On June 6, the court held a long hearing in Jewel in a crowded, open courtroom, widely covered by the press. We were even on the local TV news on two stations. At the end, the Judge ordered both sides to request a transcript since he ordered us to do additional briefing. But when it was over, the government secretly, and surprisingly sought permission to “remove” classified information from the transcript, and even indicated that it wanted to do so secretly, so the public could never even know that they had done so.
Daily Archives: 6. August 2014
Govt bans support, endorsement of ISIL
The government has also ordered a ban on YouTube videos endorsing ISIL.
Sanctions: Russia strikes back – bans all US food, EU fruit and veg
Deputy minister fired for breaking ban on public comments on government work
Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development Sergei Belyakov was dismissed from his job on Wednesday for breaking a ban on public statements on the work of government agencies.
Federal legislation forbids civil servants to make public statements, judgements and assessments, including in mass media, on the work of government bodies and their heads, unless this is required by their official duties.
HRW: Human Rights Watch or Hypocritical Representatives of Washington? (Part 2)
As I noted in Part 1 of this article, Human Rights Watch (HRW) is an integral part of the West’s propaganda machine. I noted that “HRW serves as intermediary between the facts on the ground, and the western public who rely on the organization (and similar NGOs such as Amnesty International) to accurately tell the story of a given conflict.”
The Enduring Myth of Hiroshima
“We didn’t want MacArthur and others saying the war could have been won without the bomb,” Groves said.(..)
That most people in the United States still believe the “saved lives” rationale to be true is because of decades of this censorship and myth-making, begun by President Harry Truman, who said Aug. 6, 1945, “Sixteen hours ago an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima, an important Japanese Army base. … That was because we wished this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians.”
UK parliamentary committee says travel and trade curbs on people of Gaza are not proportionate
Cameron is under fire for his support of Israel. Disputes within his Conservative Party were laid bare Tuesday when a prominent member of Cameron‘s camp, Sayeeda Warsi, resigned as Foreign Office minister in protest of what she called Cameron‘s „morally indefensible“ stance on Gaza.
El Pibe « La chasse aux sorcières » – Bruits de Fond, Dig it! 09 (2014)
Protesters use Tisha B’Av to call for ‘robust debate’ on Israel
To protest the American Jewish organizational leadership’s “unequivocal support for Israel” in its war with Hamas in Gaza, a group of 40 Jews appearing to be in their 20s held a Tisha B’Av demonstration in front of the Washington office of Jewish Federations of North America on Tuesday.
Wie prognostiziert: Regierung will deutsche Polizisten nach Gaza schicken
Frank-Walter Steinmeier versucht sich wieder einmal als Berliner Statthalter des Regimes von Israel: Deutsche Polizei soll, nach dem vom Jerusalemer Regime angerichteten Blutbad, als Teil einer neuen internationalen faktischen Besatzungsmacht in den Hexenkessel Gaza – ohne Zustimmung der Hamas.
FinFisher: Unbekannte veröffentlichen geheime Dokumente über Spähsoftware
Seit 2011 wurden zahlreiche Dokumente über das Spähprogramm FinFisher veröffentlicht, unter anderem auf der Seite von WikiLeaks. Nach Angaben von Medien und Aktivisten wird es auch von autoritären Staaten zur Überwachung von Regimegegnern eingesetzt.
I think the Dutch police has some explaining to do. Why is 4.51-Beta.zip.gpg from Finfisher encrypted to „Jochen van der Wal“?
This is clearly the torrent of the day needing seeders: .. #FinFisher
Deutsche Überwachungssoftware für ägyptische Staatssicherheit?
(7. März 2011) Die „Allgemeine Staatsicherheit“ hatte nach Angaben der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung etwa 100.000 Mitarbeiter und unterhielt ein großes Netzwerk von Informanten. Bei der Suche nach Dokumenten, die die Folterungen von Regimegegnern belegen sollen, fand der Aktivist Mustafa Hussein eine Akte mit dem Vermerk „Streng geheim“, in der eine Gamma International der Staatssicherheit Mitte 2010 die Installation der Programmsuite Finfisher anbietet,
FBI used malware in criminal investigation
Reports from Europe suggest police forces are using commercial malware such as Gamma Group‘s FinFisher and also developing their own surveillance applications. FinFisher has been used by repressive regimes to target political opponents, some of which have filed a criminal complaint against the malware developer.
It is thought to be in use by the Australian Federal Police, which last year declined a Freedom of Information request related to FinFisher materials.
FinSpyMobile 4.51 Release Notes
FinSpy Mobile iOS Target WhatsApp Module (bug fix)
WhatsApp changed the encryption technique of the
database. The module was changed appropriately to
support the new encryption. (…)
Phone Call Interception All
Live Phone Call recordings can only be done when the Provider allows conference calls for the Targets device. (…)
Connectivity All
When the provider does not allow direct communication for installed applications and an APN has to be configured this might prevent FinSpy Mobile targets from communicating with the FinSpy Master server unless the APN is configured. A database exists with common APN configurations for various providers but this database does not cover 100% of all providers world-wide.
When the APN is not inside the database, it needs to be
manually configured in the Target device to ensure the
device can communicate with the server. (…)
Android SMS Communication
One of the Trojan communication channels is SMS. Due to the new security developments on Android 4.4.x the SMS sent by the master cannot be removed anymore and is visible in the incoming SMS’ list.
FINFISHER: FinSpy 3.00 User Manual Hiding Techniques
It is possible to activate an advanced hiding method which allows the FinSpy Trojan to be more stealth and extremely hidden.
The following actions are taken if the FinSpy Trojan runs in User-Mode:
– Hides the network connections
– Hides the registry entries
– Hides the Trojan processes
The following actions are taken if the FinSpy Trojan runs in Admin-Mode:
– Hides the network connections
– Hides the Trojan processes
If the Active Hiding is activated it is more
likely to be discovered by some rootkit detectors, due to its
aggressiveness within the system. Infection Self-removal
Computers which never go online may become infected by mistake and spread an infected application through an organization. To avoid keeping offline computers infected still
recording data, the FinSpy Target can remove itself.
– Scheduled Removal: Date on which the FinSpy Target
removes itself from the infected computer
– Time Out Removal: Time after which the FinSpy Target removes itself from the infected computer, if communication with the FinSpy Master fails (even if there is a functional internet
connection). This renewal will be disabled once the FinSpy Target contacts the FinSpy Master for the first time.
Also wäre ich Jemand und populär, ich würde mich mal DARAUF konzentrieren.. #RepublikimKoma.de
#Finfisher „Deploys remote monitoring solution on target system through the Internet Service Provider“
Spähprogramm Finfisher: Unbekannte leaken Handbuch und Preisliste
Die Finfisher GmbH in München konnte auf Anfrage von Golem.de zunächst keine Stellungnahme zu den Leaks abgeben.
German businesses seeking to renew Iran contacts
Companies across Germany have quietly rekindled once-strong commercial ties with Iran, the officials announced, the Wall Street Journal reported.
Gamma FinFisher gehackt: Werbe-Videos von Exploits und Quelltext von FinFly Web veröffentlicht
Wir hoffen darauf, dass sich in dem 40 GB Torrent noch viele weitere spannende Sachen finden lassen. Hinweise nehmen wir gerne in den Kommentaren entgegen.
@GammaGroupPR To not to do so is a right, to say it is populism
We have some integrity. We don‘t sell to Israel.
Finfisher – Cyber solutions for the fight against crime
FinSpy PC
Monitors security-aware targets that regularly change location, use encryption and travel extensively
FinSpy Mobile
Monitors most smartphones of security-aware targets
FinFly USB
Deploys remote monitoring solution on insertion
FinFly Exploit
Installs remote monitoring solution on target system using a software exploit
FinFly LAN
Deploys remote monitoring solution on target system through a Local Area Network
FinFly ISP
Deploys remote monitoring solution on target system through the Internet Service Provider
FinFly Web
Deploys remote monitoring solution on target system through websites
FinFly NET
Deploys remote monitoring solution on target system in „friendly“ LAN environment
Gamma FinFisher: Twitter-Account veröffentlicht interne Dokumente über weltweit eingesetzten Staatstrojaner
Seit ein paar Tagen werden auf dem Twitter-Account @GammaGroupPR interne Dokumente der Trojaner-Produktfamilie FinFisher/FinSpy aus dem Hause Gamma veröffentlicht. (Zur Erinnerung: Das ist die offensive Überwachungstechnologie aus deutsch-schweizerischer Produktion, die in Schurkenstaaten eingesetzt und vom Bundeskriminalamt getestet wird.)
Welcome to Eponia, Europe‘s New Rogue State?
It would be easy to assume that the European Patent Office (EPO) stands in the same relationship to the European Union as the USPTO does to the United States, but that‘s actually wide of the mark. The EPO is a very strange beast indeed, as its Wikipedia entry makes clear:
Muslim Brotherhood Hails Resistance Triumph; Urges Gaza Solidarity, Support
Egypt‘s Muslim Brotherhood salutes Gaza resistance which successfully repelled the Zionist aggression that killed hundreds of women and children in the blockaded Gaza Strip.
Rightwing Jews who want to destroy Muslim holy site in Jerusalem raise funds on Indiegogo
righting fundamentalist org, the Temple Institute, is raising money on Indiegogo to draft plans to build the third temple on the holy mount in occupied Jerusalem. They’ve raised nearly $17,000 out of a hoped-for $100,000, using the messianic video above that pictures the remade temple in its last frames.
Berlusconi, Renzi meet on reforms
The session in the premier‘s office marked the third such meeting between Berlusconi, head of the Forza Italia (FI) political party, and Renzi, who leads the Democratic Party (PD).
Azerbaijan, Iran reach agreement on opening of Aslanduz-Horadiz border checkpoint
Azerbaijan and Iran have reached an agreement on the opening of the Aslanduz-Horadiz border checkpoint, according to Iranian Minister of Communications and Information Technology, co-chairman of the Iranian-Azerbaijani intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation Mahmoud Vaezi.
NATO says Russia could be poised to invade Ukraine
Stating the conflict in Ukraine was fueled by Russia, NATO said in a statement that the troop build-up had further escalated „a dangerous situation“.
As Lebanon ceasefire falters, Saudi offers $1 billion to army
Rebel sources told Reuters several members of the Islamic State had been killed in the Arsal fighting, including senior leader Abu Hassan al-Homsi, who had been in charge of setting up booby traps and explosions. Another leader of Jordanian origin was also killed in the fighting, the rebel sources said.
Drone strike kills five militants in northwest Pakistan
A U.S. drone strike killed five militants in Pakistan‘s volatile northwest on Wednesday, security officials and residents said, as the country‘s security forces press ahead with an offensive in a Taliban stronghold near the Afghan border.
How to Fix It – Ending this war in Gaza begins with recognizing Hamas as a legitimate political actor.
There is never an excuse for deliberate attacks on civilians in conflict. These are war crimes. This is true for both sides. Hamas‘s indiscriminate targeting of Israeli civilians is equally unacceptable. However, three Israeli civilians have been killed by Palestinian rockets, while an overwhelming majority of the 1,600 Palestinians killed have been civilians, including more than 330 children.
Jimmy Carter calls on US, EU to recognize Hamas
„Hamas cannot be wished away, nor will it cooperate in its own demise. Only by recognizing its legitimacy as a political actor – one that represents a substantial portion of the Palestinian people – can the West begin to provide the right incentives for Hamas to lay down its weapons,“ Carter writes.
In his op-ed, the former president accuses Israel of „deliberate attacks on civilians,“ saying these are war crimes.
Die “Neurussland”-Falle
(28. Juni 2014) die Lage des neuen, vom Westblock mit brutaler Skrupellosigkeit in Kiew eingesetzten rechtsradikalen Putsch-Regimes ist Ende Februar katastrophal.
Nun aber naht dessen Rettung – aus Moskau. (…)
So wie ich das sehe, spult sich hier folgendes Drehbuch ab:
– Contras und Doppelagenten auf beiden Seiten, sowohl den divergierenden Milizen des Putsch-Regimes, als auch bei den Separatisten und Aufständischen (von denen 99 % überhaupt keine Ahnung haben wozu sie benutzt werden und was da eigentlich vor sich geht), sorgen mit immer neuen Angriffen dafür, dass Verhandlungen und Waffenruhen immer wieder scheitern,
– die mittlerweile aus dem Westen aufgerüstete ukrainische Armee greift schließlich mit allem was sie hat den Osten an und richtet ein Blutbad an,
– Russland “kann gar nicht anders” und marschiert ein.
Da fällt mir ein: Was macht der Bundesnachrichtendienst so? Hallo Chausseestraße. Geht´s euch gut?
Poroshenko: Ukraine interested in Israeli experience in counter-terrorism
(21. April) Presidential candidate and independent lawmaker Petro Poroshenko has met with Israeli leadership and discussed territorial integrity issues and forthcoming presidential elections in Ukraine.
Very close now @philae2014, just need to slow down a tiny bit more…
@ESA_Rosetta now are we nearly there? #RosettaAreWeThereYet?
Aha. Das #BSI will mal wieder mehr Geld. Und KEIN SAPIENS hinterfragt diesen Schwachsinn.
BSI -Milliardenfacher Datenklau dürfte auch Deutschland treffen – Reuters Deutschland
Laut @handelsblatt geht der Sicherheitsbehörde #bsi gerade das Geld aus.
Watch Rosetta Rendevouz
@WilliamShatner Everything within normal parameters, Capt‘n. Robotic probe @ESA_Rosetta arrives at comet #67P today!
Good evening @ESA! How are things going with my European Space Friends?
Spionage und Informationskontrolle: Der technologische Quantensprung in 1943
(20. Juli 2014) Wen sich nun an diese Szene aus populärem und mit gewaltigem Aufwand (und sorgfältiger Neutralisierung kultureller Konkurrenten) Milliarden von Menschen vor Augen geführten Filmschauspiels “Matrix” erinnert fühlt: imperiale bzw imperialistische Kräfte und Strukturen zeichnen sich maßgeblich durch mehrere Eigenschaften aus, an denen wiederum sie zu identifizieren sind. Dazu gehören Kenntnis der Bedeutung von Propaganda, unbedingter Glaube an dessen Erfolg (durch entsprechende Kenntnisse vom Ablauf der Historie), bräsige Selbstüberschätzung, sowie maximaler Zynismus und Gemeinheit.
Die elektronische DNA als das Passwort der Zukunft
Anmeldung durch Messung einzigartiger Verhaltensmuster des Nutzers, kann selbst Verhaltensänderungen durch Drogeneinnahme oder Sex feststellen
Exclusive: ‚Why I quit over Gaza‘ – Baroness Warsi
In her first interview, the minister who quit over Gaza, says she had to stand down because of the UK‘s „indefensible“ position. Sayeeda Warsi says the government should not have „dragged its heels“.
U.S. military team in Ukraine to help airliner crash probe
(5. August) The team of about 10 people – which includes special operations, logistics, communications and air planning personnel – will operate from the capital of Kiev and will not visit the crash site in the conflict area of eastern Ukraine.
UK activists shut down Israeli arms factory
For nearly a month, Israel has bombarded Gaza from land, sea and air. More than 1800 Palestinians have lost their lives and war crimes have been committed. To our collective shame, the UK government has not only failed to take action to pressure Israel to stop its massacre, but has refused to take steps to end the material support it provides to Israel’s brutal regime of apartheid and colonialism. When governments support crimes against humanity, grassroots movements must take direct action.
Documents Show 100 Officers From 28 Law Enforcement Agencies Accessed A Photographer‘s Records
The Department of Homeland Security apparently felt Gray was enough of a „threat“ that it opened an investigation on him. After scrutinizing publicly-available information (like Gray‘s own YouTube account), it came to the conclusion that his activities were completely protected… it just didn‘t like the way he acted.
„This subject is exercising his first amendment rights, however the manner in which he lures the officers in is concerning.“ (…)
Now, Gray has obtained more information that shows law enforcement officers are still trying to find some way to shut down his protected activities.
China bans beards, veils from Xinjiang city‘s buses in security bid
A city in China‘s restive western region of Xinjiang has banned people with head scarves, veils and long beards from boarding buses, as the government battles unrest with a policy that critics said discriminates against Muslims.
Senator David Norris“ Israel bombs first and weeps later“.
“We must take action”… Senators call for Ireland to strengthen stance on Gaza
(31. Juli) Norris — who, of course, is well known for his outspoken contributions in the chamber — was among the first few speakers to reply.
He said Ireland’s decision to abstain from last week’s UN vote had been “shameful, absolutely shameful” — and condemned US President Barack Obama “for his utter inaction” in bringing about a peaceful solution.