Human Rights Watch has said that cluster bombs have been used in Ukraine crisis, and in numerous occasions they were used by the army.
The are banned in 114 countries, as they cover a wide area, that‘s why a risk of civilian casualties is extremely high.
Not surprising Kiev dismissed the accusations – saying that the organization was probably deceived by ‚terrorists‘.
Daily Archives: 21. Oktober 2014
The government wants to study ‘social pollution’ on Twitter
If you take to Twitter to express your views on a hot-button issue, does the government have an interest in deciding whether you are spreading “misinformation’’? If you tweet your support for a candidate in the November elections, should taxpayer money be used to monitor your speech and evaluate your “partisanship’’?
Kommentar Rot-Rot-Grün in Thüringen
Wer sich kurz vor Augen führt, was die Linkspartei in Berlin und Brandenburg in rot-roten Koalitionen bewirkt hat, weiß, wie begrenzt die bundespolitische Strahlkraft solcher Regierungsbeteiligungen ist.
In Erfurt geht die Welt unter
Das jedenfalls legen Reaktionen aus der CDU nach Bekanntwerden des SPD-Votums für die Aufnahme von Koalitionsverhandlungen mit LINKEN und Grünen nahe.
Kameras erfassen in ganz Deutschland Nummernschilder
Mehrere Datenschutzbehörden sehen diese Praxis kritisch.
VIDEO: Detroit Residents Meet with United Nations Officials, Demand Moratorium on Water Shutoffs
Democracy Now! was in Detroit this weekend when residents impacted by water shutoffs met with United Nations officials who are visiting to investigate possible human rights violations.
Bolivians Demand Justice for 2003 Gas War Massacre
Bolivia’s Gas War is largely credited for ushering in a period of progressive change marked by policies led by President Evo Morales, who was re-elected on October 12th for a third term in office. The “Martyrs of the Gas War” are often recalled as the protagonists that led to the nationalization of sectors of Bolivia’s gas industry, a move which has generated funding for many popular social programs the Morales’ administration has developed to alleviate poverty. (For more information, see this article on the ten year anniversary of the Gas War and this article on the case against Goni.)
Unruhen in Wohnviertel in Ostjerusalem, nachdem Siedler einziehen
Die Siedler zogen in zwei Gebäude ein, die sie im vergangenen Monat gekauft zu haben behaupten, als Teil der Bemühungen einer Siedlergruppe, in dem Gebiet „jüdische Präsenz wiederherzustellen.“ Das Eigentum an einigen der besetzten Gebäude wurde von palästinensischen Familien bestritten, welche sagen, dass sie nie verkauft haben.
The Death of a Reporter
This is a story that takes one to Urfa, a city that is linked to Syria through the border crossing at Akçakale. At Urfa’s Balıklıgöl State Hospital, evidence for the treatment of Islamic State fighters is not camouflaged – it is there in plain sight. The Islamic State wounded from the battle of Kobane cross over for treatment here. Any journalist who covered this aspect of the war knows that Turkish intelligence (Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı) has been mighty skittish about the story. They are quick to show up, and quick to make gestures of ill will.
On Friday, October 17, Serena went on air for Press TV. She was rattled in the broadcast. Serena said that Turkish intelligence officials had accused her of spying.
Yankees, go home, for the sake of peace
This may be the greatest mystery of all: the relations between Israel and the U.S.A. They are everything but logical. We have a protégé that humiliates its patron power and a power that grovels in front of its protégé; a power that acts against its own interests and a president who acts contrary to his worldview. We have a protégé whose dependence on the power grows with its effrontery and a power’s unbelievable weakness in the face of its protégé’s brazenness. It’s a wild sado-masochistic game, in which it is not clear who is the slave and who is the master, which is the power and which is its protégé.
Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia
(1979) President Nixon and Mr. Kissinger unleashed 100,000 tons of bombs, the equivalent of 5 Hiroshimas.
The bombing was their personal decision; they illegally and secretly, they bombed Cambodia, a neutral country, back to the Stone Age.
And I mean Stone Age in its‘ literal sense.
Breaking the last taboo – Gaza and the threat of world war
When Nelson Mandela called the struggle of Palestine „the greatest moral issue of our time“, he spoke on behalf of true civilisation, not that which empires invent. In Latin America, the governments of Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Bolivia, El Salvador, Peru and Ecuador have made their stand on Gaza. Each of these countries has known its own dark silence when immunity for mass murder was sponsored by the same godfather in Washington that answered the cries of children in Gaza with more ammunition to kill them.
Is media just another word for control?
(31. Januar 2014) A recent poll asked people in Britain how many Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The answers they gave were shocking. A majority said that fewer than 10,000 had been killed. Scientific studies report that up to a million Iraqi men, women and children died in an inferno lit by the British government and its ally in Washington. That‘s the equivalent of the genocide in Rwanda. And the carnage goes on. Relentlessly.
Funeral of Palestinian child in Ramallah
Five year old Palestinian child died after an Israeli settler hit the Palestinian girl with his car in the town of Sinjil, near Ramallah.
5-year-old Palestinian girl dies after hit by Israeli car in West Bank
(19. Oktober) Police were questioning the driver, who did not initially stop because he said he feared for his life.
Jewish settlers storm Al-Aqsa, kill Palestinian child in W. Bank
(19. Oktober) „A group of Jewish students stormed the complex along with Israeli troops who wandered into the courtyards and verbally attacked the Palestinian religious students within,“ the guard, who asked not to be named, told Anadolu Agency.
According to the guard, the Israeli police imposed restrictions on the entry of Muslim worshippers into the compound since the early hours of the day.
In another incident, a Jewish settler ran over two Palestinian children near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. The settler fled the scene after the incident.
Under cover of reconstruction, UN and PA become enforcers of Israel’s Gaza siege
This was presented as part of an effort to try to entrench and legitimize the Israeli-backed Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas in Gaza.
Under the arrangements, Israel will be given even more intrusive control over the lives of Palestinians in Gaza, who will be subjected to onerous ongoing monitoring as they try to rebuild their houses, communities and lives following Israel’s summer massacre.
‘I know how the brainwashing works’
While in a hostel in Eilat I was sharing a room with an Israeli and a German. The Israeli told us that we should hide our wallets and passports well because there were Arabs working in the hostel who would try and steal them while we slept. He suggested putting them under our pillows. When we woke up the German realised his cash and passport was gone – and so was the Israeli. We called the police. When they arrived they rounded up the 3 young Palestinian boys who worked at the hostel and began punching them and beating them right in front of us. I was shocked and deeply upset. The whole time we were trying to explain that it was the Israeli who was the real culprit but the poor Palestinians had to take a beating until the police finally understood what we were telling them.
Lachendes Huhn
In concluding remarks, Mr. Manor said Israel placed great importance on respect for human rights and had achieved significant developments in law and practice. Since its establishment, Israel had faced many security threats which strained its balance in both protecting the safety and wellbeing of its citizens and human rights – it was a delicate line and Israel was doing its best.
Israel holding more than 470 Palestinians in administrative detention – highest number in 5 years
Some 10 percent had been held for three to six months, some 13 percent from six months to one year, and some 13 percent from one to two years. Four detainees had been in administrative detention continuously for over two years.
Administrative detention is detention without trial
Video: Soldiers detain developmentally-disabled child in Hebron, 19 Oct. 2014
A-Rajbi was handcuffed, blindfolded, and held on the floor of an army jeep for some 15 minutes until his father arrived and convinced the soldiers to release his son, who is mentally disabled and cannot speak.
B’tselem video: Israeli soldiers blindfold and detain 11 year old disabled child
Watch as settlers from the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, clap, shout and cheer as an Israeli soldier binds the hands of a child behind his back and fastens a blindfold over his eyes as another soldier stands on guard before they lift the frightened boy into the back of their military jeep enclosing him in darkness as the settlers’ cheering continues. The boy is eleven and developmentally disabled.
Telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Vladimir Putin also sent Mr Netanyahu a message of greetings on his 65th anniversary, where he noted that during his years as Prime Minister and in other government positions, Mr Netanyahu has won the respect of his compatriots and great authority in the world.
U.S. disagrees with Netanyahu calling U.N. rights council ‘terrorist’
(30. September) “We would not agree with that,” Jen Psaki, the State Department spokeswoman, told reporters Monday when asked about what Netanyahu said in his address that day to the U.N. General Assembly.
“We have obviously voiced concerns when we have them about actions that are taken,” she said, referring to the council, “but no, we would certainly not agree with that characterization.”
Israeli PM denounces UN agency as ‚terrorist rights council‘ for Gaza investigation
(29. September) Benjamin Netanyahu claims UN treatment of Israel rooted in anti-Semitism as also sounds alarm about Iranian ‘charm offensive’ to secure nuclear bomb
Endowments Minister: War on Syria seeks to blemish the true image of Islam
Minister of Religious Endowments (Awqaf) Mohammad Abdelsattar al-Sayyed said that the war on Syria seeks to blemish the true image of moderate Islam, lauding the role of Muslim religious figures in raising awareness about the threats of extremism.
Polish opposition urges dismissal of parliament speaker over scandalous interview
“We cannot have confidence and delegate such a high post to a man who demonstrated utter irresponsibility in the past and is demonstrating it now,” said the head of Poland’s largest opposition party Law and Justice Jaroslaw Kaczynski. “If somebody has heard anything of plans for splitting an existing and recognized state, that person should take certain steps. He is obliged to let the president (Lech Kaczynski was Poland’s president at the moment) know and start international proceedings.”
Studie zur Angemessenheit von Strafe: Jeder dritte Jurastudent will die Todesstrafe zurück
Jurastudenten fordern heute deutlich längere und härtere Strafen als noch vor 25 Jahren – obwohl sie sich subjektiv sicherer fühlen. Rund ein Drittel sieht die lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe nicht als ausreichend an, über die Hälfte würde unter bestimmten Bedingung auch Folter befürworten.
Updated Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) – IP Chapter (second publication)
Today, Thursday 16 October 2014, WikiLeaks released a second updated version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Intellectual Property Rights Chapter. The TPP is the world‘s largest economic trade agreement that will, if it comes into force, encompass more than 40 per cent of the world‘s GDP. The IP Chapter covers topics from pharmaceuticals, patent registrations and copyright issues to digital rights. Experts say it will affect freedom of information, civil liberties and access to medicines globally.
Handelsabkommen TPP: USA wollen Urheberrechtsgesetze verschärfen
Wikileaks hat einen neuen Entwurf des Kapitels zum Schutz immaterieller Güter des transpazifischen Handelsabkommens TPP veröffentlicht. Demnach wollen die USA Urheberrechtsverstöße künftig deutlich schärfer verfolgen. Selbst Cafés könnten sich dann strafbar machen.
U.S.-Japan TPP Talks Fail to Strike Accord; Talks to Continue in Australia
(17. Oktober) After ending the talks with his counterpart, deputy Acting U.S. Trade Representative Wendy Cutler, Oe told reporters that discussions “yielded definite results; I have no doubt that gaps are narrowing.”
Oe added, however, that both sides have “mountains of work to do. We are far from saying, ‘We did it.’ We still have the most difficult areas that have yet to be resolved.”
Sikorski mildert Behauptung über Gespräch Putin-Tusk als „überinterpretiert“ ab
Der polnische Parlamentschef Radoslaw Sikorski, der behauptet hat, dass der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin bereits 2008 eine Aufteilung der Ukraine vorgeschlagen hätte, gibt nun zu, diesem angeblichen Gespräch persönlich nicht beigewohnt zu haben und auch keinen Mitschnitt zu besitzen. Seine Worte seien verzerrt wiedergegeben worden, so Sikorski via Twitter.
Exclusive: Key NSA Official Has Another Business At Her Home
Powerful National Security Agency official registered “electronics” business at her home before her husband set up intelligence business there, BuzzFeed News finds. Her company owns a plane and a condo.
Russian Energy Minister says hope for gas deal with Ukraine on Tuesday: Interfax
Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Tuesday he hopes to finalize gas agreement during a trilateral meeting later in the day in Brussels, Interfax news agency reports.
Telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
In view of the negotiations held in various formats in Milan, the parties exchanged views on cooperation regarding gas supplies.
The two leaders also confirmed the importance of facilitating further peaceful settlement in southeast Ukraine and the observance of ceasefire.
Ukraine vote candidate survives gun and grenade attack: party
Volodymyr Borysenko, from Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk‘s People‘s Front party, was being treated in hospital for shock after the assault – the first of its kind reported during campaigning for Sunday‘s parliamentary vote, officials added.
Wahlen in der Ukraine: Koalitionsfrage noch offen
Sollten sich frühere Mitglieder der Partei der Regionen der Regierungskoalition anschließen, werde es für Poroschenko einfacher, mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin zu verhandeln. Bei einer Koalition mit der Volksfront des jetzigen Premiers Arsseni Jazenjuk werde es Poroschenko schwerer fallen, einem militaristischen Herangehen Widerstand zu leisten
Azerbaijan, Qatar sign two agreements on security cooperation
The second agreement, signed by Minister of Emergency Situations Kamaladdin Heydarov and the head of the Office of the Internal Security Forces of Qatar, Brigadier Fahd Rashid al-Ali, aims at information exchange in the area of security, as well as high-level exercises for the internal security forces of Qatar.
Azerbaijan to introduce German-like pension system
The project named “Support to the State Social Protection Fund on the introduction of funded element within the insurance–pension system, establishment of non–state pension funds and development of legal framework for regulating their activity” will involve ordinary people in the process of creation of their own pension and will develop the ways of development of non-state pension system which is very common in many European countries including Germany.
Moscow jet crash flight recorders not to be opened before French experts arrive
The Interstate Aviation Committee has decided not to open the flight recorders from the Falcon jet before specialists from France arrive, an IAC source said on Tuesday.
Blowback to Qatar: Shocks to the World
Ras Laffan is the Achilles heel of the LNG markets. That makes it a weakness for oil and coal markets as well, given the connections amongst fossil fuel markets during times of crisis. A major terror attack on Ras Laffan would catalyze energy market instability.
Bundestag: Was ist ein Unrechtsstaat?
Bis jetzt ist Frau Lötzsch der Aufforderung, die Definition “umgehend von Ihrer Webseite zu entfernen” nicht nachgekommen. Zu Recht. Der Herr Professor sollte einmal vor das Gebäude des Bundestages treten, und die dort angebrachte Inschrift “Dem deutschen Volke” durchdenken. Dieses Volk bezahlt nicht nur ihn, die in diesem Hause wirkenden Abgeordneten und das dort tätige Personal, es bezahlt auch die Erstellung solcher Gutachten durch den Wissenschaftlichen Dienst
`Klare Warnung´: Fortgang der Affäre um US-Einreiseverbote gegen ungarische Offizielle
Der US-Geschäftsträger in Budapest, André Goodfriend, sagte, dass man die Personen direkt kontaktiert habe. Mehr Öffentlichkeit ist bei diesem Prozedere nicht vorgesehen. Allerdings zitierte heute die Agentur Reuters einen „US-Diplomaten“ mit den Worten, dass das Einreiseverbot: „eine klare Warnung“ sei, „eine Politik, die demokratische Werte aushöhlt, einzustellen.“ Goodfriend sagte am Montag vor Medien weiter: „Ab einem bestimmten Punkt und wenn es so weitergeht, kann es unmöglich werden weiter als Verbündete zusammenzuarbeiten.“
Verteidigt die Lokführer und Piloten!
Die herrschenden Eliten sehen im Streik der Lokführer, der in der Bevölkerung viel Sympathie und Unterstützung genießt, einen Ausdruck der wachsenden Opposition gegen die unsoziale Politik und den Kriegskurs der Regierung.
Interview: Politikberater Andrew B. Denison über das Verhältnis Deutschland-USA
Sie trauen den Deutschen nicht zu, amerikanische Sicherheitsinteressen in Deutschland voll zu gewährleisten. Sie trauen den Deutschen auch nicht zu, Spionageabwehr und die Terrorismusbekämpfung selbst leisten zu können. Daher werden die USA in Deutschland immer abhören.
Chile ex-mayor arrested, charged with Pinochet-era crimes
The ex-mayor of an upscale Santiago neighborhood was arrested and charged on Monday in connection with an ongoing investigation into human rights crimes committed in Chile during General Augusto Pinochet‘s 1973-1990 dictatorship.
U.S. drone crashes on landing at airport in Niamey -Niger sources
Two airport sources in Niger who declined to be identified said the drone crashed on its return from a surveillance mission. The private Anfani radio station said the crash occurred between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m.
PM Denies Islamic State Group Presence in Algeria
Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal told journalists during a visit Monday to Algeria‘s extreme south that North Africa „does not know of the Islamic State group.“
Ukraine‘s army accused of using cluster munitions in urban areas
„It is shocking to see a weapon that most countries have banned used so extensively in eastern Ukraine,“ Mark Hiznay, senior arms researcher at HRW, said in a statement. „Ukrainian authorities should make an immediate commitment not to use cluster munitions and join the treaty to ban them.“
Zoabi says IDF worse than ISIS
Islamic State “kills one person every time with their knives, but the IDF kills dozens of Palestinians with the push of a button,” she said, in an interview with Channel 2’s website. The air force pilot who pushed the button was “no less a terrorist than those who take knives and cut off heads,” she said.
Israels Knesset-Abgeordnete: Israelische Soldaten sind schlimmer als IS-Terroristen
Die Kommentare führten zu einem Eklat in der israelischen Regierung. Die ehemalige Pressesprecherin der IDF und Parlamentsabgeordnete Miri Regev sagte, Zoabi wäre „eine gefährliche Feindin Israels, die ins Gefängnis gehört.“
Ennio Morricone -`Sixty Seconds To What?´
Iran, Russia call for expansion of security, political ties
The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said that expansion of political, security, and economic ties between Iran and Russia will benefit the two countries significantly.
Sleeping 7-year-old girl shot in head during no-knock police raid on wrong home
„They blew my granddaughter‘s brains out. They killed her right before my eyes. I watched the light go out of her eyes.“