Daily Archives: 5. August 2014

05.08.2014 - 20:54 [ Logan Bayroff, Jacob Plitman / Forward ]

Jews Shouldn‘t Blame Palestinians for Getting Killed

For Israelis and Palestinians, as well for their friends and family around the world, these past few weeks have been torture. Each day for Israel brings new rocket attacks, new cross-border terrorist raids, new funerals and shivas for IDF soldiers. Each day for Palestinians in Gaza brings new rounds of artillery shelling, fresh explosions and devastation. We spend all day desperately wanting to avert our eyes from the carnage, and go to bed every night hoping that by morning, the fighting will have stopped.

05.08.2014 - 20:34 [ elizrael / Instagram ]

Protest against the rise of fascism in Israel in Tel Aviv tonight. We chanted „the incitement and racism start with the government“,

„Netanyahu, quit, fascism is already passing“, „You don‘t build democracy by suppressing protesters“, „No, no, no, we won‘t let fascism pass“, „Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies“, „all of us together, without fear and hatred“, „democracy for all between the river and the sea“ and „there‘s no difference between blood and blood, we are all human“. All the chants rhyme in Hebrew.

05.08.2014 - 20:31 [ Neturei Karta ]

Neturei Karta‘s Statement on the Current Zionist Slander

With the help of the Almighty.
In light of the current accusations that a member of Neturei Karta spied on the State of Israel, we want to reassure the world that Neturei Karta is a non-violent, non-militant movement that never engages in spying or political maneuvering. It is a movement that is an open book for the world to see. We go around the world with the goal of building bridges, removing hate, educating people and broadcasting to the world that the Zionist State of Israel has hijacked the identity of Judaism. Judaism means subservience to G-d and upholding the Torah.

Neturei Karta is not a political, national entity or movement like the State of Israel. We never call for violence or killing; Publicizing the facts about Judaism and Zionism is all we do. We have been an open book movement for over 80 years. The world knows it and the Zionist regime knows it. We don‘t think for a moment that the Zionists, with all their intelligence, have any misconceptions about what we do. We don‘t do anything subversive, or anything that is not open and public.

05.08.2014 - 19:27 [ Forward ]

Seeking to Outflank J Street on the Left

After the Forward published a story this morning charting how J Street has taken a far more moderate approach to the current Gaza war than it did to Operation Cast Lead in 2008, JVP put a link to it on their Facebook page, with the tagline: “Our door is always open”

05.08.2014 - 19:25 [ Forward ]

J Street‘s Gaza War Support Wins ‚Moderate‘ Praise — But Alienates Some Backers

The more moderate approach has won the group praise from some former critics, while threatening to alienate core activists. It has left American Zionists critical of the war without any established Jewish organizations on their side, as both Americans for Peace Now and Ameinu have also chosen not to criticize the invasion.

Former high-ranking J Street staff members were among the organizers of a July 28 protest in New York City against Israel’s invasion of Gaza. They acted under the name #ifnotnow and made no mention of their former J Street affiliations.

05.08.2014 - 16:42 [ Reuters ]

Moscow may force European airlines to fly around Russia

However, European carriers now fly over Siberia on their rapidly growing routes to countries such as China, Japan and South Korea, paying the fees which have been subject to a long dispute between Brussels and Moscow.

The daily quoted one source as saying a ban could cost carriers including Lufthansa, British Airways and Air France 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) over three months.

05.08.2014 - 16:31 [ Konjunktion ]

Ukraine: US-Kriegsvorbereitungen per Gesetzesvorlage „Russian Aggression Prevention Act“?

Bereits am 1. Mai 2014 brachte der republikanische Senator Bob Corker, Tennessee, den sogenannten Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014 als mögliche Gesetzesvorlage in den Senat ein.

Doch was steckt hinter diesem von Neusprech strotzenden Titel wirklich?

1. Dauerhafte Stationierung von NATO-Truppen in Polen und den baltischen Staaten (S. 11, Z. 8ff.)
2. Beschleunigung des Ausbaus der dritte

05.08.2014 - 16:25 [ ceiberweiber.at ]

Politik vor und hinter den Kulissen

Wenn kritische Menschen annehmen, dass ihnen in der Öffentlichkeit bloss vorgespielt wird, Entscheidungen würden wohlüberlegt getroffen, haben sie nicht unrecht. Man sollte aber differenzieren und versuchen, jeweils nachzuvollziehen, was geschehen ist, welche Abläufe es gab und wer sich wie positioniert hat. Oft wird nach aussen hin etwas ganz anderes behauptet als hinter den Kulissen stattfindet. Solche Täuschungsmanöver werden dann von „den Medien“ mitgetragen, wenn dies im Interesse der USA ist. Dies zeigt etwa Glenn Greenwalds jüngste auf Edward Snowden basierende Enthüllung über das Ausmaß amerikanischer Unterstützung für Israel.

05.08.2014 - 12:14 [ International Business Times ]

Gaza Crisis: Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman Accuses International Media of ‚Cooperating with Hamas‘

„Qatar (the Gulf state where Al Jazeera is based) has turned into a global problem. Al Jazeera is a central pillar of the propaganda apparatus of Hamas,“ he said.

He also urged Israelis to boycott Arab businesses who were striking against the invasion of Gaza and the deaths of Palestinian civilians.

In other remarks in the Knesset meeting, Lieberman said that he is opposed to any agreement – following the 72-hour humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza – that would include Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

05.08.2014 - 12:04 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Israeli deceptions revealed in story of ‘kidnapped’ soldier

(4. August) So if a ceasefire was in place, what were Goldin and his comrades doing detonating tunnels, tunnels in which Israel says Hamas is hiding? Were Hamas fighters supposed to simply wait to be entombed in their bunkers during the pause in hostilities? Or was Israel the one violating the ceasefire?

And then there was the explosion of military fury as Israel realised its soldier was missing. Israeli correspondents have admitted that the notorious “Hannibal procedure” was invoked: the use of all means to stop a soldier being taken alive, including killing him. The rationale is to prevent the enemy gaining a psychological advantage in negotiations.

05.08.2014 - 12:02 [ Techdirt ]

James Clapper Insists Redactions On The Torture Report Are ‚Minimal‘

On Friday, we wrote about Senator Dianne Feinstein‘s concern about how much of the executive summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee‘s report on the CIA torture program had been redacted during the declassification process. In response, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has angrily shot back that there were only „minimal“ redactions:

05.08.2014 - 11:59 [ Ansa ]

Pope reinstates Sandanista priest

Among other activities, d‘Escoto had publicly expressed his support for the Sandinista National Liberation Front and, after the Sandinistas took office in 1979, d‘Escoto became minister for foreign affairs until 1990 under Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega. After the defeat of the Sandinistas in the 1990 elections, d‘Escoto continued to be active politically and in June 2008 was elected president of the United Nations General Assembly.

05.08.2014 - 11:25 [ trend.az ]

Amr Moussa hints at Egypt incursion into Libya

The former Egyptian foreign minister raised speculation that Egypt is considering an armed incursion into Libya, where fierce fighting continues between rebel groups and security forces, Al Arabiya reported.

The current unrest in Libya, Egypt‘s neigbour to the west, poses threats to Egyptian national security, the statement added.

05.08.2014 - 11:19 [ Ansa ]

Renzi denies secret deal with Berlusconi

(4. August) „The time of laws that are tailor-made for a specific person is over,“ Renzi said in an interview published by Rome-based daily La Repubblica on Monday. „Do you think I‘d sign something with Berlusconi and put in into a drawer? This is the result of a culture of suspicion of a part of the left“.

05.08.2014 - 07:58 [ Radio Utopie ]

Schweiz erteilt Europäischer Union klare Abfuhr: keine Sanktionen gegen Russland

Wie gross die Verkommenheit der E.U. ist zeigt der “Kommentar des Außenministeriums Russlands zur Aufhebung durch die Europäische Union des Lieferverbots für Ausrüstung, welche für innere Repressionen eingesetzt werden kann, sowie für Militärtechnologien und militärische Ausrüstung in die Ukraine” vom 2.August 2014.

05.08.2014 - 07:54 [ Jenapolis ]

Nächtliche Abschiebung in Jena gestoppt

200 Protestierende für Familie auf der Straße – Mutter fällt aus Angst vor Rückkehr nach Serbien in Ohnmacht

Wir fragen:
– Wie kann es sein, dass eine Familie mitten in der Nacht (offiziell ab 00:30 Uhr) abgeschoben werden soll? Noch dazu mit Transport bis nach Karlsruhe, wo der Flug am Dienstagmittag gehen soll?

05.08.2014 - 06:58 [ Youtube ]

Welt ohne Menschen ? [ ARTE ]

Dokumentation über den Einfluss der Maschinen und Computer auf unser Aller Leben. Werden sich die Menschen in Zukunft noch weiter mit den Maschinen verbinden. Werden Technik und KI‘s zu einem Bestandteil des Menschen selbst und nicht nur ein Hilfsmittel.

05.08.2014 - 06:57 [ Youtube ]

Idiocracy – Trailer

Idiocracy is a 2006 comedic film, directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph.

The film tells the story of two ordinary people who are taken into a top-secret military hibernation experiment that goes awry, and awaken 500 years in the future. They discover that the world has degenerated into a dystopia where advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism run rampant and dysgenic pressure has resulted in a uniformly stupid human society devoid of individual responsibility or consequences.

05.08.2014 - 06:37 [ Wikipedia ]

Interplanetares Magnetfeld

..die heliosphärische Stromschicht und der damit zusammenhängende Sonnenwind, der als elektrisch leitendes Plasma Magnetfelder mit sich führt. Er wechselwirkt mit den Magnetfeldern der Planeten wie Erde und Jupiter und begrenzt ihre Magnetosphären durch eine Schockfront.

Für die äußerste Zone des Sonnensystems gibt es Hinweise auf eine ähnliche Begrenzung der Heliosphäre mit vergleichbarem Aufbau von Heliopause, Plasmaschicht (magnetosheath) und Schockwelle an der Grenze zum interstellaren Raum.

05.08.2014 - 06:34 [ Space.com ]

Sun‘s Current Solar Activity Cycle Is Weakest in a Century

(11. Dezember 2013) Scientists also think they know why relatively few super-fast solar energetic particles, or SEPS, have been measured in Earth‘s neighborhood during the current cycle, which began in early 2008. It has to do with a weakened interplanetary magnetic field, another characteristic of Solar Cycle 24, they say.

05.08.2014 - 06:32 [ Space.com ]

Sun‘s Strange Behavior Baffles Astronomers

(14. Juni 2010) „We‘re witnessing something unlike anything we‘ve seen in 100 years,“ said David Hathaway of NASA‘s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. The sun‘s constant interaction with Earth makes it important for solar physicists to keep track of solar activity. (…)

„My suspicion is that this sunspot cycle 23 was a weaker cycle than the last two, with fewer sunspots and weaker magnetic fields. These may feed into what happens with the meridional flow that is going to lead to another weak cycle.“

Hathaway predicts that cycle 24 should reach its peak in mid-2013 at about half the size of the last three cycles.

05.08.2014 - 06:26 [ Radio Utopie ]

Spionage und Informationskontrolle: Der technologische Quantensprung in 1943

(20. Juli 2014) NSA und CIA arbeiten nun eine vierte, fünfte und sechste und siebte Ebene aus, über die elektromagnetische Strahlung bzw Abstrahlung elektronischer Kommunikationsgeräte zur Identifikation der eingegebenen Inhalte benutzt werden kann, auch aus großer Entfernung.
– Modulation der Stromzufuhr (“Power Line Modulation”). Jedes Mal, wenn Zeichen in die Verschlüsselungsgeräte eingegeben wurden, veränderte sich signifikant der Stromfluss.
– Akustische Signale (“acoustics”). Ein einfaches Mikrophon, etwa in einem ordinären Telefon im selben Raum wie das elektronische Gerät, genügte um die in das verschlüsselnde Gerät eingegeben Zeichen zu identifizieren. War der Raum schallisoliert, funktionierte es umso besser. Die NSA dazu später: ”

“Eine verstörende Entdeckung war, dass einfache Mikrophone, vielleicht platziert um Konversationen in einem Kryptocenter aufzunehmen, Maschinentöne mit genug Wiedergabetreue detektieren konnten um eine Ausbeutung zu ermöglichen.”

05.08.2014 - 06:20 [ SIGGRAPH 2014 ]

The Visual Microphone: Passive Recovery of Sound from Video

When sound hits an object, it causes small vibrations of the object’s surface. We show how, using only high-speed video of the object, we can extract those minute vibrations and partially recover the sound that produced them, allowing us to turn everyday objects—a glass of water, a potted plant, a box of tissues, or a bag of chips—into visual microphones.

05.08.2014 - 06:06 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Kommentar des Außenministeriums Russlands zur Aufhebung durch die Europäische Union des Lieferverbots für Ausrüstung, welche für innere Repressionen eingesetzt werden kann, sowie für Militärtechnologien und militärische Ausrüstung in die Ukraine

Wir richteten unsere Aufmerksamkeit darauf, dass während der jüngsten Sitzung des Europäischen Rats in Brüssel die politischen Führer der EU-Mitgliedsländer „still und leise“ übereinkamen, die Exportbeschränkungen in die Ukraine von Ausrüstung aufzuheben, welche für innere Repressionen eingesetzt werden kann. Ebenfalls erlaubt wurde der Export von Militärtechnologien und militärischer Ausrüstung.

Wir fügen hinzu, dass die früher gültigen Einschränkungen durch einen Beschluss des Europäischen Rats am 20. Februar dieses Jahres eingeführt wurden, das heißt in einer Zeit, als sich noch Präsident Janukowitsch an der Macht befand und auf dem „Maidan“ die heftige Auseinandersetzung zwischen den bewaffneten Nationalradikalen und den faktisch unbewaffneten Sicherheitsorganen andauerte. Damals hielt man es in der Europäischen Union für nicht richtig, Spezialausrüstung und Waffen für das „Janukowitsch-Regime“ zu liefern. T

05.08.2014 - 06:04 [ Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa ]

Spot report by the OSCE observer mission at the Russian checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk, 3 August 2014

At 13:35, a shell fell inside the Russian BCP compound on a piece of land between two buildings provoking the standard evacuation procedure. No damage and injury was reported.

At 15:00, a second shell round fell inside the same compound. It seems that it exploded before reaching the ground and shattered a window and damaged lightly the surrounding walls.