - 19:22 [ Radio Stimme Russlands ]

Russlands Luftfahrtamt: BND soll Daten zu Absturz malaysischer Boeing offenlegen

Das russische Luftfahrtamt hat den Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) aufgefordert, die ihm zur Verfügung stehenden geheimen Daten zum Absturz der malaysischen Boeing über der Ostukraine offenzulegen. „Die ‘Fakten‘, die der BND in seiner jüngsten Studie nannte, sind weder mir noch jemand anderem bekannt“, sagte Ressortchef Alexander Neradko am Montag in Moskau.

22.10.2014 - 19:16 [ Netzpolitik ]

BND-Klage gegen Massenüberwachung zurückgezogen – nächste Klage in Planung

Die Klage wäre vermutlich aussichtsreich gewesen, denn 1999 wurde ein ähnlicher Fall beim Bundesverfassungsgericht mit Erfolg behandelt, damals noch bezogen auf Telefon- und nicht Mailüberwachung. Härting bereite laut taz jedoch bereits die nächste Klage vor, die sich auf Erkenntnisse aus dem NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss bezieht, deren zufolge Kontakte bis zur fünften Ebene einer Zielperson überwacht werden. Ein mangelndes Verdachtsmoment, selbst überwacht zu werden, wie bei der Ablehnung der Klage durch das Bundesverwaltungsgericht angebracht, dürfte damit zumindest nicht mehr zur Diskussion stehen.

22.10.2014 - 18:53 [ Jeremy Scahill / Intercept ]

Blackwater Founder Remains Free and Rich While His Former Employees Go Down on Murder Charges

“As the officer was waving, the men on the armored cars started shooting at that car,” Mohammed says. “And it wasn’t warning shots; they were shooting as in a battle. It was as though they were in a fighting field. I thought the police officer was killed. It was insane.” Officer Salman managed to dive out of the way as the bullets rained down. “I saw parts of the woman’s head flying in front of me,” recalled his colleague, Officer Sarhan Thiab. “They immediately opened heavy fire at us.”

That’s how the Nisour Square massacre began.

22.10.2014 - 18:45 [ Fox News ]

Blackwater guards found guilty in Iraq shootings

Four former Blackwater security guards were found guilty Wednesday in the 2007 shootings of more than 30 Iraqis in Baghdad, and a federal judge ordered them immediately to jail.

In an overwhelming victory for prosecutors, a jury found Nicholas Slatten guilty of first-degree murder. The three other guards — Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard — were found guilty of multiple counts of voluntary manslaughter, attempted manslaughter and gun charges.

22.10.2014 - 18:22 [ Guardian ]

Stamina, bravery, brilliance – the great Ben Bradlee had it all

“As long as a journalist tells the truth, in conscience and fairness, it is not his job to worry about consequences,” he wrote in a letter 40 years ago. “The truth is never as dangerous as a lie in the long run. I truly believe the truth sets men free.”

22.10.2014 - 18:15 [ Außenministerium der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ]

Press Availability, John Kerry, Secretary of State, Berlin Wall Memorial Visitor‘s Center Berlin, Germany, October 22, 2014

SECRETARY KERRY:.. Israel needs and deserves to have full assurances regarding the security of the Israeli people. No people should live with rockets raining down on them in the tens of thousands. Nobody should have tunnels coming up into their villages with the potential of kidnapping citizens. Seeing a terrorist jump out of a tunnel with tranquilizer drugs and handcuffs would challenge any nation on the planet.

By the same token, Palestinians deserve the right to have rights protected, to have a state and a life that is defined by the rights that are afforded them. And that is a challenge, both in the West Bank and in Gaza. I know that Prime Minister Netanyahu is considering possibilities for how one might proceed forward; so is President Abbas. And my hope is that it will be possible to get back to a negotiating table because that is the only way to resolve the issues that stand in front of us.

22.10.2014 - 18:01 [ Jewish Telegraphic Agency ]

Rivlin: Violence an epidemic in Israeli society

“The tension between Jews and Arabs within the State of Israel has risen to record heights, and the relationship between all parties has reached a new low,” he said. “We have all witnessed the shocking sequence of incidents and violence taking place by both sides. The epidemic of violence is not limited to one sector or another, it permeates every area and doesn’t skip any arena. There is violence in soccer stadiums as well as in the academia. There is violence in the social media and in everyday discourse, in hospitals and in schools.”

22.10.2014 - 18:00 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Israeli president’s diagnosis — ‘Israel is a sick society’ — doesn’t go viral in the U.S.

Did you hear that the president of Israel said Israel is a “sick society”? Reuven Rivlin, a Likudnik, said this over the weekend. There’s been lots of coverage in Israel, but as Sullivan points out, the declaration hasn’t gotten much attention stateside. I should think it would be viral.

22.10.2014 - 17:45 [ Junge Welt ]

Bodos Räterepublik

»Pfui«, »der Freistaat ist dem Untergang geweiht«, »Thüringen sollte der Länderfinanzausgleich gestrichen werden«, heißt es in Onlineforen der CDU. Eine »Schande für Deutschland«, trötete selbst der Berliner CDU-Landesgeneralsekretär, Kai Wegner. 24 Jahre regierte die CDU voller Selbstherrlichkeit das »grüne Herz Deutschlands«, da sei ihr etwas Unbehagen angesichts des drohenden Bedeutungsverlusts zugestanden.

22.10.2014 - 17:37 [ Neues Deutschland ]

An der Einfahrt zum Überwachungsstaat

Wenn Mae morgens aufwacht, wird sie überwacht. Sensoren registrieren, wenn sie sich die Zähne putzt. Ihr Smartphone empfiehlt ihr neue Bettwäsche – passend zum Nachthemd. Vier Freunde haben da schon online den neuen Lippenstift geliked. Die Kameras vor dem gläsernen Sitz ihres Arbeitgebers nimmt Mae Holland – Protagonistin des US-Überwachungsromans »The Circle« – wahrscheinlich schon längst nicht mehr wahr.

22.10.2014 - 17:36 [ Techdirt ]

James Clapper‘s Report On Progress Towards President‘s Surveillance Reforms Mainly Explores Executive Branch Loopholes

James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, has issued an interim report on the intelligence community‘s minimal progress towards minimal compliance with the minimal reforms ordered by the administration last year in response to the Snowden leaks. Presidential Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28) was issued in January and Jame Clapper‘s office is proud to announce that it‘s still in the process of thinking about complying with the stuff the President asked them to do so many months ago.

22.10.2014 - 17:36 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Athens Metro stuck in tunnel; passengers walk to next station using mobile-phones as flashlight

The incident occured at 9:30 am Wednesday, underground Athens 200 meter away from Attiki Station. The company sent another metro wagon to “push” the immobilized one but the experiment apparently did not work.

Speaking to Newsit.gr, chairman of Metro workers union STASY said that the metro wagons were recently delivered and there was no obvious reason for a mechanical failure.

22.10.2014 - 17:35 [ Ansa ]

EU still suffering from austerity -Renzi

„Beginning next week in Brussels, policies may change…(towards the creation of) a non-bureaucratic Europe with Italy holding its head high,“ he said. He said Italy is glad the EU has, in Rome‘s eyes, shifted its focus from austerity to investments.

22.10.2014 - 15:14 [ Youtube ]

Dr. Seltsam – „…als um Ihr Bild in den Geschichtsbüchern“

George C. Scott als General „Buck“ Turgidson in „Dr. Seltsam oder: Wie ich lernte, die Bombe zu lieben“ im Dialog mit Peter Sellers als Präsident Muffley

22.10.2014 - 15:13 [ Zeit ]

Sie haben es nicht gewollt

(10. April 1964) Jack D. Ripper, Kommandant eines Luftwaffenstützpunktes, wird verrückt, glaubt, die Kommunisten wollten ihm an die „Körpersäfte“, und führt deshalb, mitten im Frieden, ohne Anlaß, den atomaren Vergeltungsschlag. Seinen Präsidenten läßt er wissen: „Mit Gottes Hilfe werden wir siegen und Friede, Freiheit von Furcht und guten Appetit bewahren, durch die Reinheit und Kraft unserer soliden Körpersäfte. God Hess us all.“

22.10.2014 - 14:56 [ Global Research ]

Israeli Rightists Wave ISIS-style Flags in Protest of African Asylum-Seekers

(5. Oktober) Simone Wilson, the Jewish Journal‘s foreign correspondent in Israel, is covering the protest now in south Tel Aviv in an African refugee neighborhood where Israeli youngsters have taken over the streets and attempted to break into African-owned businesses. She is live-tweeting the protest and captured the backers of the ISIS aesthetic: a soldier in uniform, settler leader Baruch Marzel, and Mai Golan, the anti-African darling of Israel’s right-wing who soared to fame two summers ago when she declared in a similar march, “I am a proud racist,” and shortly after took a position in the city government.

22.10.2014 - 14:53 [ Wikipedia ]

Nissim Dahan

Nissim Dahan (hebräisch ‏נסים דהן‎‎; * 7. Mai 1954 in Marokko) ist ein ehemaliger israelischer Politiker der vom 7. März 2001 bis 23. Mai 2002 sowie vom 3. Juni 2002 bis 28. Februar 2003 Gesundheitsminister war.

22.10.2014 - 14:53 [ Arutz Sheva 7 ]

Dahan Under Fire for Holocaust Remarks

(30.12.2001) Minister of Health (Shas) Nissim Dahan on Sunday stated the loss of Jewish values and assimilation are the worst catastrophe the have befallen the Jewish people and not the Holocaust. His remarks were made before a gathering of world Orthodox leaders visiting Israel.

22.10.2014 - 14:50 [ Wikipedia ]

Eli Ben-Dahan

Eli Ben-Dahan, auch Elijahu Micha‘el Ben-Dahan (hebräisch ‏אלי בן דהן auch אליהו מיכאל בן דהן‎; * 1954 in Casablanca), ist ein israelischer Politiker der Partei haBajit haJehudi, Mitglied der derzeitigen israelischen Knesset und derzeitiger Minister für religiöse Angelegenheiten in der Regierung von Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu.

22.10.2014 - 14:23 [ Deutscher Bundestag ]

Sitzungswochen im Deutschen Bundestag 2014

08.09. – 12.09.2014
22.09. – 26.09.2014

06.10. – 10.10.2014
13.10. – 17.10.2014

03.11. – 07.11.2014
10.11. – 14.11.2014
24.11. – 28.11.2014

01.12. – 05.12.2014
15.12. – 19.12.2014

22.10.2014 - 14:21 [ Esquire ]

Help, We‘re in a Living Hell and Don‘t Know How to Get Out

those guys at Heritage Action or Club for Growth or Americans for Prosperity or some other goddamn group with an Orwellian name that thrives off of division and exists to create conflict might primary him, drop $3 million on his head, and he would be dead. And the way his district is drawn, you can‘t ever be conservative enough. He could get up at one of his town halls and say that the president is a transvestite Muslim from Mars and get a standing ovation. He wants to do the right thing and make a public stand for greater decency and civility in public life. But he can‘t.

22.10.2014 - 14:19 [ Washington Post ]

Congress stinks, say members of Congress

Esquire‘s executive editor Mark Warren did something really interesting. Seeking answers for why Congress stinks, he asked the men and women who serve in the House and Senate. Ninety of them. His piece „Help, We‘re in a Living Hell and Don‘t Know How to Get Out,“ which features long excerpted quotes from many of these members, is one of the best things I have read about what it‘s like to be a member of Congress.

22.10.2014 - 14:06 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

Präsident Rohani bei einem Treffen mit armenischen Ministerpräsidenten: Terroristen kämpfen gegen die Zivilisation und Menschlichkeit

Bei seinem Treffen am Montag mit dem armenischen Ministerpräsidenten, Hovik Abrahamyan, in Teheran sagte er in Bezug auf die Verbrechen von Terrorgruppen in der Region: „Die Terroristen führen Krieg gegen die Zivilisation und Menschlichkeit. Dabei machen sie keinerlei Unterschied zwischen Christen und Muslimen.“
Dr. Rohani betonte: „Wenn ein Land durch Terrorismus Schaden erleidet, werden auch die anderen Länder in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.“

22.10.2014 - 14:05 [ Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post ]

Can Obama be stopped or will Iran go nuclear?

If you are worried President Obama will strike an awful deal with Iran, Congress will pass sanctions and override a veto, but Obama will waive sanctions anyway — and you should be worried — consider what former Bush administration official and critic, Jack Goldsmith says:

22.10.2014 - 14:00 [ Press TV ]

Israel boosts efforts to Judaize al-Quds: Analyst

(28. September) A Palestinian activist says the Israeli forces have boosted attempts to Judaize al-Quds (Jerusalem) and are rapidly implementing demographic changes across the occupied Palestinian territories.

Raja Abdulhaq, a US-based Palestinian activist, made the remarks during an exclusive interview with Press TV while commenting on new restrictions imposed by Israeli forces in and around the al-Aqsa Mosque.

22.10.2014 - 13:56 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Under cover of night, nine Jewish families take over two buildings in Silwan

Nine Jewish Israeli families took over two empty buildings in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem overnight Sunday. According to the NGO Ir Amim, the families took control over 10 housing units in two buildings in the heart of Silwan. They moved in under the auspices of Ateret Cohanim, a settler organization based in the Muslim quarter of the Old City that works to create a Jewish demographic majority in East Jerusalem.

22.10.2014 - 13:55 [ Techdirt ]

You Know Who Else Hates Everyone In Congress? Congress!

Esquire sent Mark Warren into Congress, initially to ask as many elected officials as possible „why they are so bad at their jobs,“ but he noted that he came out of it much more sympathetic to Congress, because, it appears just about everyone in Congress seems to hate Congress too

22.10.2014 - 13:54 [ Frag den Staat ]

Analyse zum Absturz Flug MH17

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§ 3.8: keine Auskunft von Nachrichtendiensten sowie den Behörden und sonstigen öffentlichen Stellen des Bundes, soweit sie Aufgaben im Sinne des § 10 Nr. 3 des Sicherheitsüberprüfungsgesetzes wahrnehmen

22.10.2014 - 13:51 [ Ria Novosti ]

Kerry: USA suchen keinen Konflikt mit Russland

„Wir streben auf keinen Fall nach einem Konflikt mit Russland“, sagte Kerry am Mittwoch in Berlin auf einer Presskonferenz mit Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. „Wir wollen gemeinsam mit Russland an Problemen dieser Welt arbeiten und hoffen, dass auch Russland das versteht.“

22.10.2014 - 13:50 [ Yonhap (Südkorea) ]

N. Korea modernizing railway lines with Russia‘s support

Participants in the event, held at the East Pyongyang Railway Station, included the North‘s external economy minister Ri Ryong-nam and Russia‘s minister of Far East development Alexander Galushka. They chair the Inter-Governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology between the sides.

22.10.2014 - 13:26 [ russland.RU ]

Ukraine – steht etwas zur Wahl?

Wenn die beiden Teile der Ukrainischen Bevölkerung keine gegenseitige Akzeptanz des Status quo finden, das heißt, wenn sie die Tatsache zweier unabhängiger Wahlen in zwei unabhängigen Verwaltungsräumen nicht als Realität zu akzeptieren imstande sind, wird es auch nach den Wahlen keinen Frieden geben, sondern eher noch stärkere Konfrontationen.

22.10.2014 - 13:10 [ Bandcamp ]

Inner Stasis by Cryobiosis

Cristian Voicu is back with another excellent dark ambient industrial album and a worthy follow up to last years „Within Ruins“.
Carefully planned noise soundscapes both cold and warm combines to create a sense of depth in this highly detailed and dynamic voyage.

22.10.2014 - 12:52 [ Intercept ]

Surprise: U.S. Drug War In Afghanistan Not Going Well

“All of the fragile gains we have made over the last 12 years on women’s issues, health, education, rule of law, and governance are now, more than ever, in jeopardy of being wiped out by the narcotics trade which not only supports the insurgency, but also feeds organized crime and corruption.”(..)
While U.S. efforts have failed to effectively diminish drug trafficking in Afghanistan, they have succeeded in making a handful of private security companies increasingly rich, a point that is not addressed in the inspector general’s report.

22.10.2014 - 12:39 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Journalist in Paraguay ermordet

Der Journalist und Korrespondent der Zeitung ABC Color, Pablo Medina, ist während einer Dienstreise in seinem Auto erschossen worden.