. Im politischen Washington hat der Kontinent freilich schon seit langem keine richtige Lobby mehr. Aktions- und Solidaritätsgruppen aus der früheren Dritte-Welt-Bewegung sind kraftlos. Afrika wird vor allem bei Nachrichten über radikalislamische Verbände beachtet, die westliche Interessen bedrohten.
US-Soldaten sind in beinahe allen afrikanischen Ländern im Einsatz, meist zur Ausbildung lokaler Einheiten, manchmal zu humanitären Zwecken. Der größte US-Standort liegt im ostafrikanischen Dschibuti. Stützpunkte für Drohnen und Aufklärung befinden sich in Burkina Faso, Uganda, Äthiopien, Kenia und auf den Seychellen.
Rhodes said the U.S. invited all of Africa with the exception of certain countries that are not in good standing with the African Union or of particular concern to the U.S. The five leaders that were excluded are from the Central African Republic, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Eritrea and western Sahara, which the U.S. and the United Nations do not recognize as a country…
Some lawmakers and groups criticized the inclusion of leaders who are seen as dictators and the schedule for failing to focus enough on human rights. But Gayle Smith, senior director for development and democracy at the National Security Council, said the summit will provide a chance to address some of those issues.
When the leaders of more than 404 African nations arrived in Washington, D.C., this week for a summit with President Barack Obama, Mel Foote wasn‘t likely to get much notice from the horde of journalists covering this historic event. But he deserves attention.
Business groups and lawmakers are urging India to rethink its decision to block a trade pact that would streamline customs rules to help move goods more efficiently across borders.
Linda Dempsey, vice president of international economic affairs at the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), said completion of the World Trade Organization (WTO) deal inked seven months ago in Bali is in the hands of the Indian government.
Mogadishu’s new police commissioner was once wanted in Canada as a “war criminal” after a refugee and immigration board concluded he was “responsible for the ruthless torture of prisoners” while with Somalia’s police force in the 1980s.
03.08.2014 - 20:30 [ International Business Times ]
The founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, believes the European Parliament needs to act quickly to change the law regarding the high-profile right to be forgotten ruling, which could see Google become „the arbiter of history“.
03.08.2014 - 20:26 [ International Business Times ]
As international opinion begins to turn against Israel, tens of thousands have taken to the streets of London to protest against the ongoing Gaza conflict. Other marches have taken place across the world in New York, Paris and even Tel Aviv.
Former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has called Israel’s destruction of Gaza a “war crime” which is “brutally disproportionate and so grossly indiscriminate”.
Indeed, since his election in 2006, Prime Minister Harper has broken with Canada’s long-time reputation as a ‘neutral broker’ in the Middle East for a consistently pro-Israel – indeed many would say pro-Likud Party – stance. At odds with US President Obama’s somewhat cautious attitude towards Netanyahu, and indeed with Canadian public opinion, Harper’s Conservative government, says Paul Heinbecker, a former Canadian ambassador in the region, has pursued an “unprincipled” and “one-eyed foreign policy that sees Israeli virtues and turns a blind eye to Israeli transgressions and Palestinian suffering and rights.”
State terrorism, „establishment terrorism“ or „terrorism from above“ is generally understood to mean the systematic and intentional use of violence against either military or civilian targets meant to create a climate of fear in a population in order to bring about a specific political objective. The idea itself can be traced back as far as recorded warfare, but no consensus currently exists because states view themselves as legitimate actors, and therefore incapable of being terrorists.
Afshin Rattansi goes underground with filmmaker and author John Pilger as he challenges Western mainstream media spin. He warns that ‘to be informed by it is not an option’ because of censorship, omission and distortion of the facts. Whilst other stories overtake it, we find out the death toll in Libya is still rising. We discover why illegal immigrants were prevented from smuggling themselves OUT of Britain. We look at whether Cameron is privatising the NHS by selling it to doctors and nurses. And as the IDF offensive on Gaza continues, are media attitudes softening whilst those of the government harden?
As advanced societies are de-politicised, the changes are both subtle and spectacular. In everyday discourse, political language is turned on its head, as Orwell prophesised in ‚1984‘. „Democracy“ is now a rhetorical device. Peace is „perpetual war“. „Global“ is imperial. The once hopeful concept of „reform“ now means regression, even destruction. „Austerity“ is the imposition of extreme capitalism on the poor and the gift of socialism for the rich: an ingenious system under which the majority service the debts of the few.
Renowned Jewish American thinker Noam Chomsky told Press TV on Saturday that Israel has committed major “war crimes” in Gaza. Chomsky said Israel is much worse than the former apartheid regime in South Africa.
(28. Juli 2014) Neben der Schwierigkeit, die erklärte Kriegsabsicht zu verwirklichen, ist es vor allem die Unverhältnismäßigkeit des Leids, das den zivilen Bevölkerungen im Gazastreifen und in Israel zugefügt wird, welche die israelische Seite, insbesondere die Regierung von Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu, in Mißkredit bringt. Infolge der wenig effektiven Hamas-Raketen sind bislang drei Zivilisten in Israel ums Leben gekommen. Dagegen haben Israels hochgerüstete Streitkräfte mit Bomben, Raketen und Artilleriefeuer mehr als 800 Zivilisten, darunter viele Kinder, getötet. Weite Teile der Infrastruktur im Gazastreifen wie die Wasser- und Stromversorgung liegen infolge der israelischen Bombardierung am Boden. Einzelne Bezirke von Gazastadt sehen aus wie Berlin im Mai 1945.
03.08.2014 - 18:12 [ Daniel Steinlechner / Twitter ]
Thousands marched in Washington, DC in support of Palestinians, congregating in front of the White House holding up cardboard boxes designed to look like coffins. Estimates put the crowd between 10,000 and 50,000. Among the protesters were Cornel West and 15-year-old Tariq Abu Khdeir, who was beaten by Israeli military forces while visiting family in Jerusalem.
„(The fighters say) that they are waiting for the next mission and are already asking when they are going in. At the moment we are all return to fitness and everyone wants to get into a battle procedure has been to finish what we started three weeks ago.“
„There‘s an Israeli interest to have one address in Gaza, we don‘t want a Somalization in the Strip, but rather one group to enforce its control of the Strip. This is why the collapse of Hamas was not defined as one of the objectives,“ the senior source said.
(2. August) The IDF has destroyed Hamas‘s flagship terrorism project; its network of cross-border tunnels that snuck under the border into Israel. The military also began to pull its forces out of the Gaza Strip on Saturday evening.
Mehrere Nichtregierungsorganisationen haben sich auf einer Konferenz in der Hauptstadt Mosambiks, Maputo, gegen das multistaatliche Agrarprojekt ProSavana ausgesprochen.
Die von dem linken mexikanischen Politiker Andrés Manuel López Obrador gegründete Partei „Bewegung der Nationalen Erneuerung“ (Morena) hat von der mexikanischen Wahlbehörde (INE) ihre offizielle Zulassung bekommen.
At least 175 people were killed and 1,400 injured after a strong earthquake hit southwest China‘s mountainous Yunnan province on Sunday, bringing homes crashing to the ground and sparking a massive relief operation.
Could U.S. policy change? It‘s not impossible. Public opinion has shifted considerably in recent years, particularly among the young, and it cannot be completely ignored.
For years, scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of a chronic kidney disease epidemic that has hit Central America, India and Sri Lanka. The disease occurs in poor peasant farmers who do hard physical work in hot climes. In each instance, the farmers have been exposed to herbicides and to heavy metals. The disease is known as CKDu, for Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology.
The state‘s niche producers are supplying everything from off-season wasabi and lavender teddy bears to fresh salmon and live abalone and see this as the future, rather than low value, bulk commodities. Its wine industry is thriving as climate change pressures major producers to move from traditional grape-growing regions on the mainland to Tasmania‘s cooler climes.
Gerade jetzt benötigt der Körper viel Flüssigkeit. Eine alkoholfreie Bowle mit ihren Früchten deckt den Bedarf an Wasser, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen.
Laut einer NBC-Umfrage haben weniger als die Hälfte der U.S.-Amerikaner mehr Sympathien für Israel als für die Palästinenser. Das ist ein deutlicher Rückgang und der tiefste Wert seit 2002. Zudem demonstrierten am gestrigen Samstag Zehntausende von U.S.-Amerikanern in der Hauptstadt Washington für Gaza, Palästina und gegen den Krieg des Regimes von Israel.
A delegation of members from Palestinian militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad arrived in Cairo on Sunday for indirect ceasefire talks with Israel, to be conducted through Egyptian and U.S. officials, Egyptian sources said.
03.08.2014 - 15:32 [ Freiheits- und Gerechtigkeitspartei (Ägypten) ]
As certain Arab regimes do little to hide their whole-hearted support for Israeli aggression against Gaza, fair-minded free-thinking leaders condemn the cold-blooded aiding and abetting of atrocious massacres.
Egypt has a chosen a consortium that includes the Egyptian army and global engineering firm Dar al-Handasah to develop an international industrial and logistics hub in the Suez Canal area, government and military sources said on Sunday.
The United States will announce nearly $1 billion in business deals, increase funding for peacekeeping and commit billions of dollars to expanding food and power programs in Africa during a summit this week, U.S. and development officials say.
We are in the streets every day in cities around the country. What is needed now is a massive National March on Washington.
Israel receives $4 billion in „aid“ from the United States each year. This money is being used to commit war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza. We are demanding that all U.S aid to Israel be ended now!
A few short clips from the National March on the White House: End the Massacre in Gaza on August 2, 2014 in Washington DC. A man is arrested for trying to hang a Palestinian flag on a light post on Pennsylvania Ave in front of the White House.
Demonstrators started arriving around 1 p.m. for the event, which was organized online by a diverse collection of more than 40 groups. Organizers said many arrived by bus from cities such as Chicago and New York, and many others drove from as far as Florida to participate.
The escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip has entered its fourth week, resulting in over 200,000 Palestinians being displaced from their homes and taking refuge in 85 UNRWA designated emergency shelters (DES). The numbers of displaced continue to rise, and over the last eight days UNRWA has had to increase its DES facilities by 23 per cent; at a rate of two additional facilities each day. In recent official statements, both the Commissioner-General and the Director of UNRWA’s Operations in Gaza have called on the international community to end hostilities. Pending a peaceful resolution, and in view of the rapid deterioration of the situation and the resulting increase in humanitarian needs, UNRWA is revising the scope of its emergency response and updating its Flash Appeal for the second time. Based on these developments, UNRWA now requires a total of US$ 187,600,000 in order to provide emergency assistance for a revised scenario of up to 250,000 people being displaced during a period of up to eight weeks.
(01. August) The Obama administration on Friday condemned „outrageous“ violations of an internationally brokered Gaza cease-fire by Palestinian militants and called the apparent abduction of an Israeli soldier a „barbaric“ action.
A harmful algae bloom has affected the Toledo public water system. City officials have issued a „do not drink“ notice in the affected areas. Early reports are that about 400,000 people in and around Ohio‘s fourth-largest city are affected.
In effect, Chicago needs a troop surge like what we saw in Iraq and Afghanistan. If we wanted to make the lives of residents there safer, why not do the same for Americans?