Daily Archives: 11. September 2014

11.09.2014 - 23:04 [ Minivan News ]

Unauthorised aircraft identified as belonging to US military

(31.08.2014) A leaked Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) revealed last year that preliminary discussions regarding a potential US base in the Maldives had taken place.

After President Abdulla Yameen was reported in January to have opted against the SOFA agreement for fear of upsetting regional partners, pentagon officials responded by saying that a permanent base had never been considered.

The US did, however, donate the Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System – or PISCES – border control system to the Maldives in 2013.

11.09.2014 - 22:55 [ Global Research ]

Solving the Mystery of WTC Building Seven: Controlled Demolition “Planned in Advance of 9/11″

The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary – 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 2000 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

11.09.2014 - 22:53 [ Global Research ]

“Perpetual War” Is Fine With the New York Times After All

Under the headline “The End of the Perpetual War,” published on May 23, 2013, the Times was vehement, calling a new Obama speech “the most important statement on counterterrorism policy since the 2001 attacks, a momentous turning point in post-9/11 America.” The editorial added: “For the first time, a president stated clearly and unequivocally that the state of perpetual warfare that began nearly 12 years ago is unsustainable for a democracy and must come to an end in the not-too-distant future.”

The Times editorial board was sweeping in its conclusion: “Mr. Obama told the world that the United States must return to a state in which counterterrorism is handled, as it always was before 2001, primarily by law enforcement and the intelligence agencies. That shift is essential to preserving the democratic system and rule of law for which the United States is fighting, and for repairing its badly damaged global image.”

11.09.2014 - 22:03 [ PressTV ]

Al Wefaq urges UN rights body help

“The Bahrain authority is delaying the pending visit of Mr. Juan Mendez, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, in an attempt to hide the atrocious human rights violations and escape international monitoring,” Rabea said.

11.09.2014 - 21:39 [ Fefes Blog ]

Nun, was soll ich euch sagen, Sigmar Gabriel macht der Verräterpartei alle Ehre.

Hat sich jemand von euch darauf verlassen, dass Sigmar Gabriel CETA verhindern wird? CETA ist das Testbett für TTIP, ein Abkommen mit Kanada mit im Wesentlichen den gleichen furchtbaren Paragraphen wie bei TTIP. Die Idee ist, das bei CETA unter dem Radar in Nacht und Nebel durchzuwinken und dann bei TTIP einen auf Hitchhiker‘s Guide zu machen.

11.09.2014 - 21:27 [ Der Standard ]

Facebook Messenger laut IT-Forscher „voller Spyware“

Das Tech-Magazin Motherboard setzt sich daraufhin mit Zdziarski, der eine ausgeweitete Untersuchung der App plant, in Kontakt. Der IT-Forscher, der früher selbst in der Spionagebranche tätig war, erklärte, dass einige der von Facebook verwendeten Codefragmente selbst bei Überwachungsfirmen kaum bekannt seien.

11.09.2014 - 20:09 [ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ]

The argument for a hypersonic missile testing ban

How the hypersonic race started. In the days after the 9/11 terror attacks on New York and Washington, hypersonic weapons were sold as a form of “conventional prompt global strike,” fulfilling the supposed need for a weapon that could be launched from fortress America and strike Osama bin Laden’s lair on the other side of the world in less than an hour. That was an idea so unlikely that, unfortunately, few outside policy circles took the matter seriously, even when it was later revealed that another aim of prompt global strike was to destroy Chinese anti-satellite weapons before they could be launched.

11.09.2014 - 19:22 [ Space News ]

U.S. Air Force Planning Three-satellite Replacement for SBSS

Gen. John Hyten, the commander of Air Force Space Command, said in a speech here at the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference that the Air Force spent the past year defining a follow-on program to the Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) Block 10 pathfinder satellite launched into a 630-kilometer, sun-synchronous low Earth orbit in 2010 aboard an Orbital Sciences Corp. Minotaur 4 rocket. The next iteration, he said, would likely use three smaller satellites in low Earth orbit to keep tabs on objects in the geosynchronous belt. Located 36,000 kilometers above the equator, geostationary orbit is home to critical U.S. communications and missile warning satellites.

“What do we need from SBSS that we really can’t get anywhere else? We need that real-time, all-weather access,” he said. “You can do that from an equatorial orbit looking up. You don’t need a big satellite to do that. You can do that with small satellites. You can do that fairly affordably.”

11.09.2014 - 18:45 [ 24kg ]

Kyrgyz-Chinese Center for Earth Observation opens in Kyrgyzstan

According to the data, the main purpose of the center is to develop and support the state archive of aerospace images and information. It has a positive experience of mutual cooperation with the Center for Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

11.09.2014 - 17:05 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Ecuador gründet Beobachtungsstelle für transnationale Konzerne

Vor einem Jahr hatte Patiño zu einem ersten Treffen von Vertretern aus Staaten eingeladen, die Schaden durch internationale Konzerne erlitten haben. Wie die US-Firma Chevron, die Ecuador verklagt hat, zwingen transnationale Unternehmen Regierungen auch in anderen Fällen zu Zahlungen von Schadensersatz, wenn ihre Aktivitäten reguliert werden. Im Fall Ecuadors weigert sich Chevron zugleich, Schadensersatz für entstandene Gesundheits- und Umweltschäden durch die Förderung von Erdöl im Amazonas zu zahlen.

11.09.2014 - 15:56 [ The Age ]

New ‚Wall‘ an anti-war protest film for Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters

„They just lived in a different part of the globe and are educated differently. And they need education the same way that we do, so that we can cross the great divide that we might call the wall.“

11.09.2014 - 15:44 [ Die Linke Thüringen ]

Wahlprogramm zur Landtagswahl 2014

DIE LINKE. Thüringen ist eine konsequente Antikriegspartei. Wir sind gegen jegliche Kriegseinsätze der Bundeswehr sowie gegen Rüstungsexporte. Für Bund und Land fordern wir Konversionsprogramme, die beinhalten, bspw. militärisch verwendete Liegenschaften künftig zivil zu nutzen.

11.09.2014 - 15:37 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Zweiter Tabubruch der Bundesregierung

(1. September) Die heutige Entscheidung Waffen in ein Kriegsgebiet zu liefern ist, nach der Unterstützung einer Regierung in der Ukraine, an der Faschisten beteiligt sind, der zweite Tabubruch dieser Bundesregierung binnen kurzer Zeit. Die Bundesregierung hat damit eine imperialistische Wende in der Rüstungsexportpolitik vollzogen. Wie die USA, Großbritannien oder Frankreich will sie die Entscheidung über Rüstungslieferungen allein von geostrategischen Interessen abhängig machen. Wie bei den Auslandseinsätzen der Bundeswehr, dienen auch hier die von ihr vorgebrachten Argumente des Humanismus für die Rüstungslieferung in den Irak alleine zur Rechtfertigung einer deutschen Einflussnahme mittels Waffenlieferung im Nahen Osten. Dass die Bundesregierung kein wirkliches Interesse daran hat die internationale Mörderband „Islamischen Staat“ (IS) zu bekämpfen, lässt sich an der fortgesetzten militärischen Kooperation mit seinen Unterstützern und Sponsoren, wie der Türkei, Katar und Saudi-Arabien ablesen.

11.09.2014 - 15:36 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Aufhebung der Syrien-Sanktionen jetzt!

(25. August) Die Bundesregierung muss die Syrien-Sanktionen sofort beenden, denn diese stärken lediglich den IS. Die verheerende Regime Change-Politik im Nahen Osten in Nibelungentreue zu den USA darf nicht weiter fortgeführt werden. Die militärische Kooperation mit den Sponsoren und Förderern des IS Katar, Saudi-Arabien und dem Erdogan-Regime muss eingestellt werden.

11.09.2014 - 15:30 [ Syriian Arab News Agency ]

Iran : Some countries in the international coalition for countering terrorism, financially and military support terrorists in Syria and Iraq

Tehran, SANA Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham stressed that some countries which are part of the international coalition for countering terrorism have been supporting terrorists in Syria and Iraq financially and military.

In a statement on Thursday, Afkham added that other countries in the coalitions didn’t shoulder their international responsibilities in countering the terrorist organizations, hoping that prospective political changes could occur in Syria and Iraq.

11.09.2014 - 15:24 [ Human Rights Watch ]

Uganda: 5 Years on, No Justice for Protest Killings

Human Rights Watch investigated 13 separate incidents and documented several in which security forces shot live ammunition through the closed doors of peoples’ homes, killing those inside. For example, military units, some accompanied by police forces, deployed to Ndeeba on September 10 and ordered people on the roads to return home. Witnesses told Human Rights Watch that uniformed soldiers, some wearing the red berets of the military police, began to attack people with sticks and batons to clear the streets.

11.09.2014 - 13:02 [ German Foreign Policy ]

In und durch Europa führen

Hintergrund des Projekts „Review 2014“ wie auch weiterer Maßnahmen Berlins sind Differenzen zwischen der immer aggressiveren deutschen Weltpolitik und der Stimmungslage in der deutschen Bevölkerung. Kürzlich hat Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) darauf hingewiesen, dass einer Umfrage zufolge in der Bundesrepublik nur etwa 30 Prozent der Menschen „offen dafür“ sind, „dass unser Land mehr Verantwortung übernimmt“. Der Begriff „Verantwortung“ dient dabei wie üblich als Chiffre für stärker ausgreifende weltpolitische Aktivitäten.[1] Die Umfrage ist Steinmeier zufolge vom Auswärtigen Amt in Auftrag gegeben worden. Dort wird, wie eine Abteilungsleiterin berichtet, die Auffassung vertreten: „Eine Außenpolitik, die keine breite Unterstützung hat, ist keine gute und auch keine nachhaltige Außenpolitik“.[2] In der Tat hat sie mit Widerständen und deshalb mit Reibungsverlusten zu rechnen. Außenminister Steinmeier plädiert nun dafür, die „eklatante Lücke“ zwischen der „Bereitschaft“ der Bevölkerung und den bestehenden „Erwartungen“ an eine aggressivere Außenpolitik zu schließen. In diesem Sinne ist das Auswärtige Amt seit fast zwei Jahren aktiv.

11.09.2014 - 09:31 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER 11. SEPTEMBER: Die Kommandokette

Eine der entscheidenden Frage bezüglich der Attentate des 11. Septembers 2001 ist nun: war die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, nach Jahrzehnten der Aufrüstung, der permanenten Gefahr eines Atomkrieges und eines Luftangriffs, an diesem Tage nun so hilflos und überfordert wie sie es nachher darstellte? Oder gab es sehr wohl eine funktionierende Kommandokette? Und wenn ja, wo hatte diese ihre Zentrale?

11.09.2014 - 04:42 [ Antiwar ]

Obama Touts ‘Coalition,’ But US to Lead War

With the president continuing to try to pretend this isn’t taking the US straight down the road to a new ground war in Iraq (and Syria), the policy continues to be sneaking as many ground troops in under the radar as quickly as possible, while continuing to scare the public about the ISIS threat so that when the ground war begins in earnest, they are too frightened to object.

11.09.2014 - 03:39 [ Chinadaily ]

Putin blames West for provoking Ukraine crisis

He stressed that Moscow has to undertake all kinds of measures only in response to external threats, including the theory of preemptive global strike advocated by NATO, deployment of the U.S. anti-missile defense in Europe and Alaska, as well as the militarization of space.
Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said later that Russia will respond to the preemptive global strike theory by modernizing its Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), airspace force and warfare commanding systems.

11.09.2014 - 03:29 [ Positions&Promotions ]

Nearly 5 million Gmail passwords posted online

They were traced to English, Russian and Spanish users of the service. News of the list was reported by Russian news outlet CNews, which said that 4.93 million addresses and passwords were posted to the forum in plain text for all to see.

11.09.2014 - 03:25 [ ITAR-TASS ]

Russia ready to organize SCO conference on Afghanistan

The SCO countries „advocate Afghanistan being an independent, neutral and peaceful state and support the United Nations central and coordinating role in efforts for settlement in Afghanistan and assistance for Afghan people.”

The last conference on Afghanistan under the SCO aegis took place in Moscow in March 2009.

11.09.2014 - 03:06 [ Song from the Forest ]

Song from the Forest

Getragen vom Kontrast zwischen Regenwald und urbanem Amerika, einem faszinierenden Soundtrack und den ruhigen und intimen Bildern des Films verweben sich leise Geschichten zum berührenden Portrait eines außergewöhnlichen Mannes.
Ein modernes Epos zwischen Urwaldriesen und Wolkenkratzern.

11.09.2014 - 03:02 [ Robert Greenwald / Facebook ]

Our foreign and national security policy has become too militarized, the use of force too easy for presidents“

„My time as secretary of defense reinforced my belief that in recent decades, American presidents, confronted with a tough problem abroad, have too often been too quick to reach for the a gun-to use military force… Too many ideologues call for the use of the American military as the first option rather the a last resort to address problems. War is inevitably tragic, inefficient and uncertain… Our foreign and national security policy has become too militarized, the use of force too easy for presidents“

– Former US Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates

11.09.2014 - 02:43 [ FACT ]

FACT mix 459: Craig Leon

2014 has welcomed Kevin Saunderson and Damon Albarn to the FACT Mix controls – but the man behind mix 459 is arguably the most storied mixer of the year so far…

11.09.2014 - 02:38 [ Global Research ]

ISIS and War Propaganda: The Mainstream Media is Selling Fear to Control the Public

The ISIS is a 100 percent product of the U.S. proxy destabilization policy against Syria, and their command of Iraq’s oil fields in Mosul, along with this group’s beheading of journalists, both function as convenient war propaganda to anger the American public and fuel the U.S. airstrike machine that benefits the capitalist armaments industry since Americans subconsciously believe as a result of their national security indoctrination that the petroleum of the Middle East is U.S. property serving “core interests” and protecting their “way of life.”…