Americans collectively woke up to the threat of domestic terrorism on the morning of Sept.11, 2001. Nearly 3,000 people died in the fiery destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, the attack on the Pentagon and related airplane hijackings.
Daily Archives: 10. September 2014
Obama erläutert breit angelegte Strategie für jahrelangen Krieg gegen ISIS
Ein weltweiter Krieg ohne Siegesstrategie und ohne Ende in Sicht war sicher nicht das, was der amerikanischen Öffentlichkeit präsentiert wurde, als die Kampagne begann, aber Vertreter des Weißen Hauses bestreiten weiterhin, dass es sich hier um eine „Mission Creep“ handelt, also eine schleichende Ausweitung.
Obama To Lay Out Strategy To Degrade, Destroy ISIS
President Barack Obama will use a primetime speech Wednesday evening to outline a comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as the Islamic State.
9/11-Plakat auf Time Square ist da!
Seit Dienstag den 9. September ragt ein riesiges Plakat über Time Square in New York und weist darauf hin, DREI Wolkenkratzer sind am 11. September 2001 zusammengestürzt, obwohl nur zwei von Flugzeugen getroffen wurden. Ziel es ist die Millionen an Passanten die im Herzen von New York entlanglaufen auf den wenig bekannten Zusammenbruch von World Trade Center Gebäude 7 aufmerksam zu machen. Laut Umfragen wissen die Hälfte der Amerikaner und ein Drittel der New York nichts über dieses Ereignis. Damit soll die Diskussion angeregt und die Menschen zur Überzeugen gebracht werden, WTC7 kann nur durch einen bewusste Sprengung eingestürzt sein.
Mögliches Treffen von Barack Obama und Raúl Castro in Panama
Die US-Regierung von Präsident Obama steht indes unter großem innenpolitischen Druck rechtsgerichteter exilkubanischer Gruppen. Als der US-Amtsinhaber bei den Trauerfeierlichkeiten für den südafrikanischen Freiheitskämpfer und Ex-Präsidenten Nelson Mandela Mitte Dezember vergangenen Jahres Rául Castro kurz die Hand reichte, übten die exilkubanischen Lobbygruppen in den USA harsche Kritik an der Geste.
Sig Sauer unter Korruptionsverdacht
Deutsche Behörden ermitteln wegen Exporten nach Kolumbien und Kasachstan, dazu lieferte der Waffenbauer Sig Sauer offenbar illegal in den Irak.
Putin: Russland wird in kein neues Wettrüsten einsteigen
Putin erklärte ferner, dass die Krise in der Ukraine zu einer Reanimierung der Nato genutzt werde.
United States creating prison planet: Randy Short
Press TV: Dr. Short, you just talked about the domestic situation basically, with the prisoners inside the United States, but I guess a broader question is why isn’t the international community then putting pressure on Washington because of these violations?
Video: Israeli forces arrest 7-year-old kid in WB
The Israeli forces arrested Yousef Hajajreh, 12, and Oday Rajabi, 7, the latter being on his way to school.
A teacher was also forced into a headlock as he was trying to intervene in the arrest of the crying seven-year old. The Israeli forces dragged him up the road, where he was arrested.
Oleh Lyashenko: German doctors took responsibility for curing 20 Ukrainian soldiers
The German doctors examined all patients who were at the time treated at the main military medical clinical hospital, and also in Dnipropetrovsk Mechnikov regional hospital (via video consultations), as a result of which they picked 20 wounded soldiers. Mostly they picked patients with acute pathology, in other words those who were freshly wounded.
OSCE to use drones for ceasefire monitoring in Ukraine
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe will deploy unmanned aerial vehicles soon to monitor the ceasefire in Ukraine, OSCE current Chairman Didier Burkhalter said on Sept. 10.
How NASA Plans to Open ‚Air Highways‘ for Drones
Even if the Federal Administration Administration isn‘t sold on the idea of commercial drones flying throughout the country, NASA is.
The agency has quietly been working on an air traffic control system for drones, and its head scientist says that he‘s pretty sure he can make it safe for the machines to fly in low altitude airspace. In fact, he envisions specialized highways, „lanes,“ and even corridors for commercial drones to operate in.
DER 11. SEPTEMBER: Langer Marsch eines Molochs
Entgegen der heutigen Wahrnehmung rauschte die Regierung der USA Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts keineswegs unvorbereitet in die Attentate des 11. Septembers. Im Gegenteil waren über Jahrzehnte umfangreichste, weit verzweigte “Sicherheits”-Strukturen aufgebaut worden, bereits damals in enger Symbiose mit dem “privaten”, also internationalen kommerziellen Sektor. Sie dienten primär der Informationsgewinnung, innerstaatlich wie international. Legitimation und teils geheime, durch abermals geheime Interpretationen bzw “Rechtsmeinungen” (“legal opinions”) zusätzlich ausgelegte “Executive Orders” der Präsidenten, bildeten die Rechtfertigung für den Aufbau eines Molochs, eines “lebenden, atmenden Organismus”, der, “jeder Kontrolle entwachsen”, von genau denjenigen finanziert wurde, gegen die er einmal marschieren sollte.
Kampf gegen Terrornetzwerk: Obama will Luftschläge gegen IS wohl auf Syrien ausweiten
Von den Details hat er nun führende Kongressmitglieder in Kenntnis gesetzt. Dabei sei es jedoch nicht darum gegangen, deren Zustimmung einzuholen – die Entscheidung läge letztlich allein bei Obama als Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte, hatte zuvor bereits einer seiner Sprecher deutlich gemacht.
Wisst ihr, wer einen neuen Irakkrieg eine total dufte Idee findet? Na? Kommt ihr NIE drauf! Dick Cheney!
Du weißt, dass dein Irakkrieg gerecht und gut ist, wenn Dick Cheney ihn befürwortet!
The best U.S. ‘strategy’ to combat ISIS? Stop supporting religious states
In fact, Israel is one of the greatest impediments to our efforts to combat ISIS, because we can’t form a natural alliance with one of the strongest nation-states in the region, Iran. Israel wants to demonize Iran forever because it needs an existential threat, someone to blame for radical Islam. Just as Israel seems to like ISIS around, because it can then argue that the United States is at war with the same forces it is contending with; ISIS = Hamas, in the Israeli prime minister’s feverish imagination.
The Israel lobby makes sure these bizarre ideas contaminate our discourse. New York Congressman Gregory Meeks was on Chris Matthews’s show last night saying that he could support putting US “special forces” in Syria And last week Meeks was in Israel assuring Netanyahu that the U.S. and Israel are brothers and sisters. He echoed Netanyahu’s nonsense that ISIS and Hamas are the same:
Ex-Bundeswehrsoldaten kämpfen für Terrorgruppe in Syrien und Irak
(31. August) Der Verfassungsschutz warnte vor einer gestiegenen Anschlagsgefahr in Deutschland. Dem Deutschlandfunk sagte Verfassungsschutzpräsident Maaßen, er befürchte, dass islamistische Kämpfer nach ihrer Rückkehr aus Syrien und dem Irak Anschläge in Deutschland planen würden.
Was will Berlin in der „Koalition der Willigen“?
Und so reist denn John Kerry dieser Tage durch den Mittleren Osten, um dort Verbündete im Kampf gegen den IS zu gewinnen. Jordanien soll in der Anti-IS-Koalition dabei sein, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, und eben auch Saudi-Arabien und Katar.
Oktoberfest-Attentat 1980: Neue Zweifel an der Einzeltäterthese
Erstmals seit Einstellung der Ermittlungen im Jahr 1982 gebe es zudem einen neuen Zeugen, dessen Aussagen über Beobachtungen am Tatort vermuten ließen, dass der rechtsextreme Attentäter Gundolf Köhler eben doch Komplizen hatte – was die Behörden stets bestritten. „Die Fakten müssen zu einer Wiederaufnahme führen“, sagt der von Opfern beauftragte Jurist.
Australia says may raise terrorism threat level over Iraq, Syria
David Irvine, the outgoing head of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), said the number of Australians returning from fighting with Islamic State and other radical groups posed a growing risk.
Von Hunne zu Hunne
Wenn man begreifen will, warum Völker gegeneinander aufgehetzt werden, muss angelsächsische Propaganda zum Nennwert genommen werden. Hillary Clinton hat das jüngst wieder unter Beweis gestellt. Amerikanische Regierungsmitglieder stehen zwar seit langem bis zu den Knien in Blut, aber haben eine meisterhafte Fähigkeit, andere nach Den Haag zu bringen. Sie müssen offensichtlich einen Konflikt nach dem anderen lostreten und für sie siegreich zu Ende bringen, um selbst nicht dort zu landen.
Fiji says 45 peacekeepers held by Syrian rebels to be released soon
„Al Nusra has confirmed to the U.N. headquarters in New York that the Fijian peacekeepers will be released within the next few days,“ Brigadier General Mosese Tikoitoga told a news conference in the Fijian capital, Suva.
Obama to seek arms, training for Syrian opposition
President Barack Obama will ask Congress to quickly authorize the arming and training of Syrian opposition forces but will press forward without a formal sign-off from lawmakers on a broader military and political effort to combat Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants, Al Arabiya reported on Wednesday referring to administration officials.
White House And Senate Intelligence Committee Still Can‘t Agree On CIA Torture Report Redactions
We‘ve been waiting quite some time for the government to finally get around to releasing parts of the $40 million 6,300 page CIA torture report, which will detail how the CIA committed torture, lied about it, and how that torture did nothing even remotely effective. As you may recall, the Senate Intelligence Committee, which wrote the report, voted back in April to declassify the 480-page „executive summary“ which was written to be declassified. That is, the really secret stuff is buried in the other 6,000 pages or so. Given that, the expectation was that the exec summary would need minimal redactions. Of course, the White House asked the CIA to handle the redactions, and considering that the report makes the CIA look bad, the CIA suddenly became quite infatuated with that black redaction ink.
IFG-Ablehnung des Tages: Der Inhalt des Dokuments gefährdet Freundschaft zu USA & UK
Anfang August berichtete der SPIEGEL über ein vom Innenministerium erstelltes Papier mit dem Titel “Handlungsvorschläge Handy”. Darin ging es um mögliche politische Reaktionen gegenüber USA in der Causa Überwachung des Kanzlerinnen-Handys. Wir stellten eine Anfrage auf Basis des Informationsfreiheitsgesetzes und wollten es auch zugeschickt bekommen. Diese Anfrage wurde jetzt abgelehnt.
Germany‘s Schaeuble: Draghi was ‚overinterpreted‘, Montebourg is wrong and austerity is not dead
(27. August) Finance minister of the eurozone‘s biggest economy sees no shift from fiscal discipline
Ex-French economy minister, weeks after ousting, snipes at Hollande
„The truth is that the French voted Left and they have ended up with the policies of the German Right,“ Montebourg said in a joint interview with star French economist Thomas Piketty which is due to be published on Wednesday. „That‘s one of the reasons for my split with this government.“
Föderationsrat-Chefin: Frieden in Ukraine bei seiner gesetzgebenden Verankerung möglich
„Äußerst wichtig ist es, den inhaltsreichen Verhandlungsprozess fortzusetzen, damit die gerechten Forderungen der Einwohner der ‚Volksrepubliken‘ Donezk und Lugansk in der Südost-Ukraine nicht einfach verbal unterstützt werden, sondern auch in der Verfassung der Ukraine gesetzgebend verankert sind. Erst dann wird ein wahrer Frieden eintreten“, so Matwijenko
Telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko
(9. September)
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, in the course of which the two leaders stressed the importance of maintaining by the parties to the internal conflict in Ukraine of a ceasefire in the southeast of the country. Vladimir Putin confirmed Russia‘s readiness to continue assisting in a peaceful resolution of the crisis.
The two leaders also exchanged views on pressing issues of economic cooperation. They agreed to continue work at various levels to resolve the issues that have arisen after Ukraine‘s signing of the Association Agreement with the EU.
Telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko
(8. August) Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko; the leaders continued to discuss steps to facilitate the peaceful settlement of the situation in southeast Ukraine.
The dialogue will be continued.
Fact Checking Is Dead: Mainstream Media Goes Nuts Repeating Debunked Claims By The Fake ‚Inventor Of Email‘
I had honestly hoped that yesterday‘s story about the Huffington Post finally retracting its series of totally bogus articles (mostly written by Shiva Ayyadurai or his colleagues and friends, but a few by its actual „journalists“), pretending to argue that V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai had „invented email,“ would be the end of this story. Ayyadurai has built up quite a reputation around this false claim, even though it‘s been debunked over and over and over again.
Ayyadurai keeps coming back, often moving the goalposts and changing his definitions, but still ultimately flat out lying in pretending to have „invented“ email. To be clear, he did no such thing. Email was in wide use at the time he supposedly wrote his software.
The Climate Science Zombie Apocalypse is coming
We’ve all heard of the “zombie apocalypse”, it gets all sorts of humorous opinions about it, t-shirts, websites, iPhone covers, even the CDC got in on the act.
Now, with the call for civil disobedience to solve the mostly non-existent climate problem we have the “climate science zombie apocalypse”. This is sort of like “low information voters” except they’ll be emotional global warming zealots sans science but armed with brainless talking points. Meanwhile, Earth hasn’t gotten any warmer at the surface since 1995, or in the lower troposphere for a similar amount of time. A tweet from Barack Obama today along with a call for civil disobedience from Alternet shows us what to expect:
ISIS targeting Rome and Italy
Italy and Rome as the cradle of Christianity are „non secondary“ targets of the Islamic State (ISIS), Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said Tuesday, while stressing there was not as yet any „investigative evidence of terrorist plans in our country“.
Renzi says won‘t quit PD leadership
Premier Matteo Renzi said Tuesday he would not quit the leadership of his Democratic Party (PD) despite calls from a PD minority.
Ich bin schon sehr früh aufgestanden!
Was sich am 14. September in Berlin abspielen wird erfüllt mich mit großem Zorn und erweckt große Abscheu in mir.
“Steh auf! Nie wieder Judenhass” ist eine Demonstration der Falschinterpretation und übelsten Verleumdung von Menschen, die sich kritisch mit dem “Jüdischen Staat” auseinandersetzen. Ja, durch den Anspruch auf Anerkennung als “Jüdischer Staat” hat sich die Politik von Israel ganz gezielt dahin bewegt, Israel-Kritik in “Juden-Kritik” umzubenennen.
Five EU states lodge joint protest with Israel expropriation of West Bank land
Britain, France, Italy, and Spain and deputy ambassador of Germany tell National Security Adviser Yossi Cohen that decision is ‚very bad… in a terrible timing and that we hope it will be reversed.‘
The Germans may no longer be the gift that keeps on giving
Once again, Berlin will reach for funds and contribute to the rebuilding of Gaza. But it’s getting exhausted – with Israel, too.
The proportion of Gaza’s children who were killed should shock conscience of weapons-suppliers
Saher’s story is one of hundreds of other real tragic stories of Palestinian children killed during the war on Gaza. He is one of these children whose lives were terminated due to Israel’s sophisticated weaponry and monetary suppliers: the USA and EU.
U.S., China security leaders spar over jet maneuvers
Top U.S. and China security officials disagreed this week over what the United States said was China‘s intercept of a U.S. Navy patrol plane near the southern island province of Hainan.
China deploys troops to U.N. force to protect South Sudan oilfields: WSJ
China has begun deploying 700 soldiers to a U.N. peacekeeping force in South Sudan to protect oil fields and Chinese workers amid a rebellion in the African country, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Exclusive: Japan, U.S. discussing offensive military capability for Tokyo – Japan officials
Japan and the United States are exploring the possibility of Tokyo acquiring offensive weapons that would allow Japan to project power far beyond its borders, Japanese officials said, a move that would likely infuriate China.
LAPD Blames Predictive Software For Misconduct And Abuse, Rather Than Its Own Disinterest In Holding Officers Accountable
As long as we‘re heading into an age of predictive policing, it‘s good to know that some police departments are willing to turn the ThoughtCrime scanner on their own employees.
Was passiert eigentlich mit dem ganzen Kriegsgerät, das die Machthaber so bei Nato-Gipfeln oder Heiligendamm installieren? Die teuren Spezialzäune! Das wäre doch schade, wenn die schlecht würden!
Daher haben die Briten jetzt ihre Zäune vom Natogipfel in Wales nach Frankreich geschickt, damit die Franzosen damit in Calais die Flüchtlinge aufhalten.
David Clapson’s awful death was the result of grotesque government policies
The unemployed are set to have their benefits stopped if they don’t sign in at a jobcentre in the morning and spend the whole day there, every day. Breach the rules once and you’ll lose four weeks’ worth of benefits; twice and you won’t be able to feed your kids for three months.
In Großbritannien gab es einen Fall von „Tod durch Hartz-IV“, der jetzt erfreulicherweise ein bisschen Aufsehen erregt. Ich fürchte, wir haben uns an sowas in Deutschland schon gewöhnt.
Wobei das schon ein echt ziemlich krasser Fall war.
Turkmenistan, U.S. discuss prospects for cooperation
During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the intensification of partnership. They had discussions on arranging the next meeting during the Turkmenistan-U.S. political consultations and the next meeting of the Turkmenistan-U.S. Business Council.
Die historische Perspektive des Gaza-Massakers von 2014
Die unterschiedlichen Betrachtungsweisen erklären sich hauptsächlich daraus, dass sich (Friedens- und andere) Aktivisten intensiver mit dem ideologischen und historischen Kontext der gegenwärtigen israelischen Aktion in Gaza beschäftigen. Mein Beitrag ist ein bescheidener Versuch, die Tendenz zu einer grundsätzlichen Auseinandersetzung mit dem
Konflikt (zwischen Israel und den Palästinensern) weiter zu vertiefen.
Attacke auf Grundrechte
Ehemaliger Verfassungsrichter sieht in Regierungsplänen zur gesetzlich verordneten Tarifeinheit Bruch des Grundgesetzes. Marburger Bund will sich juristisch wehren
Latin America and the Paradoxes of Anti-Imperialism and Class Struggle
For example in the past, anti-imperialist regimes pursued policies which opposed US military aggression and intervention in Latin America and throughout the third world; opposed foreign investment especially in extractive sectors; and, not infrequently, expropriated or nationalized strategic sectors; opposed joint military exercises and training missions; supported nationalist liberation movements and extended political – material support; diversified trade and investment to other economic regions and countries; developed regional political organizations which opposed imperialism and formed regional economic organizations which excluded the US.
Russia, Iran discuss grain-for-oil barter deal – news agencies
Russia and Iran have been discussing their oil-for-food deal since early 2014, but are yet to agree on details, highlighting the difficulties the two major energy producers face due to sanctions from the West.
Iranian communication minister to attend Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Summit
The organization has 38 members, four associate members and 132 affiliate members.
The two towers: The abuse of mobile-phone data
Junk science is putting innocent people in jail
Giving up on the system: Leading Israeli human rights groups reject army request to file investigations on crimes in Gaza
Israel’s leading human rights groups will no longer provide information on solider misconduct to army investigators. After years of delayed military investigations for two Israeli wars in Gaza, the last without any army abuse convictions, the Israeli legal rights group Yesh Din and the human rights organization B’Tselem said, “the military law enforcement system is a complete failure” and is “incapable of conducting professional investigations.”
Guess who’s invited to Open Hillel’s first conference? Students for Justice in Palestine
In mid-October, Open Hillel is hosting their first conference at Harvard University. This will be a benchmark event for young Jewish students defecting from Hillel International’s austere “partnership policy.”
The full list of speakers and workshops is not up yet, but early announced keynotes are Judith Butler, Rashid Khalidi, Steven Cohen–which seems to indicate the direction of the conference.
Azerbaijan’s delegation to attend European Conference of Presidents of Parliament
He said that such topics as „Constitutional rights and freedoms as a condition for democracy“, „Democracy, sovereignty and security in Europe“, „Majority and the opposition – achievement of balance“ will be discussed during the conference.