Daily Archives: 7. Oktober 2014

07.10.2014 - 21:33 [ Guardian ]

New Afghanistan pact means America‘s longest war will last until at least 2024

Ghani also agreed to a garrisoning accord with Nato forces, known as a Status of Forces Agreement. Nato has agreed to fund Afghanistan’s soldiers and police through 2017.

Under the Bilateral Security Agreement’s annexes, the US military will have access to nine major land and airbases, to include the massive airfields at Bagram, Jalalabad and Kandahar, staging areas not only for air operations in Afghanistan but the US drone strikes that continue across the border in tribal Pakistan.

07.10.2014 - 21:15 [ Stop these War ]

Veterans and Allies to Return to Vietnam Veterans Memorial Plaza Oct. 7

At 7 pm on October 7 veterans and their allies will gather again at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to lament 13 years of war in Afghanistan and to grieve for and remember a very special human being, one of the finest examples of resistance to war and the inhumanity that spawns war, Jacob George. We will play Jacob’s music, and members of Guitarmy, who marched with Jacob, will play some of his songs. We will remember and be motivated by this much beloved comrade’s life.

07.10.2014 - 20:28 [ Intercept ]

Key Democrats, Led by Hillary Clinton, Leave No doubt that Endless War is Official U.S. Doctrine

Leon Panetta, the long-time Democratic Party operative who served as Obama’s Defense Secretary and CIA Director, said this week of Obama’s new bombing campaign: “I think we’re looking at kind of a 30-year war.” Only in America are new 30-year wars spoken of so casually, the way other countries speak of weather changes. He added that the war “will have to extend beyond Islamic State to include emerging threats in Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere.” And elsewhere: not just a new decades-long war with no temporal limits, but no geographic ones either.

07.10.2014 - 20:07 [ Yahoo ]

Mexico disarms police in missing students city

But parents of the missing students accuse state authorities of lying. They voiced doubts the students died, saying pictures of bodies from the mass grave don‘t match their physiques.

Pena Nieto „must deliver them to us alive,“ Manuel Martinez, a spokesman for the families, said at the Ayotzinapa teacher school near the state capital, Chilpancingo.

07.10.2014 - 20:02 [ NBC ]

Survivor of Mexico Student Massacre: ‚It Was Terrifying‘

The Sept. 26 events began for Eusebio at 6 p.m., when he set off from his university with about 120 students. They were going to Iguala — an hour’s drive away — to collect money on the streets for their studies. Mostly the sons of poor farmers, the Tixtla students rely on collections to help pay for food and learning materials.

07.10.2014 - 19:30 [ Fefe ]

Das Landgericht Hamburg (!!!) hat die Einstweilige Verfügung von Joffe und Bittner gegen Die Anstalt aufgehoben.

Naja, wie dem auch sei, Joffe und Bittner wollen jetzt wohl durch die Instanzen gehen. Finde ich in Ordnung. Je mehr Instanzen, desto höhere Kosten für die Verlierer. Also für Joffe und Bittner.

07.10.2014 - 19:30 [ Techdirt ]

UK Crime Agency Boss: ‚Yes, The Public Must Give Up Its Liberty If It Wants Security‘

Last week, the UK Home Secretary pitched the current UK government‘s plan to ramp up anti-terror laws to further stamp out privacy and free speech rights in the UK. This week, Keith Bristow, director general of the National Crime Agency, doubled down by arguing that he needs to teach the public that of course they need to give up liberty if they want security. He argues that „public consent“ is necessary, but that legislation is „public consent“ and thus he needs to help convince the public (or, really, Parliament) to cough up some liberty.

07.10.2014 - 19:29 [ Techdirt ]

Is Adobe‘s Ebook Reader Spying On What You Read — And What You Have On Your Computer?

Ebooks have many advantages, but as Techdirt has reported in the past, there are dangers too, particularly in a world of devices routinely connected to the Net. Back in 2010, we wrote about how Amazon was remotely uploading information about the user notes and highlights you took on your Kindle. More recently, we reported on how a school was using electronic versions of textbooks to spy on students as they read them. Against that background, you would have thought by now that companies would be sensitive to these kinds of issues. But if Nate Hoffelder is right, there‘s a big privacy problem with Adobe‘s Digital Editions 4, its free ebook reading app. Here‘s what Hoffelder writes on his blog, The Digital Reader:

07.10.2014 - 19:29 [ Eurasia Review ]

EU’s Frontex To Launch ‘Operation Triton’ To Manage Migration In Central Mediterranean

The European Union agency for external border security, Frontex, said Tuesday that November 1, 2014 the coordinated joint operation ‘Triton’ will start its activity in the Central Mediterranean in support of the Italian efforts.

The details of Triton, including the operational area and the necessary assets, have been agreed between Frontex and Italy on the basis of the requests made by the Italian authorities.

07.10.2014 - 19:19 [ Techdirt ]

Dutch IT Contractor Suggests Letting Police Have Direct Real-Time Access To All Of Your Devices… For Your Safety

The reaction in the Netherlands has been fierce. Here‘s the headline of one response, automatically translated:

Holy fuck video: PinkRoccade fucks the privacy.

Even in the untranslated version, one can pick up various iterations of WTF scattered through the native Dutch. The author of this post points out how this supposed public safety tool could be abused, or just applied badly with horrific results.

07.10.2014 - 17:27 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

28 Leichen aus Massengräbern in Mexiko exhumiert

Der Staatsanwalt des südmexikanischen Bundesstaats Guerrero, Iñaki Blanco Cabrera, hat bei der Pressekonferenz am Sonntag bestätigt, dass in den jüngst entdeckten Massegräbern in Pueblo Viejo, Iguala, 28 Leichen gefunden wurden. Einige davon seien zerstückelt gewesen. Viele der Leichen wiesen Brandspuren auf. Dies deute darauf hin, dass sie mit einem Brandbeschleuniger übergossen und entzündet worden sind. Weitere Körperteile wurden in Bäume gehängt und in Brand gesetzt.

07.10.2014 - 17:16 [ Information Clearing House ]

Can China and Russia Squeeze Washington Out of Eurasia?

A potential barrier to such developments, welcomed in Washington, is Cold War 2.0, which is already tearing not NATO, but the EU apart. In the EU of this moment, the anti-Russian camp includes Great Britain, Sweden, Poland, Romania, and the Baltic nations. Italy and Hungary, on the other hand, can be counted in the pro-Russian camp, while a still unpredictable Germany is the key to whether the future will hold a new Iron Curtain or “Go East” mindset.

07.10.2014 - 17:09 [ Counterpunch ]

Sweden, Palestine and the United States

Sweden’s new Prime Minister, Stefan Lofven, has announced that that nation will be the first of the European Union to grant official recognition to Palestine. To date, 134 of the 193 member states of the United Nations recognize Palestine. This is a reasonable step that will, hopefully, set the example for other European nations to do the same.

The United States, Israel’s best friend in all the world, and that bottomless pit of financial assistance for Israel, is, not surprisingly, seriously displeased. A spokeswoman for President Barack Obama said this: “We believe international recognition of a Palestinian state is premature. We certainly support Palestinian statehood, but it can only come through a negotiated outcome, a resolution of final status issues and mutual recognitions by both parties.”

07.10.2014 - 16:47 [ The International News ]

Fresh drone strike kills four in N. Waziristan

Fresh drone strike in North Waziristan killed at least four people on Tuesday, taking the death toll to 17 in four such attacks in the past two days, Geo News reported.

The drone strikes have also left several people injured.

Sources said the unmanned aircraft targeted a compound of local Taliban commander in Datta Khel, killing at least four and injuring two others.

Earlier today, four people were killed and eight injured in drone attack in tehsil Shawal of Northern Waziristan. Sources revealed that US drone fired two missiles on a house in Kundghar near Shawal.

On Monday, nine people were killed and several others injured in drone strikes in Kundghar and Mangroti areas.

07.10.2014 - 16:43 [ The International News ]

IHC moved against Musharraf for allowing drone attacks

Counsel for the petitioner, Mian Ahmed Khan, while talking to this correspondent, said that Musharraf had made an agreement with the US government in 2004 allowing US drones to attack Pakistani territory. The permission was a violation of the Pakistan Constitution as under the law Pakistani government is responsible for the life of its citizens.The petitioner has prayed to the court to lodge FIR against Musharraf for the murders of all those civilians martyred in drone strikes.

07.10.2014 - 16:35 [ Fars News ]

Global Action Day against Drones

Large numbers of children participated in the event organized by Afaq association in Nuseirat refugee camp on Sunday evening while holding toy airplanes and banners written in English and Arabic calling for putting an end to the use of Israeli drones against Gazan civilians, PIC reported.

During the event, the children flew kites for peace and love declaring their total rejection to the use of „Death Jet Fighters“.

07.10.2014 - 16:14 [ PressTV ]

Drone protesters in court in Missouri

On October 7, thirteen years to the day from the beginning of “Operation Enduring Freedom,” Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Nonviolence and Georgia Walker, an activist in Kansas City, will be arraigned in US District Court in Jefferson City, Missouri. They have been summoned to answer charges that they trespassed at Whiteman Air Force Base during a protest against war crimes and assassinations carried out from that base using remotely controlled drone aircraft.

07.10.2014 - 14:39 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Bundesheer: Miliz stärken?

Seltsamerweise behauptet Verteidigungsminister Gerald Klug, das Paket mit 200 Millionen Einsparungen beim Heer in vielen Einzelmaßnahmen stärke die Miliz. Tatsächlich können von zehn Milizkompanien nicht einmal drei ausgerüstet werden; Klug fantasiert aber von zwölf zusätzlichen Kompanien. Dies erinnert an die „Umsetzung“ der versprochenen Wehrdienstreform, die nur in Form von Plakaten und Inseraten stattfindet, während Präsenzdiener desolate Kasernen erleben und sehen, dass es keine Fahrzeuge und keine Munition gibt.

07.10.2014 - 14:36 [ Radio Utopie ]

ROBIN WOOD-Aktivisten vor Gericht. Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck in 2012: “Zivilcourage zeigen”

Kein Castor nach Lubmin! – Unter diesem Motto protestierten am 16. Februar 2011 viele Menschen auf nahezu der gesamten Strecke gegen den Transport von Atommüll aus dem ehemaligen Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe nach Lubmin – auch zwischen Schkopau und Halle-Ammendorf. Dort hatten sich zwei ROBIN WOOD-Aktivisten von einer Brücke über die Saale abgeseilt. Die Weiterfahrt des Castor-Transports verzögerte sich um fast zwei Stunden.

07.10.2014 - 14:01 [ basnews ]

President Barzani: Peshmerga didn’t have a Way to Enter Kobani

(25. September) The press conference was held after German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen visited the Kurdistan Region and met with Barzani in Erbil.

Barzani stated that the Peshmerga have a limited number of ways into Syrian Kurdistan, the majority of which are under the control of Islamic State militants. This, he explained, is the reasons the Peshmergas’ presence in Kobani has been delayed.

07.10.2014 - 13:50 [ Al Monitor ]

Iraqi Kurds seize control of key Syria border crossing

(19. Juni) Peshmerga forces affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) of Kurdistan Regional Government President Massoud Barzani secured most of the Iraqi-Syrian border areas of the province of Mosul on June 10 after the fall of the city to ISIS.

Importantly, they have secured most areas surrounding the previously Iraqi-controlled Rabia-Yaroubia border crossing. The Yaroubia crossing was captured by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which is affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), in October 2013 in cooperation with the Iraqi government to circumvent the Turkish and KDP border closures between Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan.

07.10.2014 - 12:51 [ Techdirt ]

Washington Post‘s Clueless Editorial On Phone Encryption: No Backdoors, But How About A Magical ‚Golden Key‘?

The Washington Post editorial board has weighed in on the recent „controversy“ over Apple and Google‘s smart decision to start encrypting mobile devices by default. The „controversy“ itself seems pretty hyped up by law enforcement types who are either lying or clueless about the technology. Throwing a bunch of technically ignorant newspaper editors into the mix probably wasn‘t the wisest of decisions.

07.10.2014 - 12:50 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Knesset shell game: Aid meant for Israeli towns affected by Gaza war sent to illegal settlements instead

The residents of Israel’s southern periphery, bordering the Gaza Strip, are among the Israelis who suffered the most from Operation “Protective Edge.” Thousands were forced to leave their homes for weeks, while those who remained were confined to bomb shelters. Properties were damaged, tourism was annihilated, work days were lost, and many small businesses went bankrupt. By the end of the Operation, it was clear that residents of the embattled south — one of Israel’s poorest regions to begin with — were in dire need of the state’s aid.

07.10.2014 - 12:46 [ Reuters ]

Japan, Russia leaders to meet on APEC sidelines in November

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will meet Russian President Vladmir Putin on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Beijing in November, the two leaders decided on Tuesday, a Japanese government official said.

07.10.2014 - 12:43 [ Ansa ]

Berlin backs Renzi on Jobs Act

The German government supports Italian Premier Matteo Renzi‘s controversial Jobs Act aimed at freeing up the labour market, a government source said Tuesday ahead of Wednesday‘s EU employment and growth summit in Milan.